Revista brasileira de genetica, 1992
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 2019
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 2007
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 2005
A biodiversidade e o potencial econômico do cerrado brasileiro, desde 1886, já eram descritos em ... more A biodiversidade e o potencial econômico do cerrado brasileiro, desde 1886, já eram descritos em inventários (Bertran 1994, citado por Almeida et al. 1998), testemunhando a sua riqueza em plantas produtoras de frutos alimentares,
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 1994
Crop Science, Mar 1, 2018
RESEARCH R ecurrent selection programs are aimed at improving populations by increasing the frequ... more RESEARCH R ecurrent selection programs are aimed at improving populations by increasing the frequency of favorable alleles that determine quantitative traits through consecutive selectionrecombination cycles while ensuring that genetic variability is not exhausted through the selection cycles (Bernardo, 2010). In recurrent selection schemes based on the genomic selection (GS; Meuwissen et al., 2001) approach, known as recurrent genomic selection (RGS; Bernardo, 2010), the most challenging phase is
Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2005

Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, Mar 30, 2010
Information on the inheritance of resistance to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum he... more Information on the inheritance of resistance to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum hemibiotrophic infections (HBI) in strawberry leaf tissue and the genetic control of anthracnose crown rot (ACR) in crown tissue are relatively unknown. Six parental genotypes were crossed in a half-diallel mating design to generate 15 full-sib families. HBI and ACR experiments were conducted concurrently. Both seedlings and parental clones were inoculated with 1 × 10 6 conidia/ml of C. gloeosporioides or C. acutatum. Percent sporulating leaf area, wilt symptoms, and relative area under the disease progress curve were calculated to characterize resistance among genotypes and full-sib families. Low dominance/additive variance ratios for C. acutatum HBI (0.13) and C. gloeosporioides ACR (0.20) were observed, indicating additive genetic control of resistance to these traits. Heritability estimates were low for C. acutatum HBI (0.25) and C. gloeosporioides HBI (0.16) but moderate for C. gloeosporioides ACR (0.61). A high genetic correlation (r A = 0.98) between resistance to C. acutatum HBI and C. gloeosporioides HBI was observed, suggesting that resistance to these two Colletotrichum spp. may be controlled by common genes in strawberry leaf tissue. In contrast, negative genetic correlations between ACR and both HBI traits (r A = _ 0.85 and _ 0.61) suggest that resistance in crown tissue is inherited independently of resistance in leaf tissue in the populations tested. Overall, these findings provide valuable insight into the genetic basis of resistance, and the evaluation and deployment of resistance to HBIs and ACR in strawberry breeding programs.
Euphytica, Feb 5, 2020
The upland rice crop system located within Brazilian savannas and Amazon Rainforest is the larges... more The upland rice crop system located within Brazilian savannas and Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainfed rice growing area in Latin America. To develop and release higher yield and adapted cultivars for this large region, the upland rice breeders need to conduct multiple-location trials aiming to model the genotype 9 location (G 9 L) and evaluate the germplasm yield adaptability. Here we hypothesize that regional patterns of G 9 L across this extensive region can be modeled by integrating factorial regression models with a geographic information system (GIS). Two sets of advanced yield trials from different germplasm pool were used in this study. From GIS tools, we collect and process geographic covariates and produce thematic maps of yield Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (

Crop Science, May 1, 1995
Phenotypic yield stability is a trait of special interest for plant breeders. Many statistical pr... more Phenotypic yield stability is a trait of special interest for plant breeders. Many statistical procedures are available for stability analysis, each of them allowing for different interpretations. The objective of the present study was to determine the degree of correlation among the 13 statistical parameters that can be used for the analysis of phenotypie stability. Such correlations could be used to assess the extent to which these 13 parameters identify unique genetic elfects. Yield data were obtained from 12 yield trials involving 76 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes and 12 location-year production environments in Brazil. The stability statistics were divided in four groups according to the structure from which they were derived. On the basis of rank correlation, it was concluded that (i) there were highly significant correlations between many of the stability statistics (among and within groups) indicating that several of the statistics probably measure similar aspects of phenotypic stability; (ii) mean yields were positively correlated with many of the stability statistics; (iii) there was an association between the Group A statistics (variances and ranges) and the Group C statistics (regression and determination coefficients), and a similar association between the Group B (ecovalence) and Group D (variance of deviations from regression) statistics; (iv) the segmented linear regression coefficient (bli) was overall the most independent parameter, indicating that the other stability statistics do not satisfactorily reflect genotypic responses in poor environments; (v) the strong correlation between the regression coefficients and the coefficients of determination indicates that the latter are not needed to measure the predictability of the estimated genotypic response; and (vi) the variance of the deviations from regression can provide assessment of the relative contribution of the genotype to the genotype × environment interaction as well as its biological stability. 9O5
Revista brasileira de genetica, 1991

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de 25 genótipos de soja (21... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de 25 genótipos de soja (21 linhagens experimentais e 4 cultivares testemunhas), de ciclo precoce, avaliados em oito locais dentro da Macrorregião sojícola 3 (301, 302, 303 e 304), na safra 2010/2011. Para isso, utilizou-se a análise AMMI (modelo de efeitos principais aditivos e interação multiplicativa), aplicada a dados de rendimento de grãos de ensaios delineados em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Todos os sete eixos principais da análise (IPCAs) estiveram relacionados ao padrão da interação de genótipos com ambientes (GxA), segundo a significância das respectivas somas de quadrados. Com isso, não houve descarte de ruído adicional, além daquele associado ao erro experimental médio, no ajuste das médias de tratamentos (genótipos) e das estimativas de interação GxA. As linhagens G20, G8, G21 e as testemunha G23 e G24 foram as mais estáveis e com boas médias de produtividade (adaptabilidade geral). O ambiente A2 (Rio Verde) foi o mais favorável à manifestação da produtividade dos genótipos, e o ambiente A6 (Itumbiara), aquele com as piores produtividades.

Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, Nov 1, 2000
RESUMO-Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar a correlação fenotípica entre vários caracteres e... more RESUMO-Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar a correlação fenotípica entre vários caracteres em topocruzamentos entre soja tipo alimento e soja tipo grão (Doko e FT-2). Valores de interesse para facilitar a seleção foram obtidos nas correlações entre peso de cem sementes (tamanho de sementes) e dias para atingir a maturidade, e entre tamanho de sementes e largura visual da vagem. Na correlação entre produtividade de grãos e tamanho de sementes somente os topocruzamentos com Doko foram significativos. As estimativas de correlações em plantas individuais tenderam a confirmar aquelas obtidas em médias de parcelas. Os valores de correlação foram diferentes entre os tipos (grão, broto/"natto" e hortaliça) de soja envolvidos, o que sugere a adoção de estratégias de seleção distintas. O estudo de correlações para cada topocruzamento é importante, pois podem ocorrer diferenças no desempenho das plantas como foi observado nos resultados obtidos. Termos para indexação: Glycine max, genótipos, critérios de seleção, características agronômicas, produtividade, melhoramento de plantas. PHENOTYPIC CORRELATION BETWEEN SEED SIZE AND OTHER CHARACTERISTICS IN TOPCROSSES OF VEGETABLE SOYBEAN WITH GRAIN TYPE ABSTRACT-This work was conducted to evaluate the phenotypic correlation between characters in topcrosses between vegetable soybean with grain type cultivars (Doko and FT-2). Interesting values to facilitate selections were observed in correlations between one hundred seed weight (seed size) and days of maturation and between seed size and pod width as visual score. Seed yield and seed size were significantly correlated only in Doko's topcrosses. Estimated correlation from individual plants tended to confirm those obtained at mean level plot. Depending on the soybean type (grain, sprout/natto and vegetable), the correlation values were different. Because of that it is recommended different selection strategies to evaluate distinct soybean classes. Correlation studies for each topcross are important, due to differences in plant performance as observed in obtained results.
Crop Science, Sep 27, 2018

Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016
Ramulosis is one of the most aggressive diseases in cotton, and understanding the genetic control... more Ramulosis is one of the most aggressive diseases in cotton, and understanding the genetic control of its resistance is imperative for selecting superior cotton genotypes in breeding programs. This study analyzed the inheritance pattern of this resistance using chi-square goodness-of-fit tests to determine the phenotypic proportions of the F 2 generation, and a mixed inheritance approach to jointly model major gene and polygenes effects. F 1 , F 2 , Rc 1 , and Rc 2 generations were obtained by crossing resistant (BRS Facual, CNPA 2984, or CNPA 2043) and susceptible (Delta Opal, CNPA 999, or CNPA 2161) genotypes, and were assessed under field conditions with artificial inoculation of the pathogen (Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides). Genetic control of the trait varied among the crossings. For Delta Opal x BRS Facual and CNPA 2161 x BRS Facual, phenotypic segregations in the F 2 generation did not differ from the expected proportions for the hypothesis of duplicate genes (15:1). For Delta Opal x CNPA 2043, the segregation did not differ from the expected proportions for dominant recessive epistasis (13:3). The hypothesis of genetic control by one major gene was supported only for the Delta Opal x CNPA 2043 crossing. Three other crossings showed evidence of polygenes in the inheritance of the trait. In conclusion, major genes and polygenes are likely involved in the genetic control of ramulosis resistance in cotton.
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 2007
A biodiversidade e o potencial econômico do cerrado brasileiro, desde 1886, já eram descritos em ... more A biodiversidade e o potencial econômico do cerrado brasileiro, desde 1886, já eram descritos em inventários (Bertran 1994, citado por Almeida et al. 1998), testemunhando a sua riqueza em plantas produtoras de frutos alimentares,

INFLUENCE OF EDAPHIC FACTORS IN TOTAL PHENOLS AND TANNINS YIELD OF TWO BARBATIMAO SPECIES (Stryph... more INFLUENCE OF EDAPHIC FACTORS IN TOTAL PHENOLS AND TANNINS YIELD OF TWO BARBATIMAO SPECIES (Stryphnodendron sp.) This study evaluated the influence of edaphic factors on total phenols and tannins yield of two species of barbatimao (S. adstringens and S. polyphyllum). Data were collected in four "cerrado" locations in Goias State, Brazil, during the dry (July 2001) and rainy season (February 2002). S. adstringens specimens (trees) were sampled in the municipalities of Rio Verde, Bela Vista de Goias and Silvânia, and specimens of S. polyphyllum were sampled in Rio Verde, Bela Vista de Goias and Abadia de Goias; five specimens were collected from each county, totaling thirty specimens. The collected material consisted of one bark sample per specimen and season, and soil samples at two depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm) in the dry season. Bark total phenols and tannins were determined by Hagerman & Butler method, and soil analyses followed the current methods recommended by Embrapa....
Brazilian Journal of Genetics, 1991
Tropical agricultural research, Dec 17, 2007
Resumo Palmeira que fornece um palmito amargo, a guariroba Syagrus oleracea (Mart) Becc apresenta... more Resumo Palmeira que fornece um palmito amargo, a guariroba Syagrus oleracea (Mart) Becc apresenta baixa taxa e um longo período para a germinação. A pesquisa buscou determinar um método para reduzir o tempo e aumentar a taxa de germinação das ...