Welcome to the new Emerging Leadership Journeys (ELJ). We believe that students in their first fo... more Welcome to the new Emerging Leadership Journeys (ELJ). We believe that students in their first four terms of study have something of value to offer the leadership academy and have produced the ELJ as a logical outcome of this belief. Dr. Bocarnea has demonstrated support and consideration for students beginning their doctoral studies, and I am pleased that he is heading up this new journal.
Leadership is a collection of activities by which we accomplish tasks, objectives and goals to fu... more Leadership is a collection of activities by which we accomplish tasks, objectives and goals to fulfill the mission of our organizations. Leaders must affect others to accomplish anything. Who we are, as leaders and how we behave have greater impact on the people we lead rather than what we say. In the following paragraphs, I will share with you how the Bible gives attitudinal and behavioral parameters for those important 50+ hours a week during which, you are in contact with your employees.
All working papers, accessible through the Regent University School of Leadership Studies, are pr... more All working papers, accessible through the Regent University School of Leadership Studies, are provided in draft form to promote open discussion and provide valuable contributions to the larger body of leadership research prior to actual publication. All working papers are protected under copyright and may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder (author). Copies of a working paper may be requested directly from the author.
The International Journal of Leadership Studies (IJLS) is a refereed scholarly journal that exist... more The International Journal of Leadership Studies (IJLS) is a refereed scholarly journal that exists to provide a forum for leadership scholars within the U.S. and around the world. To stimulate scholarly debate and a free flow of ideas, the IJLS is published in electronic format and provides access to all issues free of charge.
The study of labor history allows the understanding of today's labor movement and assists in pred... more The study of labor history allows the understanding of today's labor movement and assists in predicting the labor movement of the future. The ideologies that influence the thinking of men and women at any point in history have the ability to impact the future by influencing the present. This study looks at the labor movement in the Gilded Age through the view of two seemingly opposing ideologies. Kazin (1991), in his response to Kimeldorf's (1991) implication that studies of labor history should move away from examining the role of unions, emphasizes the importance of the union as the means by which millions of workers made sense of their lives and reaffirms the importance of the study of the union and the worker. Kazin wrote:
Biblical Principles of Being an Employee in Contemporary Organizations, 2019
said about the aim of the laborer: "The aim of the laborer should not be to get his living, to ge... more said about the aim of the laborer: "The aim of the laborer should not be to get his living, to get 'a good job,' but to perform well a certain work. Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it" (Henry David Thoreau, 1863, the essay "Life Without Principles," Dover Thrift). This chapter focuses on the two commands: (a) Col 3:23-24 (NAS)-"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve" and (b) Eph 6:7-"With goodwill render service, as to the Lord, and not to men." Col 3:23 uses the Greek poieo (Strong's word 4160) for 'do' that translates as 'make' or 'do' implying both production and service. Liddell and Scott's Online Lexicon defines poieo as make, produce, create, or procure (http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu/lsj/#eid=8 6774&context=lsj&action=from-search). In Eph 6:7, service is the Greek douleuo (Strong's word 1398) that means to serve, to obey, or to submit. Liddell and Scott's Online Lexicon defines douleuo as 'slave' (http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu/lsj/#eid=29051&context=lsj&action=from-search). Carter (2012) posits that Ephesians 6:5 "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ" tells us to obey our managers as we obey God:
Biblical Principles of Hiring and Developing Employees, 2018
How does one start a conceptual chapter but to say, "I think I understand something from scriptur... more How does one start a conceptual chapter but to say, "I think I understand something from scripture that I didn't understand before?" As an evangelical Christian, I believe in the inerrancy of scripture, and that scripture is God-given and recorded by inspired writers. Although the writers were inspired and heard from God, it is not always true that we, as readers of the Word, are inspired enough to "know' what God intended. This difficulty in interpretation is confounded by the realization that much of our English-translation Bibles represent a progression of the spoken Aramaic, referring to Hebrew concepts, recorded in the Greek, and then translated to English-by inspired translators (we hope). The difficulty in interpreting and applying scripture includes our biases and common ignorance of the sociocultural context of the first century church, and the implications our bias and ignorance bring to the contemporary application of the scriptures and the difficulty of translating a complex language, such as Greek to the more simplistic English. This is not to say that English is not a respectable language, but by this, it is suggested that the Greek terms have a richer, fuller, and more complex meaning than the English words and phrases we find in our English-translation Bibles. The difficulties in understanding and applying scripture to modern organizations may cause leaders and researchers of organizational theory to miss concepts that might lead us to higher performing organizations. This effect may have been the case with Nomos-the focus of this chapter. This chapter was presented at the Second International Conference on Value-based Leadership Styles, CHAPTER 4
The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment, 2018
This chapter considers the potential that positive leadership offers for addressing the challenge... more This chapter considers the potential that positive leadership offers for addressing the challenges of leading in complex organizations and explores the practical applications of developing leaders through identity-focused approaches. The role of self-awareness and spiritual engagement are discussed as powerful, identityshaping, and resilience-strengthening forces. The importance of authenticity, the relationship of identity to authenticity, self-awareness, leadership development disappointments, and spiritual engagement as a development force are examined in a quest for more effective approaches to shaping the leader's inner self.
Biblical Principles of Leading and Managing Employees, 2018
Scriptural concepts help leaders understand who to be (the ontological) and what to do (the axiol... more Scriptural concepts help leaders understand who to be (the ontological) and what to do (the axiological). I believe that all of us are leaders in one area or another, whether that is in the home, in the workplace, in the neighborhood, in the church, or in the government, and as such this article is helpful for everyone to understand the complexity of leadership. Ezekiel in Ezekiel 1 and 10, as well as John in Revelation 4, describe the four faces of the 'living beings' that they saw. While there are some differences between these three accounts, there are sufficient similarities to allow us to consider them as a complete description. By 'sufficient' I mean that in Ezekiel 10, Ezekiel records that the living beings that he sees are "… the living beings that I saw by the river Chebar" (Ez 10:15 NAS). We find in Ezekiel 1:1 that Ezekiel was by the river Chebar when he described the four 'living beings.' John, in Revelation 4, describes 'four creatures' and the Greek that we translate 'creature' (zoon) means 6 The Four 'Leadership' Faces of Ezekiel 1, Ezekiel 10, and Revelation 4 Paralleled by the Four Gospels
This conceptual article proposes that each of the seven beatitudes found in Matthew 5 is a virtue... more This conceptual article proposes that each of the seven beatitudes found in Matthew 5 is a virtue located between two vices as a mean, which aligns with Aristotle‘s definition of a virtue. The authors provide the anchors for what might become a semantic-differential scale for the seven beatitudes. Poor in spirit is placed between the vices of lowly and haughty; concern for others is placed between disregarding and controlling; controlled discipline is placed between Laissezfaire and overbearing; seeking what is right is placed between complacent and wayward; merciful is placed between lenient and ruthless; pure in heart is placed between ambiguous and unyielding; and peacemaker is placed between pacifist and warmonger.
This book series is designed to integrate Christian faith-based perspectives into the field of le... more This book series is designed to integrate Christian faith-based perspectives into the field of leadership and business, widening its influence by taking a deeper look at its foundational roots. It is led by a team of experts from Regent University, recognized by the Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities as the leader in servant leadership research and the first Christian University to integrate innovation, design thinking, and entrepreneurship courses in its Masters and Doctoral programs. Stemming from Regent's hallmark values of innovation and Christian faith-based perspectives, the series aims to put forth top-notch scholarship from current faculty, students, and alumni of Regent's School of Business & Leadership, allowing for both scholarly and practical aspects to be addressed while providing robust content and relevant material to readers. Each volume in the series will contribute to filling the void of a scholarly Christian-faith perspective on key aspects of organizational leadership and business such as Business and Innovation, Biblical Perspectives in Business and Leadership, and Servant Leadership. The series takes a unique approach to such broad-based and well-trodden disciplines as leadership, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, positioning itself as a much-needed resource for students, academics, and leaders rooted in Christian-faith traditions.
This study presents the development of seven five-item scales to measure leadership traits in the... more This study presents the development of seven five-item scales to measure leadership traits in the seven Beatitudes found in Matthew 5: 3-10. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for these scales are .86, .95, .89, .92, .93, .93, and .92. Convergence validity was demonstrated by significant positive correlations for all seven scales with the Essential Servant Leadership Behavior scale and significant negative correlation with the Despotic Leadership scale. The value of the seven scales lies in their ability to assist researchers to compare leadership effectiveness with the seven representative virtues and, in time after normative data are developed, to offer a leadership tool for leadership selection and development.
The purpose of this study was to measure the relationship between followers' perceptions of the s... more The purpose of this study was to measure the relationship between followers' perceptions of the servant leadership of their immediate supervisor and followers' sense of empowerment in the context of small businesses. A quantitative survey was completed by 116 employees of small businesses, including measures of supervisors' servant leadership behaviors and followers' selfperceived empowerment. Followers' perceptions of being empowered were found to correlate positively with their ratings of the servant leadership behaviors of immediate supervisors. The findings support the researchers' assertions that followers' perceptions of being empowered will increase as supervisors' servant leadership behaviors increase. The power of servant leadership lies in the leader's ability to unleash the potential and thus the power in those around them. Greenleaf (1977) ascribed greatness to the leader's attention to followers, "When it is genuine, the interest in and affection for one's followers that a leader has is a mark of true greatness" (p. 34). In the foreword to the Anniversary edition of Greenleaf's Servant Leadership, Covey (2002) related empowerment to servant leadership. He acclaimed the importance of empowerment to the sustainable success of organizations in the 21st century. Organizations structured to support and encourage the empowerment of their employees will thrive as market leaders (Covey, 2002). While other leadership styles have been found to empower followers, it is agreed across current literature, that the focus on developing and empowering the follower as their primary concern is specific to servant leaders (Greenleaf,
Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development
This chapter investigates claims by Johnson (2001) and Bowie (2000) that servant leaders tend not... more This chapter investigates claims by Johnson (2001) and Bowie (2000) that servant leaders tend not to assert authority. Twenty servant leaders were asked five open-ended questions about their use of discipline with outcomes of the discipline ranging from more training for subordinates to termination. Analysis of the responses resulted in 39 themes and 8 qualitative truths about servant leaders' use of discipline. Participants were included in the study if: (a) each scored above 3.5 on the Shepherd Leadership Inventory, (b) were leading or have led a team of at least three followers, and (c) held such a position for at least three years. This study provides a qualitative base for future research into servant leaders' use of discipline.
This study conducts an exploratory factor analysis on Wickman's (2004) Pastors at Risk Inventory ... more This study conducts an exploratory factor analysis on Wickman's (2004) Pastors at Risk Inventory that measures the likelihood of whether clergy may face forced or unforced resignation. An online survey was administered to 285 evangelical pastors containing 42 Likerttype items developed from 20 years of qualitative practitioner ministry among clergy. The two factors identified-vision conflict and compassion fatigue-are discussed in relation to the extant literature and in their unique function with clergy. Results indicate that varying levels of disparity typically exist between expected ministry outcomes and actual ministry experiences, and that vision conflict and compassion fatigue are more likely among clergy who lack a support team and/or whose church has recently plateaued or declined in attendance.
This article asserts that the New Testament concept of Nomos is a three-tiered concept of ruling ... more This article asserts that the New Testament concept of Nomos is a three-tiered concept of ruling by edict, ruling by reason, and ruling by love. The study analyzes samples of scripture referencing each of the three levels of meaning to help the reader understand the construct. Rule by ...
This article suggests that servant leadership, as a model, is more global than Western in nature.... more This article suggests that servant leadership, as a model, is more global than Western in nature. Support for this premise comes from the use of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program's (GLOBE) humane orientation construct and how this occurs in the cultural concepts from African (Ubuntu, Harambee); East Asian (Taoist, Confucianism); Mediterranean (Jewish); and Indian (Hindu) value systems. By illustrating that servant leadership is appropriate in various global cultures, this article recommends that not only is servant leadership a global leadership style but that servant leadership should be included in leadership development programs in Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean as a means of producing humane leaders.
This study used a tautological approach to develop a seven-scale instrument that measures the Rom... more This study used a tautological approach to develop a seven-scale instrument that measures the Romans 12 motivational gifts and after collecting data from 4177 participants compared the scores on the seven scales between males and females revealing that females scored significantly higher on the (a) Giving, (b) Serving, and (c) Mercy scales while males scored significantly higher on the (a) Ruling, (b) Teaching, (c) and Perceiving scales. The study conducted a cluster analysis on the 4,177 participant scores of the seven scales and built 50 profiles with all seven ANOVA tests (one per gift) showing significance at the .000 level. The study proposes that the Romans 12 gift profiles might be useful in person-job fit analysis and suggests that future research be conducted to test the validity of this proposition. This study includes definitions of each of the seven Romans 12 gifts and includes a literature review of the gifts. Despite the increased interest in spiritual gift inventories in the 1990s, there still remains a need for a valid and reliable instrument as defined by the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Psychological Association, 1999). A literature review revealed no existing instruments that have undergone validity and reliability testing, and compilation of norms. The popular press, however, has many books on motivational gifts from different dimensions including church growth, awareness, discovery, use, self-assessment, and personal growth (
Welcome to the new Emerging Leadership Journeys (ELJ). We believe that students in their first fo... more Welcome to the new Emerging Leadership Journeys (ELJ). We believe that students in their first four terms of study have something of value to offer the leadership academy and have produced the ELJ as a logical outcome of this belief. Dr. Bocarnea has demonstrated support and consideration for students beginning their doctoral studies, and I am pleased that he is heading up this new journal.
Leadership is a collection of activities by which we accomplish tasks, objectives and goals to fu... more Leadership is a collection of activities by which we accomplish tasks, objectives and goals to fulfill the mission of our organizations. Leaders must affect others to accomplish anything. Who we are, as leaders and how we behave have greater impact on the people we lead rather than what we say. In the following paragraphs, I will share with you how the Bible gives attitudinal and behavioral parameters for those important 50+ hours a week during which, you are in contact with your employees.
All working papers, accessible through the Regent University School of Leadership Studies, are pr... more All working papers, accessible through the Regent University School of Leadership Studies, are provided in draft form to promote open discussion and provide valuable contributions to the larger body of leadership research prior to actual publication. All working papers are protected under copyright and may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder (author). Copies of a working paper may be requested directly from the author.
The International Journal of Leadership Studies (IJLS) is a refereed scholarly journal that exist... more The International Journal of Leadership Studies (IJLS) is a refereed scholarly journal that exists to provide a forum for leadership scholars within the U.S. and around the world. To stimulate scholarly debate and a free flow of ideas, the IJLS is published in electronic format and provides access to all issues free of charge.
The study of labor history allows the understanding of today's labor movement and assists in pred... more The study of labor history allows the understanding of today's labor movement and assists in predicting the labor movement of the future. The ideologies that influence the thinking of men and women at any point in history have the ability to impact the future by influencing the present. This study looks at the labor movement in the Gilded Age through the view of two seemingly opposing ideologies. Kazin (1991), in his response to Kimeldorf's (1991) implication that studies of labor history should move away from examining the role of unions, emphasizes the importance of the union as the means by which millions of workers made sense of their lives and reaffirms the importance of the study of the union and the worker. Kazin wrote:
Biblical Principles of Being an Employee in Contemporary Organizations, 2019
said about the aim of the laborer: "The aim of the laborer should not be to get his living, to ge... more said about the aim of the laborer: "The aim of the laborer should not be to get his living, to get 'a good job,' but to perform well a certain work. Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it" (Henry David Thoreau, 1863, the essay "Life Without Principles," Dover Thrift). This chapter focuses on the two commands: (a) Col 3:23-24 (NAS)-"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve" and (b) Eph 6:7-"With goodwill render service, as to the Lord, and not to men." Col 3:23 uses the Greek poieo (Strong's word 4160) for 'do' that translates as 'make' or 'do' implying both production and service. Liddell and Scott's Online Lexicon defines poieo as make, produce, create, or procure (http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu/lsj/#eid=8 6774&context=lsj&action=from-search). In Eph 6:7, service is the Greek douleuo (Strong's word 1398) that means to serve, to obey, or to submit. Liddell and Scott's Online Lexicon defines douleuo as 'slave' (http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu/lsj/#eid=29051&context=lsj&action=from-search). Carter (2012) posits that Ephesians 6:5 "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ" tells us to obey our managers as we obey God:
Biblical Principles of Hiring and Developing Employees, 2018
How does one start a conceptual chapter but to say, "I think I understand something from scriptur... more How does one start a conceptual chapter but to say, "I think I understand something from scripture that I didn't understand before?" As an evangelical Christian, I believe in the inerrancy of scripture, and that scripture is God-given and recorded by inspired writers. Although the writers were inspired and heard from God, it is not always true that we, as readers of the Word, are inspired enough to "know' what God intended. This difficulty in interpretation is confounded by the realization that much of our English-translation Bibles represent a progression of the spoken Aramaic, referring to Hebrew concepts, recorded in the Greek, and then translated to English-by inspired translators (we hope). The difficulty in interpreting and applying scripture includes our biases and common ignorance of the sociocultural context of the first century church, and the implications our bias and ignorance bring to the contemporary application of the scriptures and the difficulty of translating a complex language, such as Greek to the more simplistic English. This is not to say that English is not a respectable language, but by this, it is suggested that the Greek terms have a richer, fuller, and more complex meaning than the English words and phrases we find in our English-translation Bibles. The difficulties in understanding and applying scripture to modern organizations may cause leaders and researchers of organizational theory to miss concepts that might lead us to higher performing organizations. This effect may have been the case with Nomos-the focus of this chapter. This chapter was presented at the Second International Conference on Value-based Leadership Styles, CHAPTER 4
The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment, 2018
This chapter considers the potential that positive leadership offers for addressing the challenge... more This chapter considers the potential that positive leadership offers for addressing the challenges of leading in complex organizations and explores the practical applications of developing leaders through identity-focused approaches. The role of self-awareness and spiritual engagement are discussed as powerful, identityshaping, and resilience-strengthening forces. The importance of authenticity, the relationship of identity to authenticity, self-awareness, leadership development disappointments, and spiritual engagement as a development force are examined in a quest for more effective approaches to shaping the leader's inner self.
Biblical Principles of Leading and Managing Employees, 2018
Scriptural concepts help leaders understand who to be (the ontological) and what to do (the axiol... more Scriptural concepts help leaders understand who to be (the ontological) and what to do (the axiological). I believe that all of us are leaders in one area or another, whether that is in the home, in the workplace, in the neighborhood, in the church, or in the government, and as such this article is helpful for everyone to understand the complexity of leadership. Ezekiel in Ezekiel 1 and 10, as well as John in Revelation 4, describe the four faces of the 'living beings' that they saw. While there are some differences between these three accounts, there are sufficient similarities to allow us to consider them as a complete description. By 'sufficient' I mean that in Ezekiel 10, Ezekiel records that the living beings that he sees are "… the living beings that I saw by the river Chebar" (Ez 10:15 NAS). We find in Ezekiel 1:1 that Ezekiel was by the river Chebar when he described the four 'living beings.' John, in Revelation 4, describes 'four creatures' and the Greek that we translate 'creature' (zoon) means 6 The Four 'Leadership' Faces of Ezekiel 1, Ezekiel 10, and Revelation 4 Paralleled by the Four Gospels
This conceptual article proposes that each of the seven beatitudes found in Matthew 5 is a virtue... more This conceptual article proposes that each of the seven beatitudes found in Matthew 5 is a virtue located between two vices as a mean, which aligns with Aristotle‘s definition of a virtue. The authors provide the anchors for what might become a semantic-differential scale for the seven beatitudes. Poor in spirit is placed between the vices of lowly and haughty; concern for others is placed between disregarding and controlling; controlled discipline is placed between Laissezfaire and overbearing; seeking what is right is placed between complacent and wayward; merciful is placed between lenient and ruthless; pure in heart is placed between ambiguous and unyielding; and peacemaker is placed between pacifist and warmonger.
This book series is designed to integrate Christian faith-based perspectives into the field of le... more This book series is designed to integrate Christian faith-based perspectives into the field of leadership and business, widening its influence by taking a deeper look at its foundational roots. It is led by a team of experts from Regent University, recognized by the Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities as the leader in servant leadership research and the first Christian University to integrate innovation, design thinking, and entrepreneurship courses in its Masters and Doctoral programs. Stemming from Regent's hallmark values of innovation and Christian faith-based perspectives, the series aims to put forth top-notch scholarship from current faculty, students, and alumni of Regent's School of Business & Leadership, allowing for both scholarly and practical aspects to be addressed while providing robust content and relevant material to readers. Each volume in the series will contribute to filling the void of a scholarly Christian-faith perspective on key aspects of organizational leadership and business such as Business and Innovation, Biblical Perspectives in Business and Leadership, and Servant Leadership. The series takes a unique approach to such broad-based and well-trodden disciplines as leadership, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, positioning itself as a much-needed resource for students, academics, and leaders rooted in Christian-faith traditions.
This study presents the development of seven five-item scales to measure leadership traits in the... more This study presents the development of seven five-item scales to measure leadership traits in the seven Beatitudes found in Matthew 5: 3-10. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for these scales are .86, .95, .89, .92, .93, .93, and .92. Convergence validity was demonstrated by significant positive correlations for all seven scales with the Essential Servant Leadership Behavior scale and significant negative correlation with the Despotic Leadership scale. The value of the seven scales lies in their ability to assist researchers to compare leadership effectiveness with the seven representative virtues and, in time after normative data are developed, to offer a leadership tool for leadership selection and development.
The purpose of this study was to measure the relationship between followers' perceptions of the s... more The purpose of this study was to measure the relationship between followers' perceptions of the servant leadership of their immediate supervisor and followers' sense of empowerment in the context of small businesses. A quantitative survey was completed by 116 employees of small businesses, including measures of supervisors' servant leadership behaviors and followers' selfperceived empowerment. Followers' perceptions of being empowered were found to correlate positively with their ratings of the servant leadership behaviors of immediate supervisors. The findings support the researchers' assertions that followers' perceptions of being empowered will increase as supervisors' servant leadership behaviors increase. The power of servant leadership lies in the leader's ability to unleash the potential and thus the power in those around them. Greenleaf (1977) ascribed greatness to the leader's attention to followers, "When it is genuine, the interest in and affection for one's followers that a leader has is a mark of true greatness" (p. 34). In the foreword to the Anniversary edition of Greenleaf's Servant Leadership, Covey (2002) related empowerment to servant leadership. He acclaimed the importance of empowerment to the sustainable success of organizations in the 21st century. Organizations structured to support and encourage the empowerment of their employees will thrive as market leaders (Covey, 2002). While other leadership styles have been found to empower followers, it is agreed across current literature, that the focus on developing and empowering the follower as their primary concern is specific to servant leaders (Greenleaf,
Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development
This chapter investigates claims by Johnson (2001) and Bowie (2000) that servant leaders tend not... more This chapter investigates claims by Johnson (2001) and Bowie (2000) that servant leaders tend not to assert authority. Twenty servant leaders were asked five open-ended questions about their use of discipline with outcomes of the discipline ranging from more training for subordinates to termination. Analysis of the responses resulted in 39 themes and 8 qualitative truths about servant leaders' use of discipline. Participants were included in the study if: (a) each scored above 3.5 on the Shepherd Leadership Inventory, (b) were leading or have led a team of at least three followers, and (c) held such a position for at least three years. This study provides a qualitative base for future research into servant leaders' use of discipline.
This study conducts an exploratory factor analysis on Wickman's (2004) Pastors at Risk Inventory ... more This study conducts an exploratory factor analysis on Wickman's (2004) Pastors at Risk Inventory that measures the likelihood of whether clergy may face forced or unforced resignation. An online survey was administered to 285 evangelical pastors containing 42 Likerttype items developed from 20 years of qualitative practitioner ministry among clergy. The two factors identified-vision conflict and compassion fatigue-are discussed in relation to the extant literature and in their unique function with clergy. Results indicate that varying levels of disparity typically exist between expected ministry outcomes and actual ministry experiences, and that vision conflict and compassion fatigue are more likely among clergy who lack a support team and/or whose church has recently plateaued or declined in attendance.
This article asserts that the New Testament concept of Nomos is a three-tiered concept of ruling ... more This article asserts that the New Testament concept of Nomos is a three-tiered concept of ruling by edict, ruling by reason, and ruling by love. The study analyzes samples of scripture referencing each of the three levels of meaning to help the reader understand the construct. Rule by ...
This article suggests that servant leadership, as a model, is more global than Western in nature.... more This article suggests that servant leadership, as a model, is more global than Western in nature. Support for this premise comes from the use of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program's (GLOBE) humane orientation construct and how this occurs in the cultural concepts from African (Ubuntu, Harambee); East Asian (Taoist, Confucianism); Mediterranean (Jewish); and Indian (Hindu) value systems. By illustrating that servant leadership is appropriate in various global cultures, this article recommends that not only is servant leadership a global leadership style but that servant leadership should be included in leadership development programs in Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean as a means of producing humane leaders.
This study used a tautological approach to develop a seven-scale instrument that measures the Rom... more This study used a tautological approach to develop a seven-scale instrument that measures the Romans 12 motivational gifts and after collecting data from 4177 participants compared the scores on the seven scales between males and females revealing that females scored significantly higher on the (a) Giving, (b) Serving, and (c) Mercy scales while males scored significantly higher on the (a) Ruling, (b) Teaching, (c) and Perceiving scales. The study conducted a cluster analysis on the 4,177 participant scores of the seven scales and built 50 profiles with all seven ANOVA tests (one per gift) showing significance at the .000 level. The study proposes that the Romans 12 gift profiles might be useful in person-job fit analysis and suggests that future research be conducted to test the validity of this proposition. This study includes definitions of each of the seven Romans 12 gifts and includes a literature review of the gifts. Despite the increased interest in spiritual gift inventories in the 1990s, there still remains a need for a valid and reliable instrument as defined by the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Psychological Association, 1999). A literature review revealed no existing instruments that have undergone validity and reliability testing, and compilation of norms. The popular press, however, has many books on motivational gifts from different dimensions including church growth, awareness, discovery, use, self-assessment, and personal growth (
Papers by Bruce Winston