Papers by Abdelaziz Belal

Oasis lands in Egypt are commonly described as salty soils; therefore, waterlogging and higher so... more Oasis lands in Egypt are commonly described as salty soils; therefore, waterlogging and higher soil salinity are major obstacles to sustainable agricultural development. This study aims to map and assess soil salinization at El-Farafra Oasis in the Egypt Western Desert based on salinity indices, Imaging Spectroscopy (IS), and statistical techniques. The regression model was developed to test the relationship between the electrical conductivity (ECe) of 70 surface soil samples and seven salinity indices (SI 1, SI 2, SI 5, SI 6, SI 7, SI 8, and SI 9) to produce soil salinity maps depending on Landsat-8 (OLI) images. The investigations of soil salinization and salinity indices were validated in a studied area based on 30 soil samples; the obtained results represented that all salinity indices have shown satisfactory correlations between ECe values for each soil sample site and salinity indices, except for the SI 5 index that present non-significant correlations with R2 value of 0.2688....

Egyptian Journal of Soil Science, May 9, 2022
T he Halayeb area is one of the most important Egyptian places, occupying a portion of the countr... more T he Halayeb area is one of the most important Egyptian places, occupying a portion of the country's southeastern desert zone and serving as a strategic border with Sudan. The major goal of this study is to combine existing data on landforms, soil qualities, and climate data to define agro-ecological zones (AEZ) that are suitable for agricultural development. Thirty-two soil profiles were dug throughout the study region to represent physiographic units, and a digital soil map was generated based on an analysis of the digital elevation model and Landsat 8 satellite data, as well as climatic data from nine sites within the study area. Using the Model Builder in ArcGIS software, AEZ were created based on overlay maps of topography, soil chemical and physical properties, temperature, and precipitation maps. Zone (I) represents highly suitable areas (2.6 percent), zone (II) represents suitable areas (12.4 percent), zone (III) represents moderately suitable areas (26.5 percent), and zone (IV) represents marginally suitable areas (37.3 percent). highly suitable(S1), suitable (S2), and moderately suitable(S3) were the most appropriate classes for all of the crops studied. The findings will aid decision-makers in developing various development plans based on the research area's conditions. The study's methodology and findings can be used to evaluate which land is best suited for agricultural productivity growth.

Egyptian Journal of Soil Science
Globally, Food security is considered one of the most issues for humanity due to rapid population... more Globally, Food security is considered one of the most issues for humanity due to rapid population growth thus sustainable natural resources assessment is required. Well assessment and management of soil can aid in achieving food security. Agriculture sector in Egypt is facing some obstacles related to sustainability. These include scarce land and water resources, degradation of environment and high rate of population growth. This study focuses on evaluating of agricultural sustainability development in Bahariya oasis, western desert of Egypt. Maps of physiographic and soils were produced using analysis of multispectral Sentinal-2 image with spatial resolution 10 m dropped over digital elevation model (DEM), A shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) 1-arc-second v.30 DEM. Fifty soil profiles were dug to represent geomorphological units within study area. Soil productivity, environmental security, environmental protection, economic viability, and social acceptability of proposed management options were calculated within the study's landscapes using the Framework for Evaluating Sustainable Land Management (FESLM). The results revealed that the investigated area classified into lands that are marginally below the requirement of sustainability with an area of 534.34 km 2 and the rest of study area are not meet sustainability requirements. The sustainability challenges in the investigated area are associated with productivity, economic viability and social acceptability. This research suggests some practices to achieve sustainable development in the study area for instance practicing farmers on modern ways of well management and soil conservation, increase level of health and school care, facilitation of loans for farmers and increasing markets number. outputs from this study can provide decision makers with valuable data that help them to ensure achieving of sustainable management within study area.
Remote Sensing, 2022
There was an error in the original publication [...]

Remote Sensing, 2022
Although many Soil Spectral Libraries (SSLs) have been created globally, these libraries still ha... more Although many Soil Spectral Libraries (SSLs) have been created globally, these libraries still have not been operationalized for end-users. To address this limitation, this study created an online Brazilian Soil Spectral Service (BraSpecS). The system was based on the Brazilian Soil Spectral Library (BSSL) with samples collected in the Visible–Near–Short-wave infrared (vis–NIR–SWIR) and Mid-infrared (MIR) ranges. The interactive platform allows users to find spectra, act as custodians of the data, and estimate several soil properties and classification. The system was tested by 500 Brazilian and 65 international users. Users accessed the platform (, uploaded their spectra, and received soil organic carbon (SOC) and clay content prediction results via email. The BraSpecS prediction provided good results for Brazilian data, but performed variably for other countries. Prediction for countries outside of Brazil using local spectra (External Country Soil Spectral Libraries,...
Nationaler Befreiungskampf und Neokolonialismus, 1962
IMRT target volume definitions and dose prescription. Table S2. Dosimetric patterns of failure. (... more IMRT target volume definitions and dose prescription. Table S2. Dosimetric patterns of failure. (DOCX 16 kb)
Showing our studyâ s patient/treatment and failure characteristics compared to extant literature.... more Showing our studyâ s patient/treatment and failure characteristics compared to extant literature. (PDF 99Â kb)
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology, 1976
A new Histopathological classification of profound deafness is presented. This is based on the fi... more A new Histopathological classification of profound deafness is presented. This is based on the findings in five cases of profound hearing loss, the temporal bones of which were acquired after death. The importance of the classification in relation to intra-cochlear implants and its future applications is emphasized.

Sustainability, 2021
Iran is mainly located in the arid and semiarid climate zone and seriously affected by desertific... more Iran is mainly located in the arid and semiarid climate zone and seriously affected by desertification. This is a severe environmental problem, which results in a persistent loss of ecosystem services that are fundamental to sustaining life. Process understanding of this phenomenon through the evaluation of important drivers is, however, a challenging work. The main purpose of this study was to perform a quantitative evaluation of the current desertification status in the Segzi Plain, Isfahan Province, Iran, through the modified Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) model and GIS. In this regard, five main indicators including soil, groundwater, vegetation cover, climate, and erosion were selected for estimating the environmental sensitivity to desertification. Each of these qualitative indicators is driven by human interference and climate. After statistical analysis and a normality test for each indicator data, spatial distribution maps were established. Then, the m...

Radiation oncology (London, England), Jan 15, 2017
We sought to identify spatial/dosimetric patterns of failure for oral cavity cancer patients rece... more We sought to identify spatial/dosimetric patterns of failure for oral cavity cancer patients receiving post-operative IMRT (PO-IMRT). Two hundred eighty-nine OCC patients receiving PO-IMRT were retrospectively reviewed from 2000 to 2012. Diagnostic CT documenting recurrence (rCT) was co-registered with planning CT (pCT) using a validated deformable image registration software. Manually segmented recurrent gross disease (rGTV) was deformed to co-registered pCTs. Mapped rGTVs were compared dosimetrically to planned dose and spatially to planning target volumes using centroid-based approaches. Failures types were classified using combined spatial/dosimetric criteria: A (central high-dose), B (peripheral high-dose), C (central intermediate/low-dose), D (peripheral intermediate/low-dose), and E (extraneous-dose). Fifty-four patients with recurrence were analyzed; 26 local recurrence, 19 regional recurrence, and 9 both local and regional recurrence. Median time to recurrence was 4 months ...

Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Aug 31, 2017
To identify the radio-resistant subvolumes in pretreatment FDG-PET by mapping the spatial locatio... more To identify the radio-resistant subvolumes in pretreatment FDG-PET by mapping the spatial location of the origin of tumor recurrence after IMRT for head-and-neck squamous cell cancer to the pretreatment FDG-PET/CT. Patients with local/regional recurrence after IMRT with available FDG-PET/CT and post-failure CT were included. For each patient, both pre-therapy PET/CT and recurrence CT were co-registered with the planning CT (pCT). A 4-mm radius was added to the centroid of mapped recurrence growth target volumes (rGTV's) to create recurrence nidus-volumes (NVs). The overlap between boost-tumor-volumes (BTV) representing different SUV thresholds/margins combinations and NVs was measured. Forty-seven patients were eligible. Forty-two (89.4%) had type A central high dose failure. Twenty-six (48%) of type A rGTVs were at the primary site and 28 (52%) were at the nodal site. The mean dose of type A rGTVs was 71Gy. BTV consisting of 50% of the maximum SUV plus 10mm margin was the best ...

Journal of Brain Tumors & Neurooncology, 2016
Background: Gliomas are the most common form of malignant primary brain tumors in adults with an ... more Background: Gliomas are the most common form of malignant primary brain tumors in adults with an annual incidence of approximately five per 100,000 people. In Egypt, primary Central Nervous System (CNS) neoplasms are rare, constituting about 1-2% of all human neoplasms, with High Grade Gliomas (HGGs) being the most common type. The study aims to discover the histo-pathological aspect of HGGs, risk factors, and descriptive analysis of treatment received in Clinical oncology department affiliated with Alexandria University Hospital. Methods: Data were collected and analyzed for four hundred and thirty four patients with histologically proven HGGs in the period between 2003 and 2012. Results: Age of patients ranged from 21 to 83 years. Most cases (80.4%) were Glioblastoma Multiform (GBM), followed by Anaplastic Astrocytoma (AA) reaching14.3% of patients. In this study, 45.4% of patients had karnofsky performance score (KPS) more than 60%. Only 2.5% of patients underwent gross total resection (GTR), 25.6% underwent Subtotal Resection (STR) and 50% of patients underwent excisional biopsy. Patients received radiotherapy were 355 about 81.8% of patients with HGGs (80.2% of them received Radiotherapy (RT) only, 11.8% received RT followed by Adjuvant Chemotherapy (ACT), 4% received Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) and 4% received CCRT followed by ACT), 16.6% of patients received only best supportive care (BSC) and 2.3% did not receive treatment. The median Overall Survival (OS) was 10, 13, 19 and 15 months for patients received RT only, CCRT, CCRT followed by ACT and RT followed by ACT, respectively. Conclusion: Delayed presentation and inadequate GTR together with unavailability of TMZ could affect outcome in limited resource countries.

Radiation oncology (London, England), Jan 26, 2016
The aim of this study is to develop a methodology to standardize the analysis and reporting of th... more The aim of this study is to develop a methodology to standardize the analysis and reporting of the patterns of loco-regional failure after IMRT of head and neck cancer. Twenty-one patients with evidence of local and/or regional failure following IMRT for head-and-neck cancer were retrospectively reviewed under approved IRB protocol. Manually delineated recurrent gross disease (rGTV) on the diagnostic CT documenting recurrence (rCT) was co-registered with the original planning CT (pCT) using both deformable (DIR) and rigid (RIR) image registration software. Subsequently, mapped rGTVs were compared relative to original planning target volumes (TVs) and dose using a centroid-based approaches. Failures were then classified into five types based on combined spatial and dosimetric criteria; A (central high dose), B (peripheral high dose), C (central elective dose), D (peripheral elective dose), and E (extraneous dose). A total of 26 recurrences were identified. Using DIR, recurrences were...

The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 2015
The socioeconomic development in Egypt is based on land resources. Recently, the Egyptian governm... more The socioeconomic development in Egypt is based on land resources. Recently, the Egyptian government is interested in developing low desert zone areas which are located between the recent Nile flood plain and the limestone plateau, from the east and west sides, and represent an important source of aggregate materials. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the potentiality of El-Galaba basin soils which are located in the western part of the Aswan Governorate and are characterized by Wadi El-Kubbaniya for the horizontal agricultural expansion and their optimum agricultural use. The investigated area was remotely sensed to identify the landscape and its land resources. Terrain units were identified using draped Landsat 8 satellite image over Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to express the landscape and the associated soil mapping units. Fifteen mapping units were identified and grouped. Land capability evaluation was performed using Cervatana capability model. The results of capability modeling revealed about 3.33% of land with good use capability, 76.06% land with moderate use capability, and 0.08% marginal or non-productive land. The main capability limitations were soil and erosion risks. The Almagra model was used to produce the optimum cropping pattern and limitations of soil units. Matching the crop requirements with soil characteristics, optimum cropping pattern was obtained for wheat, corn, melon, potatoes, sunflower, sugar beet, Alfalfa, peach, citrus, and olive. The results of the study revealed the potentiality of El-Galaba basin for agricultural uses.

The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 2010
A research project was conducted as collaboration between the National Authority for Remote Sensi... more A research project was conducted as collaboration between the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) in Egypt and the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications (IRSA), Chinese Academy of Sciences. The objective of this study is to generate normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)-leaf area index (LAI) statistical inversion models for three rice varieties planted in Egypt (Giza-178, Sakha-102, and Sakha-104) using the data of two rice growing seasons. Field observations were carried out to collect LAI field measurements during 2008 and 2009 rice seasons. The SPOT4 satellite data acquired in rice season of 2008 and 2009 conjunction with field observations dates were used to calculate the vegetation indices values. Statistical analyses were performed to confirm the assumptions of inversion modeling for plant variables and to get reliable models that fit the inversion relationship between LAI and NDVI. The inversion process resulted in three NDVI-LAI models adequate to predict LAI with 95% confidence for the three different rice varieties. The accuracy of the generated models ranged between 50% in the case of Sakha-104 and 82% in the case of Giza-178. LAI maps were produced from NDVI imageries based on the generated models.

It has become increasingly obvious that people’s actions and interactions with the environment af... more It has become increasingly obvious that people’s actions and interactions with the environment affect not only living conditions now, but also those of many generations to follow. Humans must address the effect they have on the Earth’s climate and how their choices today will have an impact on future generations. In many parts of the world climate change and extreme climatic events such as severe droughts, floods, storms, tropical cyclones, heat-waves, freezes and extreme winds are one of the biggest production risk and uncertainty factors impacting agricultural systems performance and management. These events direct influence on the quantity and quality of agricultural production, and in many cases adversely affect it. Humans are changing the world’s climate and with it the local, regional, and global weather. Scientists tell us that “climate is what we expect, and weather is what we get.” Climate change occurs when that average weather shifts over the long term in a specific location, a region, or the entire planet. Global warming and climate change are urgent topics. They are discussed on the news, in conversations, and are even the subjects of horror movies. How much is fact?

The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 2011
The aims of this study are: (1) producing a geometrically corrected physiographic-soil map scale ... more The aims of this study are: (1) producing a geometrically corrected physiographic-soil map scale 1:50,000 reduced to the attached map; (2) detecting some soil characteristics as (effective soil depth, salinity and alkalinity) of the investigated area during the last 28 years to produce the soil resilience maps. To fulfill the first aim, eight soil profiles were selected from 30 profiles to represent the different mapping units. Morphological description was carried out and soil samples were collected for physical and chemical analyses. Based on ETM+ images and the geographic information system, coupled with the field work and laboratory analysis data, the physiographic-soil map was produced. The following main landscape units can be identified: (1) coastal plain (the fluvio-marine deposits) and (2) young sub-deltaic deposits. With respect to the second aim except some environmental processes which occur without human interference, the soil resilience resulted when soils are used and managed in the right way. Land use and management have a direct effect on soil resilience. It can decrease soil degradation and increase soil restoration and accordingly increase soil resilience. The main types of human activities included
Papers by Abdelaziz Belal