Papers by Bhawana Upadhyay

Nepal recognizes climate change as a significant threat to its economy, communities, and environm... more Nepal recognizes climate change as a significant threat to its economy, communities, and environment. Climate variability is one of the major causes of food insecurity, poverty, and inequality in the country. Marginalized and vulnerable communities, particularly women, suffer the most severe consequences of climate change. In this paper, we qualitatively analyze primary and secondary data to understand how gender considerations are integrated into agriculture and climate change policies. It aims to identify gaps in integrating gender considerations into policies and practices. Climate change's challenges on agriculture and food security have been identified in most agricultural policies; however, those policies remain quiet on the gender-specific impacts of climate change. Representation mandates are not sufficiently linked with officials' overall performance, resulting in limited representation of women in budget formulation, project and program design, planning, and resource and opportunity allocation. As a way forward, our analysis suggests addressing the gaps at the policy and institutional levels. For instance, to effectively address climate change, policies should be developed with a gender-inclusive approach, along with budgetary allocations that consider the gender-specific impact of climate change. Promoting gender equality in climate-resilient agriculture in Nepal requires measures such as empowering women's networks, establishing linkages with extension services that focus on women-led cooperatives, and investing in affordable and climate-smart tools and machinery that are women-friendly. The study offers important insights for policymakers to create gender-inclusive policies. It highlights the opportunity to coordinate inter-agency responses among stakeholders and sustain ongoing national policy dialogues to identify actions required to meet the nationally determined contributions' commitments.

The study focuses on analyzing the effect of market information on students' investment behavior ... more The study focuses on analyzing the effect of market information on students' investment behavior in the stock market by employing a sample size of 103 TU BBA students in Sorahkhutte. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire containing yes/no responses, multiple-choice questions, ranking questions, and Likert scale questions measured in different scales. The survey was conducted in the month of November 2021. One of the factors influencing investing behavior is market information. The research design embraced in the study were descriptive, relational, and causal research designs. Various tools used for data analysis were mean, median, standard deviation, Independent sample t-test, correlation, regression, etc. The study's findings revealed that market information significantly affects students' investment behavior in the Nepali stock market. The study will guide students and other investors to improve, exercise, and promote their investing strategy, planning, and procedures.

Environmental research. Climate, Feb 29, 2024
Nepal recognizes climate change as a significant threat to its economy, communities, and environm... more Nepal recognizes climate change as a significant threat to its economy, communities, and environment. Climate variability is one of the major causes of food insecurity, poverty, and inequality in the country. Marginalized and vulnerable communities, particularly women, suffer the most severe consequences of climate change. In this paper, we qualitatively analyze primary and secondary data to understand how gender considerations are integrated into agriculture and climate change policies. It aims to identify gaps in integrating gender considerations into policies and practices. Climate change's challenges on agriculture and food security have been identified in most agricultural policies; however, those policies remain quiet on the gender-specific impacts of climate change. Representation mandates are not sufficiently linked with officials' overall performance, resulting in limited representation of women in budget formulation, project and program design, planning, and resource and opportunity allocation. As a way forward, our analysis suggests addressing the gaps at the policy and institutional levels. For instance, to effectively address climate change, policies should be developed with a gender-inclusive approach, along with budgetary allocations that consider the gender-specific impact of climate change. Promoting gender equality in climate-resilient agriculture in Nepal requires measures such as empowering women's networks, establishing linkages with extension services that focus on women-led cooperatives, and investing in affordable and climate-smart tools and machinery that are women-friendly. The study offers important insights for policymakers to create gender-inclusive policies. It highlights the opportunity to coordinate inter-agency responses among stakeholders and sustain ongoing national policy dialogues to identify actions required to meet the nationally determined contributions' commitments.
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Nov 2, 2017
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Jun 15, 2017
Rural Development in India is one of the most important factors for the growth of the Indian econ... more Rural Development in India is one of the most important factors for the growth of the Indian economy. India is primarily an agriculture-based country. Agriculture contributes nearly one-fifth of the gross domestic product in India. In order to increase the growth of agriculture, the Government has planned several programs pertaining to Rural Development and poverty alleviation in India. The Ministry of Rural Development in India is the apex body for formulating policies, regulations and acts pertaining to the development of the rural sector. Agriculture, handicrafts, fisheries, poultry, and dairy are the primary contributors to the rural business and economy.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management, Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 25-28 July, 2004., 2004

Water Policy, 2003
Access to water in equitable manner and the improved management of water are imperative to sustai... more Access to water in equitable manner and the improved management of water are imperative to sustainable development, poverty alleviation and biodiversity preservation. Despite much research on gender and natural resources management, there have been only a handful of studies on gender and water, especially those trying to link the two with poverty issues. This paper seeks to fill this gap specifically by looking at the linkages among gender, water and poverty in terms of gender participation in irrigated agriculture and irrigation institutions. The main objective of the study is to examine gender participation in irrigated agriculture and irrigation institutions and to analyze the impact of irrigation projects on men and women. The study approach has been a qualitative and quantitative analysis of primary and secondary data. Key findings reveal a considerable degree of gender inequalities, especially in terms of participation in irrigation institutions. Despite a high level of female...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2008
... Parul Rishi Corresponding Author Contact Information , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author , ... more ... Parul Rishi Corresponding Author Contact Information , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Swati Moghe a and BK Upadhyay a. ... Study site 2.1.1. Bandhavgarh National Park 2.1.2. Ranthambore National Park 2.2. Sample 2.3. ...

Irrigation Science, 2007
Micro-irrigation technologies are promoted for various reasons in India. Despite the reported sig... more Micro-irrigation technologies are promoted for various reasons in India. Despite the reported significant economic advantages, and the concerted support of the government and NGOs, the current microirrigation area in India remains an insignificant proportion of its potential. This paper analyzes: (1) the economics of alternative micro-irrigation technologies, (2) the determinants of adoption, (3) the poverty outreach of the different micro-irrigation systems, and (4) the sustainability implications of micro-irrigation adoption. In line with the findings of other studies, this study indicates that micro-irrigation technologies result in a significant productivity and economic gains. The most important determinants of micro-irrigation adoption include access to groundwater, cropping pattern, availability of cash, and level of education, the social status and poverty status of the farmer. Contrary to the expectations, the majority of the current adopters of low-cost micro-irrigation systems are the better-off farmers. The study indicates that the impact of micro-irrigation systems on the sustainability of groundwater resources depends upon the magnitude of the overall productivity gain following the shift from traditional irrigation method to micro-irrigation system, the pattern of use of the saved water, and the type and potential number of adopters.
Journal of Applied Irrigation Science, 2004
... B. Upadhyay 1 This paper is based on a part of ongoing study led by the author. Page 3. 1. In... more ... B. Upadhyay 1 This paper is based on a part of ongoing study led by the author. Page 3. 1. Introduction ... Although Nepal possesses 2.3 percent of the world's water resources, the harsh terrain makes access to water extremely difficult for majority of resource-poor smallholders. ...

Materials, 2021
The properties and microstructure evolution of quaternary Cu-Ni-Co-Si alloys with different Ni/Co... more The properties and microstructure evolution of quaternary Cu-Ni-Co-Si alloys with different Ni/Co mass ratios were investigated. The microstructure and morphological characteristics of the precipitates were analyzed by using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The mechanical properties and conductivity of the alloys were significantly improved after the addition of Co. The grains presented an obvious growth trend with an increase in Ni/Co mass ratios, and the appropriate Co accelerated the recrystallization process. The δ-(Ni, Co)2Si phases of the Cu-Ni-Co-Si alloys and δ-Ni2Si phases of the Cu-Ni-Si alloys shared the same crystal structure and orientation relationships with the matrix, which had two variant forms: δ1 and δ2 phases. The precipitates preferential grew along with the direction of the lowest energy and eventually exhibited two different morphologies. Compared with ...

The majority of villages of Gujarat, India, are in water stress conditions and conflicts over wat... more The majority of villages of Gujarat, India, are in water stress conditions and conflicts over water are common. In reference to the strategic and practical gender needs, this paper delineates women's issues in water management. Based on empirical work done in 2003 in villages of Gujarat, the paper highlights women's roles as domestic water managers. It also discusses the institutional issues vis-a-vis women's involvement in water management. Participatory appraisal techniques encompassing survey of respondents, participant observation and focus group discussion were used to generate primary data. The findings suggest that rural women are the ones to suffer from the ever-increasing scarcity of water In rural areas, since providing domestic water is their domain. Access to water in rural areas is dominated by gender inequality on top of caste and class based discrimination. Importance of institutional assistance in enhancing women's status and reducing their drudgery i...

Natural Resources Forum, 2005
This article attempts to delineate women's roles in natural resource management by highlighting t... more This article attempts to delineate women's roles in natural resource management by highlighting their roles in management of water, agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishery. The article is based on the findings of case studies in rural areas of India and Nepal done during 2003 and 2004 by the author as well as by other researchers. Taking women as primary respondents, empirical work used participatory techniques, such as in-depth surveys, focus group discussions and participant observation. Findings suggest that women clearly outdo men in terms of their involvement in use and management of all the studied sectors, i.e., water, agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishery. Yet, they face categorical exclusion and denial of equal sharing of benefits from natural resources. In order to ensure sustainable use of these resources, the article recommends that policy makers, planners and development workers must have a better understanding of the relative and often shifting roles of men and women in natural resource management, including division of labour, access to resources, decision-making and traditional knowledge and practices. The article concludes with sector-specific recommendations.
Agriculture and Human Values, 2005
A variety of water-based livelihood activities undertaken by women and men in the villages of Nor... more A variety of water-based livelihood activities undertaken by women and men in the villages of North Gujarat are under threat due to the unavailability of adequate water. Excessive groundwater withdrawal and limited recharge have led to shrinking water tables. With shrinking supply and growing sectoral demand, the competition for access to water is growing and women, who command less political
The authors acknowledge the valuable comments made by Dr. Tushaar Shah, IWMI, India, on an earlie... more The authors acknowledge the valuable comments made by Dr. Tushaar Shah, IWMI, India, on an earlier version of this paper. Special thanks are due to Deepak Adhikari, Shanta Tamang and Bob Nanes of the International Development Enterprises Nepal Office (IDE/N) and the field team of IDE Palpa Field Office for their cooperation and assistance.
Women play multidimensional roles in households and communities along with their male fishing cou... more Women play multidimensional roles in households and communities along with their male fishing counterparts. Of the total population depending on capture fisheries, 47% are women (World Bank, 2012). According to current estimates from major fish producing countries, women comprise 46% of the labor force in small-scale capture fisheries related activities, including preand postharvest work (The WorldFish Center, 2010; Kusakabe, 2017).
Papers by Bhawana Upadhyay