Izid monografije je finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije... more Izid monografije je finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije iz sredstev državnega proračuna iz naslova razpisa za sofinanciranje znanstvenih monografij Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (ci p) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani cob i s s.s i-i d=288033280 i s b n 978-961-6984-57-7 (pdf) i s b n 978-961-6984-58-4 (html)
The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for a Systemic Development of non-g... more The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for a Systemic Development of non-governmental organisations in Slovenia is being implemented in line with the plans as set forth by its authors. The quantitative research conducted in 2010 is based on a questionnaire, which was sent to non-governmental organisations that took part in the strategic conference within the strategy preparation process and were actively involved in its formation. We have ascertained that the strategy is not being implemented effectively. Since the execution of this strategy influences the entire sector and, consequently, all non-governmental organisations, the present article will contribute to the development of the non-governmental sector in Slovenia. The article also presents suggestions for changes in the field of systemic changes necessary to realise the strategy in the future.
Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen nevladnih organizacij (nvo) pri regionalnem razvoju na primeru... more Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen nevladnih organizacij (nvo) pri regionalnem razvoju na primeru obalno-kraške regije. Nevladne organizacije se v razvoj regije vključujejo s predlogi skupnih projektov in udeležbo v odborih, kjer skupaj s predstavniki gospodarstva in lokalnih skupnosti oblikujejo razvojne prioritete regije in pripravljajo Regionalni razvojni program (rrp). Dosedanje vključevanje in vpliv nvo na pripravo rrp lahko ocenimo kot pozitivno, saj je program dal velik poudarek vsebinam, ki so jih nevladne organizacije promovirale in zagovarjale. V prispevku je izpostavljen tudi pomen socialnega podjetništva, ki bi lahko izdatno pripomoglo k trajnostnemu razvoju regije, zlasti podeželja, in h krepitvi nevladnega sektorja. Ključne besede: obalno-kraška regija, trajnostni razvoj, nevladne, organizacije, podeželje, socialno podjetništvo The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Regional Development of Slovenia: The Case of the Coastal-Karst Region The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the importance of nongovernmental organizations (ngos) in regional development, in the case of the Obalno-kraška region. Non-governmental organizations are involved in the development of the region through proposals for joint projects and participation in committees, where, together with representatives of the economy and local communities, they formulate the development priorities of the region and prepare the Regional Development Programme (rdp). The involvement and influence of ngos on the preparation of the rdp so far can be assessed as positive, as the programme places great emphasis on the content promoted and advocated by non-governmental organizations. The article also highlights the importance of social entrepreneurship, which could make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the region, especially in rural areas and the strengthening of the non-governmental sector.
geographical area of Central Europe, i.e. a former communist state, a country in transition econo... more geographical area of Central Europe, i.e. a former communist state, a country in transition economy, it was thus far impossible to Þ nd contributions to empirically examine the impact of stakeholders on the development of nongovernmental organisations; therefore, the study described in the article is unique in this area.
This paper explores the influences and relationships between internal and external stakeholders a... more This paper explores the influences and relationships between internal and external stakeholders and opposing interests in the non-governmental educational organisations in Slovenia. We examine managerial control of stakeholder expectations (Accountability). The quantitative research is based on answers by 71 managers and checking two hypotheses related to the research on internal and external interests of stakeholders on the effectiveness and connectiveness of non-governmental organisations. The research points towards integral understanding of non-governmental organisation effectiveness and found out that following the company mission leads to the effectiveness of organisations.
Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential sta... more Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential stakeholders, the interests of stakeholders in nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) are much less uniform. The paper aims to focus on the contribution and the characteristics of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Slovenia, and the conflicting interests as well as the impact of internal and external stakeholders of NGOs. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical analysis of the key infl uences of internal and external stakeholders. Our intention is to determine the relations between the interests of influential stakeholders and the performance of the organisations in question, as well as to define the understanding of performance from the viewpoint of NGOs’ management. We confirmed the hypothesis proposing that the external influences of stakeholders have a greater impact on the performance than the internal infl uences. We found out that public relations, advocacy, fundrais...
Namenčlanka je proučitev izvajanja strategije sistemskega razvoja nevladnih organizacij po načrti... more Namenčlanka je proučitev izvajanja strategije sistemskega razvoja nevladnih organizacij po načrtih, ki so si jih zastavili avtorji strategije. Kvantitativna raziskava, opravljena v letu 2010, temelji na anketnem vprašalniku, ki je bil poslan nevladnim organizacijam, ki so sodelovale na strateški konferenci v okviru priprave strategije in aktivno sodelovale pri izdelavi strategije. Včlanku smo ugotovili neuspešnost izvajanja strategije. Ker ima izvajanje strategije vpliv na celoten sektor in posledično na vse nevladne organizacije, bo zato pričujoččlanek pripomogel k razvoju nevladnega sektorja v Sloveniji. Včlanku so podani tudi predlogi za spremembe na področju sistemskih sprememb za uresničevanje strategije v prihodnosti.
Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen nevladnih organizacij (nvo) pri regionalnem razvoju na primeru... more Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen nevladnih organizacij (nvo) pri regionalnem razvoju na primeru obalno-kraške regije. Nevladne organizacije se v razvoj regije vključujejo s predlogi skupnih projektov in udeležbo v odborih, kjer skupaj s predstavniki gospodarstva in lokalnih skupnosti oblikujejo razvojne prioritete regije in pripravljajo Regionalni razvojni program (rrp). Dosedanje vključevanje in vpliv nvo na pripravo rrp lahko ocenimo kot pozitivno, saj je program dal velik poudarek vsebinam, ki so jih nevladne organizacije promovirale in zagovarjale. V prispevku je izpostavljen tudi pomen socialnega podjetništva, ki bi lahko izdatno pripomoglo k trajnostnemu razvoju regije, zlasti podeželja, in h krepitvi nevladnega sektorja. Ključne besede: obalno-kraška regija, trajnostni razvoj, nevladne, organizacije, podeželje, socialno podjetništvo The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Regional Development of Slovenia: The Case of the Coastal-Karst Region The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the importance of nongovernmental organizations (ngos) in regional development, in the case of the Obalno-kraška region. Non-governmental organizations are involved in the development of the region through proposals for joint projects and participation in committees, where, together with representatives of the economy and local communities, they formulate the development priorities of the region and prepare the Regional Development Programme (rdp). The involvement and influence of ngos on the preparation of the rdp so far can be assessed as positive, as the programme places great emphasis on the content promoted and advocated by non-governmental organizations. The article also highlights the importance of social entrepreneurship, which could make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the region, especially in rural areas and the strengthening of the non-governmental sector.
The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for aSystemic Development of non-go... more The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for aSystemic Development of non-governmental organisations in Sloveniais being implemented in line with the plans as set forth by its authors.The quantitative research conducted in 2010 is based on a questionnaire,which was sent to non-governmental organisations that tookpart in the strategic conference within the strategy preparation processand were actively involved in its formation. We have ascertainedthat the strategy is not being implemented effectively. Since the executionof this strategy influences the entire sector and, consequently,all non-governmental organisations, the present article will contributeto the development of the non-governmental sector in Slovenia. Thearticle also presents suggestions for changes in the field of systemicchanges necessary to realise the strategy in the future.
Izid monografije je finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije... more Izid monografije je finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije iz sredstev državnega proračuna iz naslova razpisa za sofinanciranje znanstvenih monografij Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (ci p) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani cob i s s.s i-i d=288033280 i s b n 978-961-6984-57-7 (pdf) i s b n 978-961-6984-58-4 (html)
The article examines non-governmental organisations in education, the influences and relationship... more The article examines non-governmental organisations in education, the influences and relationships between internal and external stakeholders. The empirical part is is based on checking hypotheses related to the research on internal and external interests of stakeholders on the performance. It was found out that following the company mission leads to the effectiveness of nongovernmental organisations.
SAŽETAK: Projektni menadžment idealan je instrument za ostvarivanje ciljeva sigurnosti i zdravlja... more SAŽETAK: Projektni menadžment idealan je instrument za ostvarivanje ciljeva sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u tvrtkama i drugim organizacijama. Sigurnost i zdravlje na radu trebali bi biti integrirani u sve procese i sve proizvode te na taj način pridonijeti društveno odgovornomu poslovanju organizacije i održivomu razvoju tvrtke. Integriranost sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u procese projektnog menadžmenta i/ili u određeni projekt trebala bi predstavljati početak inkrementalne izmjene već uspostavljenih koncepata i načina, zbog traganja za novim rješenjima i konceptima, čime bi se pridonijelo razvoju sigurnosne znanosti i struke. Cilj je rada na temelju sustavnoga pregleda domaće i strane stručne literature utvrditi stupanj integriranosti sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u projektni menadžment ili određeni projekt te uputiti na mogućnosti za daljnje istraživanje. Rezultatima iz istraživanja širi se raspon znanja i vještina o raspoloživim načinima za uspješnije postizanje ciljeva u sigurn...
Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential sta... more Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential stakeholders, the interests of stakeholders in nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) are much less uniform. The paper aims to focus on the contribution and the characteristics of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Slovenia, and the conflicting interests as well as the impact of internal and external stakeholders of NGOs. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical analysis of the key infl uences of internal and external stakeholders. Our intention is to determine the relations between the interests of influential stakeholders and the performance of the organisations in question, as well as to define the understanding of performance from the viewpoint of NGOs’ management. We confirmed the hypothesis proposing that the external influences of stakeholders have a greater impact on the performance than the internal infl uences. We found out that public relations, advocacy, fundrais...
International Journal of Management in Education, 2016
The purpose of this paper is to summarise and analyse what is known regarding the ways in which c... more The purpose of this paper is to summarise and analyse what is known regarding the ways in which conflicting stakeholder interest may influence accountability. The interests of stakeholders in non-profit organisations (NPOs) as well as the purposes of these organisations are not uniform. The authors used a systematic review process to study the empirical evidence pertaining to how a stakeholder perspective helps to understand accountability and the influences of stakeholders in the Slovenian non-governmental educational organisations. Research provides an empirical analysis from a survey of 78 representatives of Slovenian non-governmental educational organisations. The objective of this paper is to improve the understanding of the accountability relationship between internal and external stakeholders and development NGOs, and in particular to elucidate the highly correlated influences of both parties (external and internal influences of stakeholders).
The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for a Systemic Development of non-g... more The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for a Systemic Development of non-governmental organisations in Slovenia is being implemented in line with the plans as set forth by its authors. The quantitative research conducted in 2010 is based on a questionnaire, which was sent to non-governmental organisations that took part in the strategic conference within the strategy preparation process and were actively involved in its formation. We have ascertained that the strategy is not being implemented effectively. Since the execution of this strategy influences the entire sector and, consequently, all non-governmental organisations, the present article will contribute to the development of the non-governmental sector in Slovenia. The article also presents suggestions for changes in the field of systemic changes necessary to realise the strategy in the future.
Izid monografije je finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije... more Izid monografije je finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije iz sredstev državnega proračuna iz naslova razpisa za sofinanciranje znanstvenih monografij Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (ci p) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani cob i s s.s i-i d=288033280 i s b n 978-961-6984-57-7 (pdf) i s b n 978-961-6984-58-4 (html)
The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for a Systemic Development of non-g... more The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for a Systemic Development of non-governmental organisations in Slovenia is being implemented in line with the plans as set forth by its authors. The quantitative research conducted in 2010 is based on a questionnaire, which was sent to non-governmental organisations that took part in the strategic conference within the strategy preparation process and were actively involved in its formation. We have ascertained that the strategy is not being implemented effectively. Since the execution of this strategy influences the entire sector and, consequently, all non-governmental organisations, the present article will contribute to the development of the non-governmental sector in Slovenia. The article also presents suggestions for changes in the field of systemic changes necessary to realise the strategy in the future.
Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen nevladnih organizacij (nvo) pri regionalnem razvoju na primeru... more Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen nevladnih organizacij (nvo) pri regionalnem razvoju na primeru obalno-kraške regije. Nevladne organizacije se v razvoj regije vključujejo s predlogi skupnih projektov in udeležbo v odborih, kjer skupaj s predstavniki gospodarstva in lokalnih skupnosti oblikujejo razvojne prioritete regije in pripravljajo Regionalni razvojni program (rrp). Dosedanje vključevanje in vpliv nvo na pripravo rrp lahko ocenimo kot pozitivno, saj je program dal velik poudarek vsebinam, ki so jih nevladne organizacije promovirale in zagovarjale. V prispevku je izpostavljen tudi pomen socialnega podjetništva, ki bi lahko izdatno pripomoglo k trajnostnemu razvoju regije, zlasti podeželja, in h krepitvi nevladnega sektorja. Ključne besede: obalno-kraška regija, trajnostni razvoj, nevladne, organizacije, podeželje, socialno podjetništvo The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Regional Development of Slovenia: The Case of the Coastal-Karst Region The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the importance of nongovernmental organizations (ngos) in regional development, in the case of the Obalno-kraška region. Non-governmental organizations are involved in the development of the region through proposals for joint projects and participation in committees, where, together with representatives of the economy and local communities, they formulate the development priorities of the region and prepare the Regional Development Programme (rdp). The involvement and influence of ngos on the preparation of the rdp so far can be assessed as positive, as the programme places great emphasis on the content promoted and advocated by non-governmental organizations. The article also highlights the importance of social entrepreneurship, which could make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the region, especially in rural areas and the strengthening of the non-governmental sector.
geographical area of Central Europe, i.e. a former communist state, a country in transition econo... more geographical area of Central Europe, i.e. a former communist state, a country in transition economy, it was thus far impossible to Þ nd contributions to empirically examine the impact of stakeholders on the development of nongovernmental organisations; therefore, the study described in the article is unique in this area.
This paper explores the influences and relationships between internal and external stakeholders a... more This paper explores the influences and relationships between internal and external stakeholders and opposing interests in the non-governmental educational organisations in Slovenia. We examine managerial control of stakeholder expectations (Accountability). The quantitative research is based on answers by 71 managers and checking two hypotheses related to the research on internal and external interests of stakeholders on the effectiveness and connectiveness of non-governmental organisations. The research points towards integral understanding of non-governmental organisation effectiveness and found out that following the company mission leads to the effectiveness of organisations.
Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential sta... more Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential stakeholders, the interests of stakeholders in nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) are much less uniform. The paper aims to focus on the contribution and the characteristics of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Slovenia, and the conflicting interests as well as the impact of internal and external stakeholders of NGOs. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical analysis of the key infl uences of internal and external stakeholders. Our intention is to determine the relations between the interests of influential stakeholders and the performance of the organisations in question, as well as to define the understanding of performance from the viewpoint of NGOs’ management. We confirmed the hypothesis proposing that the external influences of stakeholders have a greater impact on the performance than the internal infl uences. We found out that public relations, advocacy, fundrais...
Namenčlanka je proučitev izvajanja strategije sistemskega razvoja nevladnih organizacij po načrti... more Namenčlanka je proučitev izvajanja strategije sistemskega razvoja nevladnih organizacij po načrtih, ki so si jih zastavili avtorji strategije. Kvantitativna raziskava, opravljena v letu 2010, temelji na anketnem vprašalniku, ki je bil poslan nevladnim organizacijam, ki so sodelovale na strateški konferenci v okviru priprave strategije in aktivno sodelovale pri izdelavi strategije. Včlanku smo ugotovili neuspešnost izvajanja strategije. Ker ima izvajanje strategije vpliv na celoten sektor in posledično na vse nevladne organizacije, bo zato pričujoččlanek pripomogel k razvoju nevladnega sektorja v Sloveniji. Včlanku so podani tudi predlogi za spremembe na področju sistemskih sprememb za uresničevanje strategije v prihodnosti.
Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen nevladnih organizacij (nvo) pri regionalnem razvoju na primeru... more Namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen nevladnih organizacij (nvo) pri regionalnem razvoju na primeru obalno-kraške regije. Nevladne organizacije se v razvoj regije vključujejo s predlogi skupnih projektov in udeležbo v odborih, kjer skupaj s predstavniki gospodarstva in lokalnih skupnosti oblikujejo razvojne prioritete regije in pripravljajo Regionalni razvojni program (rrp). Dosedanje vključevanje in vpliv nvo na pripravo rrp lahko ocenimo kot pozitivno, saj je program dal velik poudarek vsebinam, ki so jih nevladne organizacije promovirale in zagovarjale. V prispevku je izpostavljen tudi pomen socialnega podjetništva, ki bi lahko izdatno pripomoglo k trajnostnemu razvoju regije, zlasti podeželja, in h krepitvi nevladnega sektorja. Ključne besede: obalno-kraška regija, trajnostni razvoj, nevladne, organizacije, podeželje, socialno podjetništvo The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Regional Development of Slovenia: The Case of the Coastal-Karst Region The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the importance of nongovernmental organizations (ngos) in regional development, in the case of the Obalno-kraška region. Non-governmental organizations are involved in the development of the region through proposals for joint projects and participation in committees, where, together with representatives of the economy and local communities, they formulate the development priorities of the region and prepare the Regional Development Programme (rdp). The involvement and influence of ngos on the preparation of the rdp so far can be assessed as positive, as the programme places great emphasis on the content promoted and advocated by non-governmental organizations. The article also highlights the importance of social entrepreneurship, which could make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the region, especially in rural areas and the strengthening of the non-governmental sector.
The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for aSystemic Development of non-go... more The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for aSystemic Development of non-governmental organisations in Sloveniais being implemented in line with the plans as set forth by its authors.The quantitative research conducted in 2010 is based on a questionnaire,which was sent to non-governmental organisations that tookpart in the strategic conference within the strategy preparation processand were actively involved in its formation. We have ascertainedthat the strategy is not being implemented effectively. Since the executionof this strategy influences the entire sector and, consequently,all non-governmental organisations, the present article will contributeto the development of the non-governmental sector in Slovenia. Thearticle also presents suggestions for changes in the field of systemicchanges necessary to realise the strategy in the future.
Izid monografije je finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije... more Izid monografije je finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije iz sredstev državnega proračuna iz naslova razpisa za sofinanciranje znanstvenih monografij Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (ci p) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani cob i s s.s i-i d=288033280 i s b n 978-961-6984-57-7 (pdf) i s b n 978-961-6984-58-4 (html)
The article examines non-governmental organisations in education, the influences and relationship... more The article examines non-governmental organisations in education, the influences and relationships between internal and external stakeholders. The empirical part is is based on checking hypotheses related to the research on internal and external interests of stakeholders on the performance. It was found out that following the company mission leads to the effectiveness of nongovernmental organisations.
SAŽETAK: Projektni menadžment idealan je instrument za ostvarivanje ciljeva sigurnosti i zdravlja... more SAŽETAK: Projektni menadžment idealan je instrument za ostvarivanje ciljeva sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u tvrtkama i drugim organizacijama. Sigurnost i zdravlje na radu trebali bi biti integrirani u sve procese i sve proizvode te na taj način pridonijeti društveno odgovornomu poslovanju organizacije i održivomu razvoju tvrtke. Integriranost sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u procese projektnog menadžmenta i/ili u određeni projekt trebala bi predstavljati početak inkrementalne izmjene već uspostavljenih koncepata i načina, zbog traganja za novim rješenjima i konceptima, čime bi se pridonijelo razvoju sigurnosne znanosti i struke. Cilj je rada na temelju sustavnoga pregleda domaće i strane stručne literature utvrditi stupanj integriranosti sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u projektni menadžment ili određeni projekt te uputiti na mogućnosti za daljnje istraživanje. Rezultatima iz istraživanja širi se raspon znanja i vještina o raspoloživim načinima za uspješnije postizanje ciljeva u sigurn...
Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential sta... more Unlike profit organisations, which pursue profitable goals under the influence of influential stakeholders, the interests of stakeholders in nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) are much less uniform. The paper aims to focus on the contribution and the characteristics of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Slovenia, and the conflicting interests as well as the impact of internal and external stakeholders of NGOs. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical analysis of the key infl uences of internal and external stakeholders. Our intention is to determine the relations between the interests of influential stakeholders and the performance of the organisations in question, as well as to define the understanding of performance from the viewpoint of NGOs’ management. We confirmed the hypothesis proposing that the external influences of stakeholders have a greater impact on the performance than the internal infl uences. We found out that public relations, advocacy, fundrais...
International Journal of Management in Education, 2016
The purpose of this paper is to summarise and analyse what is known regarding the ways in which c... more The purpose of this paper is to summarise and analyse what is known regarding the ways in which conflicting stakeholder interest may influence accountability. The interests of stakeholders in non-profit organisations (NPOs) as well as the purposes of these organisations are not uniform. The authors used a systematic review process to study the empirical evidence pertaining to how a stakeholder perspective helps to understand accountability and the influences of stakeholders in the Slovenian non-governmental educational organisations. Research provides an empirical analysis from a survey of 78 representatives of Slovenian non-governmental educational organisations. The objective of this paper is to improve the understanding of the accountability relationship between internal and external stakeholders and development NGOs, and in particular to elucidate the highly correlated influences of both parties (external and internal influences of stakeholders).
The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for a Systemic Development of non-g... more The purpose of the article is to examine whether the Strategy for a Systemic Development of non-governmental organisations in Slovenia is being implemented in line with the plans as set forth by its authors. The quantitative research conducted in 2010 is based on a questionnaire, which was sent to non-governmental organisations that took part in the strategic conference within the strategy preparation process and were actively involved in its formation. We have ascertained that the strategy is not being implemented effectively. Since the execution of this strategy influences the entire sector and, consequently, all non-governmental organisations, the present article will contribute to the development of the non-governmental sector in Slovenia. The article also presents suggestions for changes in the field of systemic changes necessary to realise the strategy in the future.
Papers by Bojan Mevlja