Papers by Bogdan Teodorescu
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2022
Sfera Politicii, 2015
Beside any political explanation, the only think that have remained constant, in the last 25 year... more Beside any political explanation, the only think that have remained constant, in the last 25 years of electoral campaings in Romania, was the cleavage between two different visions regarding developing the Romanian society: on the one side, there is the vision of Ion Iliescu and his descendants (a pragmatic vision, about the need for comfort and for economic and social repairs) and, on the other side, the vision of the opponents of Ion Iliescu and his descendants, no matter who those was (a vision about contesting the legitimacy of Iliescu and his descendants, and a vision about the need for moral repairs, defending rights and liberties before anything else). Analising this dynamic (this battle of these two visions) can offer insightful knowledge about the 25 years of elections and political campaining in Romania.

D ecembrie 1989 a fost ulti-mul moment în care lar-ga majoritate a români-lor s-a aflat unită în ... more D ecembrie 1989 a fost ulti-mul moment în care lar-ga majoritate a români-lor s-a aflat unită în jurul unei idei comu-ne-ura împotriva familiei Ceaușescu. De aceea, clivajul creat în 1990, a rămas cel mai important din spațiul public ro-mânesc, acoperindu-le în fapt pe toate celelalte apărute ulterior. Imediat du-pă 25 decembrie, momentul execută-rii cuplului la Târgoviște, dezideratele populației au început să se despartă, la fel și agendele celor din spațiul puterii. Dacă la nivelul populației prindeau con-tur două tendințe semnificative, nevo-ia de confort pe de-o parte și nevoia de libertăți pe de alta, în grupul instalat în fruntea statului se declanșau, zi de zi, minicrize care prevesteau marile rupturi ce aveau să vinăă-amintim aici doar câ-teva dintre ele: eliminarea generalului Militaru după protestul CADA, demisia lui Dumitru Mazilu după mitingul din 12 ianuarie 1990, retragerea unora dintre disidenții din FSN, renașterea partidelor istorice și lista poate continua. 1 1 Fo...
Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice, 2017
This is an analysis of data from more exit polls from recent elections - regarding the vote for R... more This is an analysis of data from more exit polls from recent elections - regarding the vote for Romanian political parties in deeply political elections (for national Parliament and for European Parliament). The analysis shows interesting information about the share of votes for Right-wing parties, respectively Left-wing parties from Romania. We want to assess to what extent we are witnessing a major paradigm shift after the PSD (mail Left-wing party in Romania) victory in Parliamentary elections in 2016. Our hypothesis suggests that, on the contrary, although the result figures indicate a paradigm shift, in reality, the fundamental pillars of the Left and, respectively, of the Right remains the same in Romania.

For Romania, the 90's have been the decade of transition to a democratic political system (wi... more For Romania, the 90's have been the decade of transition to a democratic political system (with everything it implies: more parties, free elections, the separation of powers, rights and political freedoms etc.). But has taking this institutional model also lead to acquiring the underlying values that support it? How far has Romania come on the road to a participative democracy, to a society that has a strong civic culture, as defined by classical authors such as Almond and Verba? How many of the traits of social capital, as defined by Putnam, can be found in the post-revolutionary public space? We knew, from research, that this democratic system was desirable (there is no need to enumerate the many research papers, in particular Euro-barometer surveys, which referred to Romanians' support for democracy, rule of law and economic freedom). But beyond the rhetoric, which was and is, in fact, the real situation? If we take the statements into account, Romanians are participative...
After PSD has lost the presidential elections in 2014, we are in a new context in which we need t... more After PSD has lost the presidential elections in 2014, we are in a new context in which we need to discuss the possible decisive erosion of PSD electorate. We will analyze sociological data to see to what extent this possible erosion is based on something real or is just wishful thinking of PSD opponents. Is the Romanian Left ready for a political comeback or we will see a period of decreasing support for PSD? Is PSD support base aging and getting smaller? We tried to answer these questions by making a simple analysis of the evolution of Romanian Left in the past.
Papers by Bogdan Teodorescu