Papers by Boris Banjevic

Development of the astronomical science in estimating motion of stars has been of much help in so... more Development of the astronomical science in estimating motion of stars has been of much help in solving the problem of the ancient chronology. Solving the problem of the orientation of the Egyptian pyramids due to north-south determines the time of the Fourth Dynasty rule. The vertical alignment of two stars, Megrez and Phecda on the same side of the celestial Pole could have been used to determine north-south direction with considerable precision. According to the orientation of the Khufu's pyramid, one can calculate the time of his reign from 2580 to 2548 BC. For over two centuries the Egyptian chronology has been the subject of many discussions. The beginning of the Old Kingdom is one of the problems that we face in our investigation. In the last fifty years there was the tendency to determine the orientation of the pyramids accurately. Until the end of the nineteenth century we were not able to measure their orientation with high precision. The Great Pyramid was build at Giza...

The tidal friction is not the only cause to influence the earth's rotation in long term. ... more The tidal friction is not the only cause to influence the earth's rotation in long term. There is a correlation between solar activity and long term variations of the Earth's rotation. Possible cause is an interaction between solar wind and magnetosphere of the earth. This would produce the angular deceleration of earth's rotation. Long-term fluctuation in the length of the day (LOD) with semi-amplitude of ca. 4 ms and a period of ca. 1480 years may exist. One cause is probably electromagnetic core-mantle coupling. Ice-rafting event during Holocene is found with cyclity of 1470 years. There is also possible connection between solar activity identified in delta ^14C records of 1450 year periodicity and cyclity of the Earth's rotation. Global-sea level changes associated with climatic variations may produce significant effect on long timescales. The non-tidal acceleration may be connected with the rate of change in Earth's oblateness, attributed to viscous rebound of the Earth from the decrease in load in the polar caps following last deglaciation. The average of Earth's dynamic oblateness (J2 dot) for the past 4000 years is larger than the present J2 (dot) from satellite laser ranging, - 2.8x10^-11/yr. Current increase of LOD is on the average by 1.8+/-0.1 milliseconds per century (ms/ cy). According to early Chinese and Babylonian eclipses from 2000-700 BC we obtain an average of LOD 1.67+/-0.05 ms/cy (1820 AD), which is lower than current value. This is very important for evaluating ancient eclipses before 700 BC. We have used singular spectrum analysis, Catterpilar method, to find periodicities from time series of LOD. We have also founded highly correlated relationship between the periods of low solar activity and LOD at centennial time scales. Our calculation before 700 BC implies sudden change of rotation between 850-750 BC. Major increases of ^14C in the atmosphere at ca. 750 BC (Homer minimum) and ca. 1650 AD (Maunder minimum) are caused by the reduction of the solar activity. A sudden large accumulation of ice at high latitude and a consistent sea-level drop may produce increase of J2 (dot) and an acceleration of earth's rotation before 700 BC.
The formation of an absolute chronology for the ancient Near East depends upon identifying the re... more The formation of an absolute chronology for the ancient Near East depends upon identifying the recorded observations of ancient astronomers. The author investigates connection between the Venus observations and nine ancient solar and lunar eclipses. The Middle Chronology for the fall of Babylon 1595 BC is too long; the Ultra-Low chronology (1499 BC) is too short. The new chronology is proposed starting with 1547 BC.
Publ Astron Obs Belgrade No 74 , 1 - 7 , 2005
The formation of an absolute chronology for the ancient Near East depends upon identifying the re... more The formation of an absolute chronology for the ancient Near East depends upon identifying the recorded observations of ancient astronomers. Author investigates connection between the Venus observations and nine ancient solar and lunar eclipses. In our opinion,
the Middle Chronology for the fall of Babylon 1595 BC is too long; the Ultra-Low chronology (1499 BC) is too short. The new chronology is proposed starting with 1547 BC.
Keywords: ancient, eclipses, Babylon, chronology
Publ. Astr. Obs. Bel., 2002
There were recorded a number of celestial occurrences in Serbian early history. Amongst them are ... more There were recorded a number of celestial occurrences in Serbian early history. Amongst them are a few appearances of comets. One except from Bible bearing on life of king David, relating to a phenomenon that might be interpreted as a comet, is in some way similar to the quotation from the hagiography of St. Vladimir. There is possibility that Halley's comet was observed at some time. This affects the chronology of the reign of St. Vladimir by about 11 years. This author thinks that it was in the summer 989 AD.
Journal of Serbian Archaeological Society, 2001
A few decades ago, Parker (1950) and others established absolute chronology for the Twelfth Egyp... more A few decades ago, Parker (1950) and others established absolute chronology for the Twelfth Egyptian Dynasty. The 7th reigning year of Sesostris (Senwosret) III has been assigned to an absolute year based on a record of the rising of Sirius in year 7. In recent years, however, Krauss and Luft offered new solutions. Because their solutions don’t satisfied all criteria we propose another approach.
Key words: Egypt, Dynasty XII, chronology, lunar dates, lunar eclipses, heliacal rising.
Discussions in Egyptology, 2004
Development of the astronomical science in estimating motion of stars has been of much help in s... more Development of the astronomical science in estimating motion of stars has been of much help in solving the problem of the ancient chronology. Solving the problem of the orientation of the Egyptian pyramids due to north-south determines the time of the Fourth Dynasty rule. The vertical alignment of two stars, Megrez and Phecda on the same side of the celestial Pole could have been used to determine north-south direction with considerable precision. According to the orientation of the Khufu’s pyramid, one can calculate the time of his reign from 2580 to 2548 BC.
The creation of an absolute chronology for the ancient Near East depends upon identifying the rec... more The creation of an absolute chronology for the ancient Near East depends upon identifying the recorded observations of ancient astronomers. Astronomical data can form the basis of an absolute Near Eastern chronology, but there are other solutions at least as acceptable as those previously proposed. These new solutions result from a reinvestigation of the observations of ancient solar eclipses using a computer program Emapwin . In our opinion, the Middle Chronology is too long; the Ultra-Low chronology is too short. The chronology proposed here means that Babylon fell in 1547 BC.
Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society, 2003
Development of the astronomical science in estimating motion of stars has been of much help in so... more Development of the astronomical science in estimating motion of stars has been of much help in solving the problem of the ancient chronology. The division on three chronologies could have been resolved with determining the time of building pyramid of Khufu.
Key words: Astronomical chronology, pyramids, orientation, Khufu, Sirius.
Akkadica, 2005
The creation of an absolute chronology for the ancient Near East depends upon identifying the rec... more The creation of an absolute chronology for the ancient Near East depends upon identifying the recorded observations of ancient astronomers. Astronomical data can form the basis of an absolute Near Eastern chronology, but there are other solutions at least as acceptable as those previously proposed. These new solutions result from a reinvestigation of the observations of ancient solar eclipses using a computer program Emapwin 3.0. In our opinion, the Middle Chronology is too long; the Ultra-Low chronology is too short. The chronology proposed here means that Babylon fell in 1547 BC which agrees with eclipses in Enuma Enlil tablets and Assyrian MEC solar eclipse .
Ancient chronology by Boris Banjevic
Drafts by Boris Banjevic
There were many differences between scholars in connection with the chronology. Until now most au... more There were many differences between scholars in connection with the chronology. Until now most authors have relied on calculating lunar dates, but there are also differences depending on whether the Egyptian day begins at dawn or sunrise, which makes the difference of 11 years. Synchronisms as well as solar eclipses were taken into account. Differences also arise due to some indefinite years of Assyrian and Babylonian rulers. According to new synchronisms between Assyria and Babylonia we constructed new chronology for Babylonia which correspond to Egyptian and Assyrian chronology. We prefer old date for Ramesses II, 1279 BC and new date for Thutmose III, 1468 BC.
Relative chronology of the period includes following sources: 1 I.1 Genealogical inscriptions Thi... more Relative chronology of the period includes following sources: 1 I.1 Genealogical inscriptions This source is useful in two ways. Firstly, such inscriptions often give the relative sequence of certain kings, of which undoubtedly the most famous is the Pasenhor genealogy in the Serapeum stela from Year 37 of Shoshenq V. This genealogy records a sequence Shoshenq-Osorkon-Takelot-Osorkon, which can only refer to Shoshenq I-Osorkon I-Takelot I-Osorkon II, hence the order of these kings can be considered relatively well fixed. 2 Likewise, the genealogy of the priest Horakhbit extends back over several generations. 3 I.2 The Karnak Nile Level Records The orthography of these texts helps to fix the relative position of some kings, three of which are double dated.
Papers by Boris Banjevic
the Middle Chronology for the fall of Babylon 1595 BC is too long; the Ultra-Low chronology (1499 BC) is too short. The new chronology is proposed starting with 1547 BC.
Keywords: ancient, eclipses, Babylon, chronology
Key words: Egypt, Dynasty XII, chronology, lunar dates, lunar eclipses, heliacal rising.
Key words: Astronomical chronology, pyramids, orientation, Khufu, Sirius.
Ancient chronology by Boris Banjevic
Drafts by Boris Banjevic
the Middle Chronology for the fall of Babylon 1595 BC is too long; the Ultra-Low chronology (1499 BC) is too short. The new chronology is proposed starting with 1547 BC.
Keywords: ancient, eclipses, Babylon, chronology
Key words: Egypt, Dynasty XII, chronology, lunar dates, lunar eclipses, heliacal rising.
Key words: Astronomical chronology, pyramids, orientation, Khufu, Sirius.