Muara Kaman Sedulang Nature Reserve in East Kalimantan has been damaged due to anthropogenic acti... more Muara Kaman Sedulang Nature Reserve in East Kalimantan has been damaged due to anthropogenic activities and natural fires. The study aims to explore the floristic composition and soil characteristics in the rehabilitation and protection block to provide plant species information for the restoration activity. Vegetation data were collected in each block with a purposive random sampling method, in a total of 0,36 ha plot sample in rehabilitation block and 0,32 ha in protection block. Soil characteristics samples for physical and chemical measurement were collected in each plot with a composite technique at the soil surface (0 – 30 cm). There are 15 species recorded in rehabilitation block and 30 species in the protection block. The diameter distribution indicated that there are differences in the regeneration process after periods of destruction on each block. The diversity index in the rehabilitation block is low, while in the protection block is low to middle. Mallotus sumatranus is...
Three new Begonia species from Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo are described here, namely Begonia k... more Three new Begonia species from Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo are described here, namely Begonia kapuashuluensis, B. patar and B. sangkulirangensis, and one species is reported as a new record for Kalimantan. Colour plates, as well as notes on distribution, habitat and conservation status are provided. On conservation status, we provisionally assess B. kapuashuluensis as near threatened, B. patar as critically endangered and B. sangkulirangensis as vulnerable.
In Sebangau National Park, restoration of degraded peat land by canal blocking was established by... more In Sebangau National Park, restoration of degraded peat land by canal blocking was established by building dam. Purpose of this research is to know natural plant regeneration that established in there. In this study, vegetations data were collected by establishing line transects, which are 250 meter by 20 meter long in two different places that represent the research area; Restored Area (RA) and Unrestored Area (UA). 40 species of plant were recorded in areas, 30 species in the RA and 10 species in UA. Species abundant and diversity show that canal blocking is proved to affect the natural plant regeneration positively.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
A population estimation of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) has been conducted in Manggar Riv... more A population estimation of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) has been conducted in Manggar River, Balikpapan. In this non-conservation area, the anthropogenic activities threaten the proboscis monkey habitat. Boat survey technique was applied along ± 17 km of the river in the morning and evening. The number of proboscis monkeys in the surveyed area was estimated to range from 57 to 69 individuals with estimated population density of 4.75 individuals/Km2. Moreover, the population of this primates was divided into 4 groups and the sex ratio between adult males and females was 1:2.33. The proboscis monkeys were distributed in the middle of the river to the upstream. The highest population was found in the upstream area with less human activities. Conservation efforts in the Manggar River need to be carried out considering the proboscis monkey habitat in the area has been fragmented and isolated. These efforts could involve local economic communities.
Ki beusi (Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre) dan kampis (Hernandia nymphaeifolia Kubitzki) populasinya... more Ki beusi (Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre) dan kampis (Hernandia nymphaeifolia Kubitzki) populasinya cenderung semakin berkurang sebagai dampak dari penyempitan habitat akibat abrasi air laut dan alih fungsi lahan untuk pemanfaatan lain. Penelitian habitat dan populasi ki beusi dan kampis di Kalimantan Timur dilakukan di empat lokasi yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi keragaman habitat dan populasi sebagai dasar kegiatan pelestarian dan perlindungan kedua jenis tersebut. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara membuat petak-petak contoh berukuran 10 m x 10 m disetiap lokasi dengan jumlah yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kedua jenis ini tumbuh dengan baik di habitat pantai berpasir yang berbatasan langsung dengan laut atau dibatasi oleh area mangrove berlumpur. Walaupun menempati habitat yang sama kedua jenis ini tidak berasosiasi dengan baik, hal ini disebabkan kehadiran individu dan jenis tumbuhan penyusun tegakan yang berbeda diseti...
FIGURE 1. Begonia kapuashuluensis Randi & Ardi. A. Plant habit; B. Leaves abaxial surface; C. Inf... more FIGURE 1. Begonia kapuashuluensis Randi & Ardi. A. Plant habit; B. Leaves abaxial surface; C. Inflorescence; D. Stipule; E. Staminate flowers; F. Bract; G. Staminate flower (side view); H, I. Top and side views of pistillate flower; J. Mature fruits; K. Cross section of fruit. Scale bars: B: 5 cm, C: 3 cm, D–K: 5 mm. Photo A, C–J: A. Randi AR-1022; B & K: Wisnu H. Ardi.
Knowledge of species diversity in tropical forests is well known, but the information on plant sp... more Knowledge of species diversity in tropical forests is well known, but the information on plant species’ food source potential in forest areas is still limited. The study was conducted in Nehas Liah Bing village and Wehea forest in August 2011 by interviews with local people and exploration in the forest. A total of 69 species of plants that have potential as a food source have been recorded in this research. It can be divided into three groups by the utilization: 51 species of fruits, 20 Species of vegetables and herbs, and groups producing starch/sago one species. Differences in local knowledge and experience and the condition of the landscape/habitat make differences in the diversity and number of species recorded.
Orangutans depend on social learning for the acquisition of survival skills. The development of s... more Orangutans depend on social learning for the acquisition of survival skills. The development of skills is not usually assessed in rescued orphans’ pre-release. We collected data of seven orphans over an 18-months-period to monitor the progress of ontogenetic changes. The orphans, 1.5–9 years old, were immersed in a natural forest environment with human surrogate mothers and other orphans. Social interactions deviated significantly from those of wild mother-reared immatures. Infants spent more time playing socially with peers, at the expense of resting and solitary play. Infants were also more often and at an earlier age distant from their human surrogate mothers than wild immatures are from their biological mothers. We found important changes towards an orangutan-typical lifestyle in 4- to 7-year-old orphans, corresponding to the weaning age in maternally reared immatures. The older orphans spent less time interacting with human surrogate mothers or peers, started to use the canopy ...
   Some small islands in Balikpapan Bay consist of dry land which may have different vegetation s... more    Some small islands in Balikpapan Bay consist of dry land which may have different vegetation structure and composition. Our study was the first to uncover vegetation conditions and soil proper-ties of dry land on small islands in Balikpapan Bay, which has never been conducted before. The research was carried out on Kalawasan and Karantina islands. Information on vegetation was obtained by applying a line transect method. Data on soil properties were col-lected by setting up 3 sampling plots in each transect of vegetation. Parameters used for analysing vegetation including relative densi-ty, relative frequency, relative dominance, Shannon-Wiener diversi-ty index, evenness index, and similarity index. Meanwhile, data on soils were analysed descriptively. Trees on Kalawasan island were comprised of 241 individuals belonging to 21 species. There were 61 individuals (22 species) of trees on Karantina island. The diver-sity index of trees on Kalawasan and Karantina island was 2.55 and ...
Historically, and based on the latest conditions, Samboja Research Forest has a fairly high vulne... more Historically, and based on the latest conditions, Samboja Research Forest has a fairly high vulnerability to the presence of invasive species that can interfere with ecosystem stability and forest succession. However, data collection and risk assessment of invasive species have not been conducted in the forest area. The study was carried out to support the management of Samboja Research Forest, particularly in controlling invasive species. The study was conducted with exploration techniques in open areas, secondary forests, and primary forests. The density and frequency data of invasive plants were obtained using random plots in secondary and primary forest areas. The results showed the presence of 52 invasive plant species in the Samboja Research Forest area with dominance by shrubs and herbs. Based on plants distribution and density, four crucial invasive plant species in Samboja Research Forest were identified, namely: Acacia mangium, Spathodea campanulata, Miconia crenata, and P...
Penelitian distribusi, habitat, dan status konservasi Hernandia nympaheifolia (C. Presl) Kubitzki... more Penelitian distribusi, habitat, dan status konservasi Hernandia nympaheifolia (C. Presl) Kubitzki dilakukan di seluruh wilayah Kalimantan, Indonesia, khususnya pada habitat hutan pantai berpasir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis ini hidup tersebar di seluruh wilayah Kalimantan, namun tidak selalu ditemukan pada habitat hutan pantai berpasir. Jenis-jenis dominan pembentuk habitat H. nympaheifolia adalah Calophyllum inophyllum, Hibiscus tiliaceus, dan Pongamia pinnata. Tipe tanah pada habitat adalah dominan pasir dengan tingkat kesuburan yang rendah. Berdasarkan hasil survei ditemukan 7 jumlah populasi dan 44 pohon dewasa di Kalimantan. Status konservasi H. nympaheifolia di Indonesia berdasarkan kriteria IUCN termasuk genting /EN (B2b(ii,iii)c(ii,iii).
Ki beusi (Pongamia pinnata) is known for its multipurpose benefits and as a potential source of b... more Ki beusi (Pongamia pinnata) is known for its multipurpose benefits and as a potential source of biodiesel and medicinal plant. Habitat and population study of ki beusi was conducted in March until November 2012. The objective of this study was to find out condition of habitat and population of kibeusi in East Kalimantan. Vegetation and soil analysis was conducted in four districts, namely Kutai Kartanegara, Berau, Kutai Timur and Paser. The results of this study found that there were 86 tree species existsing in the habitat. Ki beusi was found in the coastal line to inland for about 60 m width. The composition of plant species among location was different one from another. Soil condition dominated by sand fraction with soil acidity neutral (pH 6,34-7,31) in the Kutai Timur, Berau and Paser and acid (pH 5,14) in Berau.
Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) adalah satwa dilindungi endemic Borneo yang sebagian habitatny... more Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) adalah satwa dilindungi endemic Borneo yang sebagian habitatnya berada di luar kawasan konservasi. Penelitian penyebaran bekantan dilakukan di Teluk Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran aktual bekantan dan potensi ancaman yang ada. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2010 menggunakan metode boat survey method, yaitu dengan perahu menyusuri Teluk Balikpapan, yang meliputi wilayah Balikpapan dan Penajam Paser Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak lima belas lokasi penyebaran bekantan berdasarkan pengamatan langsung dan dua lokasi berdasarkan informasi masyarakat.Ancaman terhadap bekantan dan habitatnya adalah pembangunan tambak udang, industri, permukiman, tambang batubara, perkebunan kelapa sawit, pembangunan jalan dan jembatan. Strategi konservasi bekantan adalah dengan penunjukan kawasan lindung, kampanye kepada masyarakat sekitar, pengembangan ekowisata dan upaya terakhir dengan translokasi.
Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) adalah satwa dilindungi endemic Borneo yang sebagian habitatny... more Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) adalah satwa dilindungi endemic Borneo yang sebagian habitatnya berada di luar kawasan konservasi. Penelitian penyebaran bekantan dilakukan di Teluk Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran aktual bekantan dan potensi ancaman yang ada. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2010 menggunakan metode boat survey method, yaitu dengan perahu menyusuri Teluk Balikpapan, yang meliputi wilayah Balikpapan dan Penajam Paser Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak lima belas lokasi penyebaran bekantan berdasarkan pengamatan langsung dan dua lokasi berdasarkan informasi masyarakat.Ancaman terhadap bekantan dan habitatnya adalah pembangunan tambak udang, industri, permukiman, tambang batubara, perkebunan kelapa sawit, pembangunan jalan dan jembatan. Strategi konservasi bekantan adalah dengan penunjukan kawasan lindung, kampanye kepada masyarakat sekitar, pengembangan ekowisata dan upaya terakhir dengan translokasi.
Muara Kaman Sedulang Nature Reserve in East Kalimantan has been damaged due to anthropogenic acti... more Muara Kaman Sedulang Nature Reserve in East Kalimantan has been damaged due to anthropogenic activities and natural fires. The study aims to explore the floristic composition and soil characteristics in the rehabilitation and protection block to provide plant species information for the restoration activity. Vegetation data were collected in each block with a purposive random sampling method, in a total of 0,36 ha plot sample in rehabilitation block and 0,32 ha in protection block. Soil characteristics samples for physical and chemical measurement were collected in each plot with a composite technique at the soil surface (0 – 30 cm). There are 15 species recorded in rehabilitation block and 30 species in the protection block. The diameter distribution indicated that there are differences in the regeneration process after periods of destruction on each block. The diversity index in the rehabilitation block is low, while in the protection block is low to middle. Mallotus sumatranus is...
Three new Begonia species from Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo are described here, namely Begonia k... more Three new Begonia species from Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo are described here, namely Begonia kapuashuluensis, B. patar and B. sangkulirangensis, and one species is reported as a new record for Kalimantan. Colour plates, as well as notes on distribution, habitat and conservation status are provided. On conservation status, we provisionally assess B. kapuashuluensis as near threatened, B. patar as critically endangered and B. sangkulirangensis as vulnerable.
In Sebangau National Park, restoration of degraded peat land by canal blocking was established by... more In Sebangau National Park, restoration of degraded peat land by canal blocking was established by building dam. Purpose of this research is to know natural plant regeneration that established in there. In this study, vegetations data were collected by establishing line transects, which are 250 meter by 20 meter long in two different places that represent the research area; Restored Area (RA) and Unrestored Area (UA). 40 species of plant were recorded in areas, 30 species in the RA and 10 species in UA. Species abundant and diversity show that canal blocking is proved to affect the natural plant regeneration positively.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
A population estimation of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) has been conducted in Manggar Riv... more A population estimation of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) has been conducted in Manggar River, Balikpapan. In this non-conservation area, the anthropogenic activities threaten the proboscis monkey habitat. Boat survey technique was applied along ± 17 km of the river in the morning and evening. The number of proboscis monkeys in the surveyed area was estimated to range from 57 to 69 individuals with estimated population density of 4.75 individuals/Km2. Moreover, the population of this primates was divided into 4 groups and the sex ratio between adult males and females was 1:2.33. The proboscis monkeys were distributed in the middle of the river to the upstream. The highest population was found in the upstream area with less human activities. Conservation efforts in the Manggar River need to be carried out considering the proboscis monkey habitat in the area has been fragmented and isolated. These efforts could involve local economic communities.
Ki beusi (Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre) dan kampis (Hernandia nymphaeifolia Kubitzki) populasinya... more Ki beusi (Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre) dan kampis (Hernandia nymphaeifolia Kubitzki) populasinya cenderung semakin berkurang sebagai dampak dari penyempitan habitat akibat abrasi air laut dan alih fungsi lahan untuk pemanfaatan lain. Penelitian habitat dan populasi ki beusi dan kampis di Kalimantan Timur dilakukan di empat lokasi yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi keragaman habitat dan populasi sebagai dasar kegiatan pelestarian dan perlindungan kedua jenis tersebut. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara membuat petak-petak contoh berukuran 10 m x 10 m disetiap lokasi dengan jumlah yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kedua jenis ini tumbuh dengan baik di habitat pantai berpasir yang berbatasan langsung dengan laut atau dibatasi oleh area mangrove berlumpur. Walaupun menempati habitat yang sama kedua jenis ini tidak berasosiasi dengan baik, hal ini disebabkan kehadiran individu dan jenis tumbuhan penyusun tegakan yang berbeda diseti...
FIGURE 1. Begonia kapuashuluensis Randi & Ardi. A. Plant habit; B. Leaves abaxial surface; C. Inf... more FIGURE 1. Begonia kapuashuluensis Randi & Ardi. A. Plant habit; B. Leaves abaxial surface; C. Inflorescence; D. Stipule; E. Staminate flowers; F. Bract; G. Staminate flower (side view); H, I. Top and side views of pistillate flower; J. Mature fruits; K. Cross section of fruit. Scale bars: B: 5 cm, C: 3 cm, D–K: 5 mm. Photo A, C–J: A. Randi AR-1022; B & K: Wisnu H. Ardi.
Knowledge of species diversity in tropical forests is well known, but the information on plant sp... more Knowledge of species diversity in tropical forests is well known, but the information on plant species’ food source potential in forest areas is still limited. The study was conducted in Nehas Liah Bing village and Wehea forest in August 2011 by interviews with local people and exploration in the forest. A total of 69 species of plants that have potential as a food source have been recorded in this research. It can be divided into three groups by the utilization: 51 species of fruits, 20 Species of vegetables and herbs, and groups producing starch/sago one species. Differences in local knowledge and experience and the condition of the landscape/habitat make differences in the diversity and number of species recorded.
Orangutans depend on social learning for the acquisition of survival skills. The development of s... more Orangutans depend on social learning for the acquisition of survival skills. The development of skills is not usually assessed in rescued orphans’ pre-release. We collected data of seven orphans over an 18-months-period to monitor the progress of ontogenetic changes. The orphans, 1.5–9 years old, were immersed in a natural forest environment with human surrogate mothers and other orphans. Social interactions deviated significantly from those of wild mother-reared immatures. Infants spent more time playing socially with peers, at the expense of resting and solitary play. Infants were also more often and at an earlier age distant from their human surrogate mothers than wild immatures are from their biological mothers. We found important changes towards an orangutan-typical lifestyle in 4- to 7-year-old orphans, corresponding to the weaning age in maternally reared immatures. The older orphans spent less time interacting with human surrogate mothers or peers, started to use the canopy ...
   Some small islands in Balikpapan Bay consist of dry land which may have different vegetation s... more    Some small islands in Balikpapan Bay consist of dry land which may have different vegetation structure and composition. Our study was the first to uncover vegetation conditions and soil proper-ties of dry land on small islands in Balikpapan Bay, which has never been conducted before. The research was carried out on Kalawasan and Karantina islands. Information on vegetation was obtained by applying a line transect method. Data on soil properties were col-lected by setting up 3 sampling plots in each transect of vegetation. Parameters used for analysing vegetation including relative densi-ty, relative frequency, relative dominance, Shannon-Wiener diversi-ty index, evenness index, and similarity index. Meanwhile, data on soils were analysed descriptively. Trees on Kalawasan island were comprised of 241 individuals belonging to 21 species. There were 61 individuals (22 species) of trees on Karantina island. The diver-sity index of trees on Kalawasan and Karantina island was 2.55 and ...
Historically, and based on the latest conditions, Samboja Research Forest has a fairly high vulne... more Historically, and based on the latest conditions, Samboja Research Forest has a fairly high vulnerability to the presence of invasive species that can interfere with ecosystem stability and forest succession. However, data collection and risk assessment of invasive species have not been conducted in the forest area. The study was carried out to support the management of Samboja Research Forest, particularly in controlling invasive species. The study was conducted with exploration techniques in open areas, secondary forests, and primary forests. The density and frequency data of invasive plants were obtained using random plots in secondary and primary forest areas. The results showed the presence of 52 invasive plant species in the Samboja Research Forest area with dominance by shrubs and herbs. Based on plants distribution and density, four crucial invasive plant species in Samboja Research Forest were identified, namely: Acacia mangium, Spathodea campanulata, Miconia crenata, and P...
Penelitian distribusi, habitat, dan status konservasi Hernandia nympaheifolia (C. Presl) Kubitzki... more Penelitian distribusi, habitat, dan status konservasi Hernandia nympaheifolia (C. Presl) Kubitzki dilakukan di seluruh wilayah Kalimantan, Indonesia, khususnya pada habitat hutan pantai berpasir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis ini hidup tersebar di seluruh wilayah Kalimantan, namun tidak selalu ditemukan pada habitat hutan pantai berpasir. Jenis-jenis dominan pembentuk habitat H. nympaheifolia adalah Calophyllum inophyllum, Hibiscus tiliaceus, dan Pongamia pinnata. Tipe tanah pada habitat adalah dominan pasir dengan tingkat kesuburan yang rendah. Berdasarkan hasil survei ditemukan 7 jumlah populasi dan 44 pohon dewasa di Kalimantan. Status konservasi H. nympaheifolia di Indonesia berdasarkan kriteria IUCN termasuk genting /EN (B2b(ii,iii)c(ii,iii).
Ki beusi (Pongamia pinnata) is known for its multipurpose benefits and as a potential source of b... more Ki beusi (Pongamia pinnata) is known for its multipurpose benefits and as a potential source of biodiesel and medicinal plant. Habitat and population study of ki beusi was conducted in March until November 2012. The objective of this study was to find out condition of habitat and population of kibeusi in East Kalimantan. Vegetation and soil analysis was conducted in four districts, namely Kutai Kartanegara, Berau, Kutai Timur and Paser. The results of this study found that there were 86 tree species existsing in the habitat. Ki beusi was found in the coastal line to inland for about 60 m width. The composition of plant species among location was different one from another. Soil condition dominated by sand fraction with soil acidity neutral (pH 6,34-7,31) in the Kutai Timur, Berau and Paser and acid (pH 5,14) in Berau.
Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) adalah satwa dilindungi endemic Borneo yang sebagian habitatny... more Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) adalah satwa dilindungi endemic Borneo yang sebagian habitatnya berada di luar kawasan konservasi. Penelitian penyebaran bekantan dilakukan di Teluk Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran aktual bekantan dan potensi ancaman yang ada. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2010 menggunakan metode boat survey method, yaitu dengan perahu menyusuri Teluk Balikpapan, yang meliputi wilayah Balikpapan dan Penajam Paser Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak lima belas lokasi penyebaran bekantan berdasarkan pengamatan langsung dan dua lokasi berdasarkan informasi masyarakat.Ancaman terhadap bekantan dan habitatnya adalah pembangunan tambak udang, industri, permukiman, tambang batubara, perkebunan kelapa sawit, pembangunan jalan dan jembatan. Strategi konservasi bekantan adalah dengan penunjukan kawasan lindung, kampanye kepada masyarakat sekitar, pengembangan ekowisata dan upaya terakhir dengan translokasi.
Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) adalah satwa dilindungi endemic Borneo yang sebagian habitatny... more Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) adalah satwa dilindungi endemic Borneo yang sebagian habitatnya berada di luar kawasan konservasi. Penelitian penyebaran bekantan dilakukan di Teluk Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran aktual bekantan dan potensi ancaman yang ada. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2010 menggunakan metode boat survey method, yaitu dengan perahu menyusuri Teluk Balikpapan, yang meliputi wilayah Balikpapan dan Penajam Paser Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak lima belas lokasi penyebaran bekantan berdasarkan pengamatan langsung dan dua lokasi berdasarkan informasi masyarakat.Ancaman terhadap bekantan dan habitatnya adalah pembangunan tambak udang, industri, permukiman, tambang batubara, perkebunan kelapa sawit, pembangunan jalan dan jembatan. Strategi konservasi bekantan adalah dengan penunjukan kawasan lindung, kampanye kepada masyarakat sekitar, pengembangan ekowisata dan upaya terakhir dengan translokasi.
Papers by Bina Sitepu