Papers by Aparajita Bakshi

The tenth anniversary conference of the Foundation for Agrarian Studies (FAS) was held in Kochi, ... more The tenth anniversary conference of the Foundation for Agrarian Studies (FAS) was held in Kochi, Kerala, from January 9 to 12, 2014. Over 150 delegates from India and 17 other countries participated in the conference. The conference brought together senior academics, activists from mass organisations in India and abroad, and young scholars working on agrarian issues. There were 23 plenary and parallel sessions in all. The papers presented at the conference were grouped into three broad themes. The themes and the convenors for each theme were: • Agrarian Relations and Agrarian Institutions, convened by V. K. Ramachandran and R. Ramakumar • Farming Systems, Environment and Climate Change, convened by T. Jayaraman and Niladri Sekhar Dhar • Living Conditions, Social Discrimination and Inequality, convened by Madhura Swaminathan and Aparajita Bakshi V. K. Ramachandran was the convenor of the conference.

This is a field report on the implementation of the NReGS-the National Rural employment Guarantee... more This is a field report on the implementation of the NReGS-the National Rural employment Guarantee Scheme, to use its full title-in Bonkati village, Kanksa block, Barddhaman district. The NReGS is the most important development scheme to be introduced by the Government of india in recent years. The implementation of the scheme in West Bengal has, inevitably, been watched closely, and the verdict has been mixed. Some commentators, referring particularly to the performance indicators for 2007-08 and 2008-09, have characterized the performance of the Government of West Bengal (GoWB) as inadequate or worse, and two have described the attitude of the State Government towards the scheme to be, on the whole, "ambivalent. " 1 on the other hand, it is also clear that, away from the attention of the media, the NReGS has dramatically been changing lives and landscapes in parts of the State. two districts of the State, Barddhaman and North 24 parganas, were among 24 districts in the country to receive the "excellence in NReGA Administration 2009" award earlier this year (Government of india 2010). Bonkati village provides an excellent example of the potential of the NReGS in a State that has had a basic land reform and, within this State, in a pro-poor panchayat. 1 See dreze and oldiges (2007). Also see, for example, Singh (2009), tiwari (2010), and Thakur (2009). pranab Mukherjee was quoted as describing West Bengal as being "among the worst performers in NReGA" (pti 2009). Anindya Sen, who presents no further evidence, declares the scheme in West Bengal to be a "flop" (Economic Times 2010a).
New Economic Windows, 2010
The paper tries to estimate the cereal requirement of the population of West Bengal at the end of... more The paper tries to estimate the cereal requirement of the population of West Bengal at the end of the 11th Plan period and make State- and district-level estimates of the levels of grain production and yield that are required to permit alternative levels of diversification by releasing alternative amounts of land for noncereal crop production. The paper concludes that the
The defeat of the left Front in the West Bengal State Assembly election in May 2011, after 35 yea... more The defeat of the left Front in the West Bengal State Assembly election in May 2011, after 35 years in government, marks a historic break in the development trajectory of West Bengal. Under left Front rule, West Bengal followed a development path distinct from the rest of india. Though economic growth in terms of growth of the State domestic product (Sdp) was modest during these years, it was a period characterised by land reform, decentralisation of political and financial power through the panchayat system, and high rates of agricultural growth in the State. As a result of the pro-poor policies implemented by the left Front government, West Bengal today is characterised by low economic inequality with respect to land ownership and consumption expenditure.

This study deals with a new statistical domain, that of the village (or gram) panchayat. This dom... more This study deals with a new statistical domain, that of the village (or gram) panchayat. This domain has emerged in rural India as a consequence of the decentralisation programme initiated by the 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution. The work of the Expert Committee on Basic Statistics for Local-Level Development represents a landmark in this regard because it sheds light on the potential of village-level data sources for the new era of democratic decentralisation in India. This paper examines data sources at the gram panchayat level in relation to the needs that are generated if the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 is implemented comprehensively. From this point of view, the paper identifies three categories of data needs. These are: data required for self-governance, of which data required for managing the transition to full-scope constitutional devolution are a special component (Data Needs I and Ia); data required for matters of public finance (Data Needs II); and data required for micro-level planning (and plan implementation) for economic development and social justice (Data Needs III). The paper proposes that an essential constituent of village-level data should be a list of individuals and families resident in the village (a "People's List"). The accuracy and quality of the various people's lists available with gram panchayats and other villagelevel agencies are examined here, using data from independent surveys conducted by the Foundation for Agrarian Studies in two villages.
Income poverty is a major feature of deprivation and underdevelopment in India and a major cause ... more Income poverty is a major feature of deprivation and underdevelopment in India and a major cause of lack of social opportunities. Income poverty in India is mainly studied with respect to and in terms of data on consumption, more specifically per capita consumption expenditure.
T.H.E. Journal, 2017
Batu City is one of the famous tourist destinations in Indonesia and has many tourism potentials.... more Batu City is one of the famous tourist destinations in Indonesia and has many tourism potentials. From 2011 to 2015 data on the number of domestic tourists who came to Batu City are fluctuated and leads to decline. Based on this phenomenon, this study was conducted. This study aimed to do the tourists’ assessment about tourism attributes in Batu City. This study is descriptive and qualitative. The number of respondents is 100 respondents who are domestic tourists in Batu City. The result of this study is hospitality attribute in Batu City got the highest average score among other attributes. Hopefully, this study could be a description for tourism stake holder in Indonesia especially Batu City to decide steps for planning tourism in the future.
Papers by Aparajita Bakshi