Papers by Biswajit Parida
Optimization of friction stir welding process of AA7075 aluminum alloy to achieve desirable mechanical properties using ANFIS models and simulated annealing algorithm
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013
Recent Trends and Advances in Friction Stir Welding and Friction Stir Processing of Metals
International journal of applied research in mechanical engineering, 2012
The present study is on the development of friction stir welding (FSW) of commercial grade Al-all... more The present study is on the development of friction stir welding (FSW) of commercial grade Al-alloy to study the mechanical and microstructural properties. The proposed research will include experiments related to the effect of FSW optimum process parameter on weldability of Al alloy. The present paper has been subdivided in to two different sections: 1. Study of Mechanical properties and 2. Study of micro-structural properties. Section1 describes the tensile strength of welded sample and distribution of microhardness in different zones of FSW weld specimen and section2 contains the microstructure characterization of different zones of friction stir welds.
Advancement of Natural Fiber‐Based Polymer Composites
Natural and Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Composites, 2021

International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2013
The present work is aimed to develop metal toughened aluminium-silver composite which will be use... more The present work is aimed to develop metal toughened aluminium-silver composite which will be used as a cutting tool material. Chemical synthesis using the sol-gel method was carried-out to prepare alumina powder from aluminium nitrate Al (NO3)3,9H2O. Then AgNO3 was well mixed with the prepared α-Al2O3 powder in aqueous solution followed by evaporation and heating, to get 10 volume percent of Ag in the Al2O3-Ag mixture. A conventional powder metallurgical route was followed to prepare Al2O3-Ag composite pellets. The pellets were first dried at 500°C for 2 hours to burn off the PVA, then pre-sintered at 950°C for 2 hours and finally sintered at 1600°C for 2 hours as soaking time in a furnace. XRD test shows that the phase present in the powder heated at 1600°C for 2 hours is α-alumina and only silver is present in the developed pellet as a second phase. Bulk density and open porosity of the samples were measured using Archimedes principle and employing boiling water method. Bulk dens...
Recent Trends and Advances in Friction Stir Welding and Friction Stir Processing of Metals
International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering, 2012
The present study is on the development of friction stir welding (FSW) of commercial grade Al-all... more The present study is on the development of friction stir welding (FSW) of commercial grade Al-alloy to study the mechanical and microstructural properties. The proposed research will include experiments related to the effect of FSW optimum process parameter on weldability of Al alloy. The present paper has been subdivided in to two different sections: 1. Study of Mechanical properties and 2. Study of micro-structural properties. Section1 describes the tensile strength of welded sample and distribution of microhardness in different zones of FSW weld specimen and section2 contains the microstructure characterization of different zones of friction stir welds.

An investigation to find an appropriate starting position and elimination of pin hole defect in FSW for maximizing the joint length
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016
Friction stir welding (FSW) is relatively an advanced solid-state joining process in which no con... more Friction stir welding (FSW) is relatively an advanced solid-state joining process in which no consumable materials are used. It is an energy-efficient and environment-friendly process. However, one of the limitations of the FSW process is that a pin hole remains at the end of the joint and some offset distance needs to be provided at the start of the joint. The present work focuses on different approaches in finding an appropriate starting position and to eliminate the end hole type of defect in FSW process. It is based on several distinct experimental trials. These trial runs consist of numbers of different cases of start and end locations. The main aim of these case studies is to achieve maximum joint length and minimum material wastage while joining two 6-mm-thick aluminum plates by FSW process. All the process parameters like rotational speed, welding speed, plunging depth, tool geometry, and dwell time were kept constant during the trial runs. From the experimental results, it was found that by restricting edge deformation by means of an abutting plate at an appropriate position, full starting length can be utilized as a proper joint. Also by providing a runoff material of an appropriate size, the end hole can be transferred to the runoff plate and joint length will get maximized.

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2014
Friction stir welding (FSW) is gaining its popularity for a wide range of high strength/weight ra... more Friction stir welding (FSW) is gaining its popularity for a wide range of high strength/weight ratio materials such as aluminium, magnesium, composites and plastics. With the projected prevalent application of FSW, it is necessary to identify the optimal welding condition with a small number of experiments for effective product quality and productivity. In this study, a fuzzy assisted grey Taguchi method is proposed for optimising the FSW process parameters with multiple weld quality characteristics. The fuzzy inference system was adapted to convert the multiresponse optimisation problem into an equivalent single objective optimisation problem, which was solved by the Taguchi approach. Eight input process parameters have been varied to observe their effects on output responses, namely, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, % elongation, weld bead thickness and nugget zone hardness. Confirmation test showed that the proposed approach can efficiently be used for the optimisation of multiple weld quality properties in FSW process.

An investigation to find an appropriate starting position and elimination of pin hole defect in FSW for maximizing the joint length
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Apr 6, 2016
Friction stir welding (FSW) is relatively an advanced solid-state joining process in which no con... more Friction stir welding (FSW) is relatively an advanced solid-state joining process in which no consumable materials are used. It is an energy-efficient and environment-friendly process. However, one of the limitations of the FSW process is that a pin hole remains at the end of the joint and some offset distance needs to be provided at the start of the joint. The present work focuses on different approaches in finding an appropriate starting position and to eliminate the end hole type of defect in FSW process. It is based on several distinct experimental trials. These trial runs consist of numbers of different cases of start and end locations. The main aim of these case studies is to achieve maximum joint length and minimum material wastage while joining two 6-mm-thick aluminum plates by FSW process. All the process parameters like rotational speed, welding speed, plunging depth, tool geometry, and dwell time were kept constant during the trial runs. From the experimental results, it was found that by restricting edge deformation by means of an abutting plate at an appropriate position, full starting length can be utilized as a proper joint. Also by providing a runoff material of an appropriate size, the end hole can be transferred to the runoff plate and joint length will get maximized.

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015
We developed a clamping system and an instrumented setup for a vertical milling machine for frict... more We developed a clamping system and an instrumented setup for a vertical milling machine for friction stir welding (FSW) operations and measuring the process forces. Taking into account the gap formation (i.e., lateral movement) and transverse movement of the workpiece, a new type of adjustable fixture was designed to hold the workpiece being welded. For force measurement, a strain gauge based force dynamometer was designed, developed and fabricated. The strain gauges were fitted into the specially designed octagonal members to support the welding plates. When the welding force was applied onto the plates, the load was transferred to the octagonal members and strain was induced in the member. The strains of the strain gauges were measured in terms of voltages using a Wheatstone bridge. To acquire forces in FSW operations, a data acquisition system with the necessary hardware and software was devised and connected to the developed setup. The developed setup was tested in actual welding operations. It is found that the proposed setup can be used in milling machine to perform FSW operations.
Papers by Biswajit Parida