Reported are our findings from a case-control study of the association between prolonged breast-f... more Reported are our findings from a case-control study of the association between prolonged breast-feeding and clinical malnutrition in an urban setting in West Africa. The cases were children aged 12-36 months who had been hospitalized with a diagnosis of clinical malnutrition. Children of a similar age who lived in neighbouring courtyards were recruited as controls. For 152 case-control pairs in which both children were receiving solid foods, non-breast-feeding was associated with an increased risk of clinical malnutrition (crude odds ratio = 2.37; 95% confidence interval = 1.24, 4.55). This association remained statistically significant after controlling for various potentially confounding variables (P = 0.03). Our findings suggest that either prolonged breast-feeding may offer substantial protection against clinical malnutrition in the study population or malnutrition leads mothers to stop breast-feeding. These results are inconsistent with those of a number of workers who have rep...
ABSTRACT Introduction The neonatal health remains a major concern in our countries in the conditi... more ABSTRACT Introduction The neonatal health remains a major concern in our countries in the conditions of very difficult welcome of the newborn child. This work aims at analyzing the risk factors of death of the newborn children of low born weight in urban sanitary structures in the South of Sahara. Patients and methods It is about a retrospective study of descriptive type from January 1st, 2006 till December 31st, 2010, concerning gestational histories and newborn children's clinical epidemiological parameters of low (weak) born weight (< 2500 g), from 0 to 28 days, hospitalized in three units of neonatology of the city of Ouagadougou. Results The rate of prematurity was 60.8%. The newborn children of low born weight constituted 64.8% of the hospitalizations with a sex ratio of 1.1. Thirty-three percent of the mothers were of less than 20 years old and 77.6% of parturient were housewives. The arterial high blood pressure was found in 4.8. The weight was understood between 1500 and 2000 g for 33.2%. Among the newborn children 25.7% were resuscitated. The mortality was 30.6% and 50.8% of the deaths arose within first 48 hours of hospitalization. The score of APGAR was inferior to 7 in 1 minute, the childbirth by low way, the low born weight, the monofoetal pregnancy, the duration of hospitalization inferior or equal in 7 days, the sanitary structure of Saint-Camille were the risk factors significantly associated to the mortality. Conclusion The premature neonatal mortality during low born weight lives a concern in the Burkina Faso. It is thus imperative to begin actions more supported in the direction of a better prevention and an adequate care of the newborn children (adoption of the method kangaroo, strengthen the means of resuscitation of the newborn child).
Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (1990), 2000
Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. It is primarily a disease of domes... more Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. It is primarily a disease of domestic animals. Human beings can be infected by contact with infected animals, soiled objects, thorns or insect stings. In its cutaneous form, it may produce lesions of the eyelids. The authors report three suspected cases of palpebral anthrax in children. The clinical diagnosis was evident. Scraping from the necrotic tissue showed thick Gram positive rods in two children. This aspect evokes Bacillus. All the patients responded to the Penicillin G. No complications were noted. Prevention of anthrax in Africa poses the difficult problem of health education for the local population and immunization programs for animals which can be infected by Bacillus anthracis.
From January 1986 through June 1987, 714 children with measles were admitted to the Pediatric Dep... more From January 1986 through June 1987, 714 children with measles were admitted to the Pediatric Department of the Sanou Souro Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina-Faso. Eighty-four per cent of cases occurred during the first semester of 1987. Sixty per cent of patients were 9 to 35 months of age. The case-fatality rate was 29.1% (31.5% during the first semester of 1987, 12% in 1986). Fifty-five per cent of deaths occurred within 24 hours of admission. The most common clinical features upon admission included dehydration (91% of patients), diarrhea (64%), conjunctivitis (56%), fever in excess of 39.5 degrees C (50%), respiratory infection (46%), and cardiovascular collapse (34.5%). Factors associated with a fatal outcome included dehydration and cardiovascular collapse, poor nutritional status, and occurrence of the disease during the dry season (March, April, May). In most cases, immunization status of affected children was unknown. The high mortality rate can be ascribed to the signif...
Rappel des bases physiologiques de la rehydratation et situation de l'importance de la TRO da... more Rappel des bases physiologiques de la rehydratation et situation de l'importance de la TRO dans le programme
L'etude porte sur deux cas d'enfants en bas âge, nes en milieu rural. Le premier âge d... more L'etude porte sur deux cas d'enfants en bas âge, nes en milieu rural. Le premier âge d'un mois et demi, presente une forme cutanee et decede malgre un traitement bien conduit, par un choc anaphylactique. Le second âge de 3 mois associe des lesions de periostite ossifiante, d'osteochondrite et d'osteomyelite qui regressent grâce a un traitement specifique par penicilline G (50000 UI/kg en 2 injections I-H) et prednisone (1 mg/kg/j)
L’objectif de cette etude est de decrire les aspects epidemiologiques, diagnostiques, therapeutiq... more L’objectif de cette etude est de decrire les aspects epidemiologiques, diagnostiques, therapeutiques des infections osteo-articulaires chez l’enfant au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Souro Sanou (CHUSS) de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). Il s’agissait d’une etude retrospective sur une periode de 5 ans (du 1er janvier 2005 au 31 decembre 2009). Ont ete inclus tous les enfants âges de moins de 15 ans hospitalises durant la periode d’etude pour une infection osseuse et ou articulaire et dont le dossier medical comportait une radiographie. Nous avons exclu tous les enfants chez qui les radiographies etaient normales et le bilan biologique peu contributif Nous avons recense 120 cas d’IOA dont 70 cas d’osteomyelites (58,3 %), 17 cas d’arthrites (14,2 %) ; 14 cas d’osteo-arthrite (11,6 %), 10 cas d’osteite (8,3 %) ; 5 cas de spondylodiscite (4,2 %) et 4 cas d’infection multiforme. L’origine de l’infection etait tuberculeuse dans 7 cas (5,83 %). Il y avait 71 garcons et 49 filles soit un s...
Background: There is no data on long-term benefit of once-a-day antiretroviral therapy (ART) with... more Background: There is no data on long-term benefit of once-a-day antiretroviral therapy (ART) with combination of DDI, 3TC and EFV to allow its use in future therapeutic strategies. Objectives: To assess 24-month immuno-virological, adherence, tolerance, and effectiveness of a once-a-day ART with DDI, 3TC and EFV. Methods: A phase 2 open trial including 51 children aged from 30 months to 15 years, monitored a once-a-day regimen for 24 months from 2006 to 2008 in the Departement de Pediatrie du CHUSS, at Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. We tested immunological and virological response, adherence, tolerance and resistance of the treatment. Results: Children with CD4 >25% at 24 months were 67.4% (33/49) CI 95% [54%, 80%].The proportion of children with viral plasma RNA <300 cp / ml at 24 months of treatment was 81.6 % (40/49) CI [68.0% 91.2%]. Good adherence was obtained with more than 88% adherence > 95% over the 24 months. Drugs were well tolerated. Conclusions: Given the limited number of antiretroviral drugs available in Africa and the inadequacy of laboratory monitoring in support program, once-a-day treatment and especially the DDI-based combination strategies could be an attractive operational option.
○ En Afrique noire, les donnees concernant l'infection par Cryptosporidium parvum restent tre... more ○ En Afrique noire, les donnees concernant l'infection par Cryptosporidium parvum restent tres parcellaires. Une etude menee sur 12 mois dans le Service de Pediatrie de l'Hopital de Bobo Dioulasso au Burkina Faso a permis d'etudier 1 392 echantillons de selles provenant d'enfants âges au plus de 36 mois, diarrheiques (n = 756) ou non (n = 629). Une serologie du VIH a pu etre realisee chez 558 enfants. La recherche des oocystes de Cryptosporidium parvum a ete effectuee par la technique de la fuchsine pheniquee. Sur les 1 392 echantillons de selles examines, 72 soit 5,2 % presentaient des oocystes. Sur les 756 echantillons de selles diarrheiques, 59 soit 7,8 % etaient positifs. Aucun cas n'a ete detecte avant l'age de 6 mois et l'infection etait surtout frequente entre 6 et 23 mois. Au cours de l'annee, la presence d'oocystes dans les selles etait significativement plus importante d'avril a juin, correspondant au debut de la saison pluvieuse au ...
Epidemiologicaland clinical profile of cerebral palsyat the university hospital of Bobodioulasso ... more Epidemiologicaland clinical profile of cerebral palsyat the university hospital of Bobodioulasso (Burkina Faso
En Afrique au sud du Sahara, les services de sante souffrent d’une baisse constante des budgets a... more En Afrique au sud du Sahara, les services de sante souffrent d’une baisse constante des budgets alloues. Les ministres de la Sante de la region Afrique ont adopte en 1987, sous l’egide de l’OMS, une strategie de recouvrement des couts au niveau du district sanitaire, appelee « Initiative de Bamako ». Le probleme du financement des prestations au niveau des hopitaux reste a resoudre. Une experience de recouvrement des couts medicamenteux est menee dans le service de pediatrie du Centre Hospitalier National Souro Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) depuis novembre 1989, a partir d’un stock de medicaments fournis par l’UNICEF. Les fonds generes ont permis : au niveau du service et de l’hopital, de renouveler le stock, d’assurer le salaire de deux manœuvres, d’acheter des produits d’entretien, de motiver le personnel et de participer au fonctionnement general de l’etablissement ; au niveau de la collectivite, la mise a disposition immediate des medicaments indispensables et la prise ...
Selon l'OMS, l'utilisation de la contraception a nettement plus d'avantages pour la s... more Selon l'OMS, l'utilisation de la contraception a nettement plus d'avantages pour la santé que de risques. Néanmoins, l'accès à la contraception des jeunes reste un problème de santé publique. Cette étude visait à évaluer les connaissances et les pratiques contraceptives des jeunes de Bobo-Dioulasso, et à identifier les obstacles d'utilisation. Il s'agit d'une étude quantitative et transversale. Les données d'enquête ont été recueillies en décembre 2014 à Bobo-Dioulasso, auprès de 573 jeunes de 15 à 24 ans. Ces enquêtés ont été sélectionnés par un sondage en grappes à deux degrés. Pour tous les tests statistiques, le seuil de signification était fixé à p<0,05. La quasi-totalité (99,3%) des jeunes connaissaient au moins une méthode contraceptive moderne. Bien que près de 84,0% d'entre eux soient en situation de cohabitation, les parents étaient les sources d'information les moins citées. Seulement 28,6% des enquêtés sexuellement actifs (ou le...
Malaria is responsible for 30 % of admissions to the pediatric ward of Bobo-Dioulasso Hospital (B... more Malaria is responsible for 30 % of admissions to the pediatric ward of Bobo-Dioulasso Hospital (Burkina Faso). The figure fluctuates between 11 % during the dry season and 43 % during the wet season, the time of peak transmission (> 100 potentially contaminating bites/person/year) in neighboring rural areas. The mortality rate among children with malaria is 7 %, and the disease accounts for 15 % of all childhood deaths in the hospital. Primary Health Care seems to have little impact on malaria, which remains one of the worst diseases in West Africa.
Objective Evaluate the performance of QuantiFERON ® -TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT), to improve t... more Objective Evaluate the performance of QuantiFERON ® -TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT), to improve the diagnosis of active tuberculosis (TB) in Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV)-infected children. Method Sensitivity, specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of QFT-GIT were assessed in 58/63 HIV-infected children who were suspected of having TB. Results Sensitivity of QFT-GIT was 20.69%, specificity 96.55%, PPV/NPV respectively 85.71% and 54.90%. Conclusion QFT-GIT appears to be of little contribution to the diagnosis of active TB in children living with HIV in a TB-endemic country.
Reported are our findings from a case-control study of the association between prolonged breast-f... more Reported are our findings from a case-control study of the association between prolonged breast-feeding and clinical malnutrition in an urban setting in West Africa. The cases were children aged 12-36 months who had been hospitalized with a diagnosis of clinical malnutrition. Children of a similar age who lived in neighbouring courtyards were recruited as controls. For 152 case-control pairs in which both children were receiving solid foods, non-breast-feeding was associated with an increased risk of clinical malnutrition (crude odds ratio = 2.37; 95% confidence interval = 1.24, 4.55). This association remained statistically significant after controlling for various potentially confounding variables (P = 0.03). Our findings suggest that either prolonged breast-feeding may offer substantial protection against clinical malnutrition in the study population or malnutrition leads mothers to stop breast-feeding. These results are inconsistent with those of a number of workers who have rep...
ABSTRACT Introduction The neonatal health remains a major concern in our countries in the conditi... more ABSTRACT Introduction The neonatal health remains a major concern in our countries in the conditions of very difficult welcome of the newborn child. This work aims at analyzing the risk factors of death of the newborn children of low born weight in urban sanitary structures in the South of Sahara. Patients and methods It is about a retrospective study of descriptive type from January 1st, 2006 till December 31st, 2010, concerning gestational histories and newborn children&#39;s clinical epidemiological parameters of low (weak) born weight (&lt; 2500 g), from 0 to 28 days, hospitalized in three units of neonatology of the city of Ouagadougou. Results The rate of prematurity was 60.8%. The newborn children of low born weight constituted 64.8% of the hospitalizations with a sex ratio of 1.1. Thirty-three percent of the mothers were of less than 20 years old and 77.6% of parturient were housewives. The arterial high blood pressure was found in 4.8. The weight was understood between 1500 and 2000 g for 33.2%. Among the newborn children 25.7% were resuscitated. The mortality was 30.6% and 50.8% of the deaths arose within first 48 hours of hospitalization. The score of APGAR was inferior to 7 in 1 minute, the childbirth by low way, the low born weight, the monofoetal pregnancy, the duration of hospitalization inferior or equal in 7 days, the sanitary structure of Saint-Camille were the risk factors significantly associated to the mortality. Conclusion The premature neonatal mortality during low born weight lives a concern in the Burkina Faso. It is thus imperative to begin actions more supported in the direction of a better prevention and an adequate care of the newborn children (adoption of the method kangaroo, strengthen the means of resuscitation of the newborn child).
Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (1990), 2000
Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. It is primarily a disease of domes... more Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. It is primarily a disease of domestic animals. Human beings can be infected by contact with infected animals, soiled objects, thorns or insect stings. In its cutaneous form, it may produce lesions of the eyelids. The authors report three suspected cases of palpebral anthrax in children. The clinical diagnosis was evident. Scraping from the necrotic tissue showed thick Gram positive rods in two children. This aspect evokes Bacillus. All the patients responded to the Penicillin G. No complications were noted. Prevention of anthrax in Africa poses the difficult problem of health education for the local population and immunization programs for animals which can be infected by Bacillus anthracis.
From January 1986 through June 1987, 714 children with measles were admitted to the Pediatric Dep... more From January 1986 through June 1987, 714 children with measles were admitted to the Pediatric Department of the Sanou Souro Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina-Faso. Eighty-four per cent of cases occurred during the first semester of 1987. Sixty per cent of patients were 9 to 35 months of age. The case-fatality rate was 29.1% (31.5% during the first semester of 1987, 12% in 1986). Fifty-five per cent of deaths occurred within 24 hours of admission. The most common clinical features upon admission included dehydration (91% of patients), diarrhea (64%), conjunctivitis (56%), fever in excess of 39.5 degrees C (50%), respiratory infection (46%), and cardiovascular collapse (34.5%). Factors associated with a fatal outcome included dehydration and cardiovascular collapse, poor nutritional status, and occurrence of the disease during the dry season (March, April, May). In most cases, immunization status of affected children was unknown. The high mortality rate can be ascribed to the signif...
Rappel des bases physiologiques de la rehydratation et situation de l'importance de la TRO da... more Rappel des bases physiologiques de la rehydratation et situation de l'importance de la TRO dans le programme
L'etude porte sur deux cas d'enfants en bas âge, nes en milieu rural. Le premier âge d... more L'etude porte sur deux cas d'enfants en bas âge, nes en milieu rural. Le premier âge d'un mois et demi, presente une forme cutanee et decede malgre un traitement bien conduit, par un choc anaphylactique. Le second âge de 3 mois associe des lesions de periostite ossifiante, d'osteochondrite et d'osteomyelite qui regressent grâce a un traitement specifique par penicilline G (50000 UI/kg en 2 injections I-H) et prednisone (1 mg/kg/j)
L’objectif de cette etude est de decrire les aspects epidemiologiques, diagnostiques, therapeutiq... more L’objectif de cette etude est de decrire les aspects epidemiologiques, diagnostiques, therapeutiques des infections osteo-articulaires chez l’enfant au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Souro Sanou (CHUSS) de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). Il s’agissait d’une etude retrospective sur une periode de 5 ans (du 1er janvier 2005 au 31 decembre 2009). Ont ete inclus tous les enfants âges de moins de 15 ans hospitalises durant la periode d’etude pour une infection osseuse et ou articulaire et dont le dossier medical comportait une radiographie. Nous avons exclu tous les enfants chez qui les radiographies etaient normales et le bilan biologique peu contributif Nous avons recense 120 cas d’IOA dont 70 cas d’osteomyelites (58,3 %), 17 cas d’arthrites (14,2 %) ; 14 cas d’osteo-arthrite (11,6 %), 10 cas d’osteite (8,3 %) ; 5 cas de spondylodiscite (4,2 %) et 4 cas d’infection multiforme. L’origine de l’infection etait tuberculeuse dans 7 cas (5,83 %). Il y avait 71 garcons et 49 filles soit un s...
Background: There is no data on long-term benefit of once-a-day antiretroviral therapy (ART) with... more Background: There is no data on long-term benefit of once-a-day antiretroviral therapy (ART) with combination of DDI, 3TC and EFV to allow its use in future therapeutic strategies. Objectives: To assess 24-month immuno-virological, adherence, tolerance, and effectiveness of a once-a-day ART with DDI, 3TC and EFV. Methods: A phase 2 open trial including 51 children aged from 30 months to 15 years, monitored a once-a-day regimen for 24 months from 2006 to 2008 in the Departement de Pediatrie du CHUSS, at Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. We tested immunological and virological response, adherence, tolerance and resistance of the treatment. Results: Children with CD4 >25% at 24 months were 67.4% (33/49) CI 95% [54%, 80%].The proportion of children with viral plasma RNA <300 cp / ml at 24 months of treatment was 81.6 % (40/49) CI [68.0% 91.2%]. Good adherence was obtained with more than 88% adherence > 95% over the 24 months. Drugs were well tolerated. Conclusions: Given the limited number of antiretroviral drugs available in Africa and the inadequacy of laboratory monitoring in support program, once-a-day treatment and especially the DDI-based combination strategies could be an attractive operational option.
○ En Afrique noire, les donnees concernant l'infection par Cryptosporidium parvum restent tre... more ○ En Afrique noire, les donnees concernant l'infection par Cryptosporidium parvum restent tres parcellaires. Une etude menee sur 12 mois dans le Service de Pediatrie de l'Hopital de Bobo Dioulasso au Burkina Faso a permis d'etudier 1 392 echantillons de selles provenant d'enfants âges au plus de 36 mois, diarrheiques (n = 756) ou non (n = 629). Une serologie du VIH a pu etre realisee chez 558 enfants. La recherche des oocystes de Cryptosporidium parvum a ete effectuee par la technique de la fuchsine pheniquee. Sur les 1 392 echantillons de selles examines, 72 soit 5,2 % presentaient des oocystes. Sur les 756 echantillons de selles diarrheiques, 59 soit 7,8 % etaient positifs. Aucun cas n'a ete detecte avant l'age de 6 mois et l'infection etait surtout frequente entre 6 et 23 mois. Au cours de l'annee, la presence d'oocystes dans les selles etait significativement plus importante d'avril a juin, correspondant au debut de la saison pluvieuse au ...
Epidemiologicaland clinical profile of cerebral palsyat the university hospital of Bobodioulasso ... more Epidemiologicaland clinical profile of cerebral palsyat the university hospital of Bobodioulasso (Burkina Faso
En Afrique au sud du Sahara, les services de sante souffrent d’une baisse constante des budgets a... more En Afrique au sud du Sahara, les services de sante souffrent d’une baisse constante des budgets alloues. Les ministres de la Sante de la region Afrique ont adopte en 1987, sous l’egide de l’OMS, une strategie de recouvrement des couts au niveau du district sanitaire, appelee « Initiative de Bamako ». Le probleme du financement des prestations au niveau des hopitaux reste a resoudre. Une experience de recouvrement des couts medicamenteux est menee dans le service de pediatrie du Centre Hospitalier National Souro Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) depuis novembre 1989, a partir d’un stock de medicaments fournis par l’UNICEF. Les fonds generes ont permis : au niveau du service et de l’hopital, de renouveler le stock, d’assurer le salaire de deux manœuvres, d’acheter des produits d’entretien, de motiver le personnel et de participer au fonctionnement general de l’etablissement ; au niveau de la collectivite, la mise a disposition immediate des medicaments indispensables et la prise ...
Selon l'OMS, l'utilisation de la contraception a nettement plus d'avantages pour la s... more Selon l'OMS, l'utilisation de la contraception a nettement plus d'avantages pour la santé que de risques. Néanmoins, l'accès à la contraception des jeunes reste un problème de santé publique. Cette étude visait à évaluer les connaissances et les pratiques contraceptives des jeunes de Bobo-Dioulasso, et à identifier les obstacles d'utilisation. Il s'agit d'une étude quantitative et transversale. Les données d'enquête ont été recueillies en décembre 2014 à Bobo-Dioulasso, auprès de 573 jeunes de 15 à 24 ans. Ces enquêtés ont été sélectionnés par un sondage en grappes à deux degrés. Pour tous les tests statistiques, le seuil de signification était fixé à p<0,05. La quasi-totalité (99,3%) des jeunes connaissaient au moins une méthode contraceptive moderne. Bien que près de 84,0% d'entre eux soient en situation de cohabitation, les parents étaient les sources d'information les moins citées. Seulement 28,6% des enquêtés sexuellement actifs (ou le...
Malaria is responsible for 30 % of admissions to the pediatric ward of Bobo-Dioulasso Hospital (B... more Malaria is responsible for 30 % of admissions to the pediatric ward of Bobo-Dioulasso Hospital (Burkina Faso). The figure fluctuates between 11 % during the dry season and 43 % during the wet season, the time of peak transmission (> 100 potentially contaminating bites/person/year) in neighboring rural areas. The mortality rate among children with malaria is 7 %, and the disease accounts for 15 % of all childhood deaths in the hospital. Primary Health Care seems to have little impact on malaria, which remains one of the worst diseases in West Africa.
Objective Evaluate the performance of QuantiFERON ® -TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT), to improve t... more Objective Evaluate the performance of QuantiFERON ® -TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT), to improve the diagnosis of active tuberculosis (TB) in Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV)-infected children. Method Sensitivity, specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of QFT-GIT were assessed in 58/63 HIV-infected children who were suspected of having TB. Results Sensitivity of QFT-GIT was 20.69%, specificity 96.55%, PPV/NPV respectively 85.71% and 54.90%. Conclusion QFT-GIT appears to be of little contribution to the diagnosis of active TB in children living with HIV in a TB-endemic country.
Papers by Boubacar NACRO