Papers by Bertrand Hamaide

The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesizes that emissions first increase at low stages of... more The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesizes that emissions first increase at low stages of development then decrease once a certain threshold has been reached. The EKC concept is usually used with per capita Gross Domestic Product as the explanatory variable. As others, we find mixed evidences, at best, of such a pattern for CO2 emissions with respect to per capita GDP. We also show that the share of manufacture in GDP and governance/institutions play a significant role in the CO2 emissions-income relationship. As GDP presents shortcomings in representing income, development in a broad perspective or human well-being, it is then replaced by the World Bank's Adjusted Net Savings (ANS, also known as Genuine Savings). Using the ANS as an explanatory variable, we show that the EKC is generally empirically supported for CO2 emissions. We also show that human capital and natural capital are the main drivers of the downward sloping part of the EKC.

PloS one, 2016
Establishing nature reserves protects species from land cover conversion and the resulting loss o... more Establishing nature reserves protects species from land cover conversion and the resulting loss of habitat. Even within a reserve, however, many factors such as fires and defoliating insects still threaten habitat and the survival of species. To address the risk to species survival after reserve establishment, reserve networks can be created that allow some redundancy of species coverage to maximize the expected number of species that survive in the presence of threats. In some regions, however, the threats to species within a reserve may be spatially correlated. As examples, fires, diseases, and pest infestations can spread from a starting point and threaten neighboring parcels' habitats, in addition to damage caused at the initial location. This paper develops a reserve site selection optimization framework that compares the optimal reserve networks in cases where risks do and do not reflect spatial correlation. By exploring the impact of spatially-correlated risk on reserve n...
Ecological Economics, Feb 1, 2006
The preservation of species diversity generally suggests protection of either the greatest number... more The preservation of species diversity generally suggests protection of either the greatest number of species possible or all species. Requiring representation of each species in at least one parcel in the system and seeking the minimum number of parcels in the reserve system to achieve this requirement is termed the Species Set Covering Problem (SSCP). Nonetheless, it is important, as well, to consider the rarest of species, as their populations are the most in need of protection to assure their survival. This paper uses 0-1 programming models and an existing data set to study species protection, rarity, species abundance and species diversity.
Cet article aborde brièvement la relation entre croissance et environnement dans l’histoire de la... more Cet article aborde brièvement la relation entre croissance et environnement dans l’histoire de la théorie économique (des physiocrates aux néo-classiques) et situe cette relation comme un thème dans le développement de la littérature en économie environnementale. Il expose ensuite de manière comparative deux paradigmes de l’économie environnementale (économie de l’environnement au sens large versus économie écologique)
et donc les approches faible et forte de la soutenabilité. Il confronte ensuite ces deux paradigmes à propos de la croissance et de la courbe environnementale de Kuznets et
réalise une analyse empirique de cette courbe et des découplages éventuels qu’elle pourrait induire pour le dioxyde de carbone en Belgique et dans d’autres pays, pour en tirer des
conclusions contemporaines quant à la relation entre croissance et environnement.

Environmental Policy and Governance, 2011
As currently designed and implemented, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Prot... more As currently designed and implemented, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol is a market mechanism that creates "offset" credits, named CERs. These credits are issued to Annex I Parties that invest in projects both reducing emissions and contributing to sustainable development in developing countries. This paper explores how CERs weights could be used as a way to reform and improve this mechanism. On the one hand, weights strictly lower than one, or discount factors, would improve the environmental effectiveness of the CDM, enhancing global GHG mitigation while addressing the additionality concern. On the other hand, weights higher than one, or multiplication factors, could increase the competitiveness of project types and/or host countries currently underrepresented in the CDM pipeline. This paper concentrates on stimulating investment from developed nations to less developed countries and aims at reducing the disparity between the three main CDM host countries (Brazil, India and China) and less developed nations. Based on statistical data published by the UNFCCC, our analysis then considers different policies, estimates their impacts, and shows how a sensible mix of discounting and multiplication could lead to a more equitable geographical distribution of CDM projects and possibly create atmospheric benefits.
Cet article aborde brièvement la relation entre croissance et environnement dans l’histoire de la... more Cet article aborde brièvement la relation entre croissance et environnement dans l’histoire de la théorie économique (des physiocrates aux néo-classiques) et situe cette relation comme un thème dans le développement de la littérature en économie environnementale. Il expose ensuite de manière comparative deux paradigmes de l’économie environnementale (économie de l’environnement au sens large versus économie écologique) et donc les approches faible et forte de la soutenabilité. Il confronte ensuite ces deux paradigmes à propos de la croissance et de la courbe environnementale de Kuznets et réalise une analyse empirique de cette courbe et des découplages éventuels qu’elle pourrait induire pour le dioxyde de carbone en Belgique et dans d’autres pays, pour en tirer des conclusions contemporaines quant à la relation entre croissance et environnement.
La rareté absolue (Malthus) ou relative (Ricardo) de la terre, le fait que le terre soit un input... more La rareté absolue (Malthus) ou relative (Ricardo) de la terre, le fait que le terre soit un input essentiel à la production et la croissance de la population, ne pouvaient qu'engendrer des rendements décroissants en agriculture, forcer le salaire au niveau de subsistance, réduire les profits ...
Document librement téléchargeable sur les sites de la Fondation pour les Générations Futures www.... more Document librement téléchargeable sur les sites de la Fondation pour les Générations Futures et du groupe de travail Droits de l'Homme et Dialogue Interculturel ... Cycle de 13 conférences du 22 septembre au 15 décembre 2004 ...
Considering that the creation and expansion of nature reserves is an important public policy stra... more Considering that the creation and expansion of nature reserves is an important public policy strategy for the protection of biological diversity, this paper uses integer programming model structures derived from Location Set Covering Problem and Maximal Covering Location Problem approaches of location science as tools for selecting nature reserve sites for species protection. The models presented incorporate biological constraints
International Journal of Sustainable Society, 2014
The preservation of species diversity generally suggests protection of either the greatest number... more The preservation of species diversity generally suggests protection of either the greatest number of species possible or all species. Requiring representation of each species in at least one parcel in the system and seeking the minimum number of parcels in the reserve system to achieve this requirement is termed the Species Set Covering Problem (SSCP). Nonetheless, it is important, as well, to consider the rarest of species, as their populations are the most in need of protection to assure their survival. This paper uses 0-1 programming models and an existing data set to study species protection, rarity, species abundance and species diversity.
Papers by Bertrand Hamaide
et donc les approches faible et forte de la soutenabilité. Il confronte ensuite ces deux paradigmes à propos de la croissance et de la courbe environnementale de Kuznets et
réalise une analyse empirique de cette courbe et des découplages éventuels qu’elle pourrait induire pour le dioxyde de carbone en Belgique et dans d’autres pays, pour en tirer des
conclusions contemporaines quant à la relation entre croissance et environnement.
et donc les approches faible et forte de la soutenabilité. Il confronte ensuite ces deux paradigmes à propos de la croissance et de la courbe environnementale de Kuznets et
réalise une analyse empirique de cette courbe et des découplages éventuels qu’elle pourrait induire pour le dioxyde de carbone en Belgique et dans d’autres pays, pour en tirer des
conclusions contemporaines quant à la relation entre croissance et environnement.