Papers by Berta Schnettler

Idesia (Arica), 2009
Considerando la importancia del consumo de hortalizas para el cuidado de la salud de los consumid... more Considerando la importancia del consumo de hortalizas para el cuidado de la salud de los consumidores, se determinó la frecuencia de consumo y gasto semanal en hortalizas, el grado de conocimiento sobre sus características nutricionales y de producción y la importancia de la zona de origen del producto en la decisión de compra en Temuco, mediante una encuesta personal a 241 consumidores. Se obtuvo que la mayoría consume hortalizas diariamente y gasta entre $ 4.000 y $ 7.000 semanales, presentando un grado medio de conocimiento sobre las hortalizas. Mediante análisis conjunto se determinó en tomate que en general la variedad fue más importante que el precio y la zona de origen en la decisión de compra. Los consumidores prefirieron la variedad de tomate corriente producida en Angol y privilegian pagar precios bajos. Palabras clave: consumo de hortalizas, zona de origen, análisis conjunto.
Idesia (Arica), 2007
En Chile las importaciones de productos agropecuarios registran un claro incremento en los último... more En Chile las importaciones de productos agropecuarios registran un claro incremento en los últimos diez años. Con el objetivo de determinar la importancia del origen del alimento en su consumo en la ciudad de Temuco, IX Región de Chile, se realizó una encuesta a 400 consumidores. Se determinó que la mayoría consume alimentos importados debido a su buena relación precio/ calidad o menor precio, presentando un grado medio de conocimiento al respecto. Mediante análisis conjunto se determinó en carne bovina que el origen fue más importante que el precio y el envase en la decisión de compra. En arroz fue más relevante el precio, seguido por el origen y el envase. En general, los consumidores prefirieron las alternativas de origen nacional. Palabras clave: Comportamiento de compra, alimentos importados, análisis conjunto.

Considering the negative contribution of the food sector to climate change, a survey was conduc... more Considering the negative contribution of the food sector to climate change, a survey was conducted with 400 people in Temuco (Araucania Region, Chile) to distinguish the preferences for different types of cheese, with different Countries of origin, information about the carbon footprint, packaging, presentations and prices in supermarkets in Temuco. Consumer segments were also distinguished in relation to their aforementioned preferences and characteristics. Using a conjoint analysis it was determined that the type of cheese was more important than origin, packaging, price, presentation, and the information about the carbon footprint. Consumers preferred Chilean cheese and cheese imported from Holland, unpackaged, in slices, at the highest price, with no information about the carbon footprint. A hierarchical cluster analysis identified four market segments: “consumers sensitive to the type of cheese” (Group 1, 22.2%), “consumers sensitive to packaging and Country of origin, who...

Suma Psicológica, 2013
Con el objetivo de identificar variables que influyen en la satisfaccion con la vida en personas ... more Con el objetivo de identificar variables que influyen en la satisfaccion con la vida en personas Mapuche, se aplico una encuesta a 400 participantes pertenecientes a esta etnia en la Region Metropolitana de Santiago. El cuestionario incluyo las escalas SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale), SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life), estilos de vida, aculturacion, alimentacion y caracteristicas sociodemograficas. Se plantearon modelos logit y probit multinomiales, en que la variable dependiente fue la satisfaccion con la vida. Ambos modelos resultaron significativos (p < .01), pero el modelo probit fue mas idoneo para explicar el constructo. La probabilidad de una alta satisfaccion con la vida en la persona Mapuche residente en la Region Metropolitana aumenta si posee mayor numero de bienes en el hogar, se incrementa el numero de ninos que vive en el hogar, se encuentra satisfecho con su propia alimentacion, acude generalmente a locales de venta de comida preparada, aumenta la can...
Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 2021
The object of the present reserach was to assess the psychometric properties of the Food Buying S... more The object of the present reserach was to assess the psychometric properties of the Food Buying Styles Scale (Escala de Estilos de Compra de Alimentos – EEC-ALI) based on the Buying Styles Scale adapted by Denegri, Peñaloza, Elgueta and Sepúlveda (unpublished manuscript). This scale assesses planning, impulsiveness and compulsiveness with regards to food buying behavior. The sample consisted of 369 university students, male and female, from northern, central and southern Chile. We examined reliability and validity indicators. The analyses showed that the scale has appropriate psychometric properties, suggesting that the instrument is adequate for its use in the analysis of food buying styles in young people and specifically university students.

Meat Science, 2019
The aim of the present work was to assess consumers' willingness to pay for reformulated frankfur... more The aim of the present work was to assess consumers' willingness to pay for reformulated frankfurters in the context of the implementation of nutritional warnings. Images of frankfurter packages were designed using a fractional factorial design with 5 2-level variables: brand type, sodium reduction, saturated fat reduction, fibre claim and cholesterol claim. An online study with 548 consumers was implemented with Chilean participants, who were asked to indicate how much they would be willing to pay for each of the packages. Data were analysed using analysis of variance and hierarchical cluster analysis. Willingness to pay was significantly affected by brand type and sodium and fat reduction, whereas fibre and cholesterol claim did not have a significant effect. These results suggest that in the context of the implementation of nutritional warnings reformulation of processed meat products should focus on the reduction of key nutrients, although consumers may not be willing to pay a higher price for reformulated products.
Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, May 14, 2010
Trabajo financiado por FONDECYT proyecto 1080146 "El rol de la etnia en el consumo de alimentos".

Aim: To distinguish typologies of university students in southern Chile on the basis of their lev... more Aim: To distinguish typologies of university students in southern Chile on the basis of their level of satisfaction with life and food-related life, and to characterize them according to their eating habits inside and outside the place of residence, aspects associated with health and demographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: A structured questionnaire was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 347 students at the Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. The instruments for collecting information included the SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale), SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life) and the HRQOL (Health-related Quality of Life Index). Questions were asked about eating habits inside and outside the place of residence, weight and approximate height, and variables for demographic classification. Results: Using a cluster analysis, three student typologies were distinguished, with significant differences in the SWLS and SWFL scores. The typologies differed in the number of days affected by emotional health problems, classification of their nutritional status (BMI), selfperception of their state of health, importance of food to personal well-being, place of residence during the period of studies, frequency of eating in the place of residence and frequency of meals at inconvenient times. Conclusions: The possibility of living with parents during the period of university studies is associated with better eating habits, better emotional health and selfperception of health, lower prevalence of overweight and obesity, and greater satisfaction with the life and foodrelated life.

Con el objetivo de identificar variables que influyen en la satisfacción con la vida en personas ... more Con el objetivo de identificar variables que influyen en la satisfacción con la vida en personas Mapuche, se aplicó una encuesta a 400 participantes pertenecientes a esta etnia en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. El cuestionario incluyó las escalas SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale), SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life), estilos de vida, aculturación, alimentación y características sociodemográficas. Se plantearon modelos logit y probit multinomiales, en que la variable dependiente fue la satisfacción con la vida. Ambos modelos resultaron significativos (p < .01), pero el modelo probit fue más idóneo para explicar el constructo. La probabilidad de una alta satisfacción con la vida en la persona Mapuche residente en la Región Metropolitana aumenta si posee mayor número de bienes en el hogar, se incrementa el número de niños que vive en el hogar, se encuentra satisfecho con su propia alimentación, acude generalmente a locales de venta de comida preparada, aumenta la cant...

Psicothema, 2014
Eating is one of the most frequent human behaviors, but there are few studies that relate eating ... more Eating is one of the most frequent human behaviors, but there are few studies that relate eating and subjective well-being. Typologies of people were distinguished and characterized according to their level of satisfaction with life and food in central Chile. A survey was applied to a sample of 1,277 people in the main municipalities of this area, distributed proportionally by municipality. The questionnaire included the SWLS scales (Satisfaction with Life Scale), SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life), Health-Related Quality of Life Index (HRQOL), Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS), and respondents' demographic characteristics and eating habits were also ascertained. Using hierarchical cluster analysis, three typologies were distinguished with significant differences in the scores on the SWLS, SWFL, SHS, self-perception of health, days with physical or mental problems in the last month, sociodemographic characteristics and frequency with which the family eats together. The re...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Differentiated perception of transgenic tomato sauce in the southern Chile]](
Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2008
The present study considers the debate generated in developed countries by genetically modified f... more The present study considers the debate generated in developed countries by genetically modified foods, the importance of this variable to consumers in Temuco (Araucanía Region, Chile) when purchasing tomato sauce and different market segments were studied through a personal survey administered to 400 people. Using conjoint analysis, it was determined that the presence of genetic modification in food was generally more important than the brand and purchase price. Using cluster analysis, three segments were distinguished, with the most numerous (49.3%) placing the greatest importance on the presence of genetic modification (GM) in food and rejecting the transgenic product. The second group (39.4%) gave the greatest importance to the brand and preferred tomato sauce with genetically modified ingredients. The smallest segment (11.3%) placed the greatest value on price and preferred transgenic tomato sauce. The three segments prefer the national brand, reject the store brand and react po...

Food Science and Technology, 2012
Given the debate generated by Genetically Modified (GM) foods in developed and developing countri... more Given the debate generated by Genetically Modified (GM) foods in developed and developing countries, the aim was to evaluate the importance of determining factors in the preference of consumers in Temuco and Talca in central-southern Chile for GM foods using conjoint analysis and to determine the existence of different market segments using a survey of 800 people. Using conjoint analysis, it was established that, in general, genetic modification was a more important factor than either brand or price in the consumer's decision to purchase either food. Cluster analysis identified three segments: the largest (51.4%) assigned greatest importance to brand and preferred genetically modified milk and tomato sauce; the second group (41.0%) gave greatest importance to the existence of genetic manipulation and preferred non-genetically modified foods; the smallest segment (7.6%) mainly valued price and preferred milk and tomato sauce with no genetic manipulation. The three segments reject...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Differences in food consumption associated with ethnic group and acculturation in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile]](
Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2009
In order to identify differences in the food consumption and expenditure habits of Mapuches accor... more In order to identify differences in the food consumption and expenditure habits of Mapuches according to their ethnic group as consumers as well as their degree of acculturation, a personal survey was conducted on 400 people stratified by ethnic group in four districts of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. The empirical results showed that habits regarding the consumption of food groups included in the Family Budget Survey did not present any significant differences depending on the consumer's ethnic group, although the monthly expenditure on food is lower in Mapuche households. The ethnic origin and degree of acculturation in Mapuches are only significantly associated with the consumption of mate (herbal infusion) and food in restaurants. Mapuches maintain both food practices belonging to their traditional culture as well as foods incorporated more recently, such as mate. The degree of acculturation is significantly associated with the consumption of these foods; bi-cu...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Acceptance of yoghurt with different functional ingredients among consumers in supermarkets in southern Chile]](
Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2010
In view of the interest in the role of foodstuffs in improving wellbeing and health, the object o... more In view of the interest in the role of foodstuffs in improving wellbeing and health, the object of this study is to distinguish consumer typologies in Temuco, La Araucanía Region, Chile, according to their preferences for different functional ingredients, flavouring, colouring and price in yoghurt. A semi-structured survey was applied to 400 supermarket customers. The respondents ordered eight alternative yoghurts according to their preferences, with different functional ingredients (fibre, antioxidants), flavourings (sugar, sweetener), colouring (natural, artificial) and three price options, for a conjoint analysis with fractional factorial design. Variables affecting knowledge of "functional food" were evaluated using a binomial logit model. It was determined by conjoint analysis that in general a preference existed for yoghurt containing fibre, sweetener, natural colouring, and at the lowest price. Three typologies were distinguished by analysis of hierarchical conglome...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Food satisfaction in Mapuche persons in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile]](
Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2011
Although the study and measurement of satisfaction with life has generated great interest in the ... more Although the study and measurement of satisfaction with life has generated great interest in the last 15 years, there are few works which address satisfaction with food-related life. In order to identify variables which have an influence on satisfaction with food-related life among Mapuche persons, a survey was applied to 400 Mapuche subjects in the Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile. The scales evaluated in the questionnaire included: SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life), lifestyles, food, and Mapuche acculturation. It was found that 41.0% were extremely satisfied, 40.5% satisfied, 17.2% somewhat satisfied and 1.2% dissatisfied with their food-related life. To identify variables which have an influence on satisfaction with food, an ordinal multinomial logit model was proposed, which was significant (p < 0.01) as a whole. The probability of high satisfaction with food-related life increases as there are fewer children in the household, the person's expenditure on food ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Eating habits and subjective well-being among university students in southern Chile]](
ABSTRACT Aim: To distinguish typologies of university students in southern Chile on the basis of ... more ABSTRACT Aim: To distinguish typologies of university students in southern Chile on the basis of their level of satisfaction with life and food-related life, and to characterize them according to their eating habits inside and outside the place of residence, aspects associated with health and demographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: A structured questionnaire was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 347 students at the Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. The instruments for collecting information included the SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale), SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life) and the HRQOL (Health-related Quality of Life Index). Questions were asked about eating habits inside and outside the place of residence, weight and approximate height, and variables for demographic classification. Results: Using a cluster analysis, three student typologies were distinguished, with significant differences in the SWLS and SWFL scores. The typologies differed in the number of days affected by emotional health problems, classification of their nutritional status (BMI), self-perception of their state of health, importance of food to personal well-being, place of residence during the period of studies, frequency of eating in the place of residence and frequency of meals at inconvenient times. Conclusions: The possibility of living with parents during the period of university studies is associated with better eating habits, better emotional health and self-perception of health, lower prevalence of overweight and obesity, and greater satisfaction with the life and food-related life.

Social Indicators Research, 2014
In order to distinguish typologies of university students based on family support received in the... more In order to distinguish typologies of university students based on family support received in the form of tangible and intangible resources, their level of satisfaction with life and food-related life as well as subjective happiness, a survey was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 347 students in southern Chile. The questionnaire included the following scales: Family Resources scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Satisfaction with Food-related Life and Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS). Using factor analysis, two dimensions were detected on the Family Resources scale: intangible resources (Cronbach's a = 0.886) and tangible resources (Cronbach's a = 0.824). A cluster analysis applied to the Z-scores from the factor analysis classified three typologies: students with high support in tangible resources, satisfied with their life and their food-related life (18.2 %), students with low support from their families, moderately satisfied with their life and their foodrelated life (20.7 %), and students with support in intangible and tangible resources, satisfied with their life and their food-related life (61.1 %), who scored significantly higher on the SHS. The typologies differed in the place of residence during the period of studies, socioeconomic level, need to work while studying, frequency and time available for having lunch in the place of residence, and body mass index. The family support students receive

Appetite, 2015
The purpose of this study was to distinguish and characterize university student typologies accor... more The purpose of this study was to distinguish and characterize university student typologies according to their life satisfaction and satisfaction with their food-related life. An online survey was applied between June and August 2013 in five state universities in Chile, to 369 university students (mean age = 20.9 years, SD = 2.27). The survey included the Health-related Quality of Life Index-4 (HRQOL), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Satisfaction with Food-related Life Scale (SWFL), as well as questions about the place of residence, importance of food for well-being, frequency of meals in the place of residence and the frequency of consumption of eight food groups. A cluster analysis was used to determine student typologies. Three typologies of students were distinguished with significant differences in the average scores of the SWLS and SWFL scales, self-perception of health, days with mental health problems, number of days of health-related incapacity, place of residence, socioeconomic status, importance of food for well-being, frequency of breakfast and dinner in the place of residence, frequency of consumption of meat, milk, fruits and vegetables. It was found that most students with higher levels of life satisfaction and satisfaction with food-related life live with their parents, eat at home more frequently, report fewer health problems, have healthful eating habits and consider food very important for their well-being. Although it is necessary to promote or improve the campaigns that foster healthful eating in the entire university population, these campaigns must be specifically targeted to students who do not receive direct support from their families.
Papers by Berta Schnettler