Papers by Berwi Fazri Pamudi

Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)
ABSTRAK Wilayah Indonesia yang terletak diantara tiga lempeng tektonik yaitu lempeng eurasia, lem... more ABSTRAK Wilayah Indonesia yang terletak diantara tiga lempeng tektonik yaitu lempeng eurasia, lempeng Pasifik, dan lempeng hindia - australia. Kondisi indonesia rentan terhadap gempa bumi, tsunami letusan gunung api dan jenis- jenis bencana geologi lain. Kecamatan Meuraxa merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kota Banda Aceh yang berada di ujung pulau sumatera. Wilayah ini telah terdampak langsung kejadian gempa dan tsunami tahun 2004 silam. Kecamatan tersebut sering mengalami kejadian angin puting beliung, badai dan abrasi yang merusak beberapa bangunan infrastruktur dan mengancam jiwa masyarakat setempat dan juga kejadian wabah penyakit seperti Covid 19, demam berdarah dan beberapa penyakit lainnya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini terbentuknya kader kesehatan dengan peningkatan pengetahuan dalam menghadapi krisis kesehatan serta bermanfaat bagi pemerintah daerah, masyarakat dan institusi dalam Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (PRB). Metode pengabdian ini menggunakan 3 (tig...

Malahayati Nursing Journal
Prevention of spreading COVID 19 in the house level requires awareness of family members in imple... more Prevention of spreading COVID 19 in the house level requires awareness of family members in implementing health protocols. The aim of this study is to analyze the factors of Covid-19 transmission in Close Contacts case. The research design used is quantitative analysis with a case control. The sample in this study was 100 people who got close contacts of confirmed cases, consisting of 50 respondents of close household contacts as case group and 50 respondents of close non-household contacts as control group. Researcher used questionnaire as research instrument. The result showed that the independent variables that were highly significant infected with Covid-19 in close contacts were age, knowledge, disease history, implementation of health protocols and occupancy density where the value of OR > 1. In this study it can be concluded that the factors such as age, knowledge, disease history, implementation of health protocols and occupancy density have high risk of contaminating Covi...

Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)
ABSTRAK Â Angka Stunting di Indonesia sekitar 18,5% balita dalam kategori sangat pendek dan 17,1% ... more ABSTRAK Â Angka Stunting di Indonesia sekitar 18,5% balita dalam kategori sangat pendek dan 17,1% balita dalam kategori pendek. Anak-anak yang kerdil biasanya tumbuh menjadi orang dewasa yang kerdil. Stunting dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan gizi kurang, mengalami keterlambatan dalam pematangan atau pertumbuhan tulang dan tinggi badan. Begitu juga dengan Covid-19 masih banyak masyarakat yang kurang patuh perilaku pencegahan Covid-19 yang dikenal dengan istilah 5M pada setiap kesempatan keluar rumah masalah Covid-19 dan Stunting dan kurangnya masyarakat memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah untuk pemenuhan pangan dan gizi keluarga khususnya ibu dan anak. Maka dari itu perlu melakukan edukasi pencegahan Covid-19 dan stunting dengan memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah sebagai sumber pangan dan gizi keluarga Di Desa Bukit Rata Kecamatan Kejuruan Muda Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. bentuk kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah dengan metode penyuluhan dan Tanya dan jawab. Sedangkan pemanfaatan pekarangan sebagai ...

Malahayati Nursing Journal
The public's perception of the Covid-19 Vaccination Program is an important factor in suppres... more The public's perception of the Covid-19 Vaccination Program is an important factor in suppressing the rate of increase in Covid-19 cases. The purpose of this study is to determine the public's perception of the Vaccination Program based on vaccine safety, vaccine effectiveness, ease of getting vaccines, and religious legal views on vaccines. The research design used is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the number of respondents as many as 220 people. The researcher used a research instrument in the form of a public perception questionnaire on the Covid-19 Vaccination Program which contained 20 questions. The results showed that the respondents who agreed to get vaccinated based on the safety of the vaccine were 183 people (83.2%), based on the effectiveness of the vaccine, 176 people (80%), based on the ease of getting the vaccine, there were 190 people (86.4%), and based on the use of the vaccine. vaccines accordin...
Universitas Indonesia, 2011

The availability of optimal logistics according to the minimum standards for the needs during the... more The availability of optimal logistics according to the minimum standards for the needs during the emergency response is crucial in the success of the disaster logistics management series. Logistics supplies with a minimum standard carried out by the Central Aceh District Government are currently not optimal and effective, so disaster logistics planning is needed. With the limitation of the research problem that humanitarian logistics supplies according to the minimum standards for the needs in the initial phase of the emergency response in the face of the landslide disaster in Central Aceh District have not been fulfilled optimally, this study aims to produce optimal and effective efforts to meet the availability of logistics with minimum requirements the right way to do logistics supplies, and how to monitor disaster logistics supplies. All of these things are focused on dealing with the landslide disaster in Central Aceh District. To obtain maximum results this research uses a sys...

Abstrak - TNI-AD setiap tahun mengirimkan Satuan Tugas Pengamanan Perbatasan RI-PNG ke daerah ope... more Abstrak - TNI-AD setiap tahun mengirimkan Satuan Tugas Pengamanan Perbatasan RI-PNG ke daerah operasi Papua yang merupakan daerah endemis malaria. Penugasan selama 10 bulan di daerah endemis memungkinkan para prajurit terkena infeksi malaria. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis strategi dan implementasi pencegahan malaria yang dilakukan oleh TNI-AD saat pratugas di homebase dan penugasan di daerah operasi. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif secara wawancara mendalam dan observasi di daerah operasi. Penelitian mengenai implementasi pencegahan malaria berfokus pada upaya promotif, preventif, dan profilaksis anti malaria. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu adanya strategi TNI-AD untuk pencegahan malaria dengan melaksanakan pemetaan vektor penularan nyamuk Anopheles sp. di lingkungan pos pengamanan. Personel mendapatkan kendala untuk manajemen lingkungan karena berbenturan dengan budaya daerah setempat (Hak Ulayat). Terdapat kesenjangan pada implementasi pencegahan malaria Satgas ...

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Oct 1, 2017
Objective: Malaria is a parasitic infection that causes worldwide health problems. The absence of... more Objective: Malaria is a parasitic infection that causes worldwide health problems. The absence of an effective vaccine and Plasmodium strains that are resistant to antimalarial drugs emphasize the importance of developing new chemotherapeutic agents. The use of computers for in-silico screening, or virtual screening, is currently being developed as a method for discovering antimalarial drugs. One of the enzymes that can support the development of the malaria parasite is the Plasmodium falciparum enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (PfENR). Inhibition of these enzymes leads to Type II lipid biosynthesis inhibition on the parasite. Methods: This research investigates the use of virtual screening to find PfENR inhibitor candidates. A molecular docking method using GOLD software and the medicinal plants in Indonesia database will be used. This target has been optimized by the removal of residues and the addition of charge. Ligand is expected to be an inhibitor of PfENR. Results: In-silico screening, or virtual screening, found that the top five compounds with the highest GOLD score at trial are kaempferol 3-rhamnosyl-(1-3)-rhamnosyl-(1-6)-glucoside; cyanidin 3,5-di-(6-malonylglucoside); 8-hydroxyapigenin 8-(2'', 4''-disulfato glucuronide); epigallocatechin 3,5,-di-O-gallat; quercetin 3,4'-dimethyl ether 7-alpha-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1-6)-glucoside. They had GOLD scores of 94.73, 95.90, 86.46, 85.39, and 84.40, respectively. Conclusions: There are two candidate inhibitor compounds from tea (Camellia sinensis), which have potential for development as an antimalarial drug, which are kaempferol 3-rhamnosyl-(1-3)-rhamnosyl-(1-6)-glucoside and epigallocatechin 3,5,-di-O-gallate, with a GOLD score of 94.73 and 85.39, respectively.

Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan
Background: Bengal Almond leaves (Terminalia catappa L.) contain alkaloids, saponins, tannins, po... more Background: Bengal Almond leaves (Terminalia catappa L.) contain alkaloids, saponins, tannins, polyphenols, quinones, flavonoids and triterpenoids that can function as antibacterial.Objectives: This research was conducted to determine the effect of maceration time of red ketapang leaves (Terminalia catappa L.) on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Methods: This study was experimental using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments, that P0 (aquades), P1 (red ketapang leaf extract with 1 day maceration time), P2 (2 days maceration) P3 (3 days maceration) , P4 (4 days maceration) and P5 (5 days maceration) with 4 replications.Results: Anova test showed that macerated red ketapang leaf extract significantly affected the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (p= 0.000). Duncan's further test showed that the largest inhibition zone diameter in Staphylococcus aureus was formed by P2 (2 days maceration time) which was 18.62 mm...

Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity
In all communities, there is local wisdom and values that are formed from the disaster experience... more In all communities, there is local wisdom and values that are formed from the disaster experience and the efforts to manage the disaster in the past. There is a lot of local wisdom that develops in the community, so each region will mark the earthquake events in its way. Every disaster event by the community is marked by various unique ways so that future generations could remember and learn from the previous disasters. This diversity of local wisdom needs to be deepened through literature studies so that lessons can be obtained from other regions to inspire the implementation of community empowerment in the city of Surabaya to face the potential for earthquakes. To analyze how community empowerment can enhance the Surabaya community earthquake disaster resilience. This is a Literature Review, that collected articles using the Google Scholar and PubMed search engines. The author filtered and selected according to inclusions criteria. The results of the literature study obtained a pr...
Papers by Berwi Fazri Pamudi