Papers by Nurlina Banjarnahor

Jeruk Gerga Lebong merupakan komoditas unggulan Kabupaten Lebong karena mempunyai keunggulan komp... more Jeruk Gerga Lebong merupakan komoditas unggulan Kabupaten Lebong karena mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif yaitu berbuah sepanjang tahun dengan warna buah berwarna kuning-orange, ukuran buah besar 200-350 gram dan kadar sari buah tinggi dan mempunyai potensi pasar baik. Jeruk Gerga lebong dalam satu pohon ada 4-6 generasi, bunga, buah muda dan buah siap panen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hubungan antara kelerengan dengan pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, luas kanopi dan diameter batang) dan hasil jeruk gerga (jumlah buah dan berat buah). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Mei 2016 di Kecamatan Rimbo Pengadang, Kabupaten Lebong. Luasan lahan jeruk Gerga yang telah berproduksi untuk dilakukan pengamatan seluas 1,5 ha dengan populasi tanaman ± 300 batang jeruk gerga yang berumur ± 5 tahun. Sampel tanaman untuk masing-masing kelas kelerengan diambil sebanyak 11 sampel yaitu dari lereng datar (0-8%), landai (8-15%), bergelombang (15-25%), curam (25-45%) dan sangat...
and many of the crop stands were found on steep sloped land. Objective of this study was to deter... more and many of the crop stands were found on steep sloped land. Objective of this study was to determine the pattern of relationship of slope steepness to soil water content, soil pH, and the overall plant performances. Soil samples were collected from the area below the canopy of 300 gerga orange trees differing in the slope steepness for for soil water content (SWC) and soil pH. The observation of plant performances were also made from the same tree as used for the soil properties observations. The analysis of regression indicated that relationship of slope steepness to both the observed soil properties and plant performances could be represented by the linear models suggesting that all the observed variables were reduced along with the increasing slope steepness.
Papers by Nurlina Banjarnahor