Papers by Bruno Avelar Rosa

Managing Sport and Leisure
ABSTRACT Rationale/purpose: While the International Olympic Committee has issued several guidelin... more ABSTRACT Rationale/purpose: While the International Olympic Committee has issued several guidelines and recommendations on the protection of athletes from harassment and abuse in sports, there exists very little research which documents the extent to which these recommendations are actually implemented in sports organizations across Europe and most importantly, the efficacy of such measures. Findings: Based on the results, a set of evidence-based guidelines for promoting compliance with the existing policies and measures of harassment and abuse are recommended, which include an Observatory of Harassment and Abuse in Sports, the ISO accreditation for all sports organizations, and a European Mobile phone application. Practical implications: With these findings, this study offers a standardized method of implementation of policies, which will enable future panEuropean assessments of efficacy, thus narrowing the current gap in knowledge. Research contribution: This is the first study to recommend a remedy to the obstacles – identified in previous research – which hamper the implementation of Universal policies on harassment and abuse in sports.

Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 2012
Resumen El presente informe resume las aportaciones realizadas en el 2011 Scientific Congress on ... more Resumen El presente informe resume las aportaciones realizadas en el 2011 Scientific Congress on Martial Arts and Combat Sports (2011 SCMACS), celebrado los días 13, 14 y 15 de mayo de 2011 en el Instituto Politécnico de Viseu (Portugal). En un ambiente caracterizado por una notable afluencia internacional, se expusieron un total de 36 comunicaciones y 25 pósteres, organizadas en ocho sesiones: 1) Objeto de estudio, investigación y sistemática de las artes marciales y deportes de combate (AM&DC); 2) Dimensiones pedagógica y didáctica en las AM&DC; 3) Dimensión física de las AM&DC; 4) Dimensiones física y técnica de las AM&DC; 5) Dimensiones psicológica y táctica de las AM&DC; 6) Dimensión socio-cultural de las AM&DC; 7) Dimensiones socio-cultural y filosófica de las AM&DC; y 8) Pósteres. En el ámbito de la recientemente creada Sociedad Científica Internacional de Artes Marciales y Deportes de Combate (IMACSSS) se organizó un área extraordinaria dedicada a la reunión de esta sociedad. Los resultados del congreso permiten observar el creciente interés de la academia en esta temática particular, así como el eminente desarrollo de la respectiva red internacional. Palabras clave: artes marciales, deportes de combate, investigación científica, reuniones científicas, congresos.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Tools to identify good practices in the design, implementation, and evaluation of physical activi... more Tools to identify good practices in the design, implementation, and evaluation of physical activity community-based interventions (PACIs) are key to address the physical inactivity pandemic. Existing tools tend to be extensive and with limited applicability to assess small-scale PACIs. This work aimed to report the development and preliminary validity results of a simple, practical, and user-friendly tool to evaluate PACIs in local/municipal contexts. Eighty-six good practice characteristics defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Joint Action Framework on Chronic Diseases (CHRODIS), and an umbrella review of good practice characteristics of diet and physical activity interventions were initially extracted and refined in four rounds of revision from an expert panel using a Delphi-type methodology and rated on their relative importance. A pilot application was conducted, and data on the tool usability and applicability were collected through three semi-structured intervie...

Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, 2021
La Comision Europea ha realizado notables esfuerzos en los ultimos anos para ayudar a aquellos es... more La Comision Europea ha realizado notables esfuerzos en los ultimos anos para ayudar a aquellos estudiantes que, dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educacion Superior, concilian sus estudios con el deporte de alto rendimiento (estudiantes-deportistas). Para ello, se han desarrollado diversos proyectos que buscan dar respuesta a las necesidades de este colectivo, siguiendo las recomendaciones establecidas por la propia Comision Europea. El proyecto YODA Mentors, desarrollado en colaboracion de seis paises miembros de la Union Europea, busca la formacion de profesionales capaces de cubrir las necesidades especiales que estos estudiantes-deportistas puedan tener a lo largo de su carrera deportiva y academica, Mentores profesionales para la Carrera Dual, capaces de trabajar conjuntamente con instituciones de educacion superior e instituciones deportivas a nivel europeo. En este articulo se describen las principales caracteristicas del programa de formacion desarrollado a partir de las recomen...

The text resumes the communications and posters presented at the 2011 Scientific Congress on Mart... more The text resumes the communications and posters presented at the 2011 Scientific Congress on Martial Arts and Combat Sports (2011 SCMACS), held on 13, 14 and 15 May 2011, in the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (Portugal). In an environment characterized by a significant international presence, a total of 36 communications and 25 posters were exposed, organized in eight sessions: 1) Study object, research and systematic of martial arts and combat sports (MAC 2) Pedagogical and didactics dimension on MAC 3) Physical dimensions on MAC 4) Physical and technical dimensions on MAC 5) Psychological and tactical dimensions on MAC 6) Socio- cultural dimensions on MAC 7) Socio-cultural and philosophical dimensions on MAC and, 8) Posters. A formal meeting of the International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS) also took place as an extraordinary event. The results of the congress gave us the possibility for observing the growing interest of the academy in this particula...

Introdução: O objetivo do presente trabalho é o de analisar as possibilidades dos recursos semiót... more Introdução: O objetivo do presente trabalho é o de analisar as possibilidades dos recursos semióticos em diferentes propostas metodológicas relacionadas com o ensino compreensivo do desporto, tomando em consideração o papel dos mesmos no processo de construção de conhecimento. Estado da Arte: Os modelos compreensivos de ensino-aprendizagem do desporto (Castejón, 2013, 2010) desenvolvidos a partir do TGfU e de outros no âmbito de influência francófono e germânico (Gréhaigne, Richard & Griffin, 2005; Wallian & Godbout, 2005), sublinham a importância dos processos interativos entre o agente de ensino e os aprendizes com vista ao favorecimento da compreensão e aprendizagem contextualizada dos comportamentos desportivos. Em contraposição aos modelos de cariz mais ecológico que consideram, de forma prioritária, os constrangimentos gerados pelas tarefas, os modelos compreensivos de cariz construtivista enfatizam também a interação e o uso de recursos semióticos no âmbito da atividade conju...
Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 2012

Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 2012
Recibido 15/07/2011 -Aceptado 22/08/2011 Resumen El presente informe resume las aportaciones real... more Recibido 15/07/2011 -Aceptado 22/08/2011 Resumen El presente informe resume las aportaciones realizadas en el 2011 Scientific Congress on Martial Arts and Combat Sports (2011 SCMACS), celebrado los días 13, 14 y 15 de mayo de 2011 en el Instituto Politécnico de Viseu (Portugal). En un ambiente caracterizado por una notable afluencia internacional, se expusieron un total de 36 comunicaciones y 25 pósteres, organizadas en ocho sesiones: 1) Objeto de estudio, investigación y sistemática de las artes marciales y deportes de combate (AM&DC); 2) Dimensiones pedagógica y didáctica en las AM&DC; 3) Dimensión física de las AM&DC; 4) Dimensiones física y técnica de las AM&DC; 5) Dimensiones psicológica y táctica de las AM&DC; 6) Dimensión socio-cultural de las AM&DC; 7) Dimensiones socio-cultural y filosófica de las AM&DC; y 8) Pósteres. En el ámbito de la recientemente creada Sociedad Científica Internacional de Artes Marciales y Deportes de Combate (IMACSSS) se organizó un área extraordinaria dedicada a la reunión de esta sociedad. Los resultados del congreso permiten observar el creciente interés de la academia en esta temática particular, así como el eminente desarrollo de la respectiva red internacional. Palabras clave: artes marciales, deportes de combate, investigación científica, reuniones científicas, congresos.

Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 2015
This paper aims to define the principles and technical-tactical contents that characterize the gl... more This paper aims to define the principles and technical-tactical contents that characterize the global “fighting knowledge” referring to martial arts and combat sports. From a methodological point of view, we seek to identify the praxical limits of the different martial arts and combat sports disciplines, through the analysis of the convergence points, which can provide consistency as a group of practices, and from where is possible to develop a teaching process. The principles and contents considered in this integrated perspective establish the possibilities of action, independently from institutionalized technical abilities in each combat sport. From the “fighting knowledge technical-tactical structure” we propose the development of the “fighting knowledge” and we emphasize the importance of arising the “tactical intention” of the students. The distribution and categorization of the “fighting actions” presented, try to offer tools and criteria for the martial arts and combat sports...

The Integrated Technical-Tactical Model for sport teaching emerges at the end of the 90's dec... more The Integrated Technical-Tactical Model for sport teaching emerges at the end of the 90's decade of the last century. It was set after López-Ros and Castejón (1998a, b) present the base concepts and their practical applications. The initial proposal was subsequently revised and updated, developing and clarifying specific aspects of the model (López-Ros & Castejón, 2005). The Integrated Technical-Tactical Model appears though the influence of the tactical and comprehensive models, focused on sports with simultaneous collaboration and opposition, developed in different European countries (e.g., Bayer, 1986; Bunker & Thorpe, 1982; Mahlo, 1969); and also due to the lack of scientific evidences to justify the initiation of these sports from a tactical or a technical approach (e.g., Rink, French, & Tjeerdsma, 1996). This model assumes the constructive perspective of teaching-learning and it is characterized by: a) to teach technique and tactic simultaneously and in context. Thus, to t...

Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas
Semiotic devices are relevant tools to study the teaching-learning process according to the const... more Semiotic devices are relevant tools to study the teaching-learning process according to the constructivist perspective, which supports several of the game-centered approach models. Even not being included in the generality of these models, martial arts and combat sports have a clear potential to be developed according to these models. Following this, it was settled a didactic sequence based on the fighting knowledge development through the learning of a striking and a throwing skill. A pragmatic discourse analysis was made and specific forms of joint activity organization, called segments of interactivity, were identified. Inside these segments, several patterns were registered considering their main function and format of interaction. The segments of interactivity of activity organization and guided practice constituted both the bigger part of the time and total number of segments, which suggest that the learning processes should be understood inside of their scope. This way, looki...
Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas
Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 2016
Papers by Bruno Avelar Rosa