Papers by Barigbon Nsereka
New media and mass communication, 2014
New media and mass communication, 2014
Media & Communication Currents, Dec 7, 2020

This study analysed how social media were used for the political mobilisation of voters during th... more This study analysed how social media were used for the political mobilisation of voters during the 2015 general elections in Rivers State. To accomplish this purpose, mixed research method was adopted; this includes survey research method and indepth interview. For the survey, 384 copies of questionnaire were distributed to 354 party leaders and 30 INEC staff members. Out of this number, only 350 copies of the questionnaire were duly filled and returned forming the basis for the analysis. For the interview, 3 publicity secretaries from the select political parties participated in the study. The data collected were analysed using frequency tables, percentages and the Four-point Likert scale while the interview data were analysed thematically. The findings showed that social media contributed to the voting strength of the 2015 general elections in Rivers State. Also, the most preferred social media platform during the 2015 general elections in Rivers State was Facebook. Furthermore, political parties as well as INEC encountered the issues of lack of sufficient funds, inadequate manpower and insecurity during the 2015 general elections in Rivers State. It was concluded that the social media played an effective role during and after the elections which culminated in electoral victory. It was, therefore, recommended that INEC should begin with physical campaign for voters' participation for a long time before electioneering period to give the electorate first-hand information and trainings on the voting process. Also, the use of social media should be intensified during elections.

Concerned for the dwindling fortunes ol development and .1 seemingly declining interest i... more Concerned for the dwindling fortunes ol development and .1 seemingly declining interest in cultural affairs in Khana Local Gov eminent Area (KIIALGA) of Rivers State, this study set out to examine the place of proverbs, an important ingredient of oramedia (a coinage for traditional communication) in the service of humanity, with a focus on KIIALGA To accomplish this objective, this survey research drew a sample of400 subjects from the Khana population of 311.144-using the Taro Yamane's formula lor determining sample si/c-to participate 111 the study. The data generated by a 21-item structured questionnaire \\ ere analyzed using frequency distribution tables, percentages and \v cightcd mean scores(WMS) landings showed lhat the people of Khana are aware of the functionality of existing proverbs and also happily use them; that of these proverbs that have wide applicability across communities in Khana area, and the people know the ones most commonly used in Ihc LGA. It was also found lhat prov erbs are used to publicize development messages; lo crack jokes that evoke healih-enhancing laughter; to enliven messages during discourses on communal development; and to teach moral lessons. The study concluded that there are well-known proverbs in Khana lhat can be usedto enrich messages and used to publicize ev ents and disseminate development messages. It was then recommended, among other things, that for peace and sustainable development to be the lot of the people, proverbs should be used to spice messages that can bring about educational advancement, sports development, good health, cultural reawakening , and security.

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2016
With) the) growing) need) to) meet) the) demands) of) organizations') publics,) most) of) whom) a... more With) the) growing) need) to) meet) the) demands) of) organizations') publics,) most) of) whom) are)technologically)savvy,)it)has)become)incumbent)on)public)relations)practitioners)to) embrace) Information) and) Communication) Technology) (ICT).) It) is) against) this) background)that)this)survey)research,)using)the)purposive)sampling)technique,)sought) to) assess) the) effect) of) information) and) communication) technology) on) public) relations) practice) in) Nigeria.)) A) sample) of) 274) subjects) was) drawn) from) the) population) of) the) registered) members) of) the) Nigeria) Institute) of) Public) Relations) (NIPR),) Rivers) State) chapter,)for)the)study.))Findings)showed,)among)other)things,)that)the)level)of)usage)of) ICT)in)PR)practice)in)Nigeria)is)low;)that)as)there)are)increased)platforms)for)interaction) and) socialization,) ICT) has) improved)) organizations') relationship) with) their) publics;) knowledge) gap) on) new) information) and) communication) technology) tends) to) be) the) greatest)challenge)in)the)use)of)ICT)in)PR)practice;)and))that)identification)of)the)right) ICT)platforms)was))an)effective)way)to)utilize)ICT)in)order)to)achieve)set)PR)goals.)It)was) concluded) that) despite) the) huge) potentials) of) ICT) in) reaching) out) to) organizations') publics,) a) number) of) public) relations) practitioners) are) still) reluctant) to) use) ICT.) The) study)was)recommended,)among)other)things,)that)PR)practitioners)be)trained)on)ICT) techniques) and) other) technical) skills) to) meet) the) demands) of) the) times.) Training) and) retraining) of) PR) practitioners) was) also) recommended) for) the) adoption) of) ICT) in) PR) practice)in)Nigeria.

The purpose of this work was to evaluate the relationship between the Freedom oflnformationAct an... more The purpose of this work was to evaluate the relationship between the Freedom oflnformationAct and media practice in Nigeria with regard to of a possible enhancement of the desired access to more information, the leverage to practice, and improvement in professional responsibility. To accomplish the survey research, 285 copies of a questionnaire were administered to randomly selected joumalists in Port Harcourt metropolis. Interviews were also conducted to complement the survey approach. Simple percentages and frequency distribution tables were used for data analysis. The findings were that the FOIA has the potency to engender effective media practice as it can only function effectively when anti-press Jaws arc either expunged or amended. The study concluded that FOIA is a catalyst to freedom with responsibility and good governance, faimcss, accuracy, balance and objectivity. It recommended that journalists should go beyond just being aware of the passage into law of the FO!A to acquainting thcmsclvcs·ofrclcvant provisions of the Act so as to maximi ze the opportunities therein for effective media practice in Nigeria.

New media and mass communication, 2013
Aroused by the persistent issue of defective communication strategy in development campaigns, thi... more Aroused by the persistent issue of defective communication strategy in development campaigns, this study set out to investigate the comparative effectiveness of traditional and modern media in grassroots sensitization. The work which focused on the mandate of the National Orientation Agency (NOA), used the multi-stage sampling technique to draw a sample of 915 subjects from the grassroots population of the SouthEast Geo-political Zone of Nigeria, to participate in the study. The data gathered with a questionnaire were analyzed with percentages, frequency distribution tables and weighted mean scores (WMS). The findings showed, among other things, that whereas a blend of the traditional and modern media was vital to grassroots campaigns, the modern media were more effective in influencing the audience; government does not factor in the views of the people in its plans; the communication strategy is defective; and that government's neglect of the people undermines effective communication. Based on these findings, it was recommended, among other things, that government should improve the socioeconomic condition of the people, effectively monitor feedback mechanism and factor in the people's views in its policies.

DOI: 10.21276/sjahss.2018.6.11.7 Abstract: Of all the spheres where hate speech thrives, religion... more DOI: 10.21276/sjahss.2018.6.11.7 Abstract: Of all the spheres where hate speech thrives, religion and politics seem to be more pronounced. Speeches made to cast aspersions on political affiliations and ideologies as well as on religious faiths, heavily affect the political beliefs, participation and reactions of the people concerned to the happenings within the sociopolitical arena. Comments made on religion, like those on politics, have a high propensity to either make or mar the entire political well-being or otherwise of the country. How religious groups react deliberately or spontaneously to speeches against their faiths, and how such reactions affect the political stability of a country like Nigeria, is what this paper seeks to explore. In this paper that uses the library research method to make an incursion into the subject of hate speech and political stability, works of other scholars in the area are examined and the researcher‟s position is situated within the raging discou...
Media and Communication in Nigeria
Media and Communication in Nigeria

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science
New information and communications technologies are among the driving forces of globalization, br... more New information and communications technologies are among the driving forces of globalization, bringing people together and giving decision-makers unprecedented new tools for development. Through the use of the Internet, webcasting, email, video conferencing, video news release, social media platforms, blogs and other social networking sites, political, cultural and socioeconomic messages are built both online and offline and supports that push debates and social movements are reinforced. This paper notes that the newness characteristic of an innovation adoption is related to the knowledge, persuasion, and decision steps of Rogers' diffusion of the innovation theory process. The paper further contends that globalization of media and the increasing use of new media technologies are reconstructing the nature of the relationship that existed between the media and developing countries. The world is becoming digitalized but because of low diffusion and utilization of new media technologies, the developed nations have advanced into technological revolution, leaving the Third World countries to plod along. This paper identifies several challenges distressing the primary diffusion process of new media innovation in developing countries like Nigeria. Nonetheless, it concludes that so long as the new media plays positive roles in the advancement of global media communication, there is hope for media development in Third world countries.

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science
Considering that a great many new media users can be gratified by contents other than religious m... more Considering that a great many new media users can be gratified by contents other than religious messages on the Internet, one wonders how evangelism will fare in this era of the new media. Besides evangelism, the new media are used for education, information, socialization and entertainment. However, churches which are ignorant of the potency of online evangelism are believed to be missing out on what is supposed to help them broaden the frontiers of fulfilling The Great Commission. This position paper which is an offshoot of a rigorous empirical study is, therefore, done to examine the practice of online evangelism by evangelical churches in Port Harcourt. Investigation shows, among other things, that the social media are veritable instruments in sustaining old members and wooing new ones. The study concluded that the churches that use the social media platforms are up-to-date; the social media used in evangelism are perceived as attractive and satisfactory; but that the cost of maintaining the new media workability is prohibitive. It was then recommended that despite the unethical and immoral posts that can be found online, the new media should not be avoided because of its potency in fostering bonds among old church members and evangelizing prospective ones.

International Journal of Innovative Research and Development
The concept of culture consists of the values the members of a given group hold, the norms they f... more The concept of culture consists of the values the members of a given group hold, the norms they follow, and the material goods they create. This refers to the way of life of the individual members or groups within a society, how they dress, their religious ceremonies, and leisure pursuits (Adesoji, 2005). It also includes their rules of behaviour, language, rituals, arts and economic systems. So, culture is the totality of the way of life of a people through which they associate and relate with their environment. Kanagy and Kraybill (1999) cited in Adesoji (2005) describe culture as a set of tangible and intangible things like diet, tools, technology and values that give shape and meaning to the everyday life of a particular group of people. Culture is usually established from enlightenment, acquired through education, observation and exposure to an environment. A nation or continent whose cultural values (the basis of its tourist attraction for economic viability) gradually sink into the sand of extinction, will soon cease to enjoy universal respect, admiration, uniqueness and identity ( Apparently, this is the plight of the African nations. African children no longer appreciate whatever defines African states as independent states that were fought for (spilling tears and blood) in order that the names should be engraved or stenciled on the mental sheet of succeeding generations. Instead, and regrettably too, they feel more comfortable and find it more convenient to identify with the West in all ramifications including colour, tongue and other racial factors. For instance, African youths' irresistible passion for foreign games such as European football, etc, is quite alarming, a behaviour that seriously threatens Africa's cultural or traditional games. It is disheartening that right before their parents and mentors, African children and youths drift away from the path of their birth to that of slavery and enslavement. At the 8th Annual Forum of Laureates of the Nigerian National Order of Merit (NNOM), the Director-General, National Orientation Agency, Mr Mike Omeri, in a paper entitled "Traditional African Culture and Issues of Corruption", said the ongoing anti-corruption campaign of President Muhammadu Buhari was a call to cultural reawakening. According to Mr. Omeri, to successfully address the problem of corruption in Nigeria, a programme of cultural reawakening was imperative. Cultural awakening refers to the shaping or modelling of peoples' consciousness and

International Journal of Innovative Research and Development
It is widely believed that Nigeria consists of a minimum of 250 ethnic groups with Hausa, Yoruba ... more It is widely believed that Nigeria consists of a minimum of 250 ethnic groups with Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo as the three dominant ones. Each group has its own language and custom and accepts one or more of the main religions of Christianity, Islam and African traditional religion. This multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multilingual and multi-religious nature of the country makes the pursuit of national unity, unity in diversity, a difficult task. And this is the background for the disruption and violence that have caused much of the displacement and internal migration in the country today. Whenever the parties to a communication act bring with them different experiential backgrounds that reflect a longstanding deposit of group experience, knowledge, and values, cross-cultural or intercultural communication is at play. This paper, therefore, explores the possibility of promoting national cohesion by means of cross-cultural communication in both its symbolic and linguistic forms. Concluding that if professionally applied, cross-cultural communication can enhance national integration, the paper recommends that Nigerians should understand cultural diversity, develop awareness of different cultures, and for this reason, introduce folkloristic (the study of folklore) and cultural history in primary and secondary school curricula.
New Media and Mass Communication, 2014
New Media and Mass Communication, 2014
Papers by Barigbon Nsereka