Papers by Michael Bourgeois
Comptes rendus / Reviews of books: Life Ethics in World Religions and Unions
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, Jun 1, 2000
Feminist Theologies for a Postmodern Church: Diversity, Community, and Scripture
Anglican theological review, Jul 1, 2004

Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, Sep 1, 1998
Young (Queen's Theological College) aims in this concise, clearly written book &dquo;to outline a... more Young (Queen's Theological College) aims in this concise, clearly written book &dquo;to outline a feminist Christian theology for a religiously plural age&dquo; and to demonstrate the implications for interreligious dialogue and feminist liberative goals of the &dquo;recognition that christology makes claims about truth, goodness and beauty&dquo; (p. 130). Among the presuppositions Dickey Young brings to this project are a dissatisfaction with the prevailing options for describing Christianity's relation to other religions and a concern for a means of affirming Christian identity while avoiding complicity with imperialism, patriarchy and anti Judaism (p. 2-6). She employs five elements to develop her argument: resources from feminist theology; an emphasis on the particularity of religious symbols and, in the Christian context, christology; an understanding of God informed by feminism and religious pluralism; the role of the good in responses to God; and the role of the aesthetic in responses to God. A concluding chapter draws these elements together. Key resources from feminist thought on which Dickey Young draws include critiques of various religious traditions and women's shared social concerns across religious differences. The most important resource is &dquo;the feminist emphasis on particularity&dquo; and its import for consideration of religions' relation to one another.
The Theology of The United Church of Canada
Testing van Huyssteen's Post-Foundationalist Approach to Human Origins
Toronto Journal of Theology, Sep 1, 2010
... Sittler, Evoca-tions of Grace: The Writings of Joseph Sittler on Ecology, Theology, and Ethic... more ... Sittler, Evoca-tions of Grace: The Writings of Joseph Sittler on Ecology, Theology, and Ethics, ed. Steven Bouma-Prediger and Peter Bakken, foreword Martin ... 18 David Kelsey, Eccentric Existence: A Theological Anthropology (Louisville, ky: Westminster John Knox, 2009), 1:190 ...
Historical Papers, Aug 6, 2000
Prophet of Reconciliation: Richard Roberts (1874-1945)
... met in London, and with whom he would raise three daughters, Dorothy, Margaret, and Gwen. ...... more ... met in London, and with whom he would raise three daughters, Dorothy, Margaret, and Gwen. ... At the General Council of 1932, during the Great Depression, Roberts called for the ... and during the subsequent two years helped the Commission's chair, Sir Robert Falconer, draft ...

ONE TASK IN the ongoing struggle for human liberation is the critical historical analysis of vari... more ONE TASK IN the ongoing struggle for human liberation is the critical historical analysis of various moments in that struggle for the purposes of understanding the origin and development of present social relations, identifying resources and strategies for current struggles, and, perhaps, avoiding some of the pitfalls of previous efforts. This task can be neither simply the glorification nor solely the debunking of the efforts of those who came to the struggle before us. Rather, it must be a clear-eyed rendering of the strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures of the women and men who sought, within the limits of the material, intellectual, and moral resources available to them, to establish a more just social order. Since part of the struggle for human liberation is the establishment of just relations among women and men, this task of critical historical analysis must include investigation of the ways in which such relations have been ordered, the alternative orders that hav...
The Theology of The United Church of Canada

Toronto Journal of Theology, 2003
While World War I catalyzed the crisis of theological liberalism early in the twentieth century, ... more While World War I catalyzed the crisis of theological liberalism early in the twentieth century, the crisis had begun well before the summer of 1914. Both contemporary commentators and later historians have pointed to various factors precipitating this crisis, including the rise of secularization, the reassessment of earlier understandings of the relationships among theological, historical and scientific knowledge, and the consequent breakdown of certainty in religious truth, all of which were already apparent by the turn of the century. Nevertheless, World War I sharpened the crisis of theological liberalism, largely because of the shock to previously held convictions about the inevitability of progress and the perfectibility of humanity. In the years during and after the war, many pastors and theologians spoke of the "disintegration" or even the "death" of liberalism. Some looked to the emerging "neo-orthodox" theologies of Barth and Brunner in Europe and the Niebuhrs in North America for theological resources adequate to the crises of the time. Others worked to articulate a theology that retained what they regarded as liberalism's enduring strengths, both discarding the weaknesses of liberalism and rejecting what they regarded as the shortcomings of neo-orthodoxy. 1 As John Bennett wrote in 1933, "Whatever the new theology may be which is to take the place of liberalism, of one thing I am sure: it will not be any of the other systems of theology which now have names." 2 One way in which some worked out their theological reassessments in these decades was through debates about the place of violence and non-violence in Christian life and the implications for theologies of hope, history and redemption. These debates intensified as Europe moved towards war again in the late 1930s. In its winter through summer issues of 1940, the American quarterly
The use of social theory in contemporary Canadian critical theologies is part of a long and broad... more The use of social theory in contemporary Canadian critical theologies is part of a long and broad tradition in Christianity of conversation with various ideas and forms of knowledge in the surrounding culture. For example, the Gospel of John (1: 11 8), the Acts of the Apostles (17:16-34), and the epistles of Paul (Romans 1:18-2:16) suggest early efforts to preach the good news of Jesus Christ in terms understandable in the dominant culture of the Mediterranean world. Within a few decades, many early Chris tian theologians were regularly employing ideas from current philosophical and religious systems, including Platonism, Neoplatonism, and Stoicism.
Prophet of Reconciliation: Richard Roberts (1874-1945)
... met in London, and with whom he would raise three daughters, Dorothy, Margaret, and Gwen. ...... more ... met in London, and with whom he would raise three daughters, Dorothy, Margaret, and Gwen. ... At the General Council of 1932, during the Great Depression, Roberts called for the ... and during the subsequent two years helped the Commission's chair, Sir Robert Falconer, draft ...

Comptes rendus / Reviews of books: Christ in a Post-Christian World: How Can We Believe in Jesus Christ When Those Around Us Believe Differently—Or Not at All? Pamela Dickey Young Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995. xi + 162 p
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 1998
Pamela Dickey Young (Queen’s Theological College) aims in this concise, clearly written book &... more Pamela Dickey Young (Queen’s Theological College) aims in this concise, clearly written book &dquo;to outline a feminist Christian theology for a religiously plural age&dquo; and to demonstrate the implications for interreligious dialogue and feminist liberative goals of the &dquo;recognition that christology makes claims about truth, goodness and beauty&dquo; (p. 130). Among the presuppositions Dickey Young brings to this project are a dissatisfaction with the prevailing options for describing Christianity’s relation to other religions and a concern for a means of affirming Christian identity while avoiding complicity with imperialism, patriarchy and anti Judaism (p. 2-6). She employs five elements to develop her argument: resources from feminist theology; an emphasis on the particularity of religious symbols and, in the Christian context, christology;
Testing van Huyssteen's Post-Foundationalist Approach to Human Origins
Toronto Journal of Theology, 2010
... Sittler, Evoca-tions of Grace: The Writings of Joseph Sittler on Ecology, Theology, and Ethic... more ... Sittler, Evoca-tions of Grace: The Writings of Joseph Sittler on Ecology, Theology, and Ethics, ed. Steven Bouma-Prediger and Peter Bakken, foreword Martin ... 18 David Kelsey, Eccentric Existence: A Theological Anthropology (Louisville, ky: Westminster John Knox, 2009), 1:190 ...
Comptes rendus / Reviews of books: Life Ethics in World Religions and Unions: Dawne C. McCance, editor University of Manitoba Studies in Religion, 3 Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998. vii + 178 p
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 2000
The Catholic Historical Review, 2007
Papers by Michael Bourgeois