Papers by Benjamin Arthur
O2 Should not always be your go-to
Evidence-Based Practice
Ecological Indicators
Reconstruction of likely historical foraging habitat of key Southern Ocean consumer. Assessme... more Reconstruction of likely historical foraging habitat of key Southern Ocean consumer. Assessment of decadal changes to habitat quality and temporal variability in use. Habitat quality consistent or improved despite notable physical ocean changes. Overlap with fisheries with core habitat also falling outside management areas. Results applicable to Southern Ocean MPA plans and ecosystem monitoring programs.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1996
Some of the most complex auditory neurons known are contained in the songbird forebrain nucleus H... more Some of the most complex auditory neurons known are contained in the songbird forebrain nucleus HVc. These neurons are highly sensitive to auditory temporal context: they respond strongly to the bird's own song, but respond weakly or not at all when the sequence of the song syllables is altered. It is not known whether this property arises de novo in HVc or whether it is relayed from the properties of neurons in afferent nuclei. To address this issue, we recorded from neurons in both HVc and its afferent nuclei, collectively called field L. Experimental tests were designed to determine the degree of auditory context sensitivity in field L and HVc. Tests were also performed to compare the responses to individual syllables and syllable combinations to see whether these responses could account for the response seen to the entire song. Our results show a substantial increase in the auditory temporal context sensitivity between field L and HVc. Most field L neurons respond equally we...

Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 2004
Barn owls use interaural intensity differences to localize sounds in the vertical plane. At a giv... more Barn owls use interaural intensity differences to localize sounds in the vertical plane. At a given elevation the magnitude of the interaural intensity difference cue varies with frequency, creating an interaural intensity difference spectrum of cues which is characteristic of that direction. To test whether space-specific cells are sensitive to spectral interaural intensity difference cues, pure-tone interaural intensity difference tuning curves were taken at multiple different frequencies for single neurons in the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus. For a given neuron, the interaural intensity differences eliciting the maximum response (the best interaural intensity differences) changed with the frequency of the stimulus by an average maximal difference of 9.4±6.2 dB. The resulting spectral patterns of these neurally preferred interaural intensity differences exhibited a high degree of similarity to the acoustic interaural intensity difference spectra characteristic of restricted regions in space. Compared to stimuli whose interaural intensity difference spectra matched the preferred spectra, stimuli with inverted spectra elicited a smaller response, showing that space-specific neurons are sensitive to the shape of the spectrum. The underlying mechanism is an inhibition for frequency-specific interaural intensity differences which differ from the preferred spectral pattern. Collectively, these data show that space-specific neurons are sensitive to spectral interaural intensity difference cues and support the idea that behaving barn owls use such cues to precisely localize sounds. Keywords Binaural AE Interaural level difference AE Pattern recognition AE Spectral integration AE Template matching Abbreviations ABI average binaural intensity AE HRTF head-related transfer function AE ICx external nucleus of the inferior colliculus AE IID interaural intensity difference AE ITD interaural time difference AE OT optic tectum AE RMS root mean square AE VLVp nucleus ventralis lemnisci laterale, pars posterior

Distribution within the barn owl's inferior colliculus of neurons projecting to the optic tectum and thalamus
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2005
Behavioral studies in barn owls indicate that both the optic tectum (OT) and the auditory arcopal... more Behavioral studies in barn owls indicate that both the optic tectum (OT) and the auditory arcopallium (AAr) mediate sound localization through the presence of neurons that respond only when sound comes from a circumscribed direction in space. The early stages of the computations leading to these so-called space-specific neurons are shared in a common brainstem pathway, which then splits at the level of the inferior colliculus (IC) such that the last computational stage is thought to be duplicated. The study presented here addresses whether the space-specific neurons in OT and AAr are indeed partially independent of each other by using anatomical methods more precise than those used in previous studies. Specifically, projection neurons in IC were retrogradely labelled with injections of fluorescein- and rhodamine-conjugated dextran amines into OT and nucleus ovoidalis (OV), the thalamic nucleus leading to AAr. By labelling the OT-projecting and OV-projecting neurons in the same owl, it was confirmed that neurons in IC project to either OV or OT but not both. However, although a segregation was generally observed between the medially positioned OV-projecting neurons and the laterally positioned OT-projecting neurons, there was also a slight overlap between the two populations. Moreover, electrolytic lesions demarcating physiological tuning properties indicate that many OV-projecting neurons are within the area containing space-specific neurons. These results highlight the need for more detailed studies elucidating the microcircuitry and corresponding physiology of IC, such as have been done in the cortices of the mammalian cerebellum and cerebrum.

The effect of retinal defocus on simple eye-hand and eye-foot reaction time in traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Brain Injury, 2013
The purpose of the experiment was to assess the effect of retinal defocus on simple eye-hand (E-H... more The purpose of the experiment was to assess the effect of retinal defocus on simple eye-hand (E-H) and eye-foot (E-F) reaction time (RT) in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Sixteen subjects with traumatic brain injury (five males and 11 females; aged 22-34 years) participated in the experiment. These were compared with 16 visually-normal, age/gender-match subjects. Retinal defocus was introduced optically (plano, +1, +2, +3, +4, +10D and +2D × 90) in the spectacle plane with binocular viewing. E-H and E-F RT were assessed binocularly using the RT-2S Simple Reaction Time Tester (Advanced Therapy Products, Glen Allen, VA). The test target colour and angular subtense simulated a conventional red/green traffic signal at 120 feet. There was no significant effect (p > 0.05) of retinal defocus on either E-H or E-F RT in each population. There was a significant effect (p < 0.05) of TBI on both E-H and E-F RT as compared with the normative data, with it being longer and more variable in TBI. Each RT condition was longest in those with moderate TBI. Both RTs were robust to retinal defocus, thus suggesting central nervous system insensitivity for this simple RT task. However, the increased RTs and related variability found in TBI, especially in moderate TBI, have potential safety implications (e.g. driving a car, ambulating).

Biology Letters, 2009
Echolocating bats and eared moths are a model system of predator–prey interaction within an almos... more Echolocating bats and eared moths are a model system of predator–prey interaction within an almost exclusively auditory world. Through selective pressures from aerial-hawking bats, noctuoid moths have evolved simple ears that contain one to two auditory neurons and function to detect bat echolocation calls and initiate defensive flight behaviours. Among these moths, some chemically defended and mimetic tiger moths also produce ultrasonic clicks in response to bat echolocation calls; these defensive signals are effective warning signals and may interfere with bats' ability to process echoic information. Here, we demonstrate that the activity of a single auditory neuron (the A1 cell) provides sufficient information for the toxic dogbane tiger moth, Cycnia tenera , to decide when to initiate defensive sound production in the face of bats. Thus, despite previous suggestions to the contrary, these moths' only other auditory neuron, the less sensitive A2 cell, is not necessary for...

Background: Drosophila melanogaster has served as a powerful model system for genetic studies of ... more Background: Drosophila melanogaster has served as a powerful model system for genetic studies of courtship songs. To accelerate research on the genetic and neural mechanisms underlying courtship song, we have developed a sensitive recording system to simultaneously capture the acoustic signals from 32 separate pairs of courting flies as well as software for automated segmentation of songs. Results: Our novel hardware design enables recording of low amplitude sounds in most laboratory environments. We demonstrate the power of this system by collecting, segmenting and analyzing over 18 hours of courtship song from 75 males from five wild-type strains of Drosophila melanogaster. Our analysis reveals previously undetected modulation of courtship song features and extensive natural genetic variation for most components of courtship song. Despite having a large dataset with sufficient power to detect subtle modulations of song, we were unable to identify previously reported periodic rhythms in the inter-pulse interval of song. We provide detailed instructions for assembling the hardware and for using our open-source segmentation software. Conclusions: Analysis of a large dataset of acoustic signals from Drosophila melanogaster provides novel insight into the structure and dynamics of species-specific courtship songs. Our new system for recording and analyzing fly acoustic signals should therefore greatly accelerate future studies of the genetics, neurobiology and evolution of courtship song.
Papers by Benjamin Arthur