Papers by Badan Nyachhyon

2. Kathmandu's glory has eroded over the past 70 years. Short-sightedness, lack of a strategic vi... more 2. Kathmandu's glory has eroded over the past 70 years. Short-sightedness, lack of a strategic vision, rush towards modernization and financial advantages, implementing infrastructures with deficiencies, and rampant irresponsibility contribute to the destruction of this beautiful and glorious Valley. The implementation of any new modern infrastructures creates huge public panic, destabilizes nature, destroys cultural heritage including local habitation and settlements and intimidates the original inhabitants. Heritage of outstanding universal values (UOV) is experiencing rapid destruction. Because exceptionally significant sites and structures of cultural and/or natural significance transcend national boundaries and are of universal importance to the present and future generations of humanity 3 , UNSECO has, on several occasions, threatened to decertify World Heritage Sites in Kathmandu Valley for the inability of the Government to maintain its UOV. Lack of visionary leadership, Nepal's major weaknesses, and irresponsible stewards of the three "Maries" continue to prevail. Historical and Cultural Perspective: Kathmandu Valley, geologically, was a great lake over 30,000 years ago. Legends note that this lake was inhabited by Nagas 4 , the protectors of the precious jewels of the Valley. Belief is that Vipashvin 5 , the first of seven Buddhas, planted a divine seed of lotus at the lake's center. This seed germinated and burst into a remarkable flower sparkling with ten thousand petals during the era of the historical second Buddha, Shikhin. A gigantic flame, radiated from the center of the lotus. That flame-the "Adi Buddha 'Swayambhu 6 ' Jyotirrupa 7 "-is the "Self-Originated Light Form of Primordial Buddha". The third Buddha, Vishvabhu, and his disciplines paid homage to this sacred flame. Finally, Bodhisattva Manjushree, from China, descended upon the Lake of Serpents 8 , paid homage to the sacred flame. The peak of "Sengu" then rose in the middle of the lake. Manjushree, with Jalbinayak and Adinath, jointly drained the lake, enabling devotees to venerate the primordial flame at the present day Swayambhu Maha Chitya, a World Heritage Site. Developed over centuries, beautiful Greater Kathmandu Valley, is of a memorable historical and ancient settlement of cultural significance.

Economic Policy Network (EPN) is an undertaking of the Government of Nepal since August 2004 with... more Economic Policy Network (EPN) is an undertaking of the Government of Nepal since August 2004 with an Asian Development Bank (ADB) technical assistance (TA) to develop and institutionalize an open, responsive and result oriented economic policy formulation process based on sound economic analysis and dialogues with the partnership of public and private sector, academia, and independent professionals, to support and consolidate the Government's economic policy reforms on poverty reduction strategy. The initial focus has been in the areas of macroeconomic management, trade, investment, employment, infrastructure, tourism, agriculture, and regional development through four thematic advisory committees chaired by the secretaries of the respective implementing ministries, and guided by a high-level steering committee. The present study is an outcome of the initiative under the Advisory Committee for Economic Policy on Infrastructure Development chaired by the Secretary of the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works. The study reviews public private partnership (PPP) modalities and recommends appropriate policy interventions to enhance PPP in urban waste management in Nepal. The recommendations are the outcome of consensus reached among major stakeholders through various consultations and the EPN workshop. I hope the findings and recommendations will be helpful for policy makers for future reforms. I would like to thank the Society of Consulting, Architectural, and Engineering Firms (SCAEF) for leading the study, and Mr. Badan Lal Nyachhyon for carrying out the study on their behalf. I also thank all those who have provided inputs for the report during the interactions at SCAEF, the advisory committee meetings, and the EPN workshop. The work of the Advisory Committee for Economic Policy on Infrastructure Development is to be commended for selecting the issue and for following through with the study. I would also like to appreciate the entire EPN team for their hard work. I also thank the former Steering Committee chairperson (former Member of National Planning Commission) Dr. Champak Prasad Pokharel, for his guidance during his tenure. Last but not least, I would like to thank the ADB for supporting this initiative.
Patan Durbar Square - Leave it undisturbed, 2021
The Local Municipality and the Government of Nepal with support from the Asian Development Bank a... more The Local Municipality and the Government of Nepal with support from the Asian Development Bank are implementing the waste water pipeline construction in the World Heritage site ignoring their commitment to protect the World Heritage site of Patan Durbar Square when they could avoid it by utilising the traditional drainage system and other alternative routes and leaving it undisturbed and protecting the heritage and alternative solutions. ADB aimed to get lessons for other sites. It could be alive case study for all working in World Heritage Sites.

Society of Consulting Arcitectural and Engineering Firms, 2019
The recent news told us a big surprising story. Over 1,400 projects of Nepal are under terminatio... more The recent news told us a big surprising story. Over 1,400 projects of Nepal are under termination and at least 2,200 are facing slow progress with budget expenditure of 16%. The mishap has attribute to huge corruption and collusion among officials and contractors based on the preference to selected ones and excluding the non-preferred ones. The efforts to elimination of the collusion syndrome will be the first step towards implementation of Fair Play games, PM KP Oli must be already planning. Reversing these poor policies may require radical change in the performance of service providers by discarding the Lowest (Non-)evaluated (Non-)responsive Bids and QCBS (Quietly Collusion Based Selection) procedures, and demand for market based New Engineering Contracts. If the government allows Service Providers to deliver excellent services, it will not take much time to achieve the double-digit growth and the middle level economy. The need is to demonstrate "Fair Play" authenticated by "Third Umpire" and application of "Check and Balance" principles.

Scope For The Consultant: The consultant will provide technical guidance on engineering and envir... more Scope For The Consultant: The consultant will provide technical guidance on engineering and environmental aspects to the High Level Committee on Solid Waste Management in the process of ensuring private sector involvement in solid waste management of Kathmandu valley and in other cities as needed. Methodology: The Consultant should submit the technical report to the High Level Committee on Solid Waste Management recommending the appropriate technology for managing organic, inorganic, and hazardous waste of Kathmandu valley and other cities (to be specified later), and also the appropriate modality for Solid Waste Management (SWM) in line with PPP framework and sustainable SWM approach in technical aspect. The Consultant should provide or furnish written, verbal and oral opinion to the Committee in this regard as and when needed. The report will be based on secondary sources of information. Activities: The Consultant will be Responsible for following activities: • Submitting a technical report for solid waste management in Kathmandu valley and other cities if needed in line with the PPP framework model. • Providing technical feedback to involve private sector in SWM in Kathmandu valley and other cities if needed. • Understanding and explaining the problems of current solid waste management practices. • Providing technical guidance for applicable and sustainable technology in the context of Nepal. • Providing the basics of technology to be adopted for SWM in Kathmandu Valley. • Providing advisory support for sustainability of the proposed solid waste management facility.
The document is design to guide the Private Sector investors for development of investment packag... more The document is design to guide the Private Sector investors for development of investment packages on Integrated Solid Waste Management for Kathmandu Valley.
Introduction Intercity Meeting is one of the very effective means of sharing the vocational infor... more Introduction Intercity Meeting is one of the very effective means of sharing the vocational information and experience of the Rotarians – experts with the communities and among the Rotarians. The purpose of Inter City Meeting is to : a) Enhance acquaintance and fellowship among Rotarians of more than one city, vocational experts and local community, b) Provide opportunity for discussion on economic, social and technical problems affecting the immediate vicinity or larger areas, thus lay groundwork for cooperative efforts on these problems, c) Make it possible to hear prominent speakers not otherwise available to the clubs and communities, d) Share with new and old clubs, potential members with unique fellowship and opportunity of the occasion, and e) strengthen public relation and enhance the image.
Preserve Planet Earth is a prominent program of Rotary International dedicated to build awareness... more Preserve Planet Earth is a prominent program of Rotary International dedicated to build awareness and actions to contribute towards safeguarding the common home for the mankind. Annually, the members of rotary clubs worldwide contribute for plantation of millions of saplings, erosion control and reduction of carbon foot print. The paper is an effort of Rotary Club of Mount Everest Lalitpur, Rotary International District 3292 Nepal-Bhutan.

The April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake created huge damages to life and properties in Kathmandu Vall... more The April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake created huge damages to life and properties in Kathmandu Valley and 28 other Earthquake affected districts along with massive landslides and avalanches in Mount Everest and Lamtang Himalayas. Strong aftershocks counted over 400 had drastically weakened the remaining building stock, which has created unaccounted strain on the recovery plan. By that time, many of the buildings either will be dismantled without any rationale and post mortem study or rebuilt at the owners' risk without any value addition of retrofit, recovery and protection of assets. Surely, the need for deriving lessons and confidently facing challenges of recovery is paramount for enhancing the safety from future earthquakes. The biggest challenge is to convince the government and donors that any commitment made after the earthquake has less value addition and need to focus on proactive initiatives. The objectives of this paper are to draw attention of the local and international community including the government and donors to gear up for investing in Post earthquake recovery and Earthquake Safety Initiatives before next Earthquake strikes. This is not an act for waiting and seeing but very urgent one that calls for development of recovery plan and retrofit of remaining building stock accounting over 5.5 million. At the same time, it is to draw attention of local community that the recovery and restoration need to be linked to economic regeneration, and never be limited and restrained since it is the issue of preserving national identity. The methodology and procedures adopted for preparation of this work are mostly the field observations and review of various literature, buildings codes and declarations of International Conventions. The Earthquake did not forgive the negligence shown in effective implementation of Building Code and the poor quality construction and became the source of huge casualties. Particularly, the massive destruction of 744 cultural heritage monuments comprising of traditional vernacular esthetics in the form of temples of centuries old and 850,000 building units collapsed or damaged in numerous traditional urban settlements is a big challenge for post earthquake recovery. These world heritage assets will never be the same again and will repeat the same fate with ad hoc reconstruction in the absence of guided recovery plan. However, the cities of Kathmandu Valley do not give impression that they were stricken with a deadly Earthquake with Peak Ground Acceleration of 1.2g much exceeding previous records of 0.52g. The whole world expected a flattened Nepal. But to the contrary, amid the vast destruction of poor quality and weak construction, the whole city including most of the cultural heritage sites, high rise buildings and residences are marvelously standing safe and intact. The credit for this state-of-the-art performance goes to the stakeholders who had worked hard during last 30 years to create Earthquake resilient community following the provisions of Building codes and requirements of quality construction. But, however, the challenge remains aggravated with the lack of coherent vision, ownership of the Earthquake affairs in general and rebuilding for Next earthquake.
The report has attempted to make a critical review of current policy, plan and administrative pro... more The report has attempted to make a critical review of current policy, plan and administrative procedures relating to waste water management in the country. The conditions of sewerage systems in selected areas and few establishments have also been analyzed. While dealing with overall services and delivery of sanitary sewerage system the focus is given to the issue of public private partnership. In this regard the responsibilities of local bodies and required institutional reforms are also highlighted in the study. The recommendations are the outcomes of consensus reached among major stakeholders through various consultations and the EPN workshop. I hope the findings and recommendations will be helpful for policy makers for future reforms.

Kathmandu valley turned into a dumping site from its identity of cultural valley after trucks wer... more Kathmandu valley turned into a dumping site from its identity of cultural valley after trucks were again stopped from dumping the city waste in the Sisdol landfill site by the locals despite an agreement they reached with the Kathmandu Metropolitan City KMC. This time the people from Sisdol area demanded that Kathmandu Municipality should immediately compensate a patient, with failed kidneys, who was assured of a financial support some months back. The Solid Waste problem remains a perennial problem for Kathmandu Municipality since last 20 years or over. The streets of Kathmandu are flooded with dumped solid waste (photo 1) and sting has spread over the neighbourhood. The streets are encroached with solid waste dumps and disturbed the traffic flow. The loss of tree plantation along Satdobato-Gwarko section of the Ring Road in Lalitpur (photo 2) is a glaring example of solid waste mismanagement. The major river systems of Kathmandu Valley as Bagmati and Bishnumati (Photo 3) are now permanently polluted with solid waste dumps on their banks and contributing to Global Warming with emission of methane from the solid waste roads constructed by Kathmandu Municipality. Aggravated with wastewater discharge, all aquatic life in these rivers has been destroyed for ever. The Solid Waste Hazard is persistent all over the country from Himalayas to Terai, from villages to cities. Many think, the solid waste hazard will go away if it is thrown away from the houses but they do not realise that it comes back through the air we breathe, water we drink and food we eat through the chain of food, water and air.

1. In Nature, every thing is perishable. Every thing is recycled back to its source of generation... more 1. In Nature, every thing is perishable. Every thing is recycled back to its source of generation and no waste is generated that create environmental hazard. 2. The Solid Waste Hazard is persistent all over the country from Himalayas to Terai, from villages to cities sparing nobody. Many think, the solid waste hazard will go away if thrown away but it comes back through the air we breathe, water we drink and food we eat through the chain of food, water and air. 3. In Nepalese context, Solid Waste Issues were taken into consideration since 1978 with the initiation of the Solid Waste Management Project with the cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany. 4. The current practice of Solid Waste Management is shortly known as " Throw Away " practice with municipalities collecting, transferring and partly disposed into landfill sites and mostly into open Nature as riverbanks, forests, ponds, and open places. Today, solid waste produced in the country exceeds 7,500 Tons per day with 1,489 Tons/day produced in 58 municipalities alone. 5. The Solid Waste Management sector practically failed with the withdrawal of the donor support inviting huge environmental hazard and damage to human health. Today, the river systems were permanently polluted solid waste dumped on its banks (and aggravated with wastewater discharge) and that destroyed all aquatic life, contaminated the ground water and emitting huge volume of methane gas trapped in the dumping yards. This will continue for next over 20 years and more. Apparently, there is no easy way to bring back the rivers into their original natural conditions. 6. The community based Solid Waste Management in Pokhara, Biratnagar, Bharatpur, Butwal, recycling of paper, plastics and metal, and " Waste Free Communities " campaign of Zero Waste Nepal are few examples of good practices. 7. The closure of Teku sorting and composting plant, the closure of Gokarna landfill site, the loss of tree plantation along Satdobato-Gwarko section of the Ring Road in Kathmandu, and consequent down fall of tourism industry are some of the cases of past failures in SWM. 8. Nepal has made very important policy changes at domestic level and is a signatory to a number of international conventions including Kyoto Protocol. Nepal also has had prepared several plans and programs related to Solid Waste Management. The implementation of the plans, programs and policies is the weakest part in SWM in Nepal
The describes about the waste collected from the slopes of Mount Everest by Rotary Nepal Expediti... more The describes about the waste collected from the slopes of Mount Everest by Rotary Nepal Expedition Expedition team in 2005 and conversion of the waste to sculpture by a team of 13 famous artists.
Drafts by Badan Nyachhyon

Greater Kathmandu Valley Vision 2100, 2022
Kathmandu Valley, known as Shangri La, a mystical Himalayan Utopia blended with the peace loving ... more Kathmandu Valley, known as Shangri La, a mystical Himalayan Utopia blended with the peace loving People, Nature with widespread biodiversity and unmatched culture and heritage is gradually losing its image and glory along with its fight to match with the modern economic race of the world. Haphazard urban sprawl, unmanaged transport with severe jams, congestion and accidental toll, air and water pollution, indiscriminet damage to natural environment are the general characteristics that converted the mesmerizing city into a sick one. Aggravated with the divided responsibilities among the various institutions and population explosion, the problems are burgeoning day by day without a sign of being resolved. Kathmandu Valley needs a serious cure at immergency level. The Government’s Pride Project of Metro Rail remained stagnant since last 12 years and after spending NPR 30 million, it could not find an amicable resolution. The Greater Kathmandu Valley Metro Rail Promotion Group (GKV MRPG) is currently preparing a Strategic Concept Note on GKV Metro Rail with a vision 2100 that takes Metro Rail as a game changer based on a Comprehensive Development Plan and establishment of single door entities as Kathmandu Valley Development Authority witht eh Mayors’ Forum as its governing body, long term, Metro Rail Development Authority and Integrated Public Transport Development Authority respectively for addressing various as long term urban development planning including conservation of culture and heritage, and the nature, intragation of transportation system feeding the Metro rail. The proposed intervention in the form of institutional, planning and mass transit transport system with Metro Rail in the front line is believed to be a change maker with regeneration of Kathmandu Valley as an economic and busness hub with huge contribution to the national economy in terms of revenues, taxes, jobs and employment, savings in import of fuel and vehicles, health benefits with controlled environmenatal improvement and heritage conservation. The Metro rail project will be a example for management of projects paving ways to smooth operations that is so fundamental to the rapid development of Nepal. Given due consideration, the Vision 2100 for Kathmandu Valley will be instrumental in bringing innovative approach and paradigm shift.
The Concept of Waste Free Nepal Campaign, 2020
The paper advocates for encouraging and engaging the local communities for initiatives for source... more The paper advocates for encouraging and engaging the local communities for initiatives for source segregation of solid waste at household, reducing waste by using compost bins and converting it waste-To_Money through sales to waste collectors and recycling industries creating employment. Based on the experience of the Network of rotary clubs of Lalitpur, the campaign planned for spreading across with Rotarians taking facilitators role.

The Government of Nepal is preparing to impose a complete ban 1 on plastic bags without appropria... more The Government of Nepal is preparing to impose a complete ban 1 on plastic bags without appropriate justification and rationale. The pretext is that it litters the streets, chokes the drains and does not decay for hundreds of years. There are many other waste items that litter the environment, block the drains, do not decompose and occupy large space in landfill sites. But the blame is imposed on the plastic bags alone. The littering by plastic bags and many other waste items are the sole product of human misbehavior because of their culture of " Throw Away " practice cultivated by the previous solid waste management projects implemented with the financial support of the governments of Germany and Japan. This is a case of display of the fact how the Nepalese society is dishonest and lacks sincerity in respect of the plastic bags and environmental sustainability. A well known environmentalist Skaidra Smith-Heisters expressed, " At present, the only honest assessment 2 is that a plastic bag ban is an unjustified bias in support of paper bag, and increased use of paper bags means an increase in environmental ills including air and water pollution, greater energy and water use and higher greenhouse gas emissions. In a sense, the persistent view of plastic bag use as a problem in the quest of the nation's progress on environmental issues is right for the wrong reasons. It shows how far good intentions coupled with bad information can lead us towards a potential disaster ". Actually, there is a need to impose complete ban on the " Throw Away " practice and implement 3R principles and release the plastic bags from the ban to enhance the sustainability of Solid Waste Management. The resource released after release of plastic bags from the ban will be very much instrumental to enhance the sustainability of SWM. A thorough Techno-economic study is a must before any policy ban is imposed. More truths about the plastic bags are presented below.

The Government of Nepal is preparing to impose a complete ban 1 on plastic bags without appropria... more The Government of Nepal is preparing to impose a complete ban 1 on plastic bags without appropriate justification and rationale. The pretext is that it litters the streets, chokes the drains and does not decay for hundreds of years. There are many other waste items that litter the environment, block the drains, do not decompose and occupy large space in landfill sites. But the blame is imposed on the plastic bags alone. The littering by plastic bags and many other waste items are the sole product of human misbehavior because of their culture of " Throw Away " practice cultivated by the previous solid waste management projects implemented with the financial support of the governments of Germany and Japan. This is a case of display of the fact how the Nepalese society is dishonest and lacks sincerity in respect of the plastic bags and environmental sustainability. A well known environmentalist Skaidra Smith-Heisters expressed, " At present, the only honest assessment 2 is that a plastic bag ban is an unjustified bias in support of paper bag, and increased use of paper bags means an increase in environmental ills including air and water pollution, greater energy and water use and higher greenhouse gas emissions. In a sense, the persistent view of plastic bag use as a problem in the quest of the nation's progress on environmental issues is right for the wrong reasons. It shows how far good intentions coupled with bad information can lead us towards a potential disaster ". Actually, there is a need to impose complete ban on the " Throw Away " practice and implement 3R principles and release the plastic bags from the ban to enhance the sustainability of Solid Waste Management. The resource released after release of plastic bags from the ban will be very much instrumental to enhance the sustainability of SWM. A thorough Techno-economic study is a must before any policy ban is imposed. More truths about the plastic bags are presented below.
Papers by Badan Nyachhyon
Drafts by Badan Nyachhyon