Papers by Bambang Riyanto
In this paper, a chaos-based spread spectrum watermarking algorithm is developed in the DCT domai... more In this paper, a chaos-based spread spectrum watermarking algorithm is developed in the DCT domain for still image. The most important feature of chaos is its sensitivity to initial conditions. This characteristic makes chaos has been used successfully for secure ...

This paper addresses software architecture of Software-Defined Radio (SDR) and observation of SDR... more This paper addresses software architecture of Software-Defined Radio (SDR) and observation of SDR software performance which is implemented on SDR platform using Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) from GNU Radio to perform radio functions with GMSK and DQPSK modulation scheme. Its performance is observed in Packet Error Rate (PER) and evaluated in terms of Eb/No or S/N ratio, carrier frequency, bit rate, gain, filter coefficient, and of size of payload from delivered data. Based on this results, the smallest PER could be obtained by setting Eb/No value > 20 dB for both GMSK and DQPSK modulations, optimum bit-rate 256 kbps for GMSK modulation and 200 kbps for DQPSK modulation , carrier frequency higher than 0.1 MHz for GMSK modulation and higher than 0,3 MHz for DQPSK modulation, BT of Gaussian filter larger than 0.25 for GMSK modulation, and roll-off factor (alpha) for DQPSK modulation equal to 0.4, optimum gain is 400 for GMSK modulation and 500 for DQPSK modulation, payload size of GMSK modulation larger than 1024 byte, and optimum payload size of DQPSK modulation is 4092 byte.

The Journal of Instrumentation, Automation and Systems, 2015
Abstract — In this paper, power and autonomous system in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for payloa... more Abstract — In this paper, power and autonomous system in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for payload dropping mission will be presented. The UAV consists of two main parts, airframe and the avionics system. There are two important subsystems of avionics system which will be discussed, power system and autonomous system. There are three Li-Poly batteries applied in this system to power the autonomous system. The autonomous system consists of an Ardupilot Mega v2.4.2 board (autonomous board), a GPS (Global Positioning System) sensor, attitude sensors, ESC (Electronic Speed Controller), servos, a brushless motor, a camera, a data transmitter, an Audio/Video transmitter, and also a Radio RC receiver. This UAV was designed to participate Kontes Robot Terbang Indonesia 2013 (Indonesia Aerial Robot Contest 2013), payload dropping category, at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. In this competition, provided a mission which the UAV has to drop payloads in some target points which is only known when UAV in the flight time. The UAV has to fly autonomously point-to-point while it also search the true point to drop the payloads by camera capturing. By integrating UAV’s system with GCS (Ground Control System), the true point will be known by the operators in the ground control station and the mission can be accomplished. Keywords —airframe, power system, autonomous system, Kontes Robot Terbang Indonesia 2013 , dropping payloads.

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2011
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present the development of hardware‐in‐the‐loop simulation... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present the development of hardware‐in‐the‐loop simulation (HILS) for visual target tracking of an octorotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with onboard computer vision.Design/methodology/approachHILS for visual target tracking of an octorotor UAV is developed by integrating real embedded computer vision hardware and camera to software simulation of the UAV dynamics, flight control and navigation systems run on Simulink. Visualization of the visual target tracking is developed using FlightGear. The computer vision system is used to recognize and track a moving target using feature correlation between captured scene images and object images stored in the database. Features of the captured images are extracted using speed‐up robust feature (SURF) algorithm, and subsequently matched with features extracted from object image using fast library for approximate nearest neighbor (FLANN) algorithm. Kalman filter is applied to predict the position of the...

2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME), 2013
ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and implementation of Three-loop autopilot that functions... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and implementation of Three-loop autopilot that functions as an attitude control system of a guided rocket. Three-loop autopilot is designed to manage the guided rocket flight path on a longitudinal plane trajectory by controlling the rocket attitude angle. Three-loop autopilot consists of three successive closed-loop systems which manipulate short period, phugoid oscillation, and other oscillation mode to have adequate damping. Control system is designed on a certain linear condition. Classical stability margin such as gain margin and phase margin is needed to handle error between the assumed model and real system. The system is also equipped with anti-windup to overcome integral windup when the actuator gets saturated. Testing of control system is done by using hardware in the loop simulation (HILS). Control system test shows that the results are good enough. With 0o initial value of pitch and angle of attack, pitch angle can be maintained at a value of 5.5° with a 0.6 seconds rise time, 0.8 peak time, 12% overshoot and zero steady state error. In addition, roll and yaw angle values can be maintained at a value of 0°. On changed command testing, the control system shows good command tracking for small angles, but the system performance decreases when angle value large enough. This is due to the saturation in the actuators and change on system parameters.
2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 2010
Page 1. Feature Level Fusion of Speech and Face Image based Person Identification System Gunawan ... more Page 1. Feature Level Fusion of Speech and Face Image based Person Identification System Gunawan Sugiarta YB. ... At the decision level, the final decisions made by the individual systems are consolidated by employing techniques such as majority voting. ...

Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar, Nov 17, 2011
Networked Control Systems (disingkat NCS) adalah sebuah sistem kendali yang melibatkan jaringan k... more Networked Control Systems (disingkat NCS) adalah sebuah sistem kendali yang melibatkan jaringan komunikasi sebagai bagian dari lingkar kendali. Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan kebutuhan terhadap implementasi sistem kendali dengan memanfaatkan jaringan komunikasi membuat penelitian terkait NCS tumbuh dengan pesat. Masuknya jaringan komunikasi dalam sistem kendali menyebabkan timbulnya parameter jaringan seperti waktu tunda transmisi, adanya kehilangan data, keterbatasan lebar kanal komunikasi, dan lain-lain. Parameter tersebut seringkali berubah secara stokastik dan menambah kompleksitas dalam analisis dan sintesis NCS. Makalah ini menguraikan tentang pengendali H ∞ untuk NCS dengan parameter packet dropout yang terjadi dalam jaringan komunikasi. Parameter tersebut dimodelkan sebagai variabel status dari suatu rantai Markov, sehingga sistem keseluruhan dipandang sebagai markovian jump system. Pengendalian sistem dilakukan dengan menggunakan umpan balik keadaan. Hasil utama dari penelitian yang dilaporkan dalam makalah ini berupa kondisi pertidaksamaan matriks linier yang menjamin stabilitas NCS sekaligus memenuhi performansi yang diinginkan terhadap adanya packet dropout dalam jaringan komunikasi. Sebuah simulasi numerik diberikan untuk memperlihatkan keefektifan dari metode yang diuraikan dalam makalah ini. Kata kunci: markovian jump system, networked control systems, packet dropout, pengendali H ∞ .

Kebanyakan skema watermarking pada produk multimedia digital bersifat simetri, yaitu menggunakan ... more Kebanyakan skema watermarking pada produk multimedia digital bersifat simetri, yaitu menggunakan kunci yang sama untuk penyisipan dan pendeteksian watermark. Karena kunci ini rahasia dan hanya diketahui oleh pemilik watermark, maka skema symmetric watermarking tidak dapat digunakan jika pendeteksian watermark dilakukan oleh decoder yang tersebar di seluruh dunia, sebab publikasi kunci potensial menimbulkan serangan yang ditujukan untuk menghilangkan watermark. Di dalam makalah ini dipresentasikan konsep skema public-key watermarking (atau asymmetric watermarking) dan review dari sebuah metodenya yang dipublikasikan oleh [5]. Pada skema ini, penyisipan watermark menggunakan kunci privat sedangkan pendeteksian watermark dapat dilakukan oleh siapapun dengan menggunakan kunci publik. Metode public-key watermarking yang disajikan dianalisis ketahanannya terhadap serangan malicious attack dan non-malicious attack.

TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2007
This paper addresses performance measurement of Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) modulation w... more This paper addresses performance measurement of Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) modulation which is implemented on Software-Defined Radio (SDR) platform using Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) from GNU Radio. GMSK modulation is very popular and is adopted as GSM cellular phone modulation standard. The results of this research can be used as basic concept in developing wireless communication system based on SDR technology which is needed in Next-Generation Networks (NGN). The GMSK performance is measured in terms of Packet Error Rate (PER) with several of Eb/No, bit rate, modulation frequency, payload size, and gain values. Based on this research, the lowest PER can be achieved by setting Eb/No value equal to 20 dB, optimum bit rate = 256 kbps, BT 0.25, optimum payload size = 4092 bytes, and optimum gain equal to 100.
ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 2007
This Paper addresses Differential Quadriphase Shift Keying (DQPSK) modulation implemented on SDR ... more This Paper addresses Differential Quadriphase Shift Keying (DQPSK) modulation implemented on SDR platform for the development of digital data communications based on Software-Defined Radio (SDR). DQPSK modulation performance perceived at Packet Error Rate (PER) is evaluated in terms of Eb/No or S/N ratio, carrier frequency, bit rate, gain, roll-off factor of root Nyquist filter or root raised cosine filter, and payload size from delivered data. Based on these results, the smallest PER could be obtained by setting Eb/No value greater than 20 dB, carrier frequency of at least 0,3 MHz, optimum bit rate of 200 kbps, optimum range payload size of 2000 up to 4000 bytes, and roll-off factor of Nyquist or root-raised cosine filter of 0.4.

Dipatiukur 112 Bandung, Indonesia for doctorate study at Institut Teknologi Bandung Abstract Fish... more Dipatiukur 112 Bandung, Indonesia for doctorate study at Institut Teknologi Bandung Abstract Fish robot has been interesting topic in Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Some researches have been done to observe any possibility to make fish robot as real as the natural fish. In animal robot, realistic or natural behavior can be provided by its mechanical, electronics and software algorithm. By observing natural behavior of natural fish when pursuing a prey, trajectory could be obtained. And subsequently, patterns of speed caused by undulation of tail could also be derived. Furthermore, those patterns were approximated by manipulating fuzzy logic parameters. In the research, prey moved slowly compared with thrust speed of fish robot. The result shows that for some experimental range, fish robot could imitate natural-pattern of fish when pursuing a prey. The average speed to catch and trajectory have been chosen to become successful criteria.
This paper presents an asymmetric watermarking technique derived from Wang Algorithm, a symmetric... more This paper presents an asymmetric watermarking technique derived from Wang Algorithm, a symmetric watermarking technique. This asymmetric version uses secret watermark as private key and public watermark as public key. The public watermark has a normal distribution and the private watermark is a linear combination of the public watermark and a secret sequence. The detection process is implemented by correlation test between the public watermark and the received image. Experiments show that the asymmetric technique was proved as robust as its symmtric version againts some typical image processings.
Abstrak Software-Defined Radio (SDR) menawarkan sebuah sistem komunikasi nirkabel yang fleksibel ... more Abstrak Software-Defined Radio (SDR) menawarkan sebuah sistem komunikasi nirkabel yang fleksibel dan dapat dikonfigurasi ulang sehingga perubahan standar dapat dilakukan pada perangkat lunaknya saja. Sistem ini sangat cocok untuk membangun sistem komunikasi yang relatif murah untuk daerah pegunungan dan pedesaan yang sulit dijangkau oleh jaringan kabel. SDR juga mendukung pengembangan komunikasi seluler dan bergerak untuk generasi mendatang, Next Generation Networks (NGN), serta Rural Next Generation Networks (R-NGN). Tingkat fleksibilitas SDR sangat ditentukan oleh arsitektur SDR. Makalah ini akan menguraikan arsitektur dan perkembangan teknologi SDR serta hasil penelitian awal tentang contoh-contoh aplikasi SDR untuk komunikasi. Harapannya, dengan menguasai teknologi SDR diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana dalam pengembangan teknologi komunikasi nirkabel di tanah air di masa datang.

Submarine robot were being interested topics but rarely observed because it was too sophisticated... more Submarine robot were being interested topics but rarely observed because it was too sophisticated and expensive. However, the fish robot floating on the water was the simplifying form without loosing the state of research. In this research, energy transfer from motor to flipper by yoke system. Flipper functionally acting as moving mechanism, it followed the tail fin of fish behavior. It making undulation with frequency controlled by speed relay. IR sensor working as proximity sensor, microcontroller used information from IR sensor to make the decision of speed switching. The speed-switching algorithm bases on proximity ranges. The proximity detected by IR sensor processing by microcontroller and determined the switching command to relay. The ability not to hit the obstacle becomes the main goal of this research, not like mobile robot which transport on the land, controlling obstacle avoidance became more difficult because there was not brake system in fish robot. The thrust speed be...

This Paper explains about GMSK modulation implementation and simulation at SDR platform for the d... more This Paper explains about GMSK modulation implementation and simulation at SDR platform for the development of digital data communications base on SDR. GMSK modulation performance perceived at Packet Error Rate (PER) follow to GMSK modulation frequency variation, S/N ratio and also bit rate from delivered data. Beside that, this paper also explain about possibility of GMSK modulation by parallel processing for the development of furthermore SDR computing. Index Terms-Gaussian minimum shift keying, packet error rate, software-defined radio. I.INTRODUCTION long with the development of communication technology, Software-defined Radio (SDR) has become popular since it offers flexibility and re-configurability in encountering the rapid change of standard also the compatibility problems of standard varieties. A SDR is a wireless communication technology which function is determined by software, thus standard change of communication can be controlled easily, only by downloading software without changing the previous hardware. SDR technology is suitable with the next generation of communication technology development which is still prioritizing on wireless and mobile communication. In the future, wireless communication system based on SDR will be required in the development of 3 rd generation cellular communication system, such as WCDMA and UMTS, and The Next Generation Networks (NGN) including The Rural Next Generation Networks (R-NGN). This paper will describe the implementation of GMSK modulation for communicating of digital data on SDR platform and also as a part of the current research in building SDR platform which can be re-configured, including answering the research question of "How to design SDR platform which can be re-configured using commodity components." The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses about SDR architecture along with SDR's characteristics. Section 3 presents the GMSK modulation.
This paper considers synthesis problems of state feedback controllers for Networked Control Syste... more This paper considers synthesis problems of state feedback controllers for Networked Control Systems via LMI. Based on our recent work considering synthesis problems of stabilizing state feedback controllers which guarantee the internal stability of the closed loop systems, we derive existence conditions and explicit formulas of state feedback H2 controllers. Next, we introduce a technique to reduce conditions for synthesis in the form of infinite dimensional LMI to the finite number of LMIs, and present a feasible algorithm for synthesis of state feedback H2 controllers based on the finite dimensional LMIs. Finally, we apply these results for NCS to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposedapproach.
We present a public -key watermarking method for still images based on random permutation. This m... more We present a public -key watermarking method for still images based on random permutation. This method uses secret watermark as private key and public watermark as public key. The secret watermark is obtained by permuting the public watermark. The embedded watermark is a linear combination of the secret and public watermark The watermark is embedded into mid-frequency components of the DCT block for balancing between image fidelity and robustness. The detection step is implemented by correlation test between the public watermark and the received image. Experiments show that the watermarking method was proved to be robust againts various attacks using common image processings (cropping, JPEG compression, resizing, rotation, sharpening, and noising).

Makalah ini telah dipresentasikan dalam The 6th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communication, Con... more Makalah ini telah dipresentasikan dalam The 6th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communication, Control, And Informatics Seminar; Universitas Brawijaya, 30-31 Mei 2012. Networked control systems (NCS) adalah sistem kendali yang melibatkan jaringan komunikasi sebagai bagian dari lingkar kendali. Makalah ini menguraikan tentang perancangan dan implementasi prototipe NCS berupa pengendalian kecepatan motor DC melalui jaringan publik. Dalam penelitian ini, sebuah motor DC dirancang harus mampu mengikuti setpoint yang dikirim melalui jaringan komunikasi. Sebuah pengendali tipe integral yang ditempatkan terpisah dengan plantnya dirancang agar motor DC memiliki kemampuan setpoint tracking tersebut. Konfigurasi eksperimen terdiri atas motor DC buatan Quanser, Akuisisi data menggunakan produk National Instruments (NI) yaitu seri DAQ PCI-6221 dan SCB-68, serta perangkat lunak LabVIEW sebagai antarmuka perangkat keras dan jaringan komunikasi. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan kemampuan setpoint tracki...

The Journal of Instrumentation, Automation and Systems
Formation control in multi-robot is one of the problems widely studied and variety of methods hav... more Formation control in multi-robot is one of the problems widely studied and variety of methods have been developed with their own advantages and disadvantages. Distributed control has the advantage in that it does not require centralized coordination, allowing rapid restructuring in the event of failure of one of the agents. Another advantages include saving computation power, amount of data transmitted over communication, and immunity to delay. In this research a distributed formation controller is designed and implemented in humanoid robots. The distributed controller is designed consisting of layer for tracking, layer for constructing the formation, and consensus layer that keeps the error between each agent can be agreed upon so that a reference can be achieved together. To solve the problem of bad odometry suffered by legged mobile robot caused by the slip between the legs with a floor, visual odometry is employed using the ceiling camera. The control system is simulated using GNU-Octave software and implemented on humanoid robots NAO from Aldebaran. Experiment demonstrates that the distributed controllers are able to closely follow the desired reference.
Papers by Bambang Riyanto