Betsy D-C
Betsy Diamant-Cohen is a children's librarian with a doctorate. Creator of the award-winning Mother Goose on the Loose early literacy program, she is an innovative thinker and charismatic speaker. She presents workshops for librarians and early childhood professionals that highlight research findings, translates them into easily understandable language, connects them with important skills for children to learn, and uses hands-on activities to show how these skills can be built through library programming and circle time activities.
Address: Baltimore Maryland, United States
Address: Baltimore Maryland, United States
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Papers by Betsy D-C
outdoor venues,
Early Head Starts, homes and home daycares, schools, prisons, and laundromats;
MGOL for children with special needs, children in hospitals, parents of premature infants, teen moms, and other special audiences;
multicultural MGOL, including programs in other languages and programs that focus on cultural heritage and religious traditions;
ways to use MGOL with adults, including mentoring educators, involving senior citizens, and training parents as facilitators;
MGOL in libraries, including ways to adapt it for different age groups, parent-education programs, and as themed sessions for summer reading clubs.
Diamant-Cohen also offers social media tips for pop-up programs, suggestions for using digital media, guidance on enlisting volunteers, and more. This resource will enable presenters to offer these fun-filled programs to children and caregivers wherever early literacy is needed—which is everywhere!
planning sheets for implementing the program; guidance on designing new MGOL sessions, plus five MGOL programs with complete scripts and instructions, easily adaptable as needed; ways to adapt MGOL for different cultures and languages and to address social justice concerns;
suggestions for incorporating digital media such as tablets;
tips for communicating with parents, library administrators, and stakeholders; research findings on the learning process for infants and toddlers, including the importance of repetition, ritual, play, reading, movement, and music; and links to additional online resources such as music, sample participant surveys, and promotional tools.
Librarians, educators, and caregivers across the country have already found MGOL easy to learn and easy to present, and so will you!
Scripts for 8 different books, with enough activities to repeat each one for six weeks, along with lists of optional alternative books
Planning aids such as outlines of storytime sessions, a fill-in-the-blanks planning sheet, questions for evaluation, and tips for enhanced storytimes using props and crafts
Detailed but straightforward explanations of theory and research that will help readers communicate effectively with parents, caregivers, and other stakeholders
From setup to execution, here’s everything you need to create and implement a successful, elevated storytime.
"A magnificent tool for librarians and educators who work with infants and toddlers ... This book is going to be most useful for children s librarians at public libraries, but I will also be sharing it with early childhood education faculty and students at my college." --Against the Grain
"Along with the five complete programs, Diamant-Cohen gives comprehensive, clear, and concise program planning instructions, replete with templates, rhymes, tips, and the formula of 80% repetition to 20% new materials, with the books read and developmental tips changing from week to week. This format incorporates the Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR) ideal of talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing, and focuses on school readiness and developing the 'whole' child. Librarians who are fresh out of library school and librarians who are looking to change up their early literacy programs will find a plethora of useful information in this updated guide." --School Library Connection
"This edition includes some updated language, offers websites and ways to promote programs using digital media, and discusses the advantages and limitations of apps. The author also covers cultural differences, gender and racial stereotypes, children with special needs, and day care groups ... The high level of detail distinguishes this work from other programming guides." --School Library Journal