РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫХ НАУК Институт Древнеславянской и Древнеевразийской Цивилизации ВСЕЛЕННАЯ РУССКОЙ ПИСМЕННОСТИ ДО КИРИЛЛА Альва-Первая издательство, Москва 2007, стр. 247-262, 2007
Камень из Розетты-один из самых известных текстов древнего Египта, объект большого числа исследов... more Камень из Розетты-один из самых известных текстов древнего Египта, объект большого числа исследований академической науки. Камень был выкопан в Розетте, или, по-арабски, в деревне эль-Рашид. Он был найден французским солдатом, производившим земляные работы для армии Наполеона во время его Египетской кампании 1799 года. Наполеон выиграл короткое военное столкновение с английской армией и заключил в Александрии мирный договор в 1802 году. Согласно этому договору, все предметы, найденные французской армией в ходе кампании, отходили в собственность британской короны. В соответствии с этим, Розеттский камень был отправлен в Англию, где он еще и сегодня является одним из самых известных экспонатов Британского музея в Лондоне. Камень из черного гранита имеет в высоту 1,44 м, в ширину 0,72 м и в толщину 0,28 м при весе в 762 кг. Согласно современным ученым, на нем был опубликован декрет в честь фараона Птолемея V, составленный жрецами спустя год после его коронации, то есть, по современному календарю, 27 марта 196 года до н.э. Согласно современной науке, для текста, написанного в трех вариантах, использовались два языка: древний египетский (написанный как иероглифами, так и народным письмом) и древний "греческий" язык (написанный в древнем "греческом" варианте текста). Цель нашего исследования состоит в том, чтобы показать, что в тексте на Розеттском камне использовались три языка: древний египетский, написанный в иероглифической письменности, древний македонский язык, написанный демотическим письмом, и древний "греческий" язык, написанном в древнем греческом алфавите. Следует упомянуть, что данный вывод сделан на основе одной из самых существенных и ведущих работ в области исследования демотической письменности Египта, так же как и языка, какой является Словарь и Грамматика Демотики, Восточный Институт Чикаго, США. Хотя общепринято, что письмо демотики является силлабическим, как считается в этой существенной публикации, тем не менее, авторы указывают, что данный текст не может быть прочитан слог за слогом. И потому они предполагают, что текст является логографическим, то есть, следует читать слово за словом. И в то же самое время предполагают, что демотический текст находится в абсолютной языковой идентичности (по построению предложений, фраз и всех имен правителей и богов в данном якобы египетском тексте) с древним "греческим" текстом. Результаты нашего исследования в анализе и расшифровке среднего текста Розеттского камня представлены здесь, начиная с предположения, что текст в демотическом тексте был написан на языке древних македонцев, то есть на древнем македонском языке.
Books by Basil Chulev
Kralevina bila pot kralom Filipom
Staro carstvо este bilo ot cara Aleksandra
Nash car, Makedonski pozdnat
Aleksander veliki uv vselenu.
Homeland is this place dear to Macedonians
kingdom was under the king Philip
Old empire was from emperor Alexander
Our king, Macedonian famous
Alexander the great in space
Историја На Македонскиот Народ - уредник Тодор Чепреганов, Институт За Национална Историја на Република македонија, Скопје 2008 г.
The "Macedonian Rock Encyclopedia (1963 - 2018)" is a capital work that will benefit many past, present and future generations. It is a frank book of 500 pages on which had been imprinted 55 years of musical history of 333 bands, and mentioned more than 2,500 Macedonian musicians. In this exclusive encyclopedic edition, the factography is supported by 400 photographs and one audio compilation (CD). It was meticulously built after six years of hard work by the longtime music journalist, promoter, passionate chronicler, and documentarian of Macedonian heritage, Tosho Filipovski.
This edition experienced its promotion on May 8 in the Youth Cultural Center (MKC) and turned into a true rock-happening of many generations of musicians. The next day was presented at the stand of "Literature.mk" at the Book Fair and entered our distribution network across Republic of Macedonia.
This text, today, is known only through two transcriptions in Latin, Parisian and Viennese versions, known by the names Codex Carcashsoniensis and Vienna Version. The translation in Latin is directly connected with the missionary work of the Bogomil babun (priest) Nasaria in 1170, whose goal was to spread the ideas of Bogomils among devotees of Catharism.
This 1999 publication is the reverse translation of this text in Latin to Macedonian, the native tongue of the Bogomils in Macedonia, from the region of the Lake Prespa, who wrote it.
M–Sh (Š)
Containing a rich glossary and in excess of 300 words and phrases, the texts demonstrate the strength of the Macedonian language through preservation.
Following is a comparison of sentences between the texts and the Macedonian
dialect of Bitola as spoken today.
16th cent., Kostur dialect
21st cent., Bitola dialect
Gospodine, brate, da si zdrav, da si prost, ostavi ni da spime, ela da jame, i da pieme, dol da pojdime, da rabotime.
Gospodine, brate, da si zdrav, da si prost, ostai ne da spiame, ela da jaime, i da piame, dolu da pojdime, da rabotime.
Imate hljap-o da kupime, imate vino da kupime, ot koja strana da pojdime vo
Imate lep da kupime, imate vino da kupime, od koja strana da pojdime vo
As can be clearly noticed, most of the vocabulary and grammar is identical.
All of the elements that would later be required to rejuvinate the Macedonian people as they were shaking off centuries of subjugation, were present during this period. The language of the people had solidified, a tradition of heraldry and symbolism had developed which incorporated the emblem of a rapant lion and historical figures from Macedonia's past, and the churches continued preserve the local customs and serve as cultural centres for the population. The significance of all these elements together cannot be overstated, the language of medieval Macedonia is the same as the language of the Macedonians today. Unfortunately, only a small portion of the larger amount of Macedonian literature from the Middle Ages has survived, much of it being looted and destroyed by Greek-speaking officials, clerics and teachers. Nevertheless, Macedonian as a language reached its current form centuries before the creation of the Balkan states in the 19th and 20th centuries. "
Papers by Basil Chulev
Kralevina bila pot kralom Filipom
Staro carstvо este bilo ot cara Aleksandra
Nash car, Makedonski pozdnat
Aleksander veliki uv vselenu.
Homeland is this place dear to Macedonians
kingdom was under the king Philip
Old empire was from emperor Alexander
Our king, Macedonian famous
Alexander the great in space
Историја На Македонскиот Народ - уредник Тодор Чепреганов, Институт За Национална Историја на Република македонија, Скопје 2008 г.
The "Macedonian Rock Encyclopedia (1963 - 2018)" is a capital work that will benefit many past, present and future generations. It is a frank book of 500 pages on which had been imprinted 55 years of musical history of 333 bands, and mentioned more than 2,500 Macedonian musicians. In this exclusive encyclopedic edition, the factography is supported by 400 photographs and one audio compilation (CD). It was meticulously built after six years of hard work by the longtime music journalist, promoter, passionate chronicler, and documentarian of Macedonian heritage, Tosho Filipovski.
This edition experienced its promotion on May 8 in the Youth Cultural Center (MKC) and turned into a true rock-happening of many generations of musicians. The next day was presented at the stand of "Literature.mk" at the Book Fair and entered our distribution network across Republic of Macedonia.
This text, today, is known only through two transcriptions in Latin, Parisian and Viennese versions, known by the names Codex Carcashsoniensis and Vienna Version. The translation in Latin is directly connected with the missionary work of the Bogomil babun (priest) Nasaria in 1170, whose goal was to spread the ideas of Bogomils among devotees of Catharism.
This 1999 publication is the reverse translation of this text in Latin to Macedonian, the native tongue of the Bogomils in Macedonia, from the region of the Lake Prespa, who wrote it.
M–Sh (Š)
Containing a rich glossary and in excess of 300 words and phrases, the texts demonstrate the strength of the Macedonian language through preservation.
Following is a comparison of sentences between the texts and the Macedonian
dialect of Bitola as spoken today.
16th cent., Kostur dialect
21st cent., Bitola dialect
Gospodine, brate, da si zdrav, da si prost, ostavi ni da spime, ela da jame, i da pieme, dol da pojdime, da rabotime.
Gospodine, brate, da si zdrav, da si prost, ostai ne da spiame, ela da jaime, i da piame, dolu da pojdime, da rabotime.
Imate hljap-o da kupime, imate vino da kupime, ot koja strana da pojdime vo
Imate lep da kupime, imate vino da kupime, od koja strana da pojdime vo
As can be clearly noticed, most of the vocabulary and grammar is identical.
All of the elements that would later be required to rejuvinate the Macedonian people as they were shaking off centuries of subjugation, were present during this period. The language of the people had solidified, a tradition of heraldry and symbolism had developed which incorporated the emblem of a rapant lion and historical figures from Macedonia's past, and the churches continued preserve the local customs and serve as cultural centres for the population. The significance of all these elements together cannot be overstated, the language of medieval Macedonia is the same as the language of the Macedonians today. Unfortunately, only a small portion of the larger amount of Macedonian literature from the Middle Ages has survived, much of it being looted and destroyed by Greek-speaking officials, clerics and teachers. Nevertheless, Macedonian as a language reached its current form centuries before the creation of the Balkan states in the 19th and 20th centuries. "
Anyone who is in the least bit informed knows that many constitutions throughout the world contain formulations with articles or separate acts of constitutional importance, namely, such decrees on the use of language. In Europe itself such an act was passed in Denmark on March 3, 1948, in connection with the use of the Faroese language. Nobody would dream of claiming that such legal acts signify the „arisal“ and start of „imposition“ of given literary languages. They can signify nothing other than the legalization of an already existing situation.
Such was the case with the decree carried out by ASNOM. All decrees of this Assembly are written and all its records are kept in the Macedonian literary language, which was already a fairly well stabilized, though not yet unified literary norm. For decades before the decree of ASNOM the Macedonian language had been developing its literary form, despite official prohibitions, so that it could serve, especially during the years of World War II, as a language with an extensive literary activity in the ranks of the Antifascist National Liberation Movement...
We want to conclude from this, if the Macedonians used the "Greek" as a literary language, their regional language is to be considered "Greek"? Not even in a dream. The conclusion and vice versa that the problem about the pertinence or not of Macedonian to "Greek" is, from a purely glottological point of view, false and useless.
Thus, discarded the prejudice of the relevance or not to the whole of the "Greek dialects", we want to ask ourselves the question to which Indo-European languages the Macedonian have common isoglosses, and whether these isoglosses can illuminate us on the prehistory of the (Macedonian) language.
The most well-known mark of Macedonian, the one on which the ancient grammarians had already fixed their attention, is the substitution of Middle Aspirated Indo-European..."
* - Why quotation marks? Because of the fabricated ethnogenesis of the so-called “ancient Greex” exonym, misleadingly based on the composition of the participants in the Trojan War (ca. 1180 BCE), such as the Dannans, Achaeans, Argaeads, etc., who were mentioned by Homer in his “Iliad”. The politically biased modern historiography misrepresents some of these peoples as “Greex” or “Hellenic”, but this is a blatant forgery – according to all the ancient sources “Hellenes” did not colonize the Peloponnesus until 80 years after the Trojan War.
“The “Greex” were (and still are) ignorant of their origin. They neither knew whence their ancestors had come nor when they had established themselves in “Grease”, nor what they had done there. To preserve the exact memory of things as they occur, there is need of some means of fixing them; but the “Greex” did not know how to write; they did not employ writing until about the 8th century BCE. They had no way of calculating the number of years. Later they adopted the usage of counting the years according to the great feast which was celebrated every four years at Olympia; a period of four years was called an olympiad. But the 1st olympiad was placed in 776 BCE, and the chronology of the “Greex” does not rise beyond this date.” – ‘History of Ancient Civilization’ (1912) by Charles Seignobos, Doctor of Letters of the University of Paris, p.102.
We want to conclude from this, if the Macedonians used the "Greek" as a literary language, their regional language is to be considered "Greek"? Not even in a dream. The conclusion and vice versa that the problem about the pertinence or not of Macedonian to "Greek" is, from a purely glottological point of view, false and useless.
Thus, discarded the prejudice of the relevance or not to the whole of the "Greek dialects", we want to ask ourselves the question to which Indo-European languages the Macedonian have common isoglosses, and whether these isoglosses can illuminate us on the prehistory of the (Macedonian) language.
The most well-known mark of Macedonian, the one on which the ancient grammarians had already fixed their attention, is the substitution of Middle Aspirated Indo-European..."
* - Why quotation marks? Because of the fabricated ethnogenesis of the so-called “ancient Greex” exonym, misleadingly based on the composition of the participants in the Trojan War (ca. 1180 BCE), such as the Dannans, Achaeans, Argaeads, etc., who were mentioned by Homer in his “Iliad”. The politically biased modern historiography misrepresents some of these peoples as “Greex” or “Hellenic”, but this is a blatant forgery – according to all the ancient sources “Hellenes” did not colonize the Peloponnesus until 80 years after the Trojan War.
“The “Greex” were (and still are) ignorant of their origin. They neither knew whence their ancestors had come nor when they had established themselves in “Grease”, nor what they had done there. To preserve the exact memory of things as they occur, there is need of some means of fixing them; but the “Greex” did not know how to write; they did not employ writing until about the 8th century BCE. They had no way of calculating the number of years. Later they adopted the usage of counting the years according to the great feast which was celebrated every four years at Olympia; a period of four years was called an olympiad. But the 1st olympiad was placed in 776 BCE, and the chronology of the “Greex” does not rise beyond this date.” – ‘History of Ancient Civilization’ (1912) by Charles Seignobos, Doctor of Letters of the University of Paris, p.102.
national identity among the present-day Macedonians but will also demonstrate that a national identity did in fact exist among those people in the 19th century. Since the Macedonian literary language did not come to be officially codified and recognized until the time of the Second world War, the "19th century" of Macedonian can in a sense be said to have lasted until that time.
Onomastics and ethnic structure of the western part of Macedonia in the ancient times - Analysis of the names from the stone artifacts from Polog plain, Kichevo, and Ohrid-Struga region.
This symbolic sexual “penetration” of the celestial bull/phallus deep into the underground womb of the mother earth, can be deduced also from the unmistakably Phallus-like shape of the Mitraeums, the cave-like shrines of Mitra, where at the end of each the altar represented the ‘glans’ of these penis-shaped structures, and where the “celestial sperm” was spilled in the form of the bull’s blood. Moreover, in the famous Ostia’ Mitraeum in Italy, where was performed the symbolic “ejaculation” of the sacrificial seed (i.e. bull’s blood and most probably the real ejaculation of the adepts and Paters, which was mixed with the “celestial seed” of the slain bull), there’s a very intuitive and proper inscription in Latin: “FELICISSIMUS EXVOTO” - ‘a maximum felicity from a vow’, with an urn-vessel (a mosaic image on the floor) for the ejection of the spilled blood/semen.
Mitraism was actually the most Chauvinistic and primitive predecessor of the 10th century dualistic movements, Bogomilism/Catharism and later Protestantism...
Macedonian Autocephalous Apostolic Church - Justiniana Prima, the origins of Christianimosity;
Macedonian Autocephalous Apostolic Church - Ohrid Archiepiscopacy Literacy School and St. Klement Ohridski University;
Macedonian Autocephalous Apostolic Church - Ohrid Archiepiscopacy during the reign of Tsar Samoil and the emergence of Bogomilism;
Macedonian Autocephalous Apostolic Church - Ohrid Archiepiscopacy between the Crusades and the emergence of the new nations in the Macedonian Peninsula;
Macedonian Autocephalous Apostolic Church - Ohrid Archiepiscopacy during the occupation of Seljuk Turks;
Macedonian Autocephalous Apostolic Church - Ohrid Archiepiscopacy restoration in modern times...
The Re-Recognition of Macedonian Autocephalous Apostolic Church - Ohrid Archiepiscopacy by Serbian and Russian Orthodox churches on May 16 and August 25, 2022
963 is the factual year recognized by the conventional historiography as the date when the new Macedonian kingdom was founded and officialized.
The famous Czech king Karlo IV of Luxemburg (anglicized: Charles IV) in 1347 built a Glagolitic Convent 'Emaus' in Prague, where eighty Dalmatian Benedictines from the Adriatic Sea islands of Pašman and Senj were invited to teach. It is remarkable that the convent is not far from the famous Karlov University , built the next year, in 1348 (Karlo IV also founded the University of Vienna in 1365). There, many holy books in Glagolitic (later renamed as ‘Alphabetum Illyriorum’) and Cyrillic were written by the Dalmatian and Moravian disciples of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, and St. Klement’s Ohridski University of Ohrid. One of these Glagolitic/Cyrillic holy books from this convent in Prague came to the then French capital Reims in 1574, where the French kings (Charles IX, Henri II, Louis XIII, Louis XIV) for centuries were sworn in by putting their hand on this holy book, known under the name ‘Texte du Sacre’ or ‘L Evangile de Reims’... But, the fact that one part of the ‘Emmaus Gospel’ is written in Cyrillic alphabet remains. This fact undeniably indicates the primary source, both lectorial and rectorial, from where this holy transcription had been taken, and that is from the more southern parts of the Macedonian Peninsula.
As is "well known" Mekh Rasnal, i.e. Etruscan language, was written in a set of syllabic alphabets-Zig Rasnal in plain Etruscan, derived from a Phoenician and Pelasgian prototypes, and there is therefore little apparent difficulty in reading the signs and a number of words to some extent.
But, there is considerably more difficulty in understanding it. The largest part of the linguistic "conclusions" on Etruscan language and script are based on many proposed assumptions and presumptions of today scholars. Thus, the interpretation of Phoenician-Pelasgo-Etruscan inscriptions and texts remains conjectural and highly speculative. Generally the Etruscan language (Mekh Rasnal) is considered to be closely related to few other poorly attested syllabic languages from the Mediterranean urheimat: Pelasgian, Brygian/Phrygian and/or Lemnian 1 in the North-Northeast of the Aegean, Camunic, Raetic and Venetic in the Alps, Tartessian in the Iberian peninsula, much older Hittite and Phoenician in Asia Minor, etc. The following historical distribution of, and demographic relations between the Pelasgo-Macedonic, Tyrsenian/Etruscan, and/or Eneti-Venetic languages, underlines the undisputed continuity and unique prehistoric scenario which explains the intricated distribution of PIE language families in all of Europe from the latter half of the 3rd millennium BCE till the start of recorded history. Archaeology and Comparative Linguistics in particular registered the Early Bronze Age Pelasgo/Tyrsenian-speaking population arriving (in the same way like today migrants) to the lower Danube area across the Central Balkans route, establishing the Tumulus culture, Villanova culture being an offshoot of the same, and concluded as Istri and Veneti, the Pre-Roman inhabitants of the northeastern Apenninic peninsula. The other way was via sea as it is well known. If the Tyrseni-Etruscans did originated from Lydia/Phrygia (the area of Central-Western and Northern Anatolia described by Roman writers, such as Virgil"s Aeneid, as Phrygia) then their language would have implications on the nature of the languages in that area about the 1st millennium BCE. Nonetheless, since Erodot (Lat. Herodotus) and other historians emphasized that the Phrygians came from the Brygian area of Macedonia, this tells us that if the Phrygians and Etruscans at some antedate spoke similar Pelasgo-Proto-Macedonic language, then the language form of the area of Lake Prespa and Peneus River in Macedonia would most probably have been similar to the Tyrseni-Etruscan language. This, however, was the most fruitful of all the arts which the Etruscans brought among the peoples they meet and with whom they traded the art of syllabic-alphabetic writing. At a very early period they borrowed their syllabic alphabet, from their Pelasgian ancestors, or from the Phoenicians(?).
According to more likely theory they got it from the Pelasgians, who apparently had a syllabic script at an earlier period than the Phoenicians.
Who was Silyan? The story goes: Silyan was banished to a faraway island and migrates from there like a stork to his homeland. He has a bottle of magic water around his neck that should turn him from a stork into a human, but the first time he breaks it… nevertheless, later he transforms successfully. Silyan’s parents are called 'Božin' and 'Božinitsa' (God's and Goddess's), and so on…
„...секој знае и забележал дека племињата се навикнати да преземаат (едни од други) многу имиња. Римјаните преземале македонски имиња, „Грците“ - римски, Сарматите - германски, Готите - претежно Хунски".
Hа стр.111 од првиот том на „Атласот на Светската Историја" од светски познатата едиција Пингвин читаме: „Овој Хомеров Македонски јазик (Коине) се збогатувал и постепено се развивал во модерен јазик, ширејќи се како посебен дијалект од којшто подоцна настанаа Рускиот, Полскиот, Хрватскиот, Србскиот, Бугарскиот, и други јазици, денес познати како „Словенски јазици“, засновани врз Македонскиот.“
Нo, и покрај несомнениот милениумски континуитет, Македонскиот како еден од
модерните јазици на денешнината доживеа да биде стандардизиран релативно касно, дури во 20-от век. За тоа P. Г. А. де Бреј [ R. G. A. de Bray] вели: "Со иронија на историјата, луѓето чии предци им го дале на Словените првиот литературен јазик, биле последни на коишто им беше признаен нивниот современ јазик како посебен словенски јазик, различен од соседниот српски и бугарски. Во средновековно време, Македонците биле дел од Ромејското Царство, сè додека конечно не биле проголтани од Турците Османлии во 15-от век. Поголемиот дел од нив остана под Турција сè до почетокот на 20 век, кога конечно Турците беа протерани од Македонскиот Полуостров во 1912 година. Тогаш македонскиот народ беше разделен меѓу трите (нови) соседни држави - Србија, Бугарија и Грција - состојба на работи која сè уште делумно опстојува и денес, бидејќи сè уште има околу половина милион Македонци и во Грција и во Бугарија и во Србија. Македонците, иако поделени и малку на број, и покрај тоа што беа
искористени економски и политички, сепак успеаја да ги зачуваат своите карактеристични (антички) дијалекти и култура, главно во нивните села и во помалите градови. Поголемите центри беа во претходните векови во најголем дел латинизирани, потурчени, барем површно. Нивните поети и научници, како што се браќата Миладиновци во 19-от век, Б. Конески, В. Иљоски и К. Тошев во нашево време (т.е. 20 век), како и научниците од Русија и Западна Европа, како А.М. Селишчев, А. Мазон и А. Ваилант, собрале многу убави народни песни и пријатни фолклорни приказни, богатства на фолклорот зачувани од македонскиот народ. Мелодиите на нивните песни, по убавина и суптилност, рамноправно се споредуваат со кој било на Македонскиот Полуостров, кој е еден од најбогатите региони во Европа во овој поглед. Така, Македонците, иако угнетувани и сиромашни, го сочуваа својот национален идентитет и својата
културна и уметничка индивидуалност. "
Empires like Macedonian may disappear and nations be sunk into oblivion under successive waves of invasion, but old place names and proper names, preserved traditionally by word of mouth, remain to some extent inviolate. The testimony of Jordanes in AD 551 in his ‘De origine actibusque Getarum - Getica’ clearly summarizes this unrestricted language continuity: “…everyone knows and has noticed that the tribes are used to taking many names. The Romans take over the Macedonian names, the “Greeks” - Roman, the Sarmatians - Germanic, the Goths - mostly Hunic”.
Franks and Spaniards to the west, Italians and Macedonians in the south, Teutons in the north, Russians in the east, speak apparently very different languages, but, when one studies these languages more profoundly, it will discover that they all possess a stock of common words, or at least certain roots. The same roots occur in Sanskrit, in Hittite, and also in Persian. For example Macedonian word for ‘stare’ is Zee, in Dutch: Zien, in German: Sehen, English: See… Macedonian word for ‘tree’ is Drvo, in Hittite: Daru, Celtic/Breton: Derw, in Gaul: Dervo, in Russian: Derevo, in Czecho-Slovakian: Dřevo, and consequently in English: Tree…
The Bulgarian writers, the Bulgarian PEN Center, the Bulgarian translators have long recognized the Macedonian language, and for us the opinion of the writers is more relevant than the one of the politicians.