Papers by Javier Busquets
Harvard Deusto business review, 2018
Durante la primera decada del siglo XX, Internet se transformo en grandes infraestructuras que ha... more Durante la primera decada del siglo XX, Internet se transformo en grandes infraestructuras que han permitido generar servicios tecnologicos. A esta fabrica de servicios tecnologicos la denominamos 'cloud computing'. En la segunda decada del siglo, Internet ha vuelto a transformarse en una gran base de datos planetaria: “Big Data”
Harvard Deusto business review, 2019
Impulsar un proceso de cambio de la estructura organizativa de una empresa en un momento tan disr... more Impulsar un proceso de cambio de la estructura organizativa de una empresa en un momento tan disruptivo como el actual conlleva la necesidad de contar no solo con un plan bien detallado, sino tambien con el gobierno adecuado. En un escenario asi, una forma de reestructurar la empresa para crear nuevas competencias es utilizando redes generativas de innovacion. En este articulo se detalla como se organizan y funcionan este tipo de redes, que rendimiento tienen y que tipo de liderazgo requieren. Asimismo, se analizan las facetas que pueden adoptar los lideres, segun sus funciones, actividades y tipos de relacion en red, y que equipos y perfiles profesionales son demandados en este contexto digital
Harvard Deusto business review, 2017
La innovacion y el aprendizaje en las organizaciones son actividades clave en la empresa actual. ... more La innovacion y el aprendizaje en las organizaciones son actividades clave en la empresa actual. A menos que se tenga tendencia a la megalomania, se reconocera que las transformaciones y los cambios se deben a la interaccion de muchas personas, algunas de ellas lideres. Por tanto, en el ambito de la innovacion, una capacidad directiva clave es la de gobernar lideres. Para explorar este tema, resulta interesante aproximarse al mundo del futbol como un sistema de juego complejo, en el que conviven diversos lideres en un mismo campo y con el que se pueden explorar diversas dimensiones: la ideologica, la dinamica organizativa, el aprendizaje colectivo y el papel de la improvisacion. Todo ello extrapolable como forma de pensamiento al mundo de la empresa

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020
We investigated the particular organization of Guardiola's F.C. Barcelona during season 2009/2010... more We investigated the particular organization of Guardiola's F.C. Barcelona during season 2009/2010, using datasets from the Spanish National League La Liga. Specifically, we constructed the corresponding pitch networks, obtained from all passes successfully performed by a team during a football match. Pitch networks are composed of nodes consisting of particular subdivisions of the field, which are connected through links whose weight ω i,j corresponds to the number of passes made from region i to region j. We performed a multi-scale analysis focused on evaluating the properties of pitch networks at different scales, from a partition of the pitch into 2 × 2 to 10 × 10 areas. For each scale, we calculated a diversity of network parameters of F.C. Barcelona and its opponents during the whole season. Next, we compared the properties of F.C. Barcelona pitch networks with the networks of its rivals. Our results show how, depending on the spatial scale, there are statistically significant differences between F.C. Barcelona and the rest of the teams of the Spanish league. These differences are particularly significant at the clustering coefficient, the network average shortest-path, and the number of nodes occupied by a team for partitions with a high number of subdivisions.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2018

Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 2017
Multiasistencia was an ecosystem in 2017 managing a network-based service called the “Comprehensi... more Multiasistencia was an ecosystem in 2017 managing a network-based service called the “Comprehensive Claim Management Service” (CCMS). The firm offered home repair services to its 100 Corporate Clients (Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies) which attended to some 8 Million end customers, managing a network of some 6.000 Trade Professionals (SME and self-employee). The service was supported by an advanced digital platform to coordinate all actions in that ecosystem. The case shows the challenges of digitalization, namely (1) new digital entrants, (2) the Smart Home trends, (3) the digital effects on banking, and (4) the demand of personalization. Those strategic changes lead to Multiasistencia to create a Digital Hub to manage Big Data so placing students on the managerial situation to decide priorities in business model, processes, and new ways to grow.
Harvard Deusto Business Review, 2012

Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 2015
In a deep financial crisis in Spain, Banco Sabadell won a competitive bid to acquire Banco CAM fo... more In a deep financial crisis in Spain, Banco Sabadell won a competitive bid to acquire Banco CAM for the price of €1. The President of Banco Sabadell Josep Oliu announced at a press conference on the 8 December 2012 that BCAM, a similar size to its acquirer, must be integrated in less than 1 year. Banco Sabadell management expected €331 million in synergies from 2012 to 2014. The case focuses on Miquel Montes, the new CEO in Banco CAM, and his team; Federico Rodriguez, new Chief Operations Officer; and Carles Abarca, new Chief Information Officer. Banco Sabadell had developed a cloud computing architecture never tested before in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Despite Sabadell management’s strong and proven experience of M&As, there were risks associated with the benefits. Students need to understand both in order to understand how to plan in such situations.
Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 2011
The case, ‘Santander Acquires Abbey: The Jack Project’, applies a general strategic management fo... more The case, ‘Santander Acquires Abbey: The Jack Project’, applies a general strategic management focus to an analysis of the ‘Jack Project’, the Spanish banking group's IT centric project to acquire Abbey. The case focuses on José María Fuster, chief information officer (CIO) and his perspective in leveraging IT to integrate Abbey. The following issues are explored: (1) the value of IT; (2) the generation of synergies in M&A; and (3) the prioritisation of IT-related options comparing two different realities. At the end of the case, students will examine how Partenón, Grupo Santander's core IT system, leveraged this acquisition and made an impact on the bank's long-term market position.

Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization, 2008
Autism is both a disability and a difference. We need to find ways of alleviating the disability ... more Autism is both a disability and a difference. We need to find ways of alleviating the disability while respecting and valuing the difference. 1-Simon Baron-Cohen, autism expert The example of Specialisterne, its mission and accomplishments, inspire us at the broadest human level. It's a story about a father's love and sacrifice for his son, about members of society left behind and counted out who return in triumph. About mothers moved to tears by the long-awaited and fervently hoped-for successes of their children. And about good done for individuals that is also good for us all. The importance of such stories (as the pages of this fine publication demonstrate, there are many others) has been widely agreed. According to The Economist, social entrepreneurship was the hot topic among world leaders at the 2008 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. 2 That entrepreneurship has taken a social turn is an exhilarating fact both for the good it can do and for the new challenges social systems and contexts present to conventional ideas about management. Within such enterprises, we find unfamiliar business questions (Why do people care for each other?) channeled within familiar frames (How can we design incentives to make the most efficient use of such motives?). These questions, and others like them, invite us to reflect in new business-relevant ways on issues of our own human nature and how we interact. Thorkil Sonne started Specialisterne to create employment opportunities for people like his young son, who had recently been diagnosed with autism. As an expert in information technology, Sonne realized that some of the traits he

European Journal of Information Systems, 2015
In this paper, we present the notion of discovery paths stemming from our study of the M&A betwee... more In this paper, we present the notion of discovery paths stemming from our study of the M&A between Grupo Santander (GS) and Abbey (2004-2009), in which the resulting synergies after the merger were 35% better than expected. In fact, GS achieved a unique level of efficiency in 2012 in the banking industry, which we consider a sign of radical novelty. During the M&A, the GS management decided to apply its customer-centric model through the transfer of the information and communication technology (ICT) platform Partenón. This unusual decision led to the endogenisation of critical ICT functions to scale up this model to Abbey. In the paper, we argue that while some steps that lead to synergies can be planned in advance, other essential variations are only learned and discovered during the M&A process itself, thus leading to emergent synergies. In the model presented, a discovery path explains the firm's evolution by sets of variations in the strategic interaction between the organisation and technology. These variations led to new design principles resulting from problem solving and modularity, which in turn led to (1) economies of scale and scope, (2) hybrid structures combining ICT and organisational knowledge domains that generate efficiency through fast integrations, and (3) organisational morphogenesisthat is, the creation of new organs such as ICT factorieswhich generates efficiency by avoiding diseconomies of scale by encapsulating the inherent complexity of technology and provides increasing returns.
2012 Annual SRII Global Conference, 2012
In this paper we present the preliminary results of the study on possible future banking business... more In this paper we present the preliminary results of the study on possible future banking business models in the presence of social networks. We use grounded theory and scenarios in uncertainty to propose them. This paper is the result of a two-year project among academic institutions in Spain and USA, Banco Sabadell the 5th bank in Spain, and IBM (Banking Sector and Research).

Journal of Information Technology, 2009
This paper highlights the over-arching themes salient in the rapidly converging mobile computing ... more This paper highlights the over-arching themes salient in the rapidly converging mobile computing industry. Increasingly, the developers of mobile devices and services are looking toward exploratory, non-determinist or, user-driven development methodologies in an effort to cultivate products that consumers will consistently pay for. These include Design Thinking, Living Labs, and other forms of ethnography that embrace serendipity, playfulness, error, and other human responses that have previously rested outside the orthodoxy of technology design. Secondly, the mobile device is likely the world's foremost social computer. Mobile vendors seeking to foster the production, propagation, and consumption of content on mobile devices are increasingly viewing the challenge as a complex social phenomenon, not a merely a well-defined technology problem. Research illustrating these themes is presented.
European Journal of Information Systems, 2010
... This led to a peer-to-peer type of relationship, creating autonomy on both sides and allowing... more ... This led to a peer-to-peer type of relationship, creating autonomy on both sides and allowing the co-creation of software ... by increasing greater dependency and raising exit costs to keep some corporate customers from leaving the network and, thus, losing business revenues ...

Strategy discourse has focused primarily on the individual firm, evolving from an emphasis on ind... more Strategy discourse has focused primarily on the individual firm, evolving from an emphasis on industry positioning, to internal resource allocation, and finally, dynamic capabilities and learning. However the strategy discourse concerning networks remains focused on network structural attributes and static resource endowments. We argue that a theory of dynamic capabilities or adaptive behavior is lacking for business networks. We define business networks as organizations with one central player (or focal firm) and highly interdependent external players that collaborate in order to meet common objectives. Drawing on the literature of learning and psychology, we define four discrete modes of adaptability; 1) automatic responses, 2) assimilation, 3) accommodation, and 4) environmental enactment, describing how business networks display self-renewal behavior, learning and negotiation with the environment. A cross-case analysis of 2 distinct business networks is presented to substantiate how common patterns of business network adaptability can be applied with; a) either greater scope or breadth across industries, or b) focus and specialization in a single vertical niche. The paper concludes with implications for the theory and management of business networks, as well as limitations of our study and prospects for future research.
Decision Support Systems, 2009
A focal characteristic of Smart Business Networks (SBN) is their ability to adapt to the environm... more A focal characteristic of Smart Business Networks (SBN) is their ability to adapt to the environment. We think that the capacity to adapt, or adaptability of Smart Business Networks, requires more attention and formalization in the managerial discourse since we consider that it is one core capability of SBN to be considered “Smart”. The purpose of this paper is to
Harvard Deusto business review, 2021
Papers by Javier Busquets