Papers by Biagina Chiofalo
... Fisiologia e Produzioni Animali, Università degli Studi di Messina, Polo Annunziata, 98016 Me... more ... Fisiologia e Produzioni Animali, Università degli Studi di Messina, Polo Annunziata, 98016 Messina, Italy 5Istituto Sperimentale Zooprofilattico della Lombardia e dell'Emilia, Via Bianchi 9 ... Schryver, HF, OT Oftedal, J. Williams, NF Cymbaluk, D. Antczak and A. Hintz, 1986. ...

The effect of peripartal supplementation with diet enriched with propylene glycol on some biochem... more The effect of peripartal supplementation with diet enriched with propylene glycol on some biochemical parameters was studied on 60 Maltese multiparous goats, from 10 th day prepartum to 40 th day postpartum. Goats were divided into two groups of 30, homogeneous for age (3 1 years), milk yield of the previous lactation (2±0.5kg/head/day) and body condition score (2.25 0.5) and raised in two multiple boxes. The groups, called "Glycol" and "Control", received concentrate (0.7kg/head/day) and vetch hay (1.5kg/head/day). The hay of the Glycol group was integrated with 100mL/kg of the propylene glycol (Liqui-Beef®, San Marco-Italy). Blood samples were collected from 10 th to 1 st day prepartum and from 1 st to 40 th day postpartum for the determination of Glucose, Non Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), Triglycerides, Total cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Total protein, Urea and Creatinine, activities of Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Creatine Kinase (CK). Data were analysed as a twofactor ANOVA with diet (Control and Glycol) and period (pre-and postpartum) as the main effects. As regards the energetic metabolism, "Glycol" group showed significant lower levels only during the prepartum period; specifically for BHBA (Glycol 0.28 mmol/l vs. Control 0.33 mmol/l; P=0.047), Triglycerides (Glycol 0.36 mmol/l vs. Control 0.50; P=0.043), Total cholesterol (Glycol 1.50 mmol/l vs. Control 1.66 mmol/l; P=0.07) and HDL (Glycol 0.79 mmol/l vs. Control 0.93 mmol/l; P=0.004). The parameters concerning hepatic functionality (AST and ALT) were significantly lower in the Glycol group during the prepartum

Animals, 2019
The purpose of the study is to determine the nutritional characteristics of some by-products deri... more The purpose of the study is to determine the nutritional characteristics of some by-products derived from fruit juice and olive oil production to evaluate their use in pig nutrition. Five by-products of citrus fruit (three citrus fruit pulp and two molasses) and three by-products of olive oil (olive cake) obtained by different varieties are analysed for chemical composition. The fermentation characteristics are evaluated in vitro using the gas production technique with swine faecal inoculum. All the citrus by-products are highly fermentable, producing gas and a high amount of short-chain fatty acids. The fermentation kinetics vary when comparing pulps and molasses. Citrus fruit pulps show lower and slower fermentation rates than molasses. The olive oil by-products, compared to citrus fruits ones, are richer in NDF and ADL. These characteristics negatively affect all the fermentation parameters. Therefore, the high concentration of fiber and lipids represents a key aspect in the nutr...

Antioxidants, 2021
With the aim to explore the use of A. hypochondriacus seeds for animal feeding, the agronomic tra... more With the aim to explore the use of A. hypochondriacus seeds for animal feeding, the agronomic traits, nutrients, and bioactive compounds of four accessions with different origin (India, Nebraska, Iowa, and Pennsylvania) grown in a Mediterranean environment were studied. Proximate composition was determined using the official methods of analyses, fatty acid profile by gas chromatography, total phenolic content (TPC) and the scavenging activity (DPPH• and ABTS•+) by colorimetric method. A one-way ANOVA model was performed to determine the differences between accessions. The four A. hypochondriacus accessions showed interesting seed yield results. No significant differences were observed for crude protein and crude fiber; the oil content showed the significant highest values in the seeds from Nebraska and Pennsylvania, but their nutritional characteristics were significantly different. The accession from Nebraska showed the highest oleic and linoleic acid levels, the highest values of ...

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022
BACKGROUND In the last decades, grain amaranths have gained interest due to their valuable combin... more BACKGROUND In the last decades, grain amaranths have gained interest due to their valuable combination of nutritional traits, with a higher protein and oil content than conventional cereals. Anyway, before it can be proposed as an unconventional ingredient for animal feeding, many aspects still need to be investigated from field production to nutritive value. The present research aimed to study the agronomic traits, proximate composition and digestibility/degradability, fatty acid profile, antioxidant activity, and total phenolic content of two grain amaranth species, Amaranthus cruentus and Amaranthus hypochondriacus (for a total of six accessions), grown in a Mediterranean environment. RESULTS Both species showed seed yields comparable to or higher than the traditional cereal crops of this environment. As a whole, A. cruentus resulted in a higher seed production compared to A. hypochondriacus. Mexico and Montana accessions, both belonging to A. cruentus, showed the highest yield (3.73 t ha-1 , on average). For nutritive value, few differences emerged between species and accessions: the Illinois accession of A. cruentus showed the best performance in terms of in vitro degradability and gas production, but not for VFA production; the fermentation kinetics was the slowest in Illinois and the fastest in Montana accession of A. cruentus and India accession of Amaranthus hypochondriacus. CONCLUSION From a health point of view, Nebraska of A. hypochondriacus represents the best accession showing the lowest saturated fatty acids and the highest polyunsaturated fatty acid content. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Large Animal Review, 2003

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2017
In order to promote the use of lupin in pig nutrition, in this research the nutritional character... more In order to promote the use of lupin in pig nutrition, in this research the nutritional characteristics (i.e. dietary fibre, alkaloid and fatty acid profile) and the in vitro gas production of 12 lupin varieties grown in the Mediterranean basin and belonging to three lupin species (Lupinus albus, Lupinus angustifolius and Lupinus luteus) were assessed. Four varieties of L. albus (Asfer, Lublanc, Lutteur and Multitalia) were grown in South Campania. Three varieties of L. luteus (Dukat, Mister and Taper), three of L. angustifolius (Jindalee, Sonet and Wonga) and two of L. albus (Rosetta and Luxor) were grown in Eastern Sicily. Lupinus albus varieties showed interesting nutritional and dietetic characteristics (i.e. high protein and low fibre content); the lipid fraction, rather elevated, is well represented by monounsaturated fatty acids (544 g/kg), whereas saturated fatty acids (SFAs) are less represented (167 g/kg) and the n-3/n-6 ratio (0.510) is the most favourable. Lupinus luteus varieties presented the most remarkable dietetic aspects, in terms of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content (569 g/kg), n-6 PUFA series (490 g/kg), UFA/SFA (5.24) and PUFA/SFA (3.56) ratios and atherogenic (0.059) and thrombogenic (0.100) indices and very low alkaloid content (1.07 mg per 100 g). Lupinus angustifolius varieties showed the least interesting nutritional and dietetic characteristics: low protein and fat content, high fibre level, high SFA amount (248 g/kg) and the lowest favourable nutritional indices (IA: 0.164 and IT: 0.334). Regarding the fermentation process, in L. albus, the tendency to increase the rate of gas production during the early stages of fermentation suggests that the high presence of alkaloids did not affect the in vitro degradability, production of short-chain fatty acids and fermentation process, probably due to their concentration and/or water solubility. Lupinus angustifolius and L. luteus showed intermediate and slightly worse in vitro fermentation patterns respectively. From a nutritional and dietetic point of view, lupin may represent an interesting alternative to soya bean in pig feeding.
Small Ruminant Research, 2015
Abstract Aim of this study was to investigate the effects of supplementing dairy goat diets with ... more Abstract Aim of this study was to investigate the effects of supplementing dairy goat diets with hydrogenated palm oil (HPO; 50 g/day/head) on milk yield and composition, and on milk fatty acids profile and Stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene expression. Compared with the control diet (C), supplementation with HPO increased milk yield and fat percentage. By contrast, milk protein percentage was not different between groups. Supplementation with HPO increased ( P P P P P P
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

The ban on animal protein supplements in animal nutrition and, particularly, the increase in the ... more The ban on animal protein supplements in animal nutrition and, particularly, the increase in the demand for alternative protein sources to replace soybean meal in organic farming has stimulated research on GM-free feeds and renewed interest in grain legumes. Of these lupin appears to be one of the more interesting and promising crops for ruminant diets, due to its key role in low-input cropping systems and its high protein content. The aim of this study was to evaluate the productive and nutritional characteristics of several sweet varieties of lupin seeds cultivated in the Mediterranean region. The trial was carried out during the years 2007/08 on a volcanic soil in East Sicily, employing 8 sweet cultivars belonging to Lupinus albus, L. angustifolius and L. luteus species. Yield and its components (pod plant-1 , seed pod-1 , 1000 seed weight) were evaluated. Crude protein, fibre fractions and alkaloid content were also determined. L. albus exhibited the highest yields (2.2 t ha-1), with an intermediate value of pod x plant (15.4). L. luteus yielded 1.5 t ha-1 and L. angustifolius 0.5 t ha-1. L. luteus showed higher levels of crude protein (34.2%) although the greatest protein yield per hectare was recorded in L. albus (0.7 t ha-1). L. angustifolius showed the highest mean values of NDF (28.1%) and ADF (25%), whereas L. luteus the lowest mean values of ADL (1.75%). Six alkaloids were detected and quantified, among which, the Iso-lupanine always was the most abundant (1.5 mg 100g-1 , on average). Lower concentrations of quinolizidine were observed in L. luteus (0.9-1.4 mg 100g-1) as compared with L. angustifolius (1.5-5.5 mg 100g-1) and L. albus (3.8-7.5 mg 100g-1). Alkaloid content was always lower than the safe limit of toxicity (< 0.20‰) indicated for human and animal consumption.

New trends for innovation in the Mediterranean animal production, 2012
An evaluation of the nutritional status of 30, on the 58 existing endangered Pantelleria donkeys,... more An evaluation of the nutritional status of 30, on the 58 existing endangered Pantelleria donkeys, fed with meadow hay and oats, independently by the sex, age, and physiological state, was carried out through the study of some haematic parameters, BCS, faecal consistency and undigested fraction. Data were processed in relation to the sex and age (ANCOVA) and physiological state (pregnant vs. non pregnant, ANOVA). Comparing the sex, significant higher values for NEFA (254.09 vs. 108.28 μmol/l; P<0.001) were observed in the males probably in relation to their temperament with, consequently, higher lipid mobilisation, as confirmed by the significant (P=0.006) higher ALT activity (6.29 vs. 4.90 UI/L). Comparing the age, the most significant (P<0.01) differences were observed for urea which showed higher values in the younger animals probably for the worse nutritional status of these animals which resort to the amino acid deamination to obtain energy. Comparing the physiological state, the highest values of NEFA (120.21 vs. 99.87 mol/l), and beta-hydroxybutyrate (0.23 vs. 0.16 mmol/l, P=0.023) of the pregnant females could be due to the negative energetic balance and to the unbalancing of the forage/concentrate ratio as also confirmed by the lower BCS value (2.5). Undigested fraction has shown in the faeces the presence of integral seeds of oats, due to the scarce utilisation of the feed, confirmed also by the faecal consistency which was 3.5 (solid faeces), therefore index of an unbalanced ration in favour to the fibre. Results show a not good nutritional status of this animals, an indispensable factor for the safeguard of this important animal germplasm.
Veterinary Research Communications, 2003
... Material and Methods The research was carried out on 8 Martina Franca asses bred in an organi... more ... Material and Methods The research was carried out on 8 Martina Franca asses bred in an organic farm. ... Allergy Asthma Immunol., 89 (suppl.): 97-101. Salimei, E., Fantuz, F., Coppola, R., Chiofalo, B., Polidori, P., Varisco G. 2004. Composition and characteristics of ass's milk. ...
Papers by Biagina Chiofalo