Papers by B Herawan Hayadi

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2017
Expert system applications were in great demand in various circles since 1950, with a coverage ar... more Expert system applications were in great demand in various circles since 1950, with a coverage area that was large. Expert System on the organization was aimed at adding value, increasing productivity as well as the area of managerial can make decisions quickly and accurately. Neither with organizations that did business quail, which was very promising, but needed to be alert for the presence of disease in quail healthy, as in the case in birds quail were highly vulnerable to various kinds of diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. the benefits of the expert system that was able to diagnose quickly and accurately to the symptoms of the disease caused was expected to helped the farmers in of anticipation the many losses caused by disease. Required accuracy and the accuracy of the counting in diagnosing the symptoms of the disease in order to summarized the results by using forward chaining method.

MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer, 2021
Pertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya dan tidak disertai dengan ... more Pertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya dan tidak disertai dengan ketersediaan lapangan pekerjaan yang mampu menampung seluruh angkatan kerja bisa menimbulkan pengangguran, kriminalitas, yang bersinggungan pula dengan rusaknya moralitas masyarakat. Oleh karena pemerintah memberikan serangkaian usaha untuk menekan laju pertumbuhan penduduk agar tidak terjadi ledakan penduduk yang lebih besar. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggalakkan program KB (Keluarga Berencana). Tujuan dari penelitian untuk membuat model prediksi dengan memanfaatkan Artificial Neural Network (ANN) pada peserta KB aktif jalur pemerintahan untuk melihat laju pertumbuhan penduduk kedepannya dalam rentang waktu tertentu guna mempermudah pemerintah dalam membuat rancangan perencanaan ke depannya. Back-propagation merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk melakukan peramalan yang merupakan bagian dari ANN. Hal ini perlu dilakukan mengingat jumlah kepadatan penduduk ...
Media Infotama, 2013
Development Network Local Area Network Use PC Router Operating System Linux Redhat 9 At Laborator... more Development Network Local Area Network Use PC Router Operating System Linux Redhat 9 At Laboratory Computer SMAN 1 Ujan Mas Kepahiang. This research aim to to develop Local Area Network network by using PC Router use system operate for Linux Redhat 9 at Laboratory Computer SMAN 1 Ujan Mas. With the existence of making of PC router use system operate for Linux Redhat 9, hence expense can be depressed by as cheap as possible, because such as those which we know costly marketing router price enough. With the existence of functioning router to continue data package and division of IP for the laboratory of very organizational other space and easy so that do not happened random in division of IP at SMA N laboratory 1 Ujan Mas Kepahiang.

Personnel Information System development in organizations or institutions institutions currently ... more Personnel Information System development in organizations or institutions institutions currently very rapidly with the number of publications and test the application of some researchers at universities around the world, Problems of Information Systems always be obstacles and barriers in the development of every organization. Identify the problem that there can be improvements in the development of Personnel Information System. The system is expected to provide facilities and improve work effectiveness and can produce a fast and accurate information. The method used to analyze the system, data processing and system design, information system can cope with delays in the process of computer-based data input. can collect data - the data from the Personnel Employee and Payroll into a single entity in the database, so it can be processed and presented into a useful information for the company

Solid State Technology, 2020
Human resources on the campus of STT-Ibnu Sina Batam consisting of lecturers and supporting suppo... more Human resources on the campus of STT-Ibnu Sina Batam consisting of lecturers and supporting supporters have a verystrategic position, because they have a direct influence on the learning process, graduate quality and competitive output. The effectiveness of performance in teaching and learning and improvement of the academic atmosphere is strongly influenced by the standardization of quality to be achieved and the quality guarantee process that must be carriedout by a university. The thing that must be met so that the implementation of a quality guanrantee system at a universitycan be implemented properly is the availability of an accurate quality guarantee information system. The purpose ofthis research is to provide more quality for the campus of STT-Ibnu Sina Batam to improve security and ease in storinginformation, and to build a dashboard system to be able to handle and process data in real time and broadly, so thatdata values can be represented into a few concise pages. Dashbo...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019

The science of extracting patterns, trends, and actionable data analysis detail of large data set... more The science of extracting patterns, trends, and actionable data analysis detail of large data sets. The growing existence of data in different county’s servers with structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data formats, such as the data. The demands of these are not met by conventional IT infrastructure, a modern landscape of "Data Analysis." For these reasons, several companies are turning to as a possible solution to this unmet commercial business, Hadoop (open-source projects). The amount of data collected by organizations, especially unstructured data, as businesses burst, Hadoop is increasingly emerging as one of the primary alternatives to store and execute operations on that data. The secondary question of data analysis is defense, the rapid increase in internet use, the dramatic shift in acceptance of people who use social media apps that allow users to generate content freely and intensify the already enormous amount of the site. In today's firms, there a...

Due to its increasing incidence, cardiovascular globally, depression has become a health issue. T... more Due to its increasing incidence, cardiovascular globally, depression has become a health issue. The focus of this paper using the early convolutional neural network to construct a framework of early warning (CNN). Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure( DBP) levels were more significantly related to cardiovascular disease than those of pulse pressure. A potential percentage of cardiovascular disease-related mortality was associated with robust elevations of SBP and DBP for both age groups of men. Higher SBP and lower DBP (discordant elevations) also led to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease-related mortality among men aged approximately 46 to 60 years. CNN can reduce the risk factor of blood and pulse pressure. CNN has many more advantages when compared to other neural networks. The paper describes a new method, which is widely used, called Convolutional Neural Network(CNN). Using CNN, the cardiovascular disease which affects old age people and heart patient...
Pengetahuan dari suatu sistem pakar mungkin dapat direpresentasikan dalam sejumlah cara. Salah sa... more Pengetahuan dari suatu sistem pakar mungkin dapat direpresentasikan dalam sejumlah cara. Salah satu metode yang paling umum untuk merepresentasikan pengetahuan adalah dalam bentuk tipe aturan (Rule) IF .... THEN (Jika.... Maka). Turban 1995 menyatakan bahwa konsep dasar dari suatu sistem pakar mengandung beberapa unsur atau elemen, yaitu keahlian, ahli, pengalihan keahlian, inferensi, aturan, dan kemampuan menjelaskan. Dalam penulisan ilmiah ini dibantu dengan bentuk visualisasi untuk menyampaikan konsep umum sistem pakar menggunakan macromedia flash, dengan memilihnya macromedia flash ini sebagai medianya agar para pembejaran konsep umum sistem pakar muda untuk dipahaminya dengan adanya dalam bentuk animasi.

Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara agraris dengan hutan sebagai mata pencaharian sebagian warga, ... more Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara agraris dengan hutan sebagai mata pencaharian sebagian warga, baik untuk digunakan sebagai komoditas dalam negeri maupun komoditas ekspor.Salah satu komoditas yang dilakukan beberapa masyarakat Indonesia adalah pembuatan kerajinan rumah tangga dengan menggunakan kayu jati.Penggunaan kayu jati sudah dikenal sejak zaman dahulu, karena kayu jati mempunyai tekstur yang kuat sehingga dapat bertahan lama.Namun dengan penggunaan stok persediaan kayu yang baik, dapat berdampak pada efisiensi kerja dan beban biaya pengusaha.Dalam penelitian ini akan diteliti pembelian dan penjualan terhadap stok persediaan dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy Tsukamoto. Dengan diketahui stok yang ada, maka akan didapatkan jawaban apakah stok kurang atau sebaliknya. Sehingga pengusaha akan dapat melakukan kebijakan terhadap persediaan yang ada. Kata kunci : Stok Persediaan, SPK, Fuzzy, Fuzzy Tsukamoto

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of student learning in the Electric Power System Prot... more This study aims to assess the effectiveness of student learning in the Electric Power System Protection subject after the use of the Research Based Learning model in learning. The learning model should be adapted to current and future learning needs. Achieving student competencies in learning in each subject, one of which is influenced by the learning model used. Among the learning models that are developing at this time which bring students to develop their abilities in mastering learning material is the Research Based Learning model. This model is a model that focuses on students as a learning resource (SCL) that integrates research into learning. This research in its implementation uses a Research Based Learning model developed by Sota and Karl.P, (2017). This model carries a nine-step model that is applied in learning in the subject of Electric Power System Protection. After using the Research Based Learning model in learning, an increase in student learning outcomes is measured...

Based on observation toward students of Electrification Engineering, the result explained limitat... more Based on observation toward students of Electrification Engineering, the result explained limitation of interactive instructional media so that teacher had not found the good way to teach the lesson who could not teach with conventional method. These phenomena could bring negative effects for students, so that the students might reply the lesson, and could make time fly. This study aimed to know about effectiveness of interactive instructional media on Electrical Circuits. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) method and development model in this research was 4D (four-D), there were four steps in this model –define, design, develop, and disseminate–. The result that is obtained from this research was follow: The effectiveness of interactive instructional media was expressed effective for improving the students’ outcomes because with 90.6% of students had reached Minimum Mastery Criteria. Based on the results of this research could be conclude that interactive learning me...
The Smart classroom is a typical environment for Smart Education, and this is a high end class of... more The Smart classroom is a typical environment for Smart Education, and this is a high end class of the digital class. This paper addresses the key characteristics of smart learning and the key challenges that must be addressed when designing a smart educational environment to support personalization. Aiming to integrate the smart learning environment into the learning ecosystem and educational context of the smart classroom, Innovative use and new pedagogical approaches need to be implemented to manage formal and informal learning. This contribution illustrates the key characteristics of smart learning and an smart learning environment and supports the relevance of future user engagement taking during the design process, to improve knowledge about the design and application of new pedagogical approaches in the smart learning environment at the UNP Faculty of Engineering
2017 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM)
Expert system refers to a system that is trying to adopt human knowledge into a computer. Expert ... more Expert system refers to a system that is trying to adopt human knowledge into a computer. Expert system contains certain knowledge so that everyone can use it to solve specific problems. The expert system by utilizing the forward chaining method starts from selecting the initial symptoms to find information in accordance with the rules of the rule. This study aimed to build an expert system application to diagnose gastrointestinal disorders of toddlers using forward chaining method. Application is designed using UML and built with Java programming language and MySQL as the database. The results of this study are implemented at Clinic Pratama Hesti, Bengkulu.
2021 9th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM)

Pineapplefruit is included in the type of tropical fruit, which is quite popular because it conta... more Pineapplefruit is included in the type of tropical fruit, which is quite popular because it contains a lot of Vitamin C, which is quite high. Pineappleis a local fruit in the Kampar area, this fruit can be consumed directly and become other local processed products. Therefore, the quality of pineapple ripeness must be maintained. The problem that occurs at this time is that the pineapple fruit selection process is still done manually, by looking at it visually, so mistakes can occur in the process of clarifying pineapple fruit identification according to standards. Therefore, it is necessary to research the ripeness of pineapples using the Color Space Algorithm Hue Saturation Intensity (HIS). The variables to be input are based on photos of ripe, half ripe, and raw pineapples using a smartphone camera or DSLR camera with a minimum resolution of 8 MP. Clarifying the results with image processing and Hue Saturation Intensity (HSI) transformation has an accuracy rate of 80% for the 20 ...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
From the lecture conditions of management information systems, it was found that the learning med... more From the lecture conditions of management information systems, it was found that the learning media used were less attractive and less interactive. Learning is centered on the teacher through a blackboard or presentation. Students become less motivated and tend to be bored in class. The development of learning media is carried out by the 4D method, namely Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. Kahoot is a game-based interactive learning platform that can be used as educational technology in schools. Kahoot is an appropriate platform for developing learning media for management information systems courses.After developing learning media using kahoot, researchers found that learning activities in the classroom became more interesting and interactive and motivated students to learn. To determine the effectiveness of the use of instructional media, effectiveness tests are carried out. Based on the pre-test, it was found that 28 students obtained an average score of 64.29. Then after the learning media implementation test was carried out, a post-test assessment was conducted and an average score of 79.82 was obtained. There is an increase in scores after using learning media. So, it can be concluded that the learning media developed is effective in improving learning outcomes .

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The purpose of this study is to see the development of the volume (value) of exports and Imports ... more The purpose of this study is to see the development of the volume (value) of exports and Imports of oil and gas in Indonesia in the form of estimated results for the coming years. Research data was taken from the Central Statistics Agency and the Indonesian Customs Service. Data is divided into 7 variables, namely; In the year, crude oil exports, crude oil Imports, oil exports, oil Imports, gas exports and gas Imports. The application of the method for estimating the volume of Crude Oil, Oil Products and Gas export Imports is the ANN backpropagation algorithm with 4 network architectural models namely; 12-5-1, 12-8-1, 12-10-1 and 12-14-1. The best network architectural model is 12-5-1 with an accuracy of 83% and MSE 0.0281641257. The minimum error used is 0.001-0.05 with a learning rate of 0.01. While the activation function used is bipolar and linear sigmoid with gradient descent training function.

Hardianto Abstract—Strategic planning in several educational organizations often do not become a ... more Hardianto Abstract—Strategic planning in several educational organizations often do not become a serious concern the education managers. Strategic planning is only made as of administrative requirements without used as guidance in implementing educational organizations. The organization is only driven by intuition and experience of leadership. Moreover, in manufacturing, the strategic plan has not been drawn up based on a thorough analysis of the organization. The achievement of organizational goals effectively and efficiently can only be done in the presence of a solid strategic planning. In the preparation of the strategic plan can be made by taking into account the internal and external environment organization, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and evaluation of strategies. Optimizing the role of a strategic plan can be done by increasing the commitment of members of the organization and the proper use of transformational leadership.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast growing and user-friendly technology that connects everyth... more The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast growing and user-friendly technology that connects everything together. And it can communicate effectively between the people who connect "Things." Internet of Things, also known as Internet of Objects, usually refers to remote systems between projects. Systems will be remote and self-designable. However, the world's largest information technology companies tend to release products in the form of services to avoid disclosing detailed design and implementation knowledge. Hence, the overall trend of academic institutions is to use these mainstream IoT platforms as "black boxes". IoT is something that is useful as a sensor, computer architecture, software, security, packaging, technology selection based on the amount of data, as far as data is needed, whatever power you have. Fundamental way to collect and store data Thing: SQL, noSQL, and time series databases Machine learning algorithms with outputs: regression, classific...
Papers by B Herawan Hayadi