Papers by Bede Blaise Chukwunyere Onwuagboke

Journal of Curriculum Enrichment, 2024
The study investigated the effect of Jigsaw instructional strategy on students’ achievement in Ba... more The study investigated the effect of Jigsaw instructional strategy on students’ achievement in Basic Science and Technology. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study was a pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design involving two non-randomized groups of Jigsaw Instructional Strategy (JIS) and Whole Class Instructional Strategy (WCIS). A sample size of 150 junior secondary school 3 students from six schools who benefited from Alvan Volunteer Service (AVS), programme in August, 2022 were used for the study. A 50-itemed researcher-made test tagged Basic Science Technology Achievement Test BSTAT, served as instrument for data collection for the study. A team of 3 (three) Basic Science and Technology teachers and 2 (Two) experts from Educational Measurement and Evaluation, validated the instrument. The reliability testing of the instrument was established using KR-20 with a reliability coefficient of 0.73. The research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviations while Analysis of covariance, ANCOVA was used for the hypotheses testing at 0.05 level of significance. The results indicated that Jigsaw instructional strategy improved students’ achievement in Basic Science and Technology. There was no significant difference in mean achievement as a result of gender. Based on the findings, it was recommended among other things that Basic Science and Technology teachers should be retrained on how to use Jigsaw instructional strategies in teaching to make learners active for effectiveness and quality learning to be achieved in science education.

43rd EMTAN Conference, 2023
Digital technological tools have widely been accepted globally as media for instruction especiall... more Digital technological tools have widely been accepted globally as media for instruction especially since the Covid-19 pandemic given their numerous benefits in instruction. The study examined constraints to teachers' use of digital technological tools in Basic Science teaching in the classroom. The purpose of the study was to identify digital tools used in teaching Basic Science, ascertain problems militating against the use of digital technologies in teaching Basic Science. The design of the study was a descriptive survey. The population of the study comprised all Basic Science teachers in Owerri zone 1. Three research questions guided the study. A 26item researchers developed instruments named Constraints to Teachers' Use of Digital Technological Tools in Basic Science Teaching (CTUDTTIBST) was used to collect data for the study. Mean scores were used to answer the research questions. Findings revealed that Basic Science teachers identified lack of institutional plan for integrating digital technology in Basic Education, Technophobia, lack of adequate electricity supply, teachers' negative attitude to use of technology among others as some of the challenges to use of digital technologies in teaching. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended that modern digital technological tools should be provided in secondary schools in the zone as well as provision regular supply of electricity and quality regular training for the teachers.

International Journal of Research Studies in Education , 2023
Teachers are expected to utilize ICT in their daily duties. This is however not usually the case ... more Teachers are expected to utilize ICT in their daily duties. This is however not usually the case in most developing nations as most of the teachers lack requisite ICT skills. This study is a quasi-experimental study which examined the impact of an ICT Integrated Studio teaching model (here in after IISTM) in enhancing the ICT skills of pre-service art teachers who participated in the study. A sample of 81 pre-service teachers was purposively drawn from intact classes from colleges of education in Nigeria. The instrument used to collect data was Teachers' ICT Skills Questionnaire (TISQ) developed by the researchers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to present and discuss the findings. Results revealed that IISTM was effective in enhancing the ICT skills of the participants in the 3 groups with significant differences between groups 1 & 2, 1 & 3 but no significant difference between groups 2 & 3. There was however no significant difference as a result of prior computer training in the groups. Similarly, there was no statistically significant main effect of gender pre-service art teachers in ICT skills mean scores. These findings have far reaching implication for the design and implementation of curriculum and underscore the need for ICT integration in pre-service teacher preparation programs.

Journal of Occupation and Training, 2022
The adoption of any innovation especially the full integration of new technologies in the teachin... more The adoption of any innovation especially the full integration of new technologies in the teaching and learning environment to a great extent depends on the teachers' attitude towards the innovation. If the teachers' attitude towards the innovation is positive, the likelihood of the innovation being adopted and utilized is high. On the other hand, if the attitude towards such innovation is negative, the possibility of adoption and use of such innovation will be very low. This paper examines the concept of information and communication technology, its importance in teaching and learning as well as attitude towards it. The relationship between attitude towards ICT and the actual use of ICT in instruction was also discussed. The paper concluded by stating that ICT has been seen as a veritable tool for the improvement of educational achievement of learners at all levels of education and in all subjects including Business Education hence the need for Business teachers to develop positive attitude towards its adoption in the classroom.

American Journal of Educational Research, 2018
The study sought to compare the end of semester examination performance of NCE student-teachers i... more The study sought to compare the end of semester examination performance of NCE student-teachers in Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri whose continuous assessment (CA) feedback were given and those whose continuous assessment feedback were not given and also ascertain the proportion of lecturers who give CA feedback to their students. A quasi-experimental study involving two random groups, treatment post-test design was adopted. The two groups involved in the study are group A with CA feedback (CAWF) and group B without CA feedback (CAWOF). A systematic sample of 42 participants was drawn from a population of 210 Biology/Chemistry student teachers who took Measurement and Evaluation as an education course using their CA scores. The sample was split into two equal halves of 21 each to form group A (CAWF) and group B (CAWOF) respectively using random sampling techniques by balloting. The instruments used for data collection were researchers-made items as well as face to f...

Kekurangan yang begitu ketara dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (TMK) dalam peng... more Kekurangan yang begitu ketara dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (TMK) dalam pengajaran di Kolej Pendidikan di Nigeria, di samping prestasi yang tidak begitu memuaskan dalam kalangan pelajar reka bentuk grafik, ditambah pula dengan pendekatan metodologi yang agak lemah digunakan oleh para guru seni grafik telah mendorong kajian ini dijalankan. Ketiadaan teori yang dipacu oleh pendekatan pedagogi dilaporkan dalam kebanyakan literatur sebagai penghalang bagi program seni yang berkualiti. Hal ini mendorong kepada pembangunan Model Pengajaran Bersepadu ICT (IITM). Sebanyak tujuh persoalan kajian dan tujuh hipotesis kajian telah dibentuk untuk mengkaji kesan model pengajaran ini terhadap pencapaian guru-guru pra-perkhidmatan. Pengaruh faktor moderator iaitu efikasi kendiri dalam penggunaan komputer juga dilihat bersama. The apparent lack of utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching in Colleges of Education in Nigeria and the students’ poor ...
African Research Review, 2017
Teaching skills are necessary tools teachers should possess for effectiveness in their job. Teach... more Teaching skills are necessary tools teachers should possess for effectiveness in their job. Teaching the teacher candidates these skills is not simple hence the need for a microteaching environment which enables pre-service teachers to acquire them under controlled laboratory setting. This study was an extension of current NCE microteaching programme run by Alvan Ikoku College of Education for the B.Ed.

Information and communications technology is as old as man. This is informed by the fact that man... more Information and communications technology is as old as man. This is informed by the fact that man since creation has continually created ways and means of communicating with his fellow man. The development of gadgets which handle and transfer information in ways that marvels and was unthought-of in the history of man is as a result of man's quest to create better ways of handling information. The principal stock in trade of education is the transmission or transfer of information from the teacher to the learner. If there is any technological development that has a very great potential for development in education and can improve education quality, expand learning opportunities and make education accessible, it is the development in ICT. Information and communication technology according to Ochoyi and Ukwumonu (2008) has the capacity to produce higher interactive potentials for users to develop individual intellectual and creative ability. It is as a result of the great advantages which ICT offers that Nigerian educational reforms stressed the importance of computer technology in Schools during the 32 nd ministerial council meeting of the National Council on Education in 1987 (FRN,2004). The role of ICT in the advancement of knowledge and skills necessary for the effective functioning of an individual in the modern world is further stressed in the National policy on education. In the bid to integrate ICT into education in Nigeria for effective teaching and learning to take place, internet services in schools tagged school Net Nigeria was launched in September 2001. Thirteen years after the launch, one would expect to see the impact felt in all the secondary schools in Nigeria. Computers are supposed to be provided by the government in all schools whether in urban or rural areas as part of her responsibility in funding and running of schools. These computers are to be connected to the internet for the use of teachers and students in learning. Information and communication technology are information handling tools that are capable of being used to generate process, store and retrieve, distribute and exchange information. When these different tools work together, they combine to form a network which reaches any part of the globe. It has increasingly become the most powerful tool for participating in virtually every global activity such as global market, promoting political accountability, improving the delivery of basic services and enhancing local development opportunities . When ICT is mentioned, computer and internet connection are what readily comes to mind. These two are not the only components of ICT but have actually revolutionized the way we handle and disseminate

This study is a descriptive survey which aims at finding out how faculty members in colleges of E... more This study is a descriptive survey which aims at finding out how faculty members in colleges of Education in south eastern Nigeria make use of the internet in their professional practices. A sample of 350 lecturers was proportionately randomly taken from faculty members in the colleges in the zone. A set of researcher made questionnaire tagged Internet Use Scale (IUS) was used to collect data from the respondents. Data collected was subjected to analysis using frequencies, percentages, t-tests and ANOVA. Findings revealed that Self-instruction, trial & error; organised training and workshops and Colleagues & friends assistance are the major source of internet training for faculty members. Similarly, Personal Laptop with modems; Personal mobile phones and Public cybercafé are the predominant mode of internet access available to faculty members. Significant differences exist between male and female faculty members with regards to internet use and frequency of use. There were also significant differences in internet uses and frequency of use between groups of faculty members according to teaching experience. The result has far reaching implication for provision of adequate training on Internet use in teaching and facilities to enhance effective teaching and learning in the colleges of education in the zone.

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2015
The study was a descriptive survey that sought to evaluate the implementation of team teaching in... more The study was a descriptive survey that sought to evaluate the implementation of team teaching in federal tertiary institutions in a state in Nigeria. A sample of 1,110 lecturers was selected from the population using stratified random sampling technique. Four research questions guided the study. A set of researchers designed questionnaire in form of 4-point Likert scale, was used for data collection. The validity as well as the reliability was ensured by using experts in Curriculum and Instruction from a university and trial testing. The data obtained yielded a reliability index of 0.85 using Cronbach Alpha statistics. The research questions were answered employing descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that lecturers in federal tertiary institutions practice team teaching in their lecture delivery to a low level; on the other hand, they implement team-teaching principles in evaluation of students' performance. Several reasons were found to be responsible for low implementation of team teaching in instructional delivery with no significant difference in mean implementation among lecturers according to gender. It was recommended, among others, that some lecturers, especially the junior ones, should remove complex among them and build up the psyche that they are equal to the task even in the midst of others.

International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, 2015
This study is a survey aimed at ascertaining the attitude of academic staff in tertiary instituti... more This study is a survey aimed at ascertaining the attitude of academic staff in tertiary institutions in Imo State Nigeria towards the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching. It also examines their level of use of ICT for teaching and learning purposes. The paper also compares the attitude of the faculty by gender and type of the institution they teach in, i.e. college of education, polytechnic and universities. The paper tried to ascertain if attitude of faculty to ICT correlates to actual usage in the classroom. 300 academic staff members were randomly selected from lecturers in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. A set of instrument tagged ICT attitude questionnaire and ICT use questionnaire was administered to the respondents. Data collected was analysed using descriptive, inferential and correlational statistics. Findings reveal that although academic staff have positive attitude about ICT use in instruction, they however reported low level use of ICT for instructional purposes. There is no significant difference in attitude according to gender; similarly, significant differences in attitude does not exist by type of institution among the three types of tertiary institutions. Faculty attitude was found to be positively correlated with use of ICT in curriculum. The paper concludes that academic staff should embrace innovative techniques by a favourable disposition towards them which will help boost classroom implementation of such innovations.

Journal of Education and Practice, 2015
Teaching and learning is the principal stock in trade of any educational enterprise throughout hu... more Teaching and learning is the principal stock in trade of any educational enterprise throughout human history whether in the developed, developing or under-developed countries. The various developments in the field of information and communications technology (ICT) have been found very useful in the learning environment globally. The need to fully integrate ICT in instruction at the Colleges of Education level has become necessary in view of the demand on graduates of the college of education system to be ICT literate in an emerging world that is ICT driven. The products of the system are not for the Nigerian educational industry alone but for a collaborative and competitive global village where knowledge is created and shared using ICT. This paper discusses the need to achieve effective instructional delivery in colleges of education through the use of ICT. It examines the concepts of effective instructional delivery, ICT and ways of integrating ICT in teaching. The major constra...

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), Dec 1, 2015
Life in heaven is the hope of all religious human. Yet, to reach the paradise as promised to all ... more Life in heaven is the hope of all religious human. Yet, to reach the paradise as promised to all faithful is not an easy road. It needs the balance of earthly life and hereafter's life to reach the place which is promised by God. The drama Robohnya Surau Kami (RSK) created by dramatist Hermana HTM which is adapted from a short story written by A.A. Navis conveys the aforementioned. Using descriptive technique to analyze Drama RSK it is found that the drama script is created by structural elements as other literary works. The social-religious theme presented in flashback plot made this drama script to heave the readers' imagination upward. The dialogue which made the gradation of character of each character in the drama brings out the uniqueness of Drama RSK. Unfortunately, the presentation of such an interesting script was poorly supported by various means of literary and dramatics that appear blurred. Despite this, the drama revealed pragmatic view which symbolizes real life situations full of religious and moral lessons for edifying religious and good social life in the society.

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
Fine Art has suffered tremendous neglect in schools within and outside Nigeria due to misconstrui... more Fine Art has suffered tremendous neglect in schools within and outside Nigeria due to misconstruing of the benefits of the subject by policy makers and even parents who dissuade their wards from spending time in artistic creations. Despite the lofty position which the national policy on education gave to it in the policy of Nigerian education, Fine Art is not always found in the time table of most schools. Pedagogical approaches often used by teachers have often proved inadequate leading to poor performance of students in public examinations. This paper is an exploratory conceptual study (document-based qualitative study approach). Literature is explored to determine objectives of art teaching in schools; role of art teaching in general education; need for effective art teaching model. It proposes an ICT Integrated Studio Teaching Model (IISTM) as a paradigm shift from the teacher centred approach to learner centred approach which allows learning through exposure to authentic learning experiences. The effective use of ICT in teaching as well as teacher modelling practical examples of how to solve design problems in the subject is recommended to motivate students in the studio environment.

Teaching and learning is the principal stock in trade of any educational enterprise throughout hu... more Teaching and learning is the principal stock in trade of any educational enterprise throughout human history whether in the developed, developing or underdeveloped countries. The various developments in the field of information and communications technology (ICT) have been found very useful in the learning environment globally. The need to fully integrate ICT in instruction at the Colleges of Education level has become necessary in view of the demand on graduates of the college of education system to be ICT literate in an emerging world that is ICT driven. The products of the system are not for the Nigerian educational industry alone but for a collaborative and competitive global village where knowledge is created and shared using ICT. This paper discusses the need to achieve effective instructional delivery in colleges of education through the use of ICT. It examines the concepts of effective instructional delivery, ICT and ways of integrating ICT in teaching. The major constraints to the integration of ICT in the class room are highlighted and recommendations that will help in its' effective integration in teaching and learning at this level made.

The study is aimed at ascertaining awareness of the role of ICT in students' cognitive assessment... more The study is aimed at ascertaining awareness of the role of ICT in students' cognitive assessment and the extent of its application by lecturers in Imo State tertiary institutions. 30 lecturers from each of the five tertiary institutions were randomly selected for the study giving a total of 150 participants. Four research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The research design was an inferential survey using checklist for data collection. Proportion was used to answer the research questions while binominal test statistics was used to test the hypotheses. Results showed among others that lecturers are aware that ICT can play a major role in student's cognitive assessment but the application of ICT for this purpose is still low indicating minimal use of ICT for student's cognitive assessment. The paper concludes that the need for effective integration of ICT in assessment of students cannot be swept under the carpet.

International Journal of Technical Research and Applications
Current Educational Technologies (CETs) are being integrated in the teacher education programme t... more Current Educational Technologies (CETs) are being integrated in the teacher education programme to enable effective and qualitative instructional delivery in the 21st century classrooms. This study is a descriptive survey which examined the adoption level and of teacher educators' category in the use of CETs in their instructional delivery. It also ascertains the extent of utilization the existing CETs in the College and to determine the factors impacting on the utilization of the CETs. The study used [1] level of technology adoption and [2] adoption level of diffusion of innovation theory category to determine the category of 184 teacher educators from Alvan Ikoku College of Education Owerri, Nigeria. The research instrument used was a 27-item questionnaire developed and validated by the researchers. The instrument was a five point Likert scale which enabled respondents to select from strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree to express their technology adoption and usage in teaching and learning. Findings revealed low adoption level of CETs by teacher educators on the level of paradigm shift. The largest proportion (30.5%) of the teacher educators fall within the category of late adopters. The CETs were not fully utilized and the teacher educators identified availability, staff training/support among the factors impacting on effective utilization of CETs in their instructional delivery. It was concluded that this state of affairs dos not augur well for the production of technology savvy teachers for the 21st century classrooms hence recommendations were made.

With the general acceptance of information and communications technology (ICT) as a veritable too... more With the general acceptance of information and communications technology (ICT) as a veritable tool for teaching and learning coupled with its great potentials for educational advancement in the 21 st century learning environment, this paper examines its availability and the challenges of integrating ICT in teacher education programs in southeastern Nigeria. The study was a descriptive survey conducted in teacher educational institutions in southeastern Nigeria. Data was collected using a set of researchers' designed instruments from selected second year pre-service teachers in selected universities and colleges of education. IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) statistics software version 22 was employed to analyze the data using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings show that only a few resources are available in these institutions. The availability of ICT resources was low and therefore inadequate with numerous challenges facing the integration of ICT in teacher education ranging from lack of adequate training of teacher educators, epileptic power supply to high cost of ICT resources. The paper concludes that the numerous obstacles to effective ICT integration in teacher education need urgent attention if the gains of ICT in education must be reaped in our teacher educational programs.

With the general acceptance of information and communications technology (ICT) as a veritable too... more With the general acceptance of information and communications technology (ICT) as a veritable tool for teaching and learning coupled with its great potentials for educational advancement in the 21 st century learning environment, this paper examines its availability and the challenges of integrating ICT in teacher education programs in southeastern Nigeria. The study was a descriptive survey conducted in teacher educational institutions in southeastern Nigeria. Data was collected using a set of researchers' designed instruments from selected second year pre-service teachers in selected universities and colleges of education. IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) statistics software version 22 was employed to analyze the data using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings show that only a few resources are available in these institutions. The availability of ICT resources was low and therefore inadequate with numerous challenges facing the integration of ICT in teacher education ranging from lack of adequate training of teacher educators, epileptic power supply to high cost of ICT resources. The paper concludes that the numerous obstacles to effective ICT integration in teacher education need urgent attention if the gains of ICT in education must be reaped in our teacher educational programs.

Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2014
With the overreaching acceptance of ICT in education and access to Internet occasioned by advance... more With the overreaching acceptance of ICT in education and access to Internet occasioned by advancement in technology, this paper investigates pre-service teachers' use of Internet in a college of education. The study was a descriptive survey. Data was collected using a researcher designed instrument tagged "Student Internet Use Scale" (SIUS). The population comprised of all NCE pre-service teachers in Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri Nigeria. Findings show that mobile phones remains the most widely used mode of internet access with social networking, searching for information on school assignments, chatting forming the major reasons why they surf the net. Social networking is the major purpose for Internet use by female pre-service teachers while school related activities are of priority to males. The difference in purpose of internet use according to gender is however not statistically significant; similarly, there is no statically significant difference between male and female preservice teachers in the frequency of Internet usage. The result has far reaching implication for provision and use of Internet facilities to enhance teaching and learning in the College and colleges of education in Nigeria.
Papers by Bede Blaise Chukwunyere Onwuagboke