Papers by Majlinda Bregasi
Discourse studies, Feb 1, 2024

Balkan Journal of Philosophy
After the Second World War Albania was left under the Eastern Bloc. In 1967 Enver Hoxha, the lead... more After the Second World War Albania was left under the Eastern Bloc. In 1967 Enver Hoxha, the leader of Albania from 1944 until his death in 1985, decided to implement the Chinese Cultural Revolutionary model. This article analyzes his speech, on February 6, 1967, before his comrades, who were supposed to be his eyes, ears, and mouth. It was in this way that his face, his thoughts and his words became ubiquitous throughout the country. In a highly authoritarian society political discourse has a direct and pervasive impact on peoples’ lives and all aspects of the society. This article is organized by analytical themes based on aspects of discourse analysis, but we have also applied the cognitive approach and imagology as auxiliary theories in order to achieve a better understanding of mental representations, especially the ones used to reinforce stereotypes about rural people. Given that these mental representations are still fostered by current politicians in order to establish power...
Seminari Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, 2017
Palaver , 2021
The contribution of Angela Cirrinicione in ethnolinguistics, folklore, anthropology, language and... more The contribution of Angela Cirrinicione in ethnolinguistics, folklore, anthropology, language and Albanian literature is little known today, despite the fact that she has been a pioneer in many fields of studies. From the study of Albanian traditional games for children, to the 'Albanian idiomatic imagery' whose corpus is based on the work of Fishta, the Kanun of Leke Dukagjini, Prendushi and other authors from Shkoder, where she highlights the strong metaphorical expression of Albanian language, Cirrincione showed a strong interest in the culture of Northern part of Albania. The most important fact that should be attributed to her, as well as to other scholars who acted at the same period, would be the impact in diffusing and promoting the Albanian culture in Italy during the Enver Hoxha dictatorship.

Human Studies
This article addresses the conversational process taking place during a TV interview in which the... more This article addresses the conversational process taking place during a TV interview in which the contrast shows up between the canonical procedure overseeing the succession and nature of conversational roles and turn-takings in contemporary media contexts and the preservation of an atavistic attitude tied to a traditional culture, Albanian tradition of oda. The discourse in these chambers is a revered phenomenon in the Albanian culture. The interviewee uses the traditional code of oral communication in the oda as a strategy for saving his honour in public, while the interviewer uses another code, the language of investigative journalism. In this paper, a detailed analysis of this interview shows how the sequences built on a basic adjacency pair operate to allow the interviewee to attempt to save face in a compromising situation. We see how the oda structures override normal turn-taking rules and how the face-work process (Goffman Interaction ritual. Essays on the face-to-face behavior, Doubleday, New York, 1967 ) is reflected in expanded sequences. We consider this topic as an extension of a potential CA analysis when describing how cultural forms with different procedural rules affect general turn-taking.

Palaver, 2020
In this article, author explores the impact of ever changing social and economic environment in t... more In this article, author explores the impact of ever changing social and economic environment in the preservation of cultural and linguistic identity, with a focus on Albanian community in Italy. Comparisons between first major migration of Albanians to Italy in the XV century and most recent ones in the XX, are drawn, with a detailed study on the use and preservation of native language as main identity trait. This comparison presented a unique case study as the descendants of Arberesh (first Albanian major migration) came in close contact, in a very specific set of circumstances, with modern Albanians. Conclusions in this article are substantiated by the survey of 85 immigrant families throughout Italy. The Albanian language is considered one of the fundamental elements of Albanian identity. It was the foundation for the rise of the national awareness process during Renaissance. But the situation of Albanian language nowadays in Italy among the second-generation immigrants shows us ...
Papers by Majlinda Bregasi