Papers by Aranya Bhuti Bhattacherjee
Journal of Optics
We theoretically study the dynamical change in the amplification of the output probe field spectra ... more We theoretically study the dynamical change in the amplification of the output probe field spectra of a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of two mechanical modes coupled to a photonic crystal (PhC) nanocavity. The PhC cavity is also embedded with a quantum dot (two-level system) and simultaneously driven by an external pump and a probe field. We show that multiple number of transparency windows that appear can be controlled by the QD-cavity coupling strength and also the Fano profiles are directly measured by the resonant frequency of the mechanical mode. We also show the optical transition from bistability to tristability/multistability by adjusting the switching threshold of the system parameters. These results can also be used to study frequency optical nonreciprocity and all-optical switches in multi-resonator photonic devices.
Journal of Modern Optics, 2020
We theoretically investigate optical bistability/multistability for all optical switching signatu... more We theoretically investigate optical bistability/multistability for all optical switching signature in a hybrid semiconductor microcavity system comprising a quantum well and a Kerr nonlinear substrate. The system is essentially two optically coupled microcavities with one of the microcavity being driven by an external amplitude-modulated pump laser. We show that the switching between bistable and multistable behaviour is influenced by the modulated pump laser, Kerr nonlinearity and the optical coupling between the two microcavities. We further investigate the intracavity spectrum of quantum fluctuations which exhibit the well-known normal mode splitting (NMS). The NMS behaviour is also found to be influenced by the system parameters. These results demonstrate that the present hybrid nonlinear system can be used in designing sensitive optical devices.

Physica Scripta
Coherent and tunable light-matter interaction in cavity quantum electrodynamics (C-QED) has attra... more Coherent and tunable light-matter interaction in cavity quantum electrodynamics (C-QED) has attracted much attention for its fundamental importance and applications in emerging areas of quantum technologies. In this work, we propose a hybrid C-QED system comprising embedded quantum dot molecules (QDMs) in a primary photonic crystal (PhC) optomechanical cavity, which is further coupled to an auxiliary PhC cavity via a single-mode waveguide. We investigate the effect of the QDMs, mechanical oscillator, and the feedback from the auxiliary cavity on the multistability response shown by the mean intracavity photons in the primary optomechanical cavity. Tuning the various system parameters can control optical multistability. We further study the absorption spectra showing distinct characteristics of negative absorption (transparency dip), which strongly depend on mechanical resonator frequency. Thus, the proposed model is valuable for practically realizing efficient all-optical switching ...
Optics Communications, 2009
A theoretical link based on tw0-1evel system is developed that penTrits the estimation of third-o... more A theoretical link based on tw0-1evel system is developed that penTrits the estimation of third-order 1lyperpolarizabilities from parameters measured by linear spectroscopic techniques of Raman resonance and absorption spectroscopy. In an attempt to gain experimental evidence for the proposed link, we have examined p-carotene in different organic solvents.

Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine / supported by the Australasian College of Physical Scientists in Medicine and the Australasian Association of Physical Sciences in Medicine, 1994
We have studied the interaction of 5,5-diphenylhydantoin (5,5-dph), an anticonvulsant drug, with ... more We have studied the interaction of 5,5-diphenylhydantoin (5,5-dph), an anticonvulsant drug, with erythrocyte membrane lipids and proteins using IR spectroscopic technique. The local lateral order parameter, which is directly related to the lipid packing density, has been found to be elevated due to 5,5-dph binding. This increase has been accounted for on the basis of relaxation of local discontinuity in orientational order (defects). The transition towards an ordered structure is further supported by our experimental results which exhibit a decrease in the hydrocarbon chain mobility. The reorganization of the polar head groups due to 5,5-dph-lipid interaction leads to the absence of the bands at 1150 cm-1 (C-O stretch or C-O-C antisymmetric stretch) and 1085 cm-1 (C-O-P stretch or PO2- symmetric stretch). These bands are associated with the phospholipid head groups in erythrocyte membrane. Significant intensity changes in amide I (1650 cm-1) and amide II (1520 cm-1) have been explai...
Physics Letters A, 1998
ABSTRACT We have investigated the influence of the second-order correction to Rayleigh scattering... more ABSTRACT We have investigated the influence of the second-order correction to Rayleigh scattering on intensity squeezing and photon antibunching in the standard two-level thermal Jaynes-Cummings model, thereby extending our earlier work [Phys. Rev. A 56 (1997) 796].
Physical Review A, 1997
This paper describes the influence of nonlinear interaction of a two-level atom with a single-mod... more This paper describes the influence of nonlinear interaction of a two-level atom with a single-mode field via one-photon interaction on the squeezing properties of the radiation and the fluctuations of the atomic dipole variables. The thermal Jaynes-Cummings model nonlinear in occupation number is used. ͓S1050-2947͑97͒04806-3͔
Optics Communications, 2001
We report the effect of atomic motion and an axial magnetic field on the spectrum of resonance fl... more We report the effect of atomic motion and an axial magnetic field on the spectrum of resonance fluorescence emitted by cold helium atoms in an optical lattice. The polarization gradient induces electron shelving at selected points on the optical lattice, giving rise to light and dark periods. We find in particular that localization of the atoms in the optical lattice inhibits electron shelving but can be recovered in the presence of an axial magnetic field.
Modern Physics Letters B, 2001
We report theoretical calculations on the effect of polarization gradient, atomic motion and an a... more We report theoretical calculations on the effect of polarization gradient, atomic motion and an axial magnetic field on quantum noise reduction in the resonant fluorescence emitted by a cloud of cold Helium atoms in an optical lattice. The polarization gradient induces squeezing of the electromagnetic field at selected points on the optical lattice, together with a dark resonance in the emitted fluorescence, the origin of which is traced back to electron shelving. We find that the localization of the atoms in the optical lattice destroys squeezing, but can be recovered in the presence of an axial magnetic field.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012
PREFACE The papers selected for this volume were reported at the International Symposium ‘Optics ... more PREFACE The papers selected for this volume were reported at the International Symposium ‘Optics and its applications’ (OPTICS-2011, Yerevan & Ashtarak, Armenia, September 5–9, 2011), The Symposium was organized by the SPIE Armenian Student Chapter and major Armenian R&D organizations, universities and industrial companies working in the field of basic and applied optics: Institute for Physical Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan State University, Russian–Armenian (Slavonic) University, and LT-PYRKAL Closed Joint Stock Company. OPTICS-2011 was primarily intended to support and promote the involvement of students and young scientists in various fields of modern optics, giving them the possibility to attend invited talks by prominent scientists and to present and discuss their own results. Furthermore, the Symposium allowed foreign participants from 14 countries to become acquainted with the achievements of optical science and technology in Armenia, which became a full member of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) in 2011. To follow this concept, the Symposium sessions were held in various host institutions. The creative and friendly ambience established at OPTICS-2011 promoted further international collaboration in the field and motivated many students to take up research in optics and photonics as a career. This volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series covers thematic sections of the Symposium (both oral and poster), which represent the main fields of interest in optics for Armenian scientists: quantum optics & information, laser spectroscopy, optical properties of nanostructures, photonics & fiber optics, and optics of liquid crystals. Such wide coverage is consistent with the general scope of the Symposium, allowing all the students involved in optics to present, discuss and publish their recent results, and for those who are making their first steps in science to choose the direction of their further studies. We are confident that the publication of the Symposium proceedings in JPCS, a worldwide-known open access journal, will help to disseminate and promote current activities in optics, thus facilitating international cooperation and the integration of Armenian scientists into the worldwide optical community. We would like to thank the sponsors of the Symposium: National Foundation of Science and Advanced Technologies (NFSAT), The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), LT-PYRKAL, State Committee of Science of Armenia, Russian–Armenian (Slavonic) University, and Devout Generation Foundation. We also express our gratitude to the members of the Program Committee for their organization of the manuscript reviewing. Special thanks go to Narine Gevorgyan, Lilit Mantashyan and Paytsar Mantashyan for their invaluable assistance in the compilation of this issue. The Editors,Aranya B Bhattacherjee, University of Delhi, IndiaMaria L Calvo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainEduard M Kazaryan, Russian–Armenian (Slavonic) University, ArmeniaAram V Papoyan, Institute for Physical Research of NAS, ArmeniaHayk A Sarkisyan, Russian–Armenian (Slavonic) University, Armenia Participants of OPTICS-2011 in front of Yerevan State UniversityParticipants of OPTICS-2011 in Khor Virap The PDF also contains additional photographs from the Symposium.
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 2001
ABSTRACT We report on the theoretical calculations of the effect of the polarization gradient and... more ABSTRACT We report on the theoretical calculations of the effect of the polarization gradient and an axial magnetic field on quantum noise reduction and quantum jumps in the resonance fluorescence emitted by cold metastable helium atoms confined in an optical lattice. We find that the localization of the atoms in the optical lattice destroys the non-classical properties of the emitted light but can be recovered in the presence of an axial magnetic field. The polarization gradient induces electron shelving at selected points (z = nλ/4) on the optical lattice. At these selected points, squeezing is maximized.

Light scattering by small particles is one of the most prevailing and non-invasive technique for ... more Light scattering by small particles is one of the most prevailing and non-invasive technique for examining the properties of particulate systems chiefly of biological origin. The sub-micron particles including the bio-particles were so chosen because of their importance in biology and biomedical sciences. Light scattering investigation from homogenous, pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa and non-pathogenic Mycobacterium smegmatis was carried out at two different wavelength of incident light, by using an original designed and fabricated polar and azimuth-dependent light scattering setup. Theoretical scattering plots were generated by using T-matrix approach to validate our analyses. Simulations of light scattering of these particles were also carried out using a novel Monte-Carlo simulation technique. The relation between experimental, theoretical and simulated result is presented in this paper. We have studied Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Mycobacterium smegmatis, and attempted for prospect of observing its morphological property by using light scattering tool.

Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2021
Quantum machine learning is a relatively new research field that aims to combine the dramatic per... more Quantum machine learning is a relatively new research field that aims to combine the dramatic performance advantage offered by quantum computing and the ability of machine learning algorithms to learn complex distributions of high-dimensional data. The primary focus of this domain is the implementation of classical machine learning algorithms in the quantum mechanical domain and study of the speedup due to quantum parallelism, which could enable the development of novel techniques for solving problems such as quantum phase recognition and quantum error correction optimization. In this paper, we propose a hybrid quantum machine learning pipeline for predicting the atomization energies of various molecules using the nuclear charges and atomic positions of the constituent atoms. Firstly, we will be using a deep convolutional auto-encoder model for the feature extraction of data constructed from the eigenvalues and eigenvector centralities of the pairwise distance matrix calculated from...
Optics Communications, 2002
ABSTRACT We study the effect of an axial magnetic field, atomic recoil and polarization gradient ... more ABSTRACT We study the effect of an axial magnetic field, atomic recoil and polarization gradient on population dynamics and quantum statistics of two Bose–Einstein condensates coupled through a common excited state confined in an optical lattice.
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 2002
A scheme is proposed to study and manipulate band gaps of an entangled coherent system composed o... more A scheme is proposed to study and manipulate band gaps of an entangled coherent system composed of superposition of two atomic Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) (corresponding to different internal sub-levels and different quantum statistics) and light fields moving in two different optical potentials. The band gaps are found to be a consequence of the periodic dielectric behaviour of the ground state BECs.

Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2019
The future of quantum communication systems and quantum networks heavily rely on the ability to f... more The future of quantum communication systems and quantum networks heavily rely on the ability to fabricate and coherently control the conversion of photons between different modes based on a solid-state plateform. In this work, we propose and theoretically investigate a scheme to optomechanically control coherent mode conversion of optical photons by utilizing two optically coupled hybrid semiconductor microcavities containing a quantum dot (QD). One of the microcavity is pumped by an external laser and the second cavity is driven by light emitted by the QD that is embedded in the interface separating the two microcavities. The semiconductor microcavities can be fabricated using distributed Bragg reflectors (DBR) and can be made movable. We have demonstrated that photon-mode-conversion efficiency can be coherently manipulated by the optomechanical mode under appropriate conditions.
Journal of Optics
We theoretically investigate the Four wave mixing (FWM) and Normal mode splitting (NMS) in couple... more We theoretically investigate the Four wave mixing (FWM) and Normal mode splitting (NMS) in coupled double quantum dots (CDQDs) cavity system in the presence of a third-order Kerr nonlinear χ(3) medium. The FWM generated in the system has narrow spectral width and this can be tuned by nonlinear medium strength, the coupling strength between two coupled quantum dots and pump strength. Further, we study NMS that can also be tuned by various physical parameters and show that energy exchange between different modes is possible. The proposed model have potential applications in the field of quantum information processing.
We calculate the absorption spectrum for ultracold three-level helium atom in a A configuration i... more We calculate the absorption spectrum for ultracold three-level helium atom in a A configuration in an optical lattice. Our results show the possibility of lasing at certain points on the optical lattice which are capable of rendering one of the transitions metastable as compared to the other. A coherent control over the stimulated emission is possible using an axial magnetic field.
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2021
We study the dissipative dynamics of a single quantum harmonic oscillator subjected to a parametr... more We study the dissipative dynamics of a single quantum harmonic oscillator subjected to a parametric driving with in an effective Hamiltonian approach. Using Liouville-von Neumann approach, we show that the time evolution of a parametrically driven dissipative quantum oscillator has a strong connection with the classical damped Mathieu equation. Based on the numerical analysis of the Monodromy matrix, we demonstrate that the dynamical instability generated by the parametric driving are reduced by the effect of dissipation. Further, we obtain a closed relationship between the localization of the Wigner function and the stability of the damped Mathieu equation.
Papers by Aranya Bhuti Bhattacherjee