Community Service (Abdimas) aims to provide understanding/skills for developing the marketing of ... more Community Service (Abdimas) aims to provide understanding/skills for developing the marketing of processed products and understanding/skills in calculating the cost of goods sold for entrepreneurs of tofu/tempeh. In addition, this activity is also expected to create benefits for other participants. Community service activities in the form of counseling on how to develop the marketing of processed products and calculating the cost of goods sold tofu/tempeh as a promising business opportunity. Activities carried out on tofu/tempeh entrepreneurs in the North Cipinang Besar Village, went smoothly. Participants can develop skills according to changes in technology so that tofu/tempeh products can be more varied. Participants know the advantages and disadvantages of the tofu/tempeh product business from their business activities and increase their accounting knowledge in managing their business
Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Management Research (AICMaR 2018), 2019
In this study discusses performance measurement using the balance scorecard of a non-profit organ... more In this study discusses performance measurement using the balance scorecard of a non-profit organization engaged in education consulting in the Jakarta area. This organization is one of the partners of the United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) under the auspices of the United Nations where the organization obtains and accounts for funds from and to UNICEF. So far, the organization has not made balanced scorecard design in its activities, because it will create a balanced scorecard design for the organization to achieve maximum results compared to previous years. The research used the research method by obtaining research data including primary, according to data source that is internal data, according to nature of research is qualitative, according to data collection time is cross section / incidental, and according to data collection method is unstructured interview and non-participant observation. The results and findings obtained is to determine the company strategy by assessing from internal and external environment in the form of SWOT analysis. Then designed strategy map and balanced scorecard. Since the organization is socially-based, the organizations strategy is analyzed with five perspectives namely, financial, clients (built schools), internal processes, learning and growth, and donors (i.e. UNICEF and participant donors). The conclusions and implications are in making the organizations balanced scorecard based on the organizations grand strategy determined that the organization is committed to improving the quality of the trainer, guiding the students, improving the educational facilities, and become a model for other educational consultants throughout Indonesia.
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Accounting Research (AICAR 2019), 2020
Qualified opinion (WDP) giving from BPK to National Election Commission (KPU) indicates that the ... more Qualified opinion (WDP) giving from BPK to National Election Commission (KPU) indicates that the fairness of financial report is still doubted. Just started in 2017 when financial reports of KPU obtains unqualified opinion (WTP). The reason of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) gave qualified opinion on financial reports of governments is the inventory. The property has not yet been fully supported by adequate administration, recording, and reconciliation of state-owned property. In managing state-owned property (BMN), management of state assets is very important. The government has to make policies for all central and regional ministries and institutions to control and manage the assets, the aim is to realize good governance in implementing bureaucratic reform. Accountability in the management of state-owned property is reflected in periodic and timely reporting of state-owned property, which starts with the recording, classification and reporting of user power items for the semester of the fiscal year, systematically presenting them in a set of information in accordance with the provisions. The government utilizes technology by developing a central government accounting system, the Institutional Accounting System (SAI), which consists of the Accrual Based Agency Accounting System (SAIBA) and the Management and Accounting Information System for Stateowned property (SIMAK-BMN). SIMAK-BMN is a subsystem in the form of a series of interrelated procedures that produce information on fixed assets, inventories, and others for the preparation of balance sheets and reports on State-owned property and other managerial reports. This study aims to determine whether the administration of state-owned property and SIMAK-BMN implementation affect the quality of KPU (General Secretary). The result shows that they give positive effects, both partially and simultaneously.
The use of information technology for problem-solving approach associated with accounting will be... more The use of information technology for problem-solving approach associated with accounting will be able to simplify the processes - processes associated with the processing of information data, in this case the accounting transactions. Problem solving approach using accounting information system using hardware (hardware) in the form of computer devices, and using software (software) that is applications that support an accounting information system itself.The current emerging technology in PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories plays a major role in accounting information systems. The use of information technology systems in accounting information systems include information system functions, end-user computing (end user computing), and rapid response technology. Development of accounting information systems are professionally conducted both internally and externally. Acumatica System The Cloud ERP that is in use PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories can minimize weakness.
International Research Journal of Electronics and Computer Engineering, 2017
This paper discusses an Accounting Information System (AIS) that is developed in-house by the Ger... more This paper discusses an Accounting Information System (AIS) that is developed in-house by the German Jordanian University (GJU). The AIS is a web-based distributed application that is comprised of three separate tiers: the client, web (application), and business (data) tiers. The three tiers are designed and developed such that the system is easy to use, effective, fast, accurate, reliable, and scalable. The AIS mainly enables accountants to manage (i.e., record, view, edit, and delete) the daily financial transactions such as payments, refunds, and adjustments. Furthermore, it allows managing fees (e.g., services and tuition fees) and student data (e.g., academic information, schedules, transcripts, holds, registration invoices, and statement of account). Moreover, it allows specifying sponsors and supports the definition of complex scholarship tuition fees coverage combinations related to the GJU as well as most of the Jordanian universities. Besides that, it enables the quick generation of financial statements and accounting reports (e.g., daily summary, daily journal, and student balances) at the click of a button. The generated reports can be used by the staff and management of the financial department for auditing, financial accounting, and decision making purposes. The system was successfully deployed in the first 2015/2016 academic semester and since then it accurately recorded and processed thousands of accounting transactions.
Journal of Informatic and Information Security, 2021
Ruang kelas adalah hal yang terpisahkan dalam melakukan penjadwalan mata kuliah, karena setiap pe... more Ruang kelas adalah hal yang terpisahkan dalam melakukan penjadwalan mata kuliah, karena setiap pengaturan jadwal mata kuliah Dosen pasti memerkulan ruang kelas untuk melakukan pengajaran mata kuliah tersebut, pada saat ini sekretaris program studi masih menggunakan microsoft excell untuk melakukan pengaturan ruang kelas, hal itu menyebabkan permasalahan sulit nya mengatur jadwal dan ruang kelas agar tidak bentrok karena keterbatasan kelas, oleh karena itu dibuatlah suatu aplikasi untuk mempermudah pengendalian ruang kelas baik untuk penjadwalan kuliah atau kelas pengganti, diharapkan dengan adanya aplikasi ini dapat mempermudah pekerjaan semua pihak
ABSTRAC The use of information technology for problem-solving approach associated with accounting... more ABSTRAC The use of information technology for problem-solving approach associated with accounting will be able to simplify the processes-processes associated with the processing of information data, in this case the accounting transactions. Problem solving approach using accounting information system using hardware (hardware) in the form of computer devices, and using software (software) that is applications that support an accounting information system itself.The current emerging technology in PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories plays a major role in accounting information systems. The use of information technology systems in accounting information systems include information system functions, end-user computing (end user computing), and rapid response technology. Development of accounting information systems are professionally conducted both internally and externally. Acumatica System The Cloud ERP that is in use PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories can minimize weakness.
The Balance Scorecard has started to become more popular since the end of 1990’s. It is ... more ABSTRAC
The Balance Scorecard has started to become more popular since the end of 1990’s. It is used not only as the performance assesment/measurement system in many corporates, but also as the strategic management system. Balance scorecard already becomes the guideline for corporates in running their daily operation and achieving the established Corporate Vision, Mission, and Strategy. The corporates apply it as the old, performance assesment/measurement is no longer relevant toward the recent business environment, in which the information technology era has grown rapidly. This research is aimed to evaluate the management system of the consultant firm “x”, started from the analysis toward to the corporate vision, mission, anda strategy. The research results indicate that the stages comprise the design of Strategy Maps and the design of Balance Scorecard.
Balance scorecard menjadi pedoman perusahaan untuk berkegiatan sehari-hari dalam mencapai visi,misi, dan strategi yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini disebabkan sistem pengukuran kinerja yang lama tidak relevan dengan lingkungan bisnis saat ini dimana era teknologi informasi berkembang secara pesat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap sistem manajemen kantor konsultan “x” yang dimulai analisis visi, misi, dan strategi perusahaan. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah perancangan strategy maps, perancangan balance scorecard, dan tahap terakhir yaitu pada kesimpulan dan saran.
Community Service (Abdimas) aims to provide understanding/skills for developing the marketing of ... more Community Service (Abdimas) aims to provide understanding/skills for developing the marketing of processed products and understanding/skills in calculating the cost of goods sold for entrepreneurs of tofu/tempeh. In addition, this activity is also expected to create benefits for other participants. Community service activities in the form of counseling on how to develop the marketing of processed products and calculating the cost of goods sold tofu/tempeh as a promising business opportunity. Activities carried out on tofu/tempeh entrepreneurs in the North Cipinang Besar Village, went smoothly. Participants can develop skills according to changes in technology so that tofu/tempeh products can be more varied. Participants know the advantages and disadvantages of the tofu/tempeh product business from their business activities and increase their accounting knowledge in managing their business
Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Management Research (AICMaR 2018), 2019
In this study discusses performance measurement using the balance scorecard of a non-profit organ... more In this study discusses performance measurement using the balance scorecard of a non-profit organization engaged in education consulting in the Jakarta area. This organization is one of the partners of the United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) under the auspices of the United Nations where the organization obtains and accounts for funds from and to UNICEF. So far, the organization has not made balanced scorecard design in its activities, because it will create a balanced scorecard design for the organization to achieve maximum results compared to previous years. The research used the research method by obtaining research data including primary, according to data source that is internal data, according to nature of research is qualitative, according to data collection time is cross section / incidental, and according to data collection method is unstructured interview and non-participant observation. The results and findings obtained is to determine the company strategy by assessing from internal and external environment in the form of SWOT analysis. Then designed strategy map and balanced scorecard. Since the organization is socially-based, the organizations strategy is analyzed with five perspectives namely, financial, clients (built schools), internal processes, learning and growth, and donors (i.e. UNICEF and participant donors). The conclusions and implications are in making the organizations balanced scorecard based on the organizations grand strategy determined that the organization is committed to improving the quality of the trainer, guiding the students, improving the educational facilities, and become a model for other educational consultants throughout Indonesia.
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Accounting Research (AICAR 2019), 2020
Qualified opinion (WDP) giving from BPK to National Election Commission (KPU) indicates that the ... more Qualified opinion (WDP) giving from BPK to National Election Commission (KPU) indicates that the fairness of financial report is still doubted. Just started in 2017 when financial reports of KPU obtains unqualified opinion (WTP). The reason of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) gave qualified opinion on financial reports of governments is the inventory. The property has not yet been fully supported by adequate administration, recording, and reconciliation of state-owned property. In managing state-owned property (BMN), management of state assets is very important. The government has to make policies for all central and regional ministries and institutions to control and manage the assets, the aim is to realize good governance in implementing bureaucratic reform. Accountability in the management of state-owned property is reflected in periodic and timely reporting of state-owned property, which starts with the recording, classification and reporting of user power items for the semester of the fiscal year, systematically presenting them in a set of information in accordance with the provisions. The government utilizes technology by developing a central government accounting system, the Institutional Accounting System (SAI), which consists of the Accrual Based Agency Accounting System (SAIBA) and the Management and Accounting Information System for Stateowned property (SIMAK-BMN). SIMAK-BMN is a subsystem in the form of a series of interrelated procedures that produce information on fixed assets, inventories, and others for the preparation of balance sheets and reports on State-owned property and other managerial reports. This study aims to determine whether the administration of state-owned property and SIMAK-BMN implementation affect the quality of KPU (General Secretary). The result shows that they give positive effects, both partially and simultaneously.
The use of information technology for problem-solving approach associated with accounting will be... more The use of information technology for problem-solving approach associated with accounting will be able to simplify the processes - processes associated with the processing of information data, in this case the accounting transactions. Problem solving approach using accounting information system using hardware (hardware) in the form of computer devices, and using software (software) that is applications that support an accounting information system itself.The current emerging technology in PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories plays a major role in accounting information systems. The use of information technology systems in accounting information systems include information system functions, end-user computing (end user computing), and rapid response technology. Development of accounting information systems are professionally conducted both internally and externally. Acumatica System The Cloud ERP that is in use PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories can minimize weakness.
International Research Journal of Electronics and Computer Engineering, 2017
This paper discusses an Accounting Information System (AIS) that is developed in-house by the Ger... more This paper discusses an Accounting Information System (AIS) that is developed in-house by the German Jordanian University (GJU). The AIS is a web-based distributed application that is comprised of three separate tiers: the client, web (application), and business (data) tiers. The three tiers are designed and developed such that the system is easy to use, effective, fast, accurate, reliable, and scalable. The AIS mainly enables accountants to manage (i.e., record, view, edit, and delete) the daily financial transactions such as payments, refunds, and adjustments. Furthermore, it allows managing fees (e.g., services and tuition fees) and student data (e.g., academic information, schedules, transcripts, holds, registration invoices, and statement of account). Moreover, it allows specifying sponsors and supports the definition of complex scholarship tuition fees coverage combinations related to the GJU as well as most of the Jordanian universities. Besides that, it enables the quick generation of financial statements and accounting reports (e.g., daily summary, daily journal, and student balances) at the click of a button. The generated reports can be used by the staff and management of the financial department for auditing, financial accounting, and decision making purposes. The system was successfully deployed in the first 2015/2016 academic semester and since then it accurately recorded and processed thousands of accounting transactions.
Journal of Informatic and Information Security, 2021
Ruang kelas adalah hal yang terpisahkan dalam melakukan penjadwalan mata kuliah, karena setiap pe... more Ruang kelas adalah hal yang terpisahkan dalam melakukan penjadwalan mata kuliah, karena setiap pengaturan jadwal mata kuliah Dosen pasti memerkulan ruang kelas untuk melakukan pengajaran mata kuliah tersebut, pada saat ini sekretaris program studi masih menggunakan microsoft excell untuk melakukan pengaturan ruang kelas, hal itu menyebabkan permasalahan sulit nya mengatur jadwal dan ruang kelas agar tidak bentrok karena keterbatasan kelas, oleh karena itu dibuatlah suatu aplikasi untuk mempermudah pengendalian ruang kelas baik untuk penjadwalan kuliah atau kelas pengganti, diharapkan dengan adanya aplikasi ini dapat mempermudah pekerjaan semua pihak
ABSTRAC The use of information technology for problem-solving approach associated with accounting... more ABSTRAC The use of information technology for problem-solving approach associated with accounting will be able to simplify the processes-processes associated with the processing of information data, in this case the accounting transactions. Problem solving approach using accounting information system using hardware (hardware) in the form of computer devices, and using software (software) that is applications that support an accounting information system itself.The current emerging technology in PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories plays a major role in accounting information systems. The use of information technology systems in accounting information systems include information system functions, end-user computing (end user computing), and rapid response technology. Development of accounting information systems are professionally conducted both internally and externally. Acumatica System The Cloud ERP that is in use PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories can minimize weakness.
The Balance Scorecard has started to become more popular since the end of 1990’s. It is ... more ABSTRAC
The Balance Scorecard has started to become more popular since the end of 1990’s. It is used not only as the performance assesment/measurement system in many corporates, but also as the strategic management system. Balance scorecard already becomes the guideline for corporates in running their daily operation and achieving the established Corporate Vision, Mission, and Strategy. The corporates apply it as the old, performance assesment/measurement is no longer relevant toward the recent business environment, in which the information technology era has grown rapidly. This research is aimed to evaluate the management system of the consultant firm “x”, started from the analysis toward to the corporate vision, mission, anda strategy. The research results indicate that the stages comprise the design of Strategy Maps and the design of Balance Scorecard.
Balance scorecard menjadi pedoman perusahaan untuk berkegiatan sehari-hari dalam mencapai visi,misi, dan strategi yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini disebabkan sistem pengukuran kinerja yang lama tidak relevan dengan lingkungan bisnis saat ini dimana era teknologi informasi berkembang secara pesat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap sistem manajemen kantor konsultan “x” yang dimulai analisis visi, misi, dan strategi perusahaan. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah perancangan strategy maps, perancangan balance scorecard, dan tahap terakhir yaitu pada kesimpulan dan saran.
Papers by Bayu Pratama
The Balance Scorecard has started to become more popular since the end of 1990’s. It is used not only as the performance assesment/measurement system in many corporates, but also as the strategic management system. Balance scorecard already becomes the guideline for corporates in running their daily operation and achieving the established Corporate Vision, Mission, and Strategy. The corporates apply it as the old, performance assesment/measurement is no longer relevant toward the recent business environment, in which the information technology era has grown rapidly. This research is aimed to evaluate the management system of the consultant firm “x”, started from the analysis toward to the corporate vision, mission, anda strategy. The research results indicate that the stages comprise the design of Strategy Maps and the design of Balance Scorecard.
Balance scorecard menjadi pedoman perusahaan untuk berkegiatan sehari-hari dalam mencapai visi,misi, dan strategi yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini disebabkan sistem pengukuran kinerja yang lama tidak relevan dengan lingkungan bisnis saat ini dimana era teknologi informasi berkembang secara pesat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap sistem manajemen kantor konsultan “x” yang dimulai analisis visi, misi, dan strategi perusahaan. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah perancangan strategy maps, perancangan balance scorecard, dan tahap terakhir yaitu pada kesimpulan dan saran.
Kata Kunci: Strategy Maps dan Balance Scorecard
The Balance Scorecard has started to become more popular since the end of 1990’s. It is used not only as the performance assesment/measurement system in many corporates, but also as the strategic management system. Balance scorecard already becomes the guideline for corporates in running their daily operation and achieving the established Corporate Vision, Mission, and Strategy. The corporates apply it as the old, performance assesment/measurement is no longer relevant toward the recent business environment, in which the information technology era has grown rapidly. This research is aimed to evaluate the management system of the consultant firm “x”, started from the analysis toward to the corporate vision, mission, anda strategy. The research results indicate that the stages comprise the design of Strategy Maps and the design of Balance Scorecard.
Balance scorecard menjadi pedoman perusahaan untuk berkegiatan sehari-hari dalam mencapai visi,misi, dan strategi yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini disebabkan sistem pengukuran kinerja yang lama tidak relevan dengan lingkungan bisnis saat ini dimana era teknologi informasi berkembang secara pesat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap sistem manajemen kantor konsultan “x” yang dimulai analisis visi, misi, dan strategi perusahaan. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah perancangan strategy maps, perancangan balance scorecard, dan tahap terakhir yaitu pada kesimpulan dan saran.
Kata Kunci: Strategy Maps dan Balance Scorecard