Books by Berzo Berbeyan
The first issue of a Kurdish academic journal, namely Zend. This issue published in 2004 by Kurdi... more The first issue of a Kurdish academic journal, namely Zend. This issue published in 2004 by Kurdish Institute of İstanbul.
In this Issue of ZEND you can find many articles related to Kurdish Language, Literature and Hist... more In this Issue of ZEND you can find many articles related to Kurdish Language, Literature and History. The main article is about the atitude of Kurdish poet Ehmedê Xanî toward the philosophy of Islam. An other important articles is about the Kurdish Complex Sentences, which was written by I. Seydo Aydogan. An other article is written by me (Sami Tan) comparing the Kurdish and Persian basic verbs.
"Some articles in this issue:
I. Seydo Aydogan ( The problems of grammatical terms in Kurdish)
... more "Some articles in this issue:
I. Seydo Aydogan ( The problems of grammatical terms in Kurdish)
Zana Farqînî ( Kurdish alphabet: long discussed issue)
Sami Tan ( Some academic works about Kurdish language)
Lorin Demirel (Kurdish novels in Kirmanckî dialect)
Şerîf Derînce (Education in mother tongue)
Memê Mala Henê (Semiology)"
Zend is a publication of Kurdish Institute of Istanbul, covered by many article about Kurdish lan... more Zend is a publication of Kurdish Institute of Istanbul, covered by many article about Kurdish language, history and literature.
Papers by Berzo Berbeyan
Kurdî û farisî du zimanên îranî ne. Koma zimanên Îranî ku ji zimanên mîna kurdî, farisî, belûçî, ... more Kurdî û farisî du zimanên îranî ne. Koma zimanên Îranî ku ji zimanên mîna kurdî, farisî, belûçî, peştoyî hwd. pêk tên, şaxeke zimanên hind-aryanî ye ku ew jî baskeke malbata zimanan a Hînd-Ewropî ye. Li ser rûyê cîhanê nêzîkî 200 milyon kes bi van zimanan dipeyivin. 1 Di roja me ya îroyîn de kurdî û farisî du zimanên sereke yên îranî ne. Farisî ji mêj ve zimanê fermî û dewletî ye. Xwediyê wêje û keleporeke xurt e. Heçî kurdî ye, ji sedsala dehan bi vir de zimanekî wêjeyî ye. Îro jî kurd wekî civakeke dînamîk, di Rojhilata Navîn de gavên mezin ber bi azadiya xwe davêjin.
Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê îsal 20 sal li pey xwe hiştin. Di bîst salan de Enstîtuyê xebateke ça... more Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Stenbolê îsal 20 sal li pey xwe hiştin. Di bîst salan de Enstîtuyê xebateke çawa kir, di kîjan mercan de xebitî û di encamê de çi berhem derketin holê? Di vê nivîsê em dixwazin li ser van bîstan nirxandineke gelemperî û puxteyî bikin.
In all languages there are two kinds of words: lexical words and functional words in other words:... more In all languages there are two kinds of words: lexical words and functional words in other words: open words, closed words, this article is about the Kurdish functional (closed) words. Some of them are independent words, and some them are affixes.
This paper was published in Kurdish Journal Ronahî
This is an analysis about the demands of Kurdi... more This paper was published in Kurdish Journal Ronahî
This is an analysis about the demands of Kurdish people and the policy of Turkish State, especial AKP goverment.
An Aborted Project: Elective Kurdish Language Courses
Teaching Documents by Berzo Berbeyan
Books by Berzo Berbeyan
I. Seydo Aydogan ( The problems of grammatical terms in Kurdish)
Zana Farqînî ( Kurdish alphabet: long discussed issue)
Sami Tan ( Some academic works about Kurdish language)
Lorin Demirel (Kurdish novels in Kirmanckî dialect)
Şerîf Derînce (Education in mother tongue)
Memê Mala Henê (Semiology)"
Papers by Berzo Berbeyan
This is an analysis about the demands of Kurdish people and the policy of Turkish State, especial AKP goverment.
Teaching Documents by Berzo Berbeyan
I. Seydo Aydogan ( The problems of grammatical terms in Kurdish)
Zana Farqînî ( Kurdish alphabet: long discussed issue)
Sami Tan ( Some academic works about Kurdish language)
Lorin Demirel (Kurdish novels in Kirmanckî dialect)
Şerîf Derînce (Education in mother tongue)
Memê Mala Henê (Semiology)"
This is an analysis about the demands of Kurdish people and the policy of Turkish State, especial AKP goverment.