Papers by Budiyanto Prasetyo

Ethnobotany research and applications, Jan 28, 2024
Background: Ethnomedicine research employing the positivist paradigm has documented the types and... more Background: Ethnomedicine research employing the positivist paradigm has documented the types and benefits of flora and fauna used in traditional medicine. However, it has failed to explain the production of ethnomedical knowledge. A multidisciplinary approach provides opportunities for ethnomedicine research to explore the role of traditional knowledge sources in producing ethnomedical knowledge and analyze the impact of modern knowledge dominance on the existence of ethnomedicine. This study aims to document Lio's traditional healing practices and investigate the sources of their knowledge and transmission methods. Methods: Lio's people ethnomedicinal data and traditional healing practices were gathered from seven Lio's traditional healers through semi-structured questionnaires. Ethnomedicinal data were quantitatively analyzed using Use Value (UV) and Family Importance Value (FIV). Qualitative data obtained from semi-structured interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. Results: This study concludes that the Lio people possess significant potential in terms of knowledge and raw materials for traditional medicine. Dreams serve as a medium for Lio herbalists to obtain and pass on ethnomedical knowledge to the next generation. The younger generation's interest in pursuing a career as herbalists has declined due to the modernization of the healthcare system in rural areas. The communities of the Rwenzori region depend a lot on herbal medicine to treat various diseases irrespective of the availability of modern health care.

Much of the peatland in Central Kalimantan is highly degraded because it has been cleared and dra... more Much of the peatland in Central Kalimantan is highly degraded because it has been cleared and drained over the last 30-40 years. Degraded peatland is highly susceptible to burning and oxidation and contributes 30-60 % of the annual greenhouse gas emissions of Indonesia. To combat these problems, the Government of Indonesia has made peatland restoration a high priority, with revitalisation of livelihoods being a critical component to help communities transition to rewet peat. We sought to understand this social transition in Tumbang Nusa, one of the villages that has had a high level of intervention through the recent peatland restoration efforts. Over the last five years, several new livelihood initiatives have been deployed in Tumbang Nusa including seven capacity building programs, five government assistance programs and 18 demonstration plots, but many of these initiatives have been unsuccessful, with only a handful of farmers having adopted the outcomes. In effect, the peatland has not been rewet and the community has largely not transitioned to a more sustainable set of livelihoods. To make peatland restoration work it is critical to overcome several barriers so that communities can embrace the restoration process and can drive it autonomously, rather than needing outside input and assistance to maintain momentum. There is also a clear need for a functioning carbon market, such that peatland communities benefit from peat rewetting. Only once the community directly benefits from restoration will it actively participate in ensuring its success.

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam, 2011
Population decline of sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) occurred in the East Nusa Tenggara Provin... more Population decline of sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) occurred in the East Nusa Tenggara Province last few decade, it leads to various parties to seek a sandalwood rescue action. Among of those parties, there are people who already conserved sandalwood independently. This study aimed to study conservation efforts of sandalwood by the community independently. Research was conducted in the Village Nansean, Insana Subdistrict, TTU district, East Nusa Tenggara Province in 2009. This study was using descriptive method. Data were collected using structured interview, indepth interview and literature studies. Total Respondents were 30 men (n = 30) or 10% of 306 household heads in it's village. The results of this study shows a positive public perception of sandalwood and can become social capital on efforts to conserve sandalwood. The community is still using the traditional cultivation and maintenance techniques of sandalwood. Nevertheless, the success rate can be improved if farmers are using the technical guidelines of existing sandalwood cultivation. Preservation efforts of sandalwood independently by the community that has not received support from the government, especially about cultivation techniques, maintenance, and policy. This study suggests; (1) the potential that exists in the community become the baseline for continue sandalwood conservation efforts in NTT, (2) conducted studies on traditional sandalwood cultivation techniques, (3) increase farmers' mastery of sandalwood cultivation techniques in order to fit the standard technical guidelines sandalwood cultivation, (4) and disseminate the latest local regulation abaut sandalwood.

Communities living in the surrounding forest have used the state forest for grazing areas in East... more Communities living in the surrounding forest have used the state forest for grazing areas in East Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesia for a long time. However, Indonesia government has not given them a permit for managing state forests. Recently, Indonesia government attempted to involve communities in state forest management to curb illegal grazing and generate people income but the government ,as a principal, was worried that the communities, as agents, will act in a way contrary to the interest of the government. We used a principal agent theory to analyze principal agent problems which will occur if communities manage state forest for silvopasture purposes. The research showed that there are some principal agent problems in silvopasture contract if government give communities a permit for silvopasture purpose, i.e. communities, as agents, are not willing to plant trees and keep forest. Government must control communities to prevent some principal-agent problems in silvopasture contracts.

IOP conference series, May 1, 2022
Peatlands have enormous potential to produce food sources for supporting population growth. Farme... more Peatlands have enormous potential to produce food sources for supporting population growth. Farmers generally prefer plants that can adapt to changing conditions. However, challenges remain, such as limited knowledge of local community about peatlands’ function and management. Local community practices endogenous knowledge to manage peatlands, but it is rarely documented as best practice for peatlands management in Indonesia. This study aims to understand endogenous management implemented by local community for sustainable peat cultivation. The management is currently considered as the best solution to solve problems related to peatlands management. The study was carried out in Tumbang Nusa Village, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, using a semi-participatory approach with a stratified purposive sampling for selecting participants of in-depth interviews and field observations. An investigation of endogenous management related to biophysical aspects that determines sustainability was done by identifying main characteristics of peatlands in the dry season. The data were analyzed qualitatively by using Use Value. The results show that the community applied agroforestry systems interspersed with introduced plants. There were seven patterns implemented by the community, including pineapple-forest crops-seasonal fruit-food based, rubber-forest crops-seasonal fruit/food-based, a combination of forest plants, a combination of forest plants-annual introduced plants, a combination of forest plants-annual/food crops, and a combination of annual crops. The seven patterns based on the local wisdom are suitable for peatlands. It is in accordance with modern peat management which considered as the form of a pure Paludiculture and an intensive semi Paludiculture.

IOP conference series, Nov 1, 2021
Peatlands have the primary source of livelihood for the surrounding communities, even though peat... more Peatlands have the primary source of livelihood for the surrounding communities, even though peatlands’ cultivation has several limiting factors. Drainage in peat cultivation has the potential to cause fires. Social and economic interests often conflict with ecological interests. The research was conducted in Pulang Pisau District using a semi-participatory approach through field observations, in-depth interviews with key informants, and focus group discussions. The study uses the descriptive qualitative method in the data analysis. The results showed that factors that influence the adoption of sustainable peat management techniques are: i) the introduced technique is following the community’s social and cultural characteristics, but most of the people belong to the early majority and late majority category; ii) the intrinsic nature of the innovation; iii) the absence of collective decision making to implement land clearing without burning and iv) lack of assistance. The study recommended five policy strategy: i) preparing peat-adaptive commodity market; ii) encouraging incentives for implementing non-burning land clearing; iii) coordination and synergy between institutions; iv) selection of superior rubber seed and Cajuput plantation as a substitute for galam, and v) development of participatory agrosilvofishery demonstration plots.

Journal of Hydrology, 2018
Water is an essential natural resource. Among many stressors, altered climate is exerting pressur... more Water is an essential natural resource. Among many stressors, altered climate is exerting pressure on water resource systems, increasing its demand and creating a need for vulnerability assessments. The overall objective of this study was to develop a novel tool that can translate a theoretical concept (vulnerability of water resources (VWR)) to an operational framework mainly under altered temperature and precipitation, as well as for population change (smaller extent). The developed tool had three stages and utilized a novel systems thinking approach. Stage-1: Translating theoretical concept to charateristics identified from studies; Stage-2: Operationalizing charateristics to methodology in VWR; Stage-3: Utilizing the methodology for development of a conceptual modeling tool for VWR: WR-VISTA (Water Resource Vulnerability assessment conceptual model using Indicators selected by System's Thinking Approach). The specific novelties were: 1) The important characteristics in VWR were identified in Stage-1 (target system, system components, scale, level of detail, data source, frameworks, and indicator); 2) WR-VISTA combined two vulnerability assessments frameworks: the European's Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework (DPSIR) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's framework (IPCC's); and 3) used systems thinking approaches in VWR for indicator selection. The developed application was demonstrated in Kansas (overlying the High Plains region/Ogallala Aquifer, considered the "breadbasket of the world"), using 26 indicators with intermediate level of detail. Our results indicate that the western part of the state is vulnerable from agricultural water use and the eastern part from urban water use. The developed tool can be easily replicated to other regions within and outside the US.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Peatlands have the primary source of livelihood for the surrounding communities, even though peat... more Peatlands have the primary source of livelihood for the surrounding communities, even though peatlands’ cultivation has several limiting factors. Drainage in peat cultivation has the potential to cause fires. Social and economic interests often conflict with ecological interests. The research was conducted in Pulang Pisau District using a semi-participatory approach through field observations, in-depth interviews with key informants, and focus group discussions. The study uses the descriptive qualitative method in the data analysis. The results showed that factors that influence the adoption of sustainable peat management techniques are: i) the introduced technique is following the community’s social and cultural characteristics, but most of the people belong to the early majority and late majority category; ii) the intrinsic nature of the innovation; iii) the absence of collective decision making to implement land clearing without burning and iv) lack of assistance. The study recom...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Bamboo is known as multi-purposes plants and currently, has potentially used as wood substitution... more Bamboo is known as multi-purposes plants and currently, has potentially used as wood substitution products. The demand for bamboo from industrial sector is even higher. Although many countries have practiced bamboo cultivation, in Indonesia Bamboo tends to be allowed to grow naturally and still lack of treatment. The threat of unsustainable exploitation can cause the decreasing of bamboo productivity and lead to its scarcity. The sustainable bamboo forest management system then emerged as a solution. But the knowledge of such system has not been transmitted massively among bamboo farmers and owners. This paper will discuss the transfer of knowledge on sustainable bamboo forest management using social capital as an approach. This paper uses data from research project conducted in 2018 to 2019, which is located in Ngada Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The results indicated that social capitals such as trust, organizations, social networks, and norms or rules are embedded with ...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Gender discourse in Indonesia is currently developing very rapidly. On one hand, gender activists... more Gender discourse in Indonesia is currently developing very rapidly. On one hand, gender activists have focused on gender mainstreaming. On the other hand, the socio-cultural reality in Indonesia persists with the old traditional construction of power relations between men and women. Feminists fight for justice and inclusiveness for women. However, their struggle must be confronted with the fact that the prevailing socio-cultural norms still tend to be male-dominant. This paper will reveal how the social reality of power relations in the realm of gender is constructed in rural areas in Indonesia. The subjects studied are families at the clan level who are managing sustainable bamboo forestry in Ngadha Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The research was conducted in 2019-2021. The methods used are participatory rural appraisal (PRA), in-depth interviews, and observation as participants. Time allocation is used as the object of this study to create gender mapping. The analysis is ...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Rapid development over the past two decades has brought us to the industrial revolution 4.0 era, ... more Rapid development over the past two decades has brought us to the industrial revolution 4.0 era, where mastering information technology is an absolute thing for people to run their business. This situation is undoubtedly a challenge for the eco-tourism industry that involved local communities as well. This article aims to describe the current situations of the participatory eco-tourism management conducted by the local community and their strategies in dealing with the industrial era 4.0. The study was conducted in 2018 towards local people of Enoraen Village, Amarasi Timur District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, as the actors of eco-tourism management. The data and information in this paper are obtained using a quantitative method through the structured interview using questionnaires (n=100) and qualitative methods by collecting scientific writings published in journals and proceedings. This article concludes that there is a gap between the ability of local communiti...

Communities living surrounding forest have used state forest for grazing area in East Nusa Ten... more Communities living surrounding forest have used state forest for grazing area in East Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesia for a long time. However, Indonesia government have not given them a permit for managing state forest. Government will involve communities in state forest management to generate people income but government ,as a principal, was worried that the communities, as agent, will act in the way contrary to the interest of government. We used a principal agent theory to analyze principal agent problems which will occur if communities manage state forest for silvopasture purpose. The research showed that there are some principal agent problems in silvopasture contract if government give communities a permit for silvopasture purpose, i.e. communities, as agent, are not willing to plant trees and keep forest. Government must control communities to prevent some principal-agent problems in silvopasture contract.

E3S Web of Conferences
Agroforestry systems can be considered as sustainability concept. They are able to provide ecolog... more Agroforestry systems can be considered as sustainability concept. They are able to provide ecological, economical and sociological benefit. In order to help policy makers and stakeholder decide what action should be taken to make agroforestry sustainable, the identification of the sustainability status is needed. This study aimed to evaluate the sustainability status of agroforestry systems in Timor Island, one of the islands in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, eastern Indonesia. The data was collected through combination of field observation and interviews with 38 respondents with purposively selected in three dominant agroforestry systems, namely: mixed-garden, mamar, traditional agroforestry and silvopasture. Multidimensional Scaling approach was used to analyse the sustainability status of agroforestry systems based on five dimensions (ecology, economy, social, institutional and technology) as well as 26 attributes. The attribute valuation was in ordinal scale based on sustainable ...

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam
Population decline of sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) occurred in the East Nusa Tenggara Provin... more Population decline of sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) occurred in the East Nusa Tenggara Province last few decade, it leads to various parties to seek a sandalwood rescue action. Among of those parties, there are people who already conserved sandalwood independently. This study aimed to study conservation efforts of sandalwood by the community independently. Research was conducted in the Village Nansean, Insana Subdistrict, TTU district, East Nusa Tenggara Province in 2009. This study was using descriptive method. Data were collected using structured interview, indepth interview and literature studies. Total Respondents were 30 men (n = 30) or 10% of 306 household heads in it's village. The results of this study shows a positive public perception of sandalwood and can become social capital on efforts to conserve sandalwood. The community is still using the traditional cultivation and maintenance techniques of sandalwood. Nevertheless, the success rate can be improved if farmers are using the technical guidelines of existing sandalwood cultivation. Preservation efforts of sandalwood independently by the community that has not received support from the government, especially about cultivation techniques, maintenance, and policy. This study suggests; (1) the potential that exists in the community become the baseline for continue sandalwood conservation efforts in NTT, (2) conducted studies on traditional sandalwood cultivation techniques, (3) increase farmers' mastery of sandalwood cultivation techniques in order to fit the standard technical guidelines sandalwood cultivation, (4) and disseminate the latest local regulation abaut sandalwood.

Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan, 2016
Agroforestry is one of the popular land management systems in Indonesia. The system helps the far... more Agroforestry is one of the popular land management systems in Indonesia. The system helps the farmers to increase agricultural production, social life, and ecological stability. Traditional community in Sumba had been implementing agroforestry for a long time, known as Kaliwu and as a part of the indigenous knowledge. Kaliwu as a system is constructed socially through an intensive interaction between local people and its environment and transmitted from generation to generation. This study aimed to asses sociological aspects in behind Kaliwu practices, which allegedly become key factor the sustainability of this system socially, exist until now. The study was conducted for a year in 2009 in the Waimangura Village, Sumba Island. As social research, data was collected through social survey on 30 respondents, in-depth interview, observation, and literature review. Data was analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative procedures. The results indicated that sociologically, Kaliwu as an authentic knowledge of land management system passed on from generation to generation and constructed along with the socio-historical practices by the local people of Sumba. Social norms (adherence to traditional values, arrangement of labour systems, conflict management) and social institution of farmer group became social factors that play significant role to make kaliwu sustainable.

In some places alongside Indonesian archipelago, farm forestry has been known as the main resourc... more In some places alongside Indonesian archipelago, farm forestry has been known as the main resource for rural communities to rely on. It provides goods and services such as food, firewood, and water that sustain community to live. Many literatures define that farm forestry belongs to the community or persons. There are some cases show that farm forestry; particularly the area that has been planted with mixed plantations, has been able to fulfil community's demand on food, firewood, and water adequacy. Furthermore, the use of local knowledge makes its ecosystem maintained as well as sustains the farm forest to produce goods and services. This paper reviews the role of local knowledge within the community in East Nusa Tenggara on managing farm forestry to supply sustainable food, firewood, and water. This paper employs literatures from many sources such as books, journals, research reports and scientific publications related to the topic of farm forestry and its management in East Nusa Tenggara, particularly in Sumba. The finding of this paper reveals that the farm forestry management that was using local knowledge such as mixed planting systems (the combination amongst food plantations, Multipurpose tree species, and timber plantations) in it has been able to supply adequate food, firewood, and clean water sustainably. Nevertheless, the role of farmer group and social taboos need to be optimized. Revitalization of both aspects could open opportunities for farmer to increase their skills, capacity, and producing hybrid knowledge, which is an integration of local traditional knowledge and modern knowledge.

Proceedings International Academic Conference Bandung, 2017
Indonesia has experienced numbers of forest management conflicts. The difference of interests amo... more Indonesia has experienced numbers of forest management conflicts. The difference of interests among stakeholders is often blamed as a driven factor that makes conflicts likely to occur. Consequently, it may cause forests cannot be managed properly. Dealing with such issue, it may be necessary questioning on how such conflict could appear and how to find out a strategic resolution based on points that actors needs. This study aims to investigate the root of conflict on forest management in Sisemeni Sanam forest area and to formulate its resolution based on the stakeholder's needs. In doing so, the study uses the ethical analysis theory to identify as well as mapping the interests, values, and the principles of the stakeholders who are involved in. Data were collected in 2015 through several techniques such as in depth interview, structured interview, focused group discussion, observation, and study literatures. Collected data were analyzed descriptively by discussing each finding with ethical analysis theory as well as other conflict and resolution theories. Findings reveal that the root of conflict in Sisimeni Sanam Forest were triggered by claiming over the economic potentially natural resources inside the forest areas such as water spring, waterfall, land tenure, and land use in between villagers at Oesusu Village and forestry education and training institute (Balai Diklat Kehutanan) Kupang as the official government management on such forest areas. Furthermore, finding shows that conflict in Sisemeni Sanam forest occurred due to difference values that believed in each actor who were involved in conflict. On one hand, BDK used official legal standing provided by central government as the reason they manage the forest and its resources. On the other hand, villagers supported by the local government in village level insist to undertake natural resources management at the same forest area, as this would potentially bring economical benefits for villagers. The possible strategy for better resolution should be made to overcome this gap by bridging those differences. Relocation is likely to be one of some points that offered by the head of Oesusu village and certainly continuing to conduct internalization of other resolution strategies.

ABSTRAK Adaptasi variabilitas iklim kini menjadi hal krusial bagi masyarakat yang rentan terhadap... more ABSTRAK Adaptasi variabilitas iklim kini menjadi hal krusial bagi masyarakat yang rentan terhadap dampak yang disebabkannya. Berbagai inovasi dan terobosan ilmu pengetahuan pun dilakukan guna menjawab persoalan tersebut agar dapat diterbitkan kebijakan terkait adaptasi variabilitas iklim yang mampu menyelamatkan kehidupan masyarakat terdampak. Namun demikian, terdapat masyarakat yang merespon variabilitas iklim dengan melakukan adaptasi menggunakan pengetahuan lokal yang mereka miliki. Akan tetapi, identifikasi terhadap sebaran keberadaan masyarakat yang mengaplikasi pengetahuan lokal tersebut, terutama di Indonesia, masih sangat minim, seperti halnya yang terjadi pada masyarakat di DAS (Daerah Aliran Sungai) Noelmina Pulau Timor. Melalui teknik wawancara dan observasi lapangan, serta analisis deskriptif kualitatif melalui proses grounded research yang dilakukan terhadap 9 (sembilan) desa yang tersebar di region hulu, tengah dan hilir DAS, studi ini mencoba mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk adaptasi masyarakat DAS Noelmina berbasis pengetahuan lokal dalam merespon dampak variabilitas iklim. Paper ini menunjukkan, masyarakat di DAS Noelmina memiliki kapasitas adaptif yang baik pada aspek sosial, infrastruktur dan ekonomi dalam menyikapi dampak variabilitas iklim. Pengaplikasian pengetahuan lokal teridentifikasi melalui diterapkannya aturan adat Banu dalam melindungi sumber daya air di sektor sosial, membangun rumah tradisional Timor berbentuk panggung di sektor infrastruktur, dan memiliki sumber mata-pencarian tidak tunggal pada sektor ekonomi. Paper ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan lokal memiliki peran penting sebagai basis utama bagi terwujudnya strategi adaptasi yang mengakar di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, paper ini menyarankan agar para pengambil keputusan memperhatikan keberadaan pengetahuan lokal, mengadopsi, dan mengintegrasikannya dengan pengetahuan modern dalam setiap proses pengambilan keputusan dalam membuat kebijakan-kebijakan pengelolaan DAS yang terintegrasi. Kata Kunci: pengetahuan lokal, adaptasi, variabilitas iklim, DAS.
Papers by Budiyanto Prasetyo