9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 29-May 4, 2018, Jun 1, 2018
The photoinjector of the CLARA FEL test facility Front End at Daresbury Laboratory is based on a ... more The photoinjector of the CLARA FEL test facility Front End at Daresbury Laboratory is based on a S-band 10 Hz photocathode RF-gun operating with a copper photocathode which is driven by the third harmonic of a Ti:Sapphire laser (266 nm). The main aim of this study was to establish a procedure to prepare the Cu surface prior to installation so a Quantum Efficiency (QE) of 10-5 or higher can be achieved at laser power density below the ablation threshold of copper. In order to do this Cu test samples with a roughness of 10 nm were prepared using different techniques. The best results have been obtained by ex-situ chemical cleaning. This removed the surface oxide layer whilst at the same time producing a surface buffer layer. This inhibited the regrowth of native oxide for up to a week when exposed to normal ambient atmospheric conditions. With either chemical cleaning or Ar plasma cleaning after heating the sample in-situ to 150 °C for 90 minutes or 250 °C for 40 hours, almost all of the surface oxide was removed. For these surfaces a QE of 4.10-5 or better was measured. Oxygen plasma cleaning at 100% and 20% power produced CuO layer with surface carbon contaminant to 3 atomic %, however in-situ thermal cycling resulted in at best a QE of 3•10-6 .
Papers by Boris Militsyn