Papers by Bernhard Sieland

Background: High relapse rates following treatment for mental health disorders are a challenge fo... more Background: High relapse rates following treatment for mental health disorders are a challenge for psychosomatic rehabilitation treatments. The goal of the present study is to evaluate the feasibility, acceptance and process-quality of a 12-week transdiagnostic Internet-based maintenance treatment (W-RENA) following psychosomatic rehabilitation treatment. Findings regarding eff ectiveness and moderators of treatment outcome that were already reported elsewhere are briefl y summarized. Method: In a preliminary study we fi rst assessed whether rehab patients have the technical requirements and abilities to successfully participate in Internet-based treatments. Patients expressing interest for participation in W-RENA (N = 400) were compared with non-participants (N = 1 789) with regard to sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. In a 2-arm randomized controlled trial (N = 400) we subsequently compared participants of W-RENA with participants of a treatment as usual group (TAU). Self-report measures were assessed at the beginning of inpatient treatment (t1), at discharge from inpatient treatment/start of W-RENA (t2), and at 3-(t3) and 12-months follow-ups (t4). Results: The majority of assessed rehab-patients had the technical prerequisites (78.79 %) and necessary skills (79.9 %) to successfully participate in an Internet-based intervention. A third of the patients (32 %) which were invited to take part in the intervention (and the study) expressed interest to participate. Study participants and non-participants diff ered only slightly. Most participants (80.6 %) reported to have gained benefi t from participating. Treatment achievements as well as quality of therapist alliance were rated high from both patients and therapists. Moreover, participants of the W-RENA group could stabilize their inpatient treatment outcomes up to 3-and 12-months follow-up better than controls
Springer eBooks, Nov 25, 2016
Das Paradigma der Lehrerpersonlichkeitsforschung suchte vor allem in den 1950er und 60er Jahren P... more Das Paradigma der Lehrerpersonlichkeitsforschung suchte vor allem in den 1950er und 60er Jahren Personlichkeitsmerkmale, die den Unterrichtserfolg von Lehrkraften vorhersagen konnen (Bromme, Rheinberg, Minsel, Winteler & Weidenmann, 2006, S. 299). Die Befunde zeigten ein uneinheitliches Bild (vgl. Mayr, 2014; Lenske & Mayr, 2015). Es gab zunachst keine generalisierbaren Erkenntnisse, dass es „die“ erfolgreiche Lehrpersonlichkeit gibt.
Kohlhammer Verlag GmbH, 2008
Papers by Bernhard Sieland