Kajian pemenuhan kebutuhan daya listrik di Universitas Tanjungpura yang disuplai oleh PT. PLN (Pe... more Kajian pemenuhan kebutuhan daya listrik di Universitas Tanjungpura yang disuplai oleh PT. PLN (Persero) Pontianak diketahui berdasarkankan dibangunnya gedung baru 7 In 1 yang membahas tentang perkiraan besar kebutuhan daya listrik disetiap sektor Universitas Tanjungpura sebelum dan sesudah dibangunnya gedung baru 7 in 1 serta untuk beberapa tahun yang akan datang dengan melakukan analisis terhadap data yang diperoleh di lapangan. Sebelum dibangunnya gedung baru 7 In 1, universitas Tajnungpura memiliki daya tersambung total sebesar 3.715 kVA dengan jumlah trafo sebanyak 18 unit beserta gardu beton. Untuk mengetahui besarnya beban pada saat ini dan beberapa tahun yang akan mendatang, perhitungan dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu mendapatkan beban rata-rata, faktor beban da faktor kebutuhan. Selanjutnya dilakukan proses perkiraan dengan pendekatan statistik menggunakan metode fungsi regresi linier. Dari hasil yang diperoleh, perkiraan kebutuhan daya listrik saat ini (tahun 2020) di Uni...
Tujuan sosialisasi penggunaan internet dan media sosial sehat, aman dan positif adalah proses edu... more Tujuan sosialisasi penggunaan internet dan media sosial sehat, aman dan positif adalah proses edukasi dengan memberikan pemahaman yang cukup mengenai penggunaan internet secara bijak sehingga memaksimalkan dampak positif dan meminimalkan dampak negatif dari berinternet, sehingga tercipta siswa cerdas dan produktif. Budaya INSAN (internet sehat dan aman) ditujukan dengan melibatkan peran keluarga, orang tua, guru, dosen, komunitas, asosiasi, lembaga pelatihan, anak-anak, remaja, dan siswa didik. Program ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan pelajar SMK, mengenai pemanfaatan internet dan media sosial secara bijak. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah tersusun materi sosialisasi, baik berupa leaflet, brosur, makalah, maupun dalam bentuk media presentasi dalam bentuk modul sosialisasi, yang berisikan materi sosialisasi tentang praktek penggunaan internet sehat, aman dan positif bagi pelajar SMK yang dapat digunakan sebagai materi untuk melakukan sosialisasi serupa di lokasi lain yang belum terjan...
International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology, 2017
his paper presents the application of Bat Algorithm (BA) for solving non-convex dynamic economic ... more his paper presents the application of Bat Algorithm (BA) for solving non-convex dynamic economic dispatch (DED) problems considering valve-point effects, the ramp rate limits and transmission losses. The practical DED problems have non-smooth cost function with equality and inequality constraints, which make the problem of finding the global optimum difficult when using any mathematical approaches. Bat algorithm is an optimization technique motivated by the echolocation behaviour of natural bats in finding their foods. The feasibility of the proposed method is validated on 5 and 10 units test system for a 24 h time interval. The results are compared with the results reported in the literature.
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 1995
Chronic exposure to inorganic mercury can cause kidney injury. Evidence gained from occupational ... more Chronic exposure to inorganic mercury can cause kidney injury. Evidence gained from occupational medicine indicates that individuals who are exposed to only environmental sources, including amalgam tooth fillings, are at very little risk. Animal experiments, however, have revealed glomerular lesions of immunologic origin after low-dose exposure to inorganic mercury. In this study, the association between the number of amalgam tooth surfaces, urinary mercury, and proteinuria was explored in a sample of 48 randomly selected, apparently healthy male students who were 17-22 y of age. Presence of any of the following proteins in two separate urine samples was considered to be potentially indicative of any tubular and/or glomerular lesion: albumin, alpha-1-microglobulin (HC-protein), kappa and lambda light chains, and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase. No significant relationship was found between any of the proteins and amalgam or urinary mercury. The results of this study did not suggest that amalgam fillings cause kidney dysfunction in humans.
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 1986
Lead levels in finger bone were monitored using an in vivo X-ray fluorescence technique in retire... more Lead levels in finger bone were monitored using an in vivo X-ray fluorescence technique in retired lead workers. Eight subjects followed for 2-5 yr directly after end of exposure all displayed a decrease. Their average half-time was 7 (range 3-15) yr. In a second group of six persons, followed from year 7 to year 13 after finishing lead work, a decrease was seen in all but one. The average half-time for this group was 8 (range 2 infinity) yr. The mean value for both groups was 7 yr. The results show that there is a decrease of lead in bone after the end of exposure and that it is considerably faster than estimated earlier from various data on lead metabolism.
Siapa pun memiliki kesempatan berbicara di depan pubik. ini berarti bukan hanya selebritis, polit... more Siapa pun memiliki kesempatan berbicara di depan pubik. ini berarti bukan hanya selebritis, politikus, dan orator yang berhak menggunakan gelar pembicara publik karena kemampuan itu dimiliki oleh setiap manusia.
I n the last two years (from January 2013 to December 2014), at the main substation 150 kV Sei.Ra... more I n the last two years (from January 2013 to December 2014), at the main substation 150 kV Sei.Raya, 4.373 cases of CB were opened due to disruption of various types. There were 1.829 times where it was indicated that it was trip in the Ground fault and 675 times where the trip happened due to Phase fault, potentially causing outages, damage to equipment and to the system. Due to this, it is necessary to perform research on the performance of the relay overcurrent protection system at 150 kV substation Sei.Raya. Based on the calculations from secondary data obtained from PT.PLN (Persero) Area Pengatur Distribusi and Penyaluran (APDP) Kalimantan Barat by using help from the MATLAB program for the calculation of the interference in the short-circuit current from the smallest bus 18 to bus 17 that is equal to 1436,281 amps. Where the calculation is used to obtain the short-circuited current value that is read on the device and to determine the working time where the current relay...
Kajian pemenuhan kebutuhan daya listrik di Universitas Tanjungpura yang disuplai oleh PT. PLN (Pe... more Kajian pemenuhan kebutuhan daya listrik di Universitas Tanjungpura yang disuplai oleh PT. PLN (Persero) Pontianak diketahui berdasarkankan dibangunnya gedung baru 7 In 1 yang membahas tentang perkiraan besar kebutuhan daya listrik disetiap sektor Universitas Tanjungpura sebelum dan sesudah dibangunnya gedung baru 7 in 1 serta untuk beberapa tahun yang akan datang dengan melakukan analisis terhadap data yang diperoleh di lapangan. Sebelum dibangunnya gedung baru 7 In 1, universitas Tajnungpura memiliki daya tersambung total sebesar 3.715 kVA dengan jumlah trafo sebanyak 18 unit beserta gardu beton. Untuk mengetahui besarnya beban pada saat ini dan beberapa tahun yang akan mendatang, perhitungan dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu mendapatkan beban rata-rata, faktor beban da faktor kebutuhan. Selanjutnya dilakukan proses perkiraan dengan pendekatan statistik menggunakan metode fungsi regresi linier. Dari hasil yang diperoleh, perkiraan kebutuhan daya listrik saat ini (tahun 2020) di Uni...
Tujuan sosialisasi penggunaan internet dan media sosial sehat, aman dan positif adalah proses edu... more Tujuan sosialisasi penggunaan internet dan media sosial sehat, aman dan positif adalah proses edukasi dengan memberikan pemahaman yang cukup mengenai penggunaan internet secara bijak sehingga memaksimalkan dampak positif dan meminimalkan dampak negatif dari berinternet, sehingga tercipta siswa cerdas dan produktif. Budaya INSAN (internet sehat dan aman) ditujukan dengan melibatkan peran keluarga, orang tua, guru, dosen, komunitas, asosiasi, lembaga pelatihan, anak-anak, remaja, dan siswa didik. Program ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan pelajar SMK, mengenai pemanfaatan internet dan media sosial secara bijak. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah tersusun materi sosialisasi, baik berupa leaflet, brosur, makalah, maupun dalam bentuk media presentasi dalam bentuk modul sosialisasi, yang berisikan materi sosialisasi tentang praktek penggunaan internet sehat, aman dan positif bagi pelajar SMK yang dapat digunakan sebagai materi untuk melakukan sosialisasi serupa di lokasi lain yang belum terjan...
International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology, 2017
his paper presents the application of Bat Algorithm (BA) for solving non-convex dynamic economic ... more his paper presents the application of Bat Algorithm (BA) for solving non-convex dynamic economic dispatch (DED) problems considering valve-point effects, the ramp rate limits and transmission losses. The practical DED problems have non-smooth cost function with equality and inequality constraints, which make the problem of finding the global optimum difficult when using any mathematical approaches. Bat algorithm is an optimization technique motivated by the echolocation behaviour of natural bats in finding their foods. The feasibility of the proposed method is validated on 5 and 10 units test system for a 24 h time interval. The results are compared with the results reported in the literature.
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 1995
Chronic exposure to inorganic mercury can cause kidney injury. Evidence gained from occupational ... more Chronic exposure to inorganic mercury can cause kidney injury. Evidence gained from occupational medicine indicates that individuals who are exposed to only environmental sources, including amalgam tooth fillings, are at very little risk. Animal experiments, however, have revealed glomerular lesions of immunologic origin after low-dose exposure to inorganic mercury. In this study, the association between the number of amalgam tooth surfaces, urinary mercury, and proteinuria was explored in a sample of 48 randomly selected, apparently healthy male students who were 17-22 y of age. Presence of any of the following proteins in two separate urine samples was considered to be potentially indicative of any tubular and/or glomerular lesion: albumin, alpha-1-microglobulin (HC-protein), kappa and lambda light chains, and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase. No significant relationship was found between any of the proteins and amalgam or urinary mercury. The results of this study did not suggest that amalgam fillings cause kidney dysfunction in humans.
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 1986
Lead levels in finger bone were monitored using an in vivo X-ray fluorescence technique in retire... more Lead levels in finger bone were monitored using an in vivo X-ray fluorescence technique in retired lead workers. Eight subjects followed for 2-5 yr directly after end of exposure all displayed a decrease. Their average half-time was 7 (range 3-15) yr. In a second group of six persons, followed from year 7 to year 13 after finishing lead work, a decrease was seen in all but one. The average half-time for this group was 8 (range 2 infinity) yr. The mean value for both groups was 7 yr. The results show that there is a decrease of lead in bone after the end of exposure and that it is considerably faster than estimated earlier from various data on lead metabolism.
Siapa pun memiliki kesempatan berbicara di depan pubik. ini berarti bukan hanya selebritis, polit... more Siapa pun memiliki kesempatan berbicara di depan pubik. ini berarti bukan hanya selebritis, politikus, dan orator yang berhak menggunakan gelar pembicara publik karena kemampuan itu dimiliki oleh setiap manusia.
I n the last two years (from January 2013 to December 2014), at the main substation 150 kV Sei.Ra... more I n the last two years (from January 2013 to December 2014), at the main substation 150 kV Sei.Raya, 4.373 cases of CB were opened due to disruption of various types. There were 1.829 times where it was indicated that it was trip in the Ground fault and 675 times where the trip happened due to Phase fault, potentially causing outages, damage to equipment and to the system. Due to this, it is necessary to perform research on the performance of the relay overcurrent protection system at 150 kV substation Sei.Raya. Based on the calculations from secondary data obtained from PT.PLN (Persero) Area Pengatur Distribusi and Penyaluran (APDP) Kalimantan Barat by using help from the MATLAB program for the calculation of the interference in the short-circuit current from the smallest bus 18 to bus 17 that is equal to 1436,281 amps. Where the calculation is used to obtain the short-circuited current value that is read on the device and to determine the working time where the current relay...
Papers by Bonar Sirait