The first measurements of the coherence factors (R Kππ 0 and R K3π ) and the average strong-phase... more The first measurements of the coherence factors (R Kππ 0 and R K3π ) and the average strong-phase differences (δ Kππ 0 D and δ K3π D ) for D 0 → K − π + π 0 and D 0 → K − π + π + π − are presented. These parameters can be used to improve the determination of the unitarity triangle angle γ in B − → DK − decays, where D is a D 0 orD 0 meson decaying to the same final state. The measurements are made using quantum-correlated, fully-reconstructed D 0D0 pairs produced in e + e − collisions at the ψ(3770) resonance. The measured values are: R Kππ 0 = 0.84 ± 0.07, δ Kππ 0 * Deceased
The beauty to up quark coupling constant |V(ub)| can be extracted from B → ρ e+ ν(e) combined wit... more The beauty to up quark coupling constant |V(ub)| can be extracted from B → ρ e+ ν(e) combined with the form factors for D → K* e+ ν(e) and B → V ℓ+ ℓ- and D → ρ e+ ν(e). Using the entire CLEO-c ψ(3770) → DD event sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 818 pb(-1) and approximately 5.4×10(6) DD events, we measure the form factors for the decays D0 → ρ- e+ ν(e) and D+ → ρ0 e+ ν(e) for the first time and the branching fractions with improved precision. A four-dimensional unbinned maximum likelihood fit determines the form factor ratios to be V(0)/A1(0)=1.48±0.15±0.05 and A2(0)/A1(0)=0.83±0.11±0.04. Assuming Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity, the known D meson lifetimes, and our measured branching fractions we obtain the form factor normalizations A1(0), A2(0), and V(0). We also present a measurement of the branching fraction for D+ → ω e+ ν(e) with improved precision.
Using 2.45x10;{7} psi(2S) decays collected with the CLEO-c detector at the Cornell Electron Stora... more Using 2.45x10;{7} psi(2S) decays collected with the CLEO-c detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring we present the most precise measurements of magnetic dipole transitions in the charmonium system. We measure B(psi(2S)-->gammaeta_{c})=(4.32+/-0.16+/-0.60)x10;{-3}, B(J/psi-->gammaeta_{c})/B(psi(2S)-->gammaeta_{c})=4.59+/-0.23+/-0.64, and B(J/psi-->gammaeta_{c})=(1.98+/-0.09+/-0.30)%. We observe a distortion in the eta_{c} line shape due to the photon-energy dependence of the magnetic dipole transition rate. We find that measurements of the eta_{c} mass are sensitive to the line shape, suggesting an explanation for the discrepancy between measurements of the eta_{c} mass in radiative transitions and other production mechanisms.
We report the first observation of Upsilon(2S)-->etaUpsilon(1S), with a branching fraction B=(... more We report the first observation of Upsilon(2S)-->etaUpsilon(1S), with a branching fraction B=(2.1(-0.6)+0.7(stat)+/-0.3(syst)) x 10(-4) and a statistical significance 5.3sigma. Data were acquired with the CLEO III detector at the CESR e+e(-) symmetric collider. This is the first process observed involving a b-quark spin flip. For related transitions, 90% confidence limits in units of 10(-4) are B(Upsilon(2S)-->pi0Upsilon(1S)) < 1.8, B(Upsilon(3S)-->etaUpsilon(1S)) < 1.8, B(Upsilon(3S)-->pi0Upsilon(1S)) < 0.7, and B(Upsilon(3S)-->pi0Upsilon(2S)) < 5.1.
We measure the mass of the eta;{'} meson using psi(2S)-->pi;{+}pi;{-}J/psi, J/psi-->gam... more We measure the mass of the eta;{'} meson using psi(2S)-->pi;{+}pi;{-}J/psi, J/psi-->gammaeta;{'} events acquired with the CLEO-c detector operating at the CESR e;{+}e;{-} collider. Using three decay modes, eta;{'}-->rho;{0}gamma, eta;{'}-->pi;{+}pi;{-}eta with eta-->gammagamma, and eta;{'}-->pi;{+}pi;{-}eta with eta-->pi;{+}pi;{-}pi;{0}, we find M_{eta;{'}}=957.793+/-0.054+/-0.036 MeV, in which the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. This result is consistent with but substantially more precise than the current world average.
We report the first observation of the decay J/psi-->3gamma. The signal has a statistical sign... more We report the first observation of the decay J/psi-->3gamma. The signal has a statistical significance of 6sigma and corresponds to a branching fraction of B(J/psi-->3gamma)=(1.2+/-0.3+/-0.2)x10;{-5}, in which the errors are statistical and systematic, respectively. The measurement uses psi(2S)-->pi;{+}pi;{-}J/psi events acquired with the CLEO-c detector operating at the CESR e;{+}e;{-} collider.
We report the first determination of the relative strong-phase difference between D 0 → K 0 S,L K... more We report the first determination of the relative strong-phase difference between D 0 → K 0 S,L K + K − and D 0 → K 0 S,L K + K − . In addition, we present updated measurements of the relative strong-phase difference between D 0 → K 0 S,L π + π − and D 0 → K 0 S,L π + π − . Both measurements exploit the quantum coherence between a pair of D 0 and D 0 mesons produced from ψ(3770) decays.
We present a measurement of the branching fraction of invisible Υ(1S) decays, using 1.2 fb −1 of ... more We present a measurement of the branching fraction of invisible Υ(1S) decays, using 1.2 fb −1 of data collected at the Υ(2S) resonance with the CLEO III detector at CESR. After subtracting expected backgrounds from events that pass selection criteria for invisible Υ(1S) decay in Υ(2S) → π + π − Υ(1S), we deduce a 90% C.L. upper limit of B[Υ(1S) → invisible] < 0.39%.
1 Abstract Using a sample of 2.59 × 10 7 ψ(2S) decays collected by the CLEO-c detector, we presen... more 1 Abstract Using a sample of 2.59 × 10 7 ψ(2S) decays collected by the CLEO-c detector, we present results of a study of χ c0 and χ c2 decays into two-meson final states. We present the world's most precise measurements of the χ cJ,(J=0,2) → π + π − , π 0 π 0 , K + K − , K 0 S K 0 S , ηη and η ′ η ′ branching fractions, and a search for χ c decays into ηη ′ . These results shed light on the mechanism of charmonium decays into pseudoscalar mesons.
1 Abstract Using a sample of 2.59 × 10 7 ψ(2S) decays collected by the CLEO-c detector, we presen... more 1 Abstract Using a sample of 2.59 × 10 7 ψ(2S) decays collected by the CLEO-c detector, we present results of a study of χ c0 and χ c2 decays into two-meson final states. We present the world's most precise measurements of the χ cJ,(J=0,2) → π + π − , π 0 π 0 , K + K − , K 0 S K 0 S , ηη and η ′ η ′ branching fractions, and a search for χ c decays into ηη ′ . These results shed light on the mechanism of charmonium decays into pseudoscalar mesons.
Using Çð2SÞ and Çð3SÞ data collected with the CLEO III detector we have searched for decays of bJ... more Using Çð2SÞ and Çð3SÞ data collected with the CLEO III detector we have searched for decays of bJ to final states with open charm. We fully reconstruct D 0 mesons with p D 0 > 2:5 GeV=c in three decay modes (K À þ , K À þ 0 , and K À À þ þ ) in coincidence with radiative transition photons that tag the production of one of the bJ ðnPÞ states. Significant signals are obtained for the two J ¼ 1 states. Recent nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) calculations of bJ ðnPÞ ! c " cX depend on one nonperturbative parameter per bJ triplet. The extrapolation from the observed D 0 X rate over a limited momentum range to a full c " cX rate also depends on these same parameters. Using our data to fit for these parameters, we extract results which agree well with NRQCD predictions, confirming the expectation that charm production is largest for the J ¼ 1 states. In particular, for J ¼ 1, our results are consistent with c "
We report a search for the decay psi(2S) -> gamma eta(c)(2S) in a sample of 25.9 x 10(6) psi(2... more We report a search for the decay psi(2S) -> gamma eta(c)(2S) in a sample of 25.9 x 10(6) psi(2S) events collected with the CLEO-c detector. No signals are observed in any of the 11 exclusive eta(c)(2S) decay modes studied, or in their sum. Product branching fraction upper limits are determined as a function of Gamma[eta(c)(2S)] for the 11 individual modes.
The decays of psi(2S) into gamma p (p) over bar, pi(0)p (p) over bar, and eta p (p) over bar have... more The decays of psi(2S) into gamma p (p) over bar, pi(0)p (p) over bar, and eta p (p) over bar have been studied with the CLEO-c detector using a sample of 24.5 X 10(6) psi(2S) events obtained from e(+)e(-) annihilations at root s = 3686 MeV. The data show evidence for the excitation of several N* resonances in p pi(0)
We report on a study of exclusive radiative decays of the Upsilon(1S) resonance into a final stat... more We report on a study of exclusive radiative decays of the Upsilon(1S) resonance into a final state consisting of a photon and two K0s candidates. We find evidence for a signal for Upsilon(1S)->gamma f_2'(1525); f_2'(1525)->K0sK0s, at a rate (4.0+/-1.3+/-0.6)x10^{-5}, consistent with previous observations of Upsilon(1S)->gamma f_2'(1525); f_2'(1525)->K+K-, and isospin. Combining this branching fraction with existing branching fraction measurements of Upsilon(1S)->gamma
The branching fractions of D ± s meson decays serve to normalize many measurements of processes i... more The branching fractions of D ± s meson decays serve to normalize many measurements of processes involving charm quarks. Using 298 pb −1 of e + e − collisions recorded at a center of mass energy of 4.17 GeV, we determine absolute branching fractions for eight D ± s decays with a double tag technique. In particular we determine the branching fraction B(D + s → K − K + π + ) = (5.50 ± 0.23 ± 0.16)%, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic respectively. We also provide partial branching fractions for kinematic subsets of the K − K + π + decay mode.
Using a total of 2.74 ×10 7 decays of the ψ(2S) collected with the CLEO-c detector, we present a ... more Using a total of 2.74 ×10 7 decays of the ψ(2S) collected with the CLEO-c detector, we present a study of χ cJ → γV , where V = ρ 0 , ω, φ. The transitions χ c1 → γρ 0 and χ c1 → γω are observed with B(χ c1 → γρ 0 ) = (2.43 ± 0.19 ± 0.22) × 10 −4 and B(χ c1 → γω) = (8.3 ± 1.5 ± 1.2) × 10 −5 . In the χ c1 → γρ 0 transition, the final state meson is dominantly longitudinally polarized. Upper limits on the branching fractions of other χ cJ states to light vector mesons are presented.
In this Letter we describe a search for lepton flavor violation (LFV) in the bottomonium system. ... more In this Letter we describe a search for lepton flavor violation (LFV) in the bottomonium system. We search for leptonic decays Υ(nS) → µτ (n = 1, 2 and 3) using the data collected with the CLEO III detector. We identify the τ lepton using its leptonic decay ν τνe e and utilize multidimensional likelihood fitting with PDF shapes measured from independent data samples. We report our estimates of 95% CL upper limits on LFV branching fractions of Υ mesons. We interpret our results in terms of the exclusion plot for the energy scale of a hypothetical new interaction versus its effective LFV coupling in the framework of effective field theory.
Using 586 pb −1 of e + e − collision data at E CM = 4170 MeV, produced at the CESR collider and c... more Using 586 pb −1 of e + e − collision data at E CM = 4170 MeV, produced at the CESR collider and collected with the CLEO-c detector, we observe the process e + e − → π + π − h c (1P ) with a significance of greater than 10σ. We measure its cross section to be 15.6 ± 2.3 ± 1.9 ± 3.0 pb, where the third error is due to the external uncertainty on the branching fraction of ψ(2S) → π 0 h c (1P ), which we use for normalization. We also find evidence for e + e − → ηh c (1P ) at 4170 MeV at the 3σ level, and see hints of a rise in the e + e − → π + π − h c (1P ) cross section at 4260 MeV.
The first measurements of the coherence factors (R Kππ 0 and R K3π ) and the average strong-phase... more The first measurements of the coherence factors (R Kππ 0 and R K3π ) and the average strong-phase differences (δ Kππ 0 D and δ K3π D ) for D 0 → K − π + π 0 and D 0 → K − π + π + π − are presented. These parameters can be used to improve the determination of the unitarity triangle angle γ in B − → DK − decays, where D is a D 0 orD 0 meson decaying to the same final state. The measurements are made using quantum-correlated, fully-reconstructed D 0D0 pairs produced in e + e − collisions at the ψ(3770) resonance. The measured values are: R Kππ 0 = 0.84 ± 0.07, δ Kππ 0 * Deceased
The beauty to up quark coupling constant |V(ub)| can be extracted from B → ρ e+ ν(e) combined wit... more The beauty to up quark coupling constant |V(ub)| can be extracted from B → ρ e+ ν(e) combined with the form factors for D → K* e+ ν(e) and B → V ℓ+ ℓ- and D → ρ e+ ν(e). Using the entire CLEO-c ψ(3770) → DD event sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 818 pb(-1) and approximately 5.4×10(6) DD events, we measure the form factors for the decays D0 → ρ- e+ ν(e) and D+ → ρ0 e+ ν(e) for the first time and the branching fractions with improved precision. A four-dimensional unbinned maximum likelihood fit determines the form factor ratios to be V(0)/A1(0)=1.48±0.15±0.05 and A2(0)/A1(0)=0.83±0.11±0.04. Assuming Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity, the known D meson lifetimes, and our measured branching fractions we obtain the form factor normalizations A1(0), A2(0), and V(0). We also present a measurement of the branching fraction for D+ → ω e+ ν(e) with improved precision.
Using 2.45x10;{7} psi(2S) decays collected with the CLEO-c detector at the Cornell Electron Stora... more Using 2.45x10;{7} psi(2S) decays collected with the CLEO-c detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring we present the most precise measurements of magnetic dipole transitions in the charmonium system. We measure B(psi(2S)-->gammaeta_{c})=(4.32+/-0.16+/-0.60)x10;{-3}, B(J/psi-->gammaeta_{c})/B(psi(2S)-->gammaeta_{c})=4.59+/-0.23+/-0.64, and B(J/psi-->gammaeta_{c})=(1.98+/-0.09+/-0.30)%. We observe a distortion in the eta_{c} line shape due to the photon-energy dependence of the magnetic dipole transition rate. We find that measurements of the eta_{c} mass are sensitive to the line shape, suggesting an explanation for the discrepancy between measurements of the eta_{c} mass in radiative transitions and other production mechanisms.
We report the first observation of Upsilon(2S)-->etaUpsilon(1S), with a branching fraction B=(... more We report the first observation of Upsilon(2S)-->etaUpsilon(1S), with a branching fraction B=(2.1(-0.6)+0.7(stat)+/-0.3(syst)) x 10(-4) and a statistical significance 5.3sigma. Data were acquired with the CLEO III detector at the CESR e+e(-) symmetric collider. This is the first process observed involving a b-quark spin flip. For related transitions, 90% confidence limits in units of 10(-4) are B(Upsilon(2S)-->pi0Upsilon(1S)) < 1.8, B(Upsilon(3S)-->etaUpsilon(1S)) < 1.8, B(Upsilon(3S)-->pi0Upsilon(1S)) < 0.7, and B(Upsilon(3S)-->pi0Upsilon(2S)) < 5.1.
We measure the mass of the eta;{'} meson using psi(2S)-->pi;{+}pi;{-}J/psi, J/psi-->gam... more We measure the mass of the eta;{'} meson using psi(2S)-->pi;{+}pi;{-}J/psi, J/psi-->gammaeta;{'} events acquired with the CLEO-c detector operating at the CESR e;{+}e;{-} collider. Using three decay modes, eta;{'}-->rho;{0}gamma, eta;{'}-->pi;{+}pi;{-}eta with eta-->gammagamma, and eta;{'}-->pi;{+}pi;{-}eta with eta-->pi;{+}pi;{-}pi;{0}, we find M_{eta;{'}}=957.793+/-0.054+/-0.036 MeV, in which the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. This result is consistent with but substantially more precise than the current world average.
We report the first observation of the decay J/psi-->3gamma. The signal has a statistical sign... more We report the first observation of the decay J/psi-->3gamma. The signal has a statistical significance of 6sigma and corresponds to a branching fraction of B(J/psi-->3gamma)=(1.2+/-0.3+/-0.2)x10;{-5}, in which the errors are statistical and systematic, respectively. The measurement uses psi(2S)-->pi;{+}pi;{-}J/psi events acquired with the CLEO-c detector operating at the CESR e;{+}e;{-} collider.
We report the first determination of the relative strong-phase difference between D 0 → K 0 S,L K... more We report the first determination of the relative strong-phase difference between D 0 → K 0 S,L K + K − and D 0 → K 0 S,L K + K − . In addition, we present updated measurements of the relative strong-phase difference between D 0 → K 0 S,L π + π − and D 0 → K 0 S,L π + π − . Both measurements exploit the quantum coherence between a pair of D 0 and D 0 mesons produced from ψ(3770) decays.
We present a measurement of the branching fraction of invisible Υ(1S) decays, using 1.2 fb −1 of ... more We present a measurement of the branching fraction of invisible Υ(1S) decays, using 1.2 fb −1 of data collected at the Υ(2S) resonance with the CLEO III detector at CESR. After subtracting expected backgrounds from events that pass selection criteria for invisible Υ(1S) decay in Υ(2S) → π + π − Υ(1S), we deduce a 90% C.L. upper limit of B[Υ(1S) → invisible] < 0.39%.
1 Abstract Using a sample of 2.59 × 10 7 ψ(2S) decays collected by the CLEO-c detector, we presen... more 1 Abstract Using a sample of 2.59 × 10 7 ψ(2S) decays collected by the CLEO-c detector, we present results of a study of χ c0 and χ c2 decays into two-meson final states. We present the world's most precise measurements of the χ cJ,(J=0,2) → π + π − , π 0 π 0 , K + K − , K 0 S K 0 S , ηη and η ′ η ′ branching fractions, and a search for χ c decays into ηη ′ . These results shed light on the mechanism of charmonium decays into pseudoscalar mesons.
1 Abstract Using a sample of 2.59 × 10 7 ψ(2S) decays collected by the CLEO-c detector, we presen... more 1 Abstract Using a sample of 2.59 × 10 7 ψ(2S) decays collected by the CLEO-c detector, we present results of a study of χ c0 and χ c2 decays into two-meson final states. We present the world's most precise measurements of the χ cJ,(J=0,2) → π + π − , π 0 π 0 , K + K − , K 0 S K 0 S , ηη and η ′ η ′ branching fractions, and a search for χ c decays into ηη ′ . These results shed light on the mechanism of charmonium decays into pseudoscalar mesons.
Using Çð2SÞ and Çð3SÞ data collected with the CLEO III detector we have searched for decays of bJ... more Using Çð2SÞ and Çð3SÞ data collected with the CLEO III detector we have searched for decays of bJ to final states with open charm. We fully reconstruct D 0 mesons with p D 0 > 2:5 GeV=c in three decay modes (K À þ , K À þ 0 , and K À À þ þ ) in coincidence with radiative transition photons that tag the production of one of the bJ ðnPÞ states. Significant signals are obtained for the two J ¼ 1 states. Recent nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) calculations of bJ ðnPÞ ! c " cX depend on one nonperturbative parameter per bJ triplet. The extrapolation from the observed D 0 X rate over a limited momentum range to a full c " cX rate also depends on these same parameters. Using our data to fit for these parameters, we extract results which agree well with NRQCD predictions, confirming the expectation that charm production is largest for the J ¼ 1 states. In particular, for J ¼ 1, our results are consistent with c "
We report a search for the decay psi(2S) -> gamma eta(c)(2S) in a sample of 25.9 x 10(6) psi(2... more We report a search for the decay psi(2S) -> gamma eta(c)(2S) in a sample of 25.9 x 10(6) psi(2S) events collected with the CLEO-c detector. No signals are observed in any of the 11 exclusive eta(c)(2S) decay modes studied, or in their sum. Product branching fraction upper limits are determined as a function of Gamma[eta(c)(2S)] for the 11 individual modes.
The decays of psi(2S) into gamma p (p) over bar, pi(0)p (p) over bar, and eta p (p) over bar have... more The decays of psi(2S) into gamma p (p) over bar, pi(0)p (p) over bar, and eta p (p) over bar have been studied with the CLEO-c detector using a sample of 24.5 X 10(6) psi(2S) events obtained from e(+)e(-) annihilations at root s = 3686 MeV. The data show evidence for the excitation of several N* resonances in p pi(0)
We report on a study of exclusive radiative decays of the Upsilon(1S) resonance into a final stat... more We report on a study of exclusive radiative decays of the Upsilon(1S) resonance into a final state consisting of a photon and two K0s candidates. We find evidence for a signal for Upsilon(1S)->gamma f_2'(1525); f_2'(1525)->K0sK0s, at a rate (4.0+/-1.3+/-0.6)x10^{-5}, consistent with previous observations of Upsilon(1S)->gamma f_2'(1525); f_2'(1525)->K+K-, and isospin. Combining this branching fraction with existing branching fraction measurements of Upsilon(1S)->gamma
The branching fractions of D ± s meson decays serve to normalize many measurements of processes i... more The branching fractions of D ± s meson decays serve to normalize many measurements of processes involving charm quarks. Using 298 pb −1 of e + e − collisions recorded at a center of mass energy of 4.17 GeV, we determine absolute branching fractions for eight D ± s decays with a double tag technique. In particular we determine the branching fraction B(D + s → K − K + π + ) = (5.50 ± 0.23 ± 0.16)%, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic respectively. We also provide partial branching fractions for kinematic subsets of the K − K + π + decay mode.
Using a total of 2.74 ×10 7 decays of the ψ(2S) collected with the CLEO-c detector, we present a ... more Using a total of 2.74 ×10 7 decays of the ψ(2S) collected with the CLEO-c detector, we present a study of χ cJ → γV , where V = ρ 0 , ω, φ. The transitions χ c1 → γρ 0 and χ c1 → γω are observed with B(χ c1 → γρ 0 ) = (2.43 ± 0.19 ± 0.22) × 10 −4 and B(χ c1 → γω) = (8.3 ± 1.5 ± 1.2) × 10 −5 . In the χ c1 → γρ 0 transition, the final state meson is dominantly longitudinally polarized. Upper limits on the branching fractions of other χ cJ states to light vector mesons are presented.
In this Letter we describe a search for lepton flavor violation (LFV) in the bottomonium system. ... more In this Letter we describe a search for lepton flavor violation (LFV) in the bottomonium system. We search for leptonic decays Υ(nS) → µτ (n = 1, 2 and 3) using the data collected with the CLEO III detector. We identify the τ lepton using its leptonic decay ν τνe e and utilize multidimensional likelihood fitting with PDF shapes measured from independent data samples. We report our estimates of 95% CL upper limits on LFV branching fractions of Υ mesons. We interpret our results in terms of the exclusion plot for the energy scale of a hypothetical new interaction versus its effective LFV coupling in the framework of effective field theory.
Using 586 pb −1 of e + e − collision data at E CM = 4170 MeV, produced at the CESR collider and c... more Using 586 pb −1 of e + e − collision data at E CM = 4170 MeV, produced at the CESR collider and collected with the CLEO-c detector, we observe the process e + e − → π + π − h c (1P ) with a significance of greater than 10σ. We measure its cross section to be 15.6 ± 2.3 ± 1.9 ± 3.0 pb, where the third error is due to the external uncertainty on the branching fraction of ψ(2S) → π 0 h c (1P ), which we use for normalization. We also find evidence for e + e − → ηh c (1P ) at 4170 MeV at the 3σ level, and see hints of a rise in the e + e − → π + π − h c (1P ) cross section at 4260 MeV.
Papers by B. Moziak