Background and aim. Bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is the most frequent infection in patients with c... more Background and aim. Bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is the most frequent infection in patients with cirrhosis causing significant mortality. Delay in SBP diagnosis is a serious problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic yield of Uri-Quick Clini-10SG® vs. Multistix 10SG® reagent strips in an Emergency Department. Material and methods. A prospective study of consecutive patients with ascites and paracentesis attending to Emergency Department from March 2005 to February 2007 was made. SBP was defined by ≥ 250 neutrophiles /mm 3 . The ascites obtained at bedside was immediately tested in a dry test tube with both the Uri-Quick Clini 10SG® and MultistixSG10®. The Uri-Quick Clini 10SG® and Multistix SG10®. Strips were considered positive at grade ≥ 3 (≥125 leukocytes/mL). Results. A total of 223 ascitic fluid samples were obtained. There were 49 episodes of SBP. Median age was 54 (range 18-87 year) years; 62.3% were female. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and 95% CI for Uri-Quick Clini 10SG® were 79.6 (64-87), 98.2 (94-99), 90.5 (78-96) and 93.9 (89-96), respectively. For MultistixSG10® the values were 77.5 (64-88), 97.7 (93-98), 90 (77.9-96.2), and 94 (89.4-96.6), respectively. Conclusion. The use of reagent strip is useful for SBP diagnosis in an emergency setting. The high PPV allow start antibiotic treatment. In areas without the resources to perform conventional ascites fluid analyses, these strips could be presently used.
Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes contain phosphatases, esterases, proteases, and glucosidases ... more Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes contain phosphatases, esterases, proteases, and glucosidases as revealed by a semiquantitative colorimetric method. The activity levels of some enzymes changed throughout the months of the experiment without a seasonal pattern. No differences in the enzyme levels were found between the two groups of mussels of different age (cultivated 11 and 19 months on ropes hung from the same raft). Light microscopy study of hemocyte enzymes showed that hyalinocytes and granulocytes had reaction of acid phosphatase, b-glucuronidase, a-naphthyl butyrate esterase, naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase, and a-naphthyl acetate esterase. Phenoloxidase and peroxidase activities were also detected in monolayers of hemocytes. Ultrastructural study revealed that the granules of hemocytes contained acid phosphatase, b-glucuronidase, nonspecific esterases, peroxidase, and NADH oxidase. Products of b-glucuronidase and peroxidase reaction were also localized in the plasma membrane. Lysozyme activity level was higher in hemocytes than in serum. Comparison between the two groups of different age showed a higher activity level of lysozyme in younger mussels. r 1997 Academic Press
In vitro assays were performed to assess the phagocytic ability of mussel haemolymph cell types. ... more In vitro assays were performed to assess the phagocytic ability of mussel haemolymph cell types. Among the haemocyte types, the granulocytes showed an important phagocytic activity whereas the hyalinocytes did not, thus indicating that mussel haemocytes are functionally heterogeneous. Phagocytic activity of acidophilic granulocytes was higher than basophilic ones. Ultrastructural study showed that Vibrio P1 cells were internalised in phagosomes and then digested. As a result of the digestive process, concentric lamellae and other degraded materials were produced inside the phagosomes, and non degraded materials gave rise to residual bodies which could be discharged from the cells. Similar events were observed in the phagocytic process of zymosan particles. The study of influence of temperature on phagocytosis activity revealed that the percentage of phagocytic cells was lower at 10 C than at 20 C and 30 C. Phagocytosis activity was higher in the assays performed at 15 ppt than those at 25 ppt and 36 ppt. No significant di#erences on percentage of phagocytic cells were found between young and adult mussels. Generation of superoxide anion by haemocytes using zymosan as a phagocytosis stimulant was demonstrated through the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test.
Phagocytosis of foreign materials by haemocytes is an important aspect of the internal defence of... more Phagocytosis of foreign materials by haemocytes is an important aspect of the internal defence of bivalve molluscs. Two main haemocyte types can be distinguished in the haemolymph of the clam Ruditapes decussatus: granulocytes and hyalinocytes. The ability of clam haemocytes to phagocytose zymosan particles, Vibrio P1 cells and trophozoites of the protistan parasite Perkinsus atlant~cus was demonstrated by means of in vitro assays. However, clam haemocytes did not phagocytose atlanticus zoospores in the assays. Granulocytes showed the highest phagocytic capacity in each assay. Phagocytic capacity of haemocytes was not significantly affected by clam age. An ultrastructural study of phagocytosis showed the following sequence of events: engulfment of particles by pseudopods, formation of a phagocytic vacuole, fusion of lysosomes with the phagocytic vacuole, and digestion of the particles giving rise to residual bodies that might be discharged.
Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis were experi~nentally cultured from 5 rafts locate... more Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis were experi~nentally cultured from 5 rafts located in 4 Galician Rias, following the established industrial procedure. Cultures were sampled monthly until mussels exceeded market slze. Observation of histological sections of sampled mussels by light microscopy demonstrated symbionts which could be classified into 3 groups according to their pathogenicity. The first group consisted of symbionts with unnoticeable pathogenic effects including: prokaryotic inclusion bodies (PlB) in digestive gland and gills, an unidentified protistan in digestive primary ducts, a kidney coccidian, intracytoplasmic ciliates in digestive tubules, gill ciliates and a turbellarian in the ~ntestinal lumen. The second group comprised syn~bionts that could damage the host, although unlikely to be lethal, including: the microsporidian Steinhausia mytilovum, the flatworm Urastoma cyprinae, and the copepod Mytilicola intestinahs. The third group included the protistan Marteilia refringens and the trematode Proctoeces rnaculatus, potentially lethal pathogens. In addition, mussels with haemocytic infiltration of tissues and granulocytomas and a few cases of disseminated neoplasia were detected. The qualitative composition of mussel symbiont community was similar at the 5 study sites, except for 3 symbionts which were not detected at some sites Quantitatively, symbiont loads were higher and histological signs of stress more abundant in Moana and Vilagarcia (the most inner sites in the Rias), intermediate in Illa de Arousa and Muros, and lower in Lorbe. Symbionts increased in prevalence as mussels grew. Some of the symbionts were detected in mussel seed at the beginning of the experimental cultures.
Background and aim. Bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is the most frequent infection in patients with c... more Background and aim. Bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is the most frequent infection in patients with cirrhosis causing significant mortality. Delay in SBP diagnosis is a serious problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic yield of Uri-Quick Clini-10SG® vs. Multistix 10SG® reagent strips in an Emergency Department. Material and methods. A prospective study of consecutive patients with ascites and paracentesis attending to Emergency Department from March 2005 to February 2007 was made. SBP was defined by ≥ 250 neutrophiles /mm 3 . The ascites obtained at bedside was immediately tested in a dry test tube with both the Uri-Quick Clini 10SG® and MultistixSG10®. The Uri-Quick Clini 10SG® and Multistix SG10®. Strips were considered positive at grade ≥ 3 (≥125 leukocytes/mL). Results. A total of 223 ascitic fluid samples were obtained. There were 49 episodes of SBP. Median age was 54 (range 18-87 year) years; 62.3% were female. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and 95% CI for Uri-Quick Clini 10SG® were 79.6 (64-87), 98.2 (94-99), 90.5 (78-96) and 93.9 (89-96), respectively. For MultistixSG10® the values were 77.5 (64-88), 97.7 (93-98), 90 (77.9-96.2), and 94 (89.4-96.6), respectively. Conclusion. The use of reagent strip is useful for SBP diagnosis in an emergency setting. The high PPV allow start antibiotic treatment. In areas without the resources to perform conventional ascites fluid analyses, these strips could be presently used.
Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes contain phosphatases, esterases, proteases, and glucosidases ... more Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes contain phosphatases, esterases, proteases, and glucosidases as revealed by a semiquantitative colorimetric method. The activity levels of some enzymes changed throughout the months of the experiment without a seasonal pattern. No differences in the enzyme levels were found between the two groups of mussels of different age (cultivated 11 and 19 months on ropes hung from the same raft). Light microscopy study of hemocyte enzymes showed that hyalinocytes and granulocytes had reaction of acid phosphatase, b-glucuronidase, a-naphthyl butyrate esterase, naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase, and a-naphthyl acetate esterase. Phenoloxidase and peroxidase activities were also detected in monolayers of hemocytes. Ultrastructural study revealed that the granules of hemocytes contained acid phosphatase, b-glucuronidase, nonspecific esterases, peroxidase, and NADH oxidase. Products of b-glucuronidase and peroxidase reaction were also localized in the plasma membrane. Lysozyme activity level was higher in hemocytes than in serum. Comparison between the two groups of different age showed a higher activity level of lysozyme in younger mussels. r 1997 Academic Press
In vitro assays were performed to assess the phagocytic ability of mussel haemolymph cell types. ... more In vitro assays were performed to assess the phagocytic ability of mussel haemolymph cell types. Among the haemocyte types, the granulocytes showed an important phagocytic activity whereas the hyalinocytes did not, thus indicating that mussel haemocytes are functionally heterogeneous. Phagocytic activity of acidophilic granulocytes was higher than basophilic ones. Ultrastructural study showed that Vibrio P1 cells were internalised in phagosomes and then digested. As a result of the digestive process, concentric lamellae and other degraded materials were produced inside the phagosomes, and non degraded materials gave rise to residual bodies which could be discharged from the cells. Similar events were observed in the phagocytic process of zymosan particles. The study of influence of temperature on phagocytosis activity revealed that the percentage of phagocytic cells was lower at 10 C than at 20 C and 30 C. Phagocytosis activity was higher in the assays performed at 15 ppt than those at 25 ppt and 36 ppt. No significant di#erences on percentage of phagocytic cells were found between young and adult mussels. Generation of superoxide anion by haemocytes using zymosan as a phagocytosis stimulant was demonstrated through the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test.
Phagocytosis of foreign materials by haemocytes is an important aspect of the internal defence of... more Phagocytosis of foreign materials by haemocytes is an important aspect of the internal defence of bivalve molluscs. Two main haemocyte types can be distinguished in the haemolymph of the clam Ruditapes decussatus: granulocytes and hyalinocytes. The ability of clam haemocytes to phagocytose zymosan particles, Vibrio P1 cells and trophozoites of the protistan parasite Perkinsus atlant~cus was demonstrated by means of in vitro assays. However, clam haemocytes did not phagocytose atlanticus zoospores in the assays. Granulocytes showed the highest phagocytic capacity in each assay. Phagocytic capacity of haemocytes was not significantly affected by clam age. An ultrastructural study of phagocytosis showed the following sequence of events: engulfment of particles by pseudopods, formation of a phagocytic vacuole, fusion of lysosomes with the phagocytic vacuole, and digestion of the particles giving rise to residual bodies that might be discharged.
Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis were experi~nentally cultured from 5 rafts locate... more Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis were experi~nentally cultured from 5 rafts located in 4 Galician Rias, following the established industrial procedure. Cultures were sampled monthly until mussels exceeded market slze. Observation of histological sections of sampled mussels by light microscopy demonstrated symbionts which could be classified into 3 groups according to their pathogenicity. The first group consisted of symbionts with unnoticeable pathogenic effects including: prokaryotic inclusion bodies (PlB) in digestive gland and gills, an unidentified protistan in digestive primary ducts, a kidney coccidian, intracytoplasmic ciliates in digestive tubules, gill ciliates and a turbellarian in the ~ntestinal lumen. The second group comprised syn~bionts that could damage the host, although unlikely to be lethal, including: the microsporidian Steinhausia mytilovum, the flatworm Urastoma cyprinae, and the copepod Mytilicola intestinahs. The third group included the protistan Marteilia refringens and the trematode Proctoeces rnaculatus, potentially lethal pathogens. In addition, mussels with haemocytic infiltration of tissues and granulocytomas and a few cases of disseminated neoplasia were detected. The qualitative composition of mussel symbiont community was similar at the 5 study sites, except for 3 symbionts which were not detected at some sites Quantitatively, symbiont loads were higher and histological signs of stress more abundant in Moana and Vilagarcia (the most inner sites in the Rias), intermediate in Illa de Arousa and Muros, and lower in Lorbe. Symbionts increased in prevalence as mussels grew. Some of the symbionts were detected in mussel seed at the beginning of the experimental cultures.