Papers by Beatriz Arconada
Supplementary data and corrections regarding the recently published revision of the Iberian taxa ... more Supplementary data and corrections regarding the recently published revision of the Iberian taxa of the genus Alzoniella are presented. This concerns mainly the data on the type series of the new species. A revised key for the species is also added.

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Feb 13, 2019
Valvatiform gastropods of the family Hydrobiidae are frequently found in European spring-fed syst... more Valvatiform gastropods of the family Hydrobiidae are frequently found in European spring-fed systems. Their simplified and sometimes convergent morphological structures and restricted geographical ranges make the description and identification of valvatiform species challenging. In the Iberian Peninsula, to date, 20 valvatiform species have been described morphologically. To test morphological species delimitations and to evaluate the role of physical geography on their evolutionary history, we analysed two mitochondrial (COI and 16S rRNA) and two nuclear (28S rRNA and 18S rRNA) gene fragments of 16 valvatiform species from the Iberian Peninsula. Molecular species delimitation methods consistently inferred 11 of the nominal species. Our phylogenetic analyses recovered the species Islamia azarum as an independent lineage, distantly related to other genera, which we place in the new genus Deganta. Furthermore, Iberian valvatiform hydrobiids do not form a monophyletic subunit, but they are included in two distinct clades of Hydrobiidae. Divergence times indicate that speciation in these clades is likely to have coincided with the formation of major Iberian mountain ranges and river basins. Similarities of geographical subdivision and divergent times between this assemblage and the non-valvatiform genus Corrosella provide strong evidence for the role of the Iberian geographical barriers in shaping the biogeography of these springsnails.
The genus Alzoniella Giusti & Bodon, 1984, is reviewed for the Iberian Peninsula. This revision i... more The genus Alzoniella Giusti & Bodon, 1984, is reviewed for the Iberian Peninsula. This revision includes both the nominate subgenus Alzoniella (A.) and A. (Navarriella) Boeters, 2001, as well as the genus Guadiella Boeters, 2003, since its type species, G. andalucensis (Boeters, 1983), was formerly regarded as belonging to Belgrandiella A. J. Wagner, 1928, together with A. cantabrica (Boeters 1983) and A. edmundi (Boeters, 1984), which are now classified in Alzoniella. Most of the newly reported localities enlarge known distribution areas. Various new data on anatomical aspects are presented. Photographs of shells and the protoconchs of nearly all the species discussed are included. Two new species are described and three insufficiently known taxa of Alzoniella are mentioned, but without assigning any specific name.
Up to now six species of the genus Alzoniella Giusti & Bodon, 1984, have been reported from the S... more Up to now six species of the genus Alzoniella Giusti & Bodon, 1984, have been reported from the Spanish province of Asturias, viz. A. cantabrica (Boeters, 1983), A. asturica (Boeters & Rolan, 1988), A. lucensis (Rolan, 1993), A. montana (Rolan, 1993), A. ovetensis (Rolan, 1993) and A. marianae Arconada, Rolan & Boeters, 2007. Meanwhile an additional congeneric species has been found in this province, i.e. A. somiedoensis spec. nov., which is described below.
Sociedad Española de Malacología, 2020
El género Theodoxus se distribuye por los lagos, ríos y estuarios de Europa, sudoeste de Asia y n... more El género Theodoxus se distribuye por los lagos, ríos y estuarios de Europa, sudoeste de Asia y norte de África, aunque su taxonomía es todavía incompleta. Theodoxus valentinus (Graells, 1846) es una especie endémica ibérica de distribución muy localizada, con una forma de concha muy particular, prácticamente extinguida y catalogada en peligro crítico por la UICN. En este artículo se da a conocer el descubrimiento reciente en la colección del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid (España) del material tipo de Neritina valentina Graells, 1846 y se estudian otros ejemplares de esta especie en diferentes colecciones de museos.
The genus <em>Theodoxus </em>is distributed in lakes, rivers and estuaries of Europe,... more The genus <em>Theodoxus </em>is distributed in lakes, rivers and estuaries of Europe, Southwest Asia and North Africa, but its taxonomy is still incompletely understood. <em>Theodoxus valentinus </em>(Graells, 1846) is an endemic Iberian species with a very localized distribution and with a very particular shell shape, practically extinct and listed as critically endangered by the IUCN. This article reveals the recent discovery in the collection of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid (Spain) of the type material of <em>Neritina valentina </em>Graells, 1846, and other specimens of this species, coming from other collections, are also studie
Figure 4. Anatomy of Iberhoratia morenoi from type locality. (A, B) Partial nervous system; (C) o... more Figure 4. Anatomy of Iberhoratia morenoi from type locality. (A, B) Partial nervous system; (C) osphradium and ctenidium; (D) stomach; (E) prostate and rectum; (F) head of a male and penis; (G) anterior female genitalia; (H) bursa copulatrix and seminal receptacles. Abbreviations in text. Scale bar: 500 Mm.

En la figura 1B de ARCONADA, DEANDRÉS& ARAUJO (2019) publicado en Iberus, 37(2), se ilustran 3 ej... more En la figura 1B de ARCONADA, DEANDRÉS& ARAUJO (2019) publicado en Iberus, 37(2), se ilustran 3 ejemplares de Omphiscola glabra procedentes de un arroyo de la provincia de Lugo y que pertenecen a la colección Julio Álvarez. El ejemplar más a la izquierda es un ejemplar de mayor tamaño, de 8,4 mm, y los dos restantes de 4,5 mm. En julio de 2019, Josep Quintana del Institut Catalá de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, nos ha alertado de la posibilidad de que algunos de los ejemplares de la figura1B se correspondan con conchas del género Cochlicopa y no con O. glabra. Gracias al aviso de J. Quintana, hemos revisado de nuevo este lote (MNCN15.05/11553)de Lugo y hemos podido comprobar que de los 10 ejemplares que contiene, hay 5 de O.glabra(4 adultos y 1 juvenil) y otros 5 de C. lubrica, un caracol terrestre de la familia Cochlicopidae. El ejemplar de mayor tamaño de la figura 1B es claramente O. glabra, por su tamaño y proporciones relativas. Sin embargo, los 2 ejemplares ilustrados más peq...
Figure 10. Plot of discriminant scores on the two canonical axes, obtained from DFA of shell meas... more Figure 10. Plot of discriminant scores on the two canonical axes, obtained from DFA of shell measurements for Iberhoratia species and topotypes of Horatia klecakiana (NHM-WIEN, 17.683). Confidence interval for ellipses: 0.95.
Figure 11. Plot of discriminant scores on the two canonical axes, obtained from DFA of shell meas... more Figure 11. Plot of discriminant scores on the two canonical axes, obtained from DFA of shell measurements for the species Iberhoratia morenoi, Ib.aurorae, and Horatia klecakiana. Confidence intervals for ellipses: 0.95.
Figure 7. Anatomy of Iberhoratia aurorae from type locality. (A, B) Partial nervous system; (C) o... more Figure 7. Anatomy of Iberhoratia aurorae from type locality. (A, B) Partial nervous system; (C) osphradium and ctenidium; (D) rectum curve; (E) stomach; (F) head of a male and penis; (G) anterior female genitalia; (H) bursa copulatrix and seminal receptacles. Abbreviations in text. Scale bar: 500 Mm (A–H).
Figure 9. Original illustrations of Iberhoratia gatoa (Boeters 1980, p 63). (A, B) Holotype (RMNH... more Figure 9. Original illustrations of Iberhoratia gatoa (Boeters 1980, p 63). (A, B) Holotype (RMNH 55467), shell width 1.5 mm; (C, D) paratype (BOE 948), shell width 1.2 mm; (E) penis (paratype BOE 948); (F) anterior female genitalia (paratype BOE 948).
Figure 5. Shells of Iberhoratia aurorae. (A–D, G) Shells from Robladillo de Gata; (E, I) shells f... more Figure 5. Shells of Iberhoratia aurorae. (A–D, G) Shells from Robladillo de Gata; (E, I) shells from Roturas; (F, H, J, K) shell (holotype) from population between Hervás and Jerte (type locality). (H–K) Protoconch and microsculpture. Scale bar: 500 Mm (A–G).
Figure 8. Holotype of Iberhoratia gatoa (RMNH 55467). Scale bar: 500 Mm (A, B).
Figure 6. Operculum and radula of Iberhoratia aurorae from type locality. (A) Internal side of th... more Figure 6. Operculum and radula of Iberhoratia aurorae from type locality. (A) Internal side of the operculum; (B) external side of the operculum; (C) radula; (D) central and lateral teeth; (E) central tooth; (F) lateral and internal marginal teeth. Scale bar: 200 Mm (A, B); 100 Mm (C).
Figure 3. Opercula, radula, and penis of Iberhoratia morenoi (E–G, I, K, L), and Ib. cf. morenoi ... more Figure 3. Opercula, radula, and penis of Iberhoratia morenoi (E–G, I, K, L), and Ib. cf. morenoi (A–D, H, J). (A, C, H, J) Opercula from Félix; (B, D) opercula from El Marchal de Antón López; (E, F, G, I, K, L) opercula and radula from Prado del Rey; (L) head of a male and penis from El Chorro. (A, B, E) External side of the operculum; (C, D, F, G) internal side of the operculum; (H, I) central teeth; (J) lateral, internal, and external marginal teeth; (K) ciliary fields in the pallial edge. Scale bars: 200 Mm (A–G).
Figure 1. Iberian Iberhoratia populations.
<em>Omphiscola glabra </em>(Müller, 1774) is a freshwater gastropod of the Lymnaeidae... more <em>Omphiscola glabra </em>(Müller, 1774) is a freshwater gastropod of the Lymnaeidae family that has remained unknown among the Spanish malacological fauna until, due to a recent review of the malacological collections of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid, we have discovered several historical lots from the north of the Iberian Peninsula. These same lots were already studied by ÁLVAREZ (1965), but the resulting publication, describing the presence of this species in Spain and its conchological variability, has gone unnoticed by researchers. This work confirms the presence in Spain of <em>O. glabra </em>and expands the distribution area of the species in Europe. This work constitutes a first starting point for the study of this species in the Iberian Peninsula and its future cataloguing as a protected species.
statement of corrections to published article
Papers by Beatriz Arconada