Papers by Bernard Goitein

Evaluation and Program Planning, 1988
Although generalization of evaluation findings from one instance to another is likely to be a mat... more Although generalization of evaluation findings from one instance to another is likely to be a matter of degree, the standard rules of statistical inference argue against virtually all generalization. Program providers also frequently reject the notion that evaluated findings of similar programs might apply to their own. An approach to forecasting generalization was apphed to the evaluations of home energy audits in two Illinois samples. Generalizability of findings for audit impacts across samples was identified. It is proposed that standard evaluation procedure include assessments of generalizability of findings across the range of contexts, subsamples, and program implementation variations already existing within a study. Such findings will facilitate efforts to forecast generalizability by program providers and will advance theoretical understanding of the processes underlying program effects.
International Journal of Advertising, 1985
Evaluations of the promotional aspects of utility energy-conservation programmes are discussed. T... more Evaluations of the promotional aspects of utility energy-conservation programmes are discussed. The primary focus is on the results of promotion recall and market penetration in the context of a home energy audit programme. The findings suggest that targeted promotional efforts to maximize the net benefits of the home energy audit programme are needed.
Human Relations, Jun 1, 1977
Person perception was studied experimentally to test certain predictions following from Rotenberg... more Person perception was studied experimentally to test certain predictions following from Rotenberg's theory concerning the effects of the Calvinist conception of Man on Western culture. Americans scored significantly higher than Israelis on a Protestant ethic scale. When American and Israeli subjects were asked to rate, on the basis of past information, the probabilities of a person being at present a mental patient ("damned') or a successful businessman ("elect'", Americans were consistently more deterministic in their interpersonal perceptions than Israelis. The hypothesis that in retrospective labeling increases in probability ratings of the outcomes, once a label has been assigned, will be greater among Americans than Israelis was not confirmed. Implications for future research are briefly discussed.
Administrative Science Quarterly, Sep 1, 1984
... Slovic, Paul, and Baruch Fischhoff 1977 "On the psychology of experi-mental surprise... more ... Slovic, Paul, and Baruch Fischhoff 1977 "On the psychology of experi-mental surprises." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception ... Staw, Barry M., Pamela I. McKechnie, and Sheila M. Puffer 1983 "The justification of organiza-tional performance." Adminis-trative ...
Academy of Management Review, Jul 1, 1984
Despite the great progress in devising technological aids to decision makers, most decisions are ... more Despite the great progress in devising technological aids to decision makers, most decisions are largely or entirely the product of intuitive, psychological processes. Many times, aids are not available (e.g., under field conditions); at other times, too many decisions have to be made to rely on more than educated intuition (e.g., those made by an officer or executive
Evaluation Review, Jun 1, 1986
... BERNARD GOITEIN BOB WEINSTEIN Bradley University ... instances of causal impacts of satisfact... more ... BERNARD GOITEIN BOB WEINSTEIN Bradley University ... instances of causal impacts of satisfaction upon behavior; in fact, it is frequently hard to identify even a correlation [see Wicker's (1969) review of attitude-behavior relationships; Brayfield and Crockett's (1955) classic ...
Evaluation Review, Apr 1, 1987
Nonrandom assignment to program and control group conditions can create serious difficulties for ... more Nonrandom assignment to program and control group conditions can create serious difficulties for the evaluation of impacts of energy conservation programs. The particular analytic strategy that is appropriate depends on the character of the causal mechanisms associated with the nonrandom assignment. Guidlines for selection of the appropriate analytic techniques are presented and the analytical techniques described. It is recom mended that the possibility of performing a true experiment should be explored, beyond the use of random assignment to wait list and program conditions, in order to avoid the analytic complexities necessary in the nonrandom assignment designs.
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 2011
This study examines the impact that capital budgeting considerations has on the average values of... more This study examines the impact that capital budgeting considerations has on the average values of various performance measures for a sample of 118 U.S. manufacturing firms. This study also examines whether the variance of performance measures are affected by differing capital budgeting considerations. Results are analyzed with non-paramentric tests for mean and variance differences. The results of this study provide mixed support for conventional financial theory and a sound basis for further investigation into current capital budgeting practices.

Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1981
Publisher Summary This chapter describes a model of decision-making—subjective expected utility (... more Publisher Summary This chapter describes a model of decision-making—subjective expected utility (SEU) model. Studying the prescriptive and descriptive validity of this model is the preÂoccupation of researchers in a diffuse field known as “behavioral decision theory” (BDT). SEU model reduces the universe of decisions to a common set of primitives about which universal truths in due time can be derived. A second enticement is the presence of an axiomatic basis for these models. Any individual who subscribes to a small set of reasonable rules should behave according to the model. Prescriptive reasonableness is presumably a necessary condition for the descriptive validity of a theory of conscious behavior. The secrecy of its longevity lies in the fact that the model (1) expresses some fundamental truth in some situations, (2) has a remarkable ability to be close to the mark in situations where its underlying logic is clearly inappropriate, and (3) has proponents of heroic tenacity.

Evaluation and Program Planning, 1989
The 1973 Arab oil embargo precipitated a world wide energy crisis. In the U.S. and elsewhere, gov... more The 1973 Arab oil embargo precipitated a world wide energy crisis. In the U.S. and elsewhere, governments and private firms initiated new efforts and intensified existing ones for energy conservation. These efforts extended to all energy using sectors of the economy: tr~s~~at~on, residential, ~~rnrn~~~i~~~ and industrial. Some estimate that these efficiency programs saved the U.S. more than $10 billion (Wail Street Journal, 1987a). Due at least in part to these programs, the U.S. economy was able to grow 36% without increasing energy use more than 5% between 1975 and 1986 (Business Week, 1987). In the residential sector, the average U.S. household was reported to consume one-third less energy in 1986 than in 1973 and per capita consumption was down 4% in 1986 from a decade earlier (Wall Street Journal, 1986). Anecdotal evidence for increased efficiency among the organizations belonging to the commercial and industrial sectors has aiso been repeat-edIy reported (e.g.,
Evaluations of the promotional aspects of utility energy-conservation programmes are discussed. T... more Evaluations of the promotional aspects of utility energy-conservation programmes are discussed. The primary focus is on the results of promotion recall and market penetration in the context of a home energy audit programme. The findings suggest that targeted promotional efforts to maximize the net benefits of the home energy audit programme are needed.
How professionals make decisions, 2005
International Journal of Forecasting, 1989
Human Relations, 1977
Evaluation Review, 1986
... BERNARD GOITEIN BOB WEINSTEIN Bradley University ... instances of causal impacts of satisfact... more ... BERNARD GOITEIN BOB WEINSTEIN Bradley University ... instances of causal impacts of satisfaction upon behavior; in fact, it is frequently hard to identify even a correlation [see Wicker's (1969) review of attitude-behavior relationships; Brayfield and Crockett's (1955) classic ...
Evaluation Review, 1987
Nonrandom assignment to program and control group conditions can create serious difficulties for ... more Nonrandom assignment to program and control group conditions can create serious difficulties for the evaluation of impacts of energy conservation programs. The particular analytic strategy that is appropriate depends on the character of the causal mechanisms associated with the nonrandom assignment. Guidlines for selection of the appropriate analytic techniques are presented and the analytical techniques described. It is recom mended that the possibility of performing a true experiment should be explored, beyond the use of random assignment to wait list and program conditions, in order to avoid the analytic complexities necessary in the nonrandom assignment designs.

Evaluation and Program Planning, 1988
Although generalization of evaluation findings from one instance to another is likely to be a mat... more Although generalization of evaluation findings from one instance to another is likely to be a matter of degree, the standard rules of statistical inference argue against virtually all generalization. Program providers also frequently reject the notion that evaluated findings of similar programs might apply to their own. An approach to forecasting generalization was apphed to the evaluations of home energy audits in two Illinois samples. Generalizability of findings for audit impacts across samples was identified. It is proposed that standard evaluation procedure include assessments of generalizability of findings across the range of contexts, subsamples, and program implementation variations already existing within a study. Such findings will facilitate efforts to forecast generalizability by program providers and will advance theoretical understanding of the processes underlying program effects.
Papers by Bernard Goitein