Land surface temperature (LST) is an important parameter to study in urban climate. The understan... more Land surface temperature (LST) is an important parameter to study in urban climate. The understanding of the influence of biophysical factors could improve the establishment of modeling urban thermal landscape. It is well established that climate hold a great influence on the urban landscape. However, it has been recognize that climate has a low priority in urban planning process, due to the complex nature of its influence. This study will focus on the relatively cloud free Landsat Thematic Mapper image of the study area, acquired on the 2nd March 2006. Correlation analyses were conducted to identify the relationship of LST to the biophysical factors; vegetation indices, impervious surface, and albedo to investigate the variation of LST. We suggest that the results can be considered by the stackholders during decision-making process to create a cooler and comfortable environment in the urban landscape for city dwellers.
Ozone (O3) is an important ground-level pollutant. O3 levels and emissions of O3 precursors have ... more Ozone (O3) is an important ground-level pollutant. O3 levels and emissions of O3 precursors have increased significantly over recent decades in East Asia and export of this O3 eastward across the Pacific Ocean is well documented. Here we show that East Asian O3 is also transported southward to tropical Southeast (SE) Asia during the Northeast Monsoon (NEM) season (defined as November to February), and that this transport pathway is especially strong during 'cold surges'. Our analysis employs reanalysis data and measurements from surface sites in Peninsular Malaysia, both covering 2003-2012, along with trajectory calculations. Using a cold surge index (northerly winds at 925 hPa averaged over 105-110°E, 5°N) to define sub-seasonal strengthening of the NEM winds, we find the largest changes in a region covering much of the Indochinese Peninsular and surrounding seas. Here, the levels of O3 and another key pollutant, carbon monoxide, calculated by the Monitoring
A violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública. A baixa notificação, despreparo dos p... more A violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública. A baixa notificação, despreparo dos profissionais de saúde para assistência, bem como sua falta de tempo e interesse na realização de uma escuta qualificada, comprometem a assistência das vítimas. Objetivo: Traçar o perfil epidemiológico dos casos de violência contra a mulher no Nordeste, durante o período de 2009 a 2017. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico de caráter descritivo e retrospectivo, com análise secundária de dados. Foi utilizado como fonte de dados, o Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan) e o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Resultados e Discussão: Foram obtidas 172.737 fichas de notificação/investigação e a partir delas, percebeu-se que as vítimas possuíam, no geral, faixa etária dos 20-59 anos (59,03%), eram pardas (71,12%) e de baixa escolaridade (63,23%). A maior parte das agressões ocorreu em suas residências (74,93%), por cônjuges ou ex-cônjuges (34,143%), por meio de força corporal/espancamento (46,33%). Sendo a física (50,65%) a principal natureza da agressão, seguida da psicológico/moral (22,46%). Das capitais as que apresentaram maior incidência foi Recife, João Pessoa e Teresina. E entre os estados: Pernambuco, Alagoas e Piauí. Verificou-se que a taxa de incidência média no Nordeste, de 2009 a 2017, foi de 67,90 casos/100.000 mulheres. Conclusão: Portanto, entendese que há a necessidade de uma mobilização da sociedade civil, em conjunto, com os órgãos governamentais, visando a elaboração de políticas de saúde, voltadas a fiscalização, vigilância, promoção, prevenção e assistência à saúde da mulher. Palavras-Chave: Saúde da mulher; Saúde pública; Violência contra a mulher. Violence against women is a public health problem, with no simple solution. The low notification, unpreparedness of health professionals for assistance, as well as their lack of time and interest in carrying out qualified listening, compromise the assistance of victims. Objective: To trace the epidemiological profile of cases of violence against women, in the Northeast, during the period from 2009 to 2017. Methodology: This is a descriptive and retrospective epidemiological study, with secondary data analysis. The Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) were used as data sources. Results and Discussion: 172,737 notification / investigation forms were obtained and from them, it was noticed that the victims were, in general, aged 20-59 years (59.03%), were brown (71.12%) and low education (63.23%). Most of the aggressions occurred in their homes (74.93%), by spouses or ex-spouses (34.143%), through body strength / beatings (46.33%). Thus, the main nature of the aggression was physical (50.65%), followed by psychological / moral (22.46%). The capitals with the highest incidence were Recife, João Pessoa and Teresina. And the states Pernambuco, Alagoas and Piauí. It was found that the average incidence rate in the Northeast, from 2009 to 2017, was 67.90 cases / 100,000 inhabitants. Conclusion: Therefore, it is understood that there is a need for mobilization of civil society, together with government agencies, aiming at the elaboration of health policies, aimed at inspection, surveillance, promotion, prevention and assistance to women's health.
Abstract Excessive rainfall is one of the triggers for the flooding phenomenon, especially in the... more Abstract Excessive rainfall is one of the triggers for the flooding phenomenon, especially in the tropics with flat or concave areas. Some critical points in the South Tangerang region, which are currently one of the most rapidly developing cities, cannot be ignored from the flooding problem. Floods cause disturbing human activities, loss of life and property, and in turn affect the economic stretch in an area. This paper aimed to predict rainfall by exploring the application of artificial intelligence techniques such as ANFIS (Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System). The proposed technique combines neural network learning abilities with transparent linguistic representations of fuzzy systems. The ANFIS model with various input structures and membership functions was built, trained, and tested to evaluate the capability of a model. Analyses of six-year rainfall data on a monthly basis in South Tangerang City, Banten found that rainfall prediction based on ANFIS time series is promising where 80% of data testing is well predicted.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Enhancements of the mixing ratios of short-lived halogenated gases were observed in air samples c... more Enhancements of the mixing ratios of short-lived halogenated gases were observed in air samples collected at Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), Peninsular Malaysia during Northern Hemisphere winters in 2013/2014 and 2015/2016. This study investigates the potential source regions and source types that influenced the variability in chlorinated very short-lived substances (Cl-VSLS) [dichloromethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloroethene] and methyl halides [methyl chloride and methyl bromide]. The UK Met Office’s Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Environment (NAME) dispersion model, was used for tracking the origin of air masses arriving at BMRS. For the purpose of identifying possible sources of these compounds, carbon monoxide (CO) emission data taken from the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 were used along with NAME footprints to calculate modelled CO mixing ratios. A correlation analysis between the mixing ratios of measured compounds and the modelled C...
The ecosystem off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is controlled by multiple physical proces... more The ecosystem off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is controlled by multiple physical processes during the monsoons (winter and summer) , including the air-sea interaction (such as net heat and surface freshwater fluxes), the small-scale eddies off the southern South China Sea (SSCS), and the monsoon wind induced coastal upwelling. Using high-resolution Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), in-situ observations and remote sensing data, this paper attempts to study the hydrodynamics of the shelf and coastal processes as well as thermohaline circulation in response to changes in the hydrological seasonal cycle especially in the summer monsoon. In addition, we investigate its impacts on the spatial patterns of chlorophyll biomass which acts as a proxy for primary productivity in the SSCS. This study looks into not only the detailed small-scale-circulation such as localized eddies but also the link between the southern South China Sea and the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca and the Java Sea. The flow through the Strait of Malacca and the Java Sea is not only important for navigational purpose but also has an influence on the seasonal spatial and temporal variations of primary productivity in the region.
Land and sea breezes are formed due to differential heating between land and sea surfaces and are... more Land and sea breezes are formed due to differential heating between land and sea surfaces and are prominent local circulation in the tropical region. We present the first observational analysis of the overview of sea-breeze characteristics based on Automatic Weather Station (AWS) data and radiosonde ascends at Bachok Marine Research Station in peninsular Malaysia. Onset criteria for sea breeze were defined based on the variations of Sea Breeze Component (SBC). Associated parameters such as surface wind direction, wind speed, humidity, and air temperature are analysed for 3 yrs (2015–2017) from the AWS. The radiosonde data taken during two field experiments during northeast monsoon and southwest monsoon are utilised to investigate the impact of monsoons on the sea breeze in greater detail. The influence of synoptic-scale motion on the sea breeze is also investigated using radiosonde and reanalysis data. Generally, the sea breeze sets in from the east at about 10:00 AM and occasionall...
A violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública. A baixa notificação, despreparo dos p... more A violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública. A baixa notificação, despreparo dos profissionais de saúde para assistência, bem como sua falta de tempo e interesse na realização de uma escuta qualificada, comprometem a assistência das vítimas. Objetivo: Traçar o perfil epidemiológico dos casos de violência contra a mulher no Nordeste, durante o período de 2009 a 2017. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico de caráter descritivo e retrospectivo, com análise secundária de dados. Foi utilizado como fonte de dados, o Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan) e o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Resultados e Discussão: Foram obtidas 172.737 fichas de notificação/investigação e a partir delas, percebeu-se que as vítimas possuíam, no geral, faixa etária dos 20-59 anos (59,03%), eram pardas (71,12%) e de baixa escolaridade (63,23%). A maior parte das agressões ocorreu em suas residências (74,93%), por cônjuges ou ex-cônjuges (34,143%), por meio de força corporal/espancamento (46,33%). Sendo a física (50,65%) a principal natureza da agressão, seguida da psicológico/moral (22,46%). Das capitais as que apresentaram maior incidência foi Recife, João Pessoa e Teresina. E entre os estados: Pernambuco, Alagoas e Piauí. Verificou-se que a taxa de incidência média no Nordeste, de 2009 a 2017, foi de 67,90 casos/100.000 mulheres. Conclusão: Portanto, entendese que há a necessidade de uma mobilização da sociedade civil, em conjunto, com os órgãos governamentais, visando a elaboração de políticas de saúde, voltadas a fiscalização, vigilância, promoção, prevenção e assistência à saúde da mulher. Palavras-Chave: Saúde da mulher; Saúde pública; Violência contra a mulher. Violence against women is a public health problem, with no simple solution. The low notification, unpreparedness of health professionals for assistance, as well as their lack of time and interest in carrying out qualified listening, compromise the assistance of victims. Objective: To trace the epidemiological profile of cases of violence against women, in the Northeast, during the period from 2009 to 2017. Methodology: This is a descriptive and retrospective epidemiological study, with secondary data analysis. The Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) were used as data sources. Results and Discussion: 172,737 notification / investigation forms were obtained and from them, it was noticed that the victims were, in general, aged 20-59 years (59.03%), were brown (71.12%) and low education (63.23%). Most of the aggressions occurred in their homes (74.93%), by spouses or ex-spouses (34.143%), through body strength / beatings (46.33%). Thus, the main nature of the aggression was physical (50.65%), followed by psychological / moral (22.46%). The capitals with the highest incidence were Recife, João Pessoa and Teresina. And the states Pernambuco, Alagoas and Piauí. It was found that the average incidence rate in the Northeast, from 2009 to 2017, was 67.90 cases / 100,000 inhabitants. Conclusion: Therefore, it is understood that there is a need for mobilization of civil society, together with government agencies, aiming at the elaboration of health policies, aimed at inspection, surveillance, promotion, prevention and assistance to women's health.
Abstract Excessive rainfall is one of the triggers for the flooding phenomenon, especially in the... more Abstract Excessive rainfall is one of the triggers for the flooding phenomenon, especially in the tropics with flat or concave areas. Some critical points in the South Tangerang region, which are currently one of the most rapidly developing cities, cannot be ignored from the flooding problem. Floods cause disturbing human activities, loss of life and property, and in turn affect the economic stretch in an area. This paper aimed to predict rainfall by exploring the application of artificial intelligence techniques such as ANFIS (Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System). The proposed technique combines neural network learning abilities with transparent linguistic representations of fuzzy systems. The ANFIS model with various input structures and membership functions was built, trained, and tested to evaluate the capability of a model. Analyses of six-year rainfall data on a monthly basis in South Tangerang City, Banten found that rainfall prediction based on ANFIS time series is promising where 80% of data testing is well predicted.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Enhancements of the mixing ratios of short-lived halogenated gases were observed in air samples c... more Enhancements of the mixing ratios of short-lived halogenated gases were observed in air samples collected at Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), Peninsular Malaysia during Northern Hemisphere winters in 2013/2014 and 2015/2016. This study investigates the potential source regions and source types that influenced the variability in chlorinated very short-lived substances (Cl-VSLS) [dichloromethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloroethene] and methyl halides [methyl chloride and methyl bromide]. The UK Met Office’s Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Environment (NAME) dispersion model, was used for tracking the origin of air masses arriving at BMRS. For the purpose of identifying possible sources of these compounds, carbon monoxide (CO) emission data taken from the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 were used along with NAME footprints to calculate modelled CO mixing ratios. A correlation analysis between the mixing ratios of measured compounds and the modelled C...
Atmospheric measurements of the ozonedepleting substance CFC-113a (CCl 3 CF 3) are reported from ... more Atmospheric measurements of the ozonedepleting substance CFC-113a (CCl 3 CF 3) are reported from ground-based stations in Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia and the United Kingdom, together with aircraft-based data for the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Building on previous work, we find that, since the gas first appeared in the atmosphere in the 1960s, global CFC-113a mixing ratios have been increasing monotonically to the present day. Mixing ratios of CFC-113a have increased by 40 % from 0.50 to 0.70 ppt in the Southern Hemisphere between the end of the previously published record in December 2012 and February 2017. We derive updated global emissions of 1.7 Gg yr −1 on average between 2012 and 2016 using a two-dimensional model. We compare the long-term trends and emissions of CFC-113a to those of its structural isomer, CFC-113 (CClF 2 CCl 2 F), which still has much higher mixing ratios than CFC-113a, despite its mixing ratios and emissions decreasing since the 1990s. The continued presence of northern hemispheric emissions of CFC-113a is confirmed by our measurements of a persistent interhemispheric gradient in its mixing ratios, with higher mixing ratios in the Northern Hemisphere. The sources of CFC-113a are still unclear, but we present evidence that indicates large emissions in East Asia, most likely due to its use as a chemical involved in the production of hydrofluorocarbons. Our aircraft data confirm the interhemispheric gradient as well as showing mixing ratios consistent with ground-based observations and the relatively long atmospheric lifetime of CFC-113a. CFC-113a is the only known CFC for which abundances are still increasing substantially in the atmosphere.
Atmospheric measurements of the ozonedepleting substance CFC-113a (CCl 3 CF 3) are reported from ... more Atmospheric measurements of the ozonedepleting substance CFC-113a (CCl 3 CF 3) are reported from ground-based stations in Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia and the United Kingdom, together with aircraft-based data for the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Building on previous work, we find that, since the gas first appeared in the atmosphere in the 1960s, global CFC-113a mixing ratios have been increasing monotonically to the present day. Mixing ratios of CFC-113a have increased by 40 % from 0.50 to 0.70 ppt in the Southern Hemisphere between the end of the previously published record in December 2012 and February 2017. We derive updated global emissions of 1.7 Gg yr −1 on average between 2012 and 2016 using a two-dimensional model. We compare the long-term trends and emissions of CFC-113a to those of its structural isomer, CFC-113 (CClF 2 CCl 2 F), which still has much higher mixing ratios than CFC-113a, despite its mixing ratios and emissions decreasing since the 1990s. The continued presence of northern hemispheric emissions of CFC-113a is confirmed by our measurements of a persistent interhemispheric gradient in its mixing ratios, with higher mixing ratios in the Northern Hemisphere. The sources of CFC-113a are still unclear, but we present evidence that indicates large emissions in East Asia, most likely due to its use as a chemical involved in the production of hydrofluorocarbons. Our aircraft data confirm the interhemispheric gradient as well as showing mixing ratios consistent with ground-based observations and the relatively long atmospheric lifetime of CFC-113a. CFC-113a is the only known CFC for which abundances are still increasing substantially in the atmosphere.
This study aims to develop a methodology for generating a flood runoff susceptibility (FRS) map u... more This study aims to develop a methodology for generating a flood runoff susceptibility (FRS) map using a revised curve number (CN) method. The study area is in the Kuantan watershed (KW), Malaysia, which was seriously affected by floods in December 2013 and December 2014. A revised runoff CN map was developed for the study area and then compared with those available in the SCS standard tables. The CN obtained from the revised approach range between 18 and 100, which reveals a stretching effect on the CN, which initially ranged between 33 and 100. Subsequently, the FRS map was developed for the KW. Approximately 5 % of the study area was identified as a very high-risk zone and 13 % as high-risk zone. However, the spatial extent of a high-risk zone in the downstream end and lowland areas of the KW could be considered to be the main cause of flood damage in recent years. From practical point of view, the finding of this research provides a road map for government agencies to effectively implement flood mitigation projects in the study area.
A three-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System is used to study the seasonal water circulatio... more A three-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System is used to study the seasonal water circulations and transports of the Southern South China Sea. The simulated seasonal water circulations and estimated transports show consistency with observations, e.g., satellite altimeter data set and re-analysis data of the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation. It is found that the seasonal water circulations are mainly driven by the monsoonal wind stress and influenced by the water outflow/inflow and associated currents of the entire South China Sea. The intrusion of the strong current along the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and the eddies at different depths in all seasons are due to the conservation of the potential vorticity as the depth increases. Results show that the water circulation patterns in the northern part of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia are generally dominated by the geostrophic currents while those in the southern areas are due solely to the wind stress because of negligible Coriolis force there. This study clearly shows that individual surface freshwater flux (evaporation minus precipitation) controls the sea salinity balance in the Southern South China Sea thermohaline circulations. Analysis of climatological data from a high resolution Regional Ocean Modeling System reveals that the complex bathymetry is important not only for water exchange through the Southern South China Sea but also in regulating various transports across the main passages in the Southern South China Sea, namely the Sunda Shelf and the Strait of Malacca. Apart from the above, in comparision with the dynamics of the Sunda Shelf, the Strait of Malacca reflects an equally significant role in the annual transports into the Andaman Sea.
Using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), this study aims to provide an estimate of the vo... more Using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), this study aims to provide an estimate of the volume, freshwater, heat, and salt transports through the Sunda Shelf and the Strait of Malacca in the southern region of the South China Sea (SSCS). The modeling system is configured with two one-way nested domains representing parent and child with resolutions of 1/2 and 1/12 • , respectively. The simulated currents, sea surface salinity, temperature and various transports (e.g., volume, heat, etc) agree well with the observed values as well as those estimated from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) re-analysis product. The ROMS estimated seasonal and mean annual transports are in accord with those calculated from SODA and those of limited observations. The ROMS estimates of mean annual volume, freshwater, heat and salt transports through the Sunda Shelf into the Java Sea are 0.32 Sv (1 Sv = 10 6 m 3 s −1
The advent of satellite-based elevation dataset acquired by Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRT... more The advent of satellite-based elevation dataset acquired by Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) made new and novel techniques possible to model hydrological process in midsize to large scale watersheds. This application is important in regions with poor photogrammetric coverage and land use in appropriate scale. Watersheds are natural integrators of hydrological processes and as such require an integrated approach in data analysis and modeling. The first task is to delineate watershed boundaries accurately using terrain dataset. This research assessed the effectiveness of satellite base Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with photogrammetric base DEM in the Upper Klang watershed which is a complex urban area located on peninsular Malaysia. Watershed parameters include slope, area, perimeters and mean elevation are derived from two sources of elevation data. The first set of parameters is derived from a 30 m gird DEM generated by the digital topo sheets at the scales of 1:25,000 and 1...
Land surface temperature (LST) is an important parameter to study in urban climate. The understan... more Land surface temperature (LST) is an important parameter to study in urban climate. The understanding of the influence of biophysical factors could improve the establishment of modeling urban thermal landscape. It is well established that climate hold a great influence on the urban landscape. However, it has been recognize that climate has a low priority in urban planning process, due to the complex nature of its influence. This study will focus on the relatively cloud free Landsat Thematic Mapper image of the study area, acquired on the 2nd March 2006. Correlation analyses were conducted to identify the relationship of LST to the biophysical factors; vegetation indices, impervious surface, and albedo to investigate the variation of LST. We suggest that the results can be considered by the stackholders during decision-making process to create a cooler and comfortable environment in the urban landscape for city dwellers.
Ozone (O3) is an important ground-level pollutant. O3 levels and emissions of O3 precursors have ... more Ozone (O3) is an important ground-level pollutant. O3 levels and emissions of O3 precursors have increased significantly over recent decades in East Asia and export of this O3 eastward across the Pacific Ocean is well documented. Here we show that East Asian O3 is also transported southward to tropical Southeast (SE) Asia during the Northeast Monsoon (NEM) season (defined as November to February), and that this transport pathway is especially strong during 'cold surges'. Our analysis employs reanalysis data and measurements from surface sites in Peninsular Malaysia, both covering 2003-2012, along with trajectory calculations. Using a cold surge index (northerly winds at 925 hPa averaged over 105-110°E, 5°N) to define sub-seasonal strengthening of the NEM winds, we find the largest changes in a region covering much of the Indochinese Peninsular and surrounding seas. Here, the levels of O3 and another key pollutant, carbon monoxide, calculated by the Monitoring
A violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública. A baixa notificação, despreparo dos p... more A violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública. A baixa notificação, despreparo dos profissionais de saúde para assistência, bem como sua falta de tempo e interesse na realização de uma escuta qualificada, comprometem a assistência das vítimas. Objetivo: Traçar o perfil epidemiológico dos casos de violência contra a mulher no Nordeste, durante o período de 2009 a 2017. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico de caráter descritivo e retrospectivo, com análise secundária de dados. Foi utilizado como fonte de dados, o Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan) e o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Resultados e Discussão: Foram obtidas 172.737 fichas de notificação/investigação e a partir delas, percebeu-se que as vítimas possuíam, no geral, faixa etária dos 20-59 anos (59,03%), eram pardas (71,12%) e de baixa escolaridade (63,23%). A maior parte das agressões ocorreu em suas residências (74,93%), por cônjuges ou ex-cônjuges (34,143%), por meio de força corporal/espancamento (46,33%). Sendo a física (50,65%) a principal natureza da agressão, seguida da psicológico/moral (22,46%). Das capitais as que apresentaram maior incidência foi Recife, João Pessoa e Teresina. E entre os estados: Pernambuco, Alagoas e Piauí. Verificou-se que a taxa de incidência média no Nordeste, de 2009 a 2017, foi de 67,90 casos/100.000 mulheres. Conclusão: Portanto, entendese que há a necessidade de uma mobilização da sociedade civil, em conjunto, com os órgãos governamentais, visando a elaboração de políticas de saúde, voltadas a fiscalização, vigilância, promoção, prevenção e assistência à saúde da mulher. Palavras-Chave: Saúde da mulher; Saúde pública; Violência contra a mulher. Violence against women is a public health problem, with no simple solution. The low notification, unpreparedness of health professionals for assistance, as well as their lack of time and interest in carrying out qualified listening, compromise the assistance of victims. Objective: To trace the epidemiological profile of cases of violence against women, in the Northeast, during the period from 2009 to 2017. Methodology: This is a descriptive and retrospective epidemiological study, with secondary data analysis. The Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) were used as data sources. Results and Discussion: 172,737 notification / investigation forms were obtained and from them, it was noticed that the victims were, in general, aged 20-59 years (59.03%), were brown (71.12%) and low education (63.23%). Most of the aggressions occurred in their homes (74.93%), by spouses or ex-spouses (34.143%), through body strength / beatings (46.33%). Thus, the main nature of the aggression was physical (50.65%), followed by psychological / moral (22.46%). The capitals with the highest incidence were Recife, João Pessoa and Teresina. And the states Pernambuco, Alagoas and Piauí. It was found that the average incidence rate in the Northeast, from 2009 to 2017, was 67.90 cases / 100,000 inhabitants. Conclusion: Therefore, it is understood that there is a need for mobilization of civil society, together with government agencies, aiming at the elaboration of health policies, aimed at inspection, surveillance, promotion, prevention and assistance to women's health.
Abstract Excessive rainfall is one of the triggers for the flooding phenomenon, especially in the... more Abstract Excessive rainfall is one of the triggers for the flooding phenomenon, especially in the tropics with flat or concave areas. Some critical points in the South Tangerang region, which are currently one of the most rapidly developing cities, cannot be ignored from the flooding problem. Floods cause disturbing human activities, loss of life and property, and in turn affect the economic stretch in an area. This paper aimed to predict rainfall by exploring the application of artificial intelligence techniques such as ANFIS (Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System). The proposed technique combines neural network learning abilities with transparent linguistic representations of fuzzy systems. The ANFIS model with various input structures and membership functions was built, trained, and tested to evaluate the capability of a model. Analyses of six-year rainfall data on a monthly basis in South Tangerang City, Banten found that rainfall prediction based on ANFIS time series is promising where 80% of data testing is well predicted.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Enhancements of the mixing ratios of short-lived halogenated gases were observed in air samples c... more Enhancements of the mixing ratios of short-lived halogenated gases were observed in air samples collected at Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), Peninsular Malaysia during Northern Hemisphere winters in 2013/2014 and 2015/2016. This study investigates the potential source regions and source types that influenced the variability in chlorinated very short-lived substances (Cl-VSLS) [dichloromethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloroethene] and methyl halides [methyl chloride and methyl bromide]. The UK Met Office’s Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Environment (NAME) dispersion model, was used for tracking the origin of air masses arriving at BMRS. For the purpose of identifying possible sources of these compounds, carbon monoxide (CO) emission data taken from the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 were used along with NAME footprints to calculate modelled CO mixing ratios. A correlation analysis between the mixing ratios of measured compounds and the modelled C...
The ecosystem off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is controlled by multiple physical proces... more The ecosystem off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is controlled by multiple physical processes during the monsoons (winter and summer) , including the air-sea interaction (such as net heat and surface freshwater fluxes), the small-scale eddies off the southern South China Sea (SSCS), and the monsoon wind induced coastal upwelling. Using high-resolution Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), in-situ observations and remote sensing data, this paper attempts to study the hydrodynamics of the shelf and coastal processes as well as thermohaline circulation in response to changes in the hydrological seasonal cycle especially in the summer monsoon. In addition, we investigate its impacts on the spatial patterns of chlorophyll biomass which acts as a proxy for primary productivity in the SSCS. This study looks into not only the detailed small-scale-circulation such as localized eddies but also the link between the southern South China Sea and the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca and the Java Sea. The flow through the Strait of Malacca and the Java Sea is not only important for navigational purpose but also has an influence on the seasonal spatial and temporal variations of primary productivity in the region.
Land and sea breezes are formed due to differential heating between land and sea surfaces and are... more Land and sea breezes are formed due to differential heating between land and sea surfaces and are prominent local circulation in the tropical region. We present the first observational analysis of the overview of sea-breeze characteristics based on Automatic Weather Station (AWS) data and radiosonde ascends at Bachok Marine Research Station in peninsular Malaysia. Onset criteria for sea breeze were defined based on the variations of Sea Breeze Component (SBC). Associated parameters such as surface wind direction, wind speed, humidity, and air temperature are analysed for 3 yrs (2015–2017) from the AWS. The radiosonde data taken during two field experiments during northeast monsoon and southwest monsoon are utilised to investigate the impact of monsoons on the sea breeze in greater detail. The influence of synoptic-scale motion on the sea breeze is also investigated using radiosonde and reanalysis data. Generally, the sea breeze sets in from the east at about 10:00 AM and occasionall...
A violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública. A baixa notificação, despreparo dos p... more A violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública. A baixa notificação, despreparo dos profissionais de saúde para assistência, bem como sua falta de tempo e interesse na realização de uma escuta qualificada, comprometem a assistência das vítimas. Objetivo: Traçar o perfil epidemiológico dos casos de violência contra a mulher no Nordeste, durante o período de 2009 a 2017. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico de caráter descritivo e retrospectivo, com análise secundária de dados. Foi utilizado como fonte de dados, o Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan) e o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Resultados e Discussão: Foram obtidas 172.737 fichas de notificação/investigação e a partir delas, percebeu-se que as vítimas possuíam, no geral, faixa etária dos 20-59 anos (59,03%), eram pardas (71,12%) e de baixa escolaridade (63,23%). A maior parte das agressões ocorreu em suas residências (74,93%), por cônjuges ou ex-cônjuges (34,143%), por meio de força corporal/espancamento (46,33%). Sendo a física (50,65%) a principal natureza da agressão, seguida da psicológico/moral (22,46%). Das capitais as que apresentaram maior incidência foi Recife, João Pessoa e Teresina. E entre os estados: Pernambuco, Alagoas e Piauí. Verificou-se que a taxa de incidência média no Nordeste, de 2009 a 2017, foi de 67,90 casos/100.000 mulheres. Conclusão: Portanto, entendese que há a necessidade de uma mobilização da sociedade civil, em conjunto, com os órgãos governamentais, visando a elaboração de políticas de saúde, voltadas a fiscalização, vigilância, promoção, prevenção e assistência à saúde da mulher. Palavras-Chave: Saúde da mulher; Saúde pública; Violência contra a mulher. Violence against women is a public health problem, with no simple solution. The low notification, unpreparedness of health professionals for assistance, as well as their lack of time and interest in carrying out qualified listening, compromise the assistance of victims. Objective: To trace the epidemiological profile of cases of violence against women, in the Northeast, during the period from 2009 to 2017. Methodology: This is a descriptive and retrospective epidemiological study, with secondary data analysis. The Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) were used as data sources. Results and Discussion: 172,737 notification / investigation forms were obtained and from them, it was noticed that the victims were, in general, aged 20-59 years (59.03%), were brown (71.12%) and low education (63.23%). Most of the aggressions occurred in their homes (74.93%), by spouses or ex-spouses (34.143%), through body strength / beatings (46.33%). Thus, the main nature of the aggression was physical (50.65%), followed by psychological / moral (22.46%). The capitals with the highest incidence were Recife, João Pessoa and Teresina. And the states Pernambuco, Alagoas and Piauí. It was found that the average incidence rate in the Northeast, from 2009 to 2017, was 67.90 cases / 100,000 inhabitants. Conclusion: Therefore, it is understood that there is a need for mobilization of civil society, together with government agencies, aiming at the elaboration of health policies, aimed at inspection, surveillance, promotion, prevention and assistance to women's health.
Abstract Excessive rainfall is one of the triggers for the flooding phenomenon, especially in the... more Abstract Excessive rainfall is one of the triggers for the flooding phenomenon, especially in the tropics with flat or concave areas. Some critical points in the South Tangerang region, which are currently one of the most rapidly developing cities, cannot be ignored from the flooding problem. Floods cause disturbing human activities, loss of life and property, and in turn affect the economic stretch in an area. This paper aimed to predict rainfall by exploring the application of artificial intelligence techniques such as ANFIS (Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System). The proposed technique combines neural network learning abilities with transparent linguistic representations of fuzzy systems. The ANFIS model with various input structures and membership functions was built, trained, and tested to evaluate the capability of a model. Analyses of six-year rainfall data on a monthly basis in South Tangerang City, Banten found that rainfall prediction based on ANFIS time series is promising where 80% of data testing is well predicted.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Enhancements of the mixing ratios of short-lived halogenated gases were observed in air samples c... more Enhancements of the mixing ratios of short-lived halogenated gases were observed in air samples collected at Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), Peninsular Malaysia during Northern Hemisphere winters in 2013/2014 and 2015/2016. This study investigates the potential source regions and source types that influenced the variability in chlorinated very short-lived substances (Cl-VSLS) [dichloromethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloroethene] and methyl halides [methyl chloride and methyl bromide]. The UK Met Office’s Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Environment (NAME) dispersion model, was used for tracking the origin of air masses arriving at BMRS. For the purpose of identifying possible sources of these compounds, carbon monoxide (CO) emission data taken from the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 were used along with NAME footprints to calculate modelled CO mixing ratios. A correlation analysis between the mixing ratios of measured compounds and the modelled C...
Atmospheric measurements of the ozonedepleting substance CFC-113a (CCl 3 CF 3) are reported from ... more Atmospheric measurements of the ozonedepleting substance CFC-113a (CCl 3 CF 3) are reported from ground-based stations in Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia and the United Kingdom, together with aircraft-based data for the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Building on previous work, we find that, since the gas first appeared in the atmosphere in the 1960s, global CFC-113a mixing ratios have been increasing monotonically to the present day. Mixing ratios of CFC-113a have increased by 40 % from 0.50 to 0.70 ppt in the Southern Hemisphere between the end of the previously published record in December 2012 and February 2017. We derive updated global emissions of 1.7 Gg yr −1 on average between 2012 and 2016 using a two-dimensional model. We compare the long-term trends and emissions of CFC-113a to those of its structural isomer, CFC-113 (CClF 2 CCl 2 F), which still has much higher mixing ratios than CFC-113a, despite its mixing ratios and emissions decreasing since the 1990s. The continued presence of northern hemispheric emissions of CFC-113a is confirmed by our measurements of a persistent interhemispheric gradient in its mixing ratios, with higher mixing ratios in the Northern Hemisphere. The sources of CFC-113a are still unclear, but we present evidence that indicates large emissions in East Asia, most likely due to its use as a chemical involved in the production of hydrofluorocarbons. Our aircraft data confirm the interhemispheric gradient as well as showing mixing ratios consistent with ground-based observations and the relatively long atmospheric lifetime of CFC-113a. CFC-113a is the only known CFC for which abundances are still increasing substantially in the atmosphere.
Atmospheric measurements of the ozonedepleting substance CFC-113a (CCl 3 CF 3) are reported from ... more Atmospheric measurements of the ozonedepleting substance CFC-113a (CCl 3 CF 3) are reported from ground-based stations in Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia and the United Kingdom, together with aircraft-based data for the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Building on previous work, we find that, since the gas first appeared in the atmosphere in the 1960s, global CFC-113a mixing ratios have been increasing monotonically to the present day. Mixing ratios of CFC-113a have increased by 40 % from 0.50 to 0.70 ppt in the Southern Hemisphere between the end of the previously published record in December 2012 and February 2017. We derive updated global emissions of 1.7 Gg yr −1 on average between 2012 and 2016 using a two-dimensional model. We compare the long-term trends and emissions of CFC-113a to those of its structural isomer, CFC-113 (CClF 2 CCl 2 F), which still has much higher mixing ratios than CFC-113a, despite its mixing ratios and emissions decreasing since the 1990s. The continued presence of northern hemispheric emissions of CFC-113a is confirmed by our measurements of a persistent interhemispheric gradient in its mixing ratios, with higher mixing ratios in the Northern Hemisphere. The sources of CFC-113a are still unclear, but we present evidence that indicates large emissions in East Asia, most likely due to its use as a chemical involved in the production of hydrofluorocarbons. Our aircraft data confirm the interhemispheric gradient as well as showing mixing ratios consistent with ground-based observations and the relatively long atmospheric lifetime of CFC-113a. CFC-113a is the only known CFC for which abundances are still increasing substantially in the atmosphere.
This study aims to develop a methodology for generating a flood runoff susceptibility (FRS) map u... more This study aims to develop a methodology for generating a flood runoff susceptibility (FRS) map using a revised curve number (CN) method. The study area is in the Kuantan watershed (KW), Malaysia, which was seriously affected by floods in December 2013 and December 2014. A revised runoff CN map was developed for the study area and then compared with those available in the SCS standard tables. The CN obtained from the revised approach range between 18 and 100, which reveals a stretching effect on the CN, which initially ranged between 33 and 100. Subsequently, the FRS map was developed for the KW. Approximately 5 % of the study area was identified as a very high-risk zone and 13 % as high-risk zone. However, the spatial extent of a high-risk zone in the downstream end and lowland areas of the KW could be considered to be the main cause of flood damage in recent years. From practical point of view, the finding of this research provides a road map for government agencies to effectively implement flood mitigation projects in the study area.
A three-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System is used to study the seasonal water circulatio... more A three-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System is used to study the seasonal water circulations and transports of the Southern South China Sea. The simulated seasonal water circulations and estimated transports show consistency with observations, e.g., satellite altimeter data set and re-analysis data of the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation. It is found that the seasonal water circulations are mainly driven by the monsoonal wind stress and influenced by the water outflow/inflow and associated currents of the entire South China Sea. The intrusion of the strong current along the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and the eddies at different depths in all seasons are due to the conservation of the potential vorticity as the depth increases. Results show that the water circulation patterns in the northern part of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia are generally dominated by the geostrophic currents while those in the southern areas are due solely to the wind stress because of negligible Coriolis force there. This study clearly shows that individual surface freshwater flux (evaporation minus precipitation) controls the sea salinity balance in the Southern South China Sea thermohaline circulations. Analysis of climatological data from a high resolution Regional Ocean Modeling System reveals that the complex bathymetry is important not only for water exchange through the Southern South China Sea but also in regulating various transports across the main passages in the Southern South China Sea, namely the Sunda Shelf and the Strait of Malacca. Apart from the above, in comparision with the dynamics of the Sunda Shelf, the Strait of Malacca reflects an equally significant role in the annual transports into the Andaman Sea.
Using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), this study aims to provide an estimate of the vo... more Using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), this study aims to provide an estimate of the volume, freshwater, heat, and salt transports through the Sunda Shelf and the Strait of Malacca in the southern region of the South China Sea (SSCS). The modeling system is configured with two one-way nested domains representing parent and child with resolutions of 1/2 and 1/12 • , respectively. The simulated currents, sea surface salinity, temperature and various transports (e.g., volume, heat, etc) agree well with the observed values as well as those estimated from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) re-analysis product. The ROMS estimated seasonal and mean annual transports are in accord with those calculated from SODA and those of limited observations. The ROMS estimates of mean annual volume, freshwater, heat and salt transports through the Sunda Shelf into the Java Sea are 0.32 Sv (1 Sv = 10 6 m 3 s −1
The advent of satellite-based elevation dataset acquired by Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRT... more The advent of satellite-based elevation dataset acquired by Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) made new and novel techniques possible to model hydrological process in midsize to large scale watersheds. This application is important in regions with poor photogrammetric coverage and land use in appropriate scale. Watersheds are natural integrators of hydrological processes and as such require an integrated approach in data analysis and modeling. The first task is to delineate watershed boundaries accurately using terrain dataset. This research assessed the effectiveness of satellite base Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with photogrammetric base DEM in the Upper Klang watershed which is a complex urban area located on peninsular Malaysia. Watershed parameters include slope, area, perimeters and mean elevation are derived from two sources of elevation data. The first set of parameters is derived from a 30 m gird DEM generated by the digital topo sheets at the scales of 1:25,000 and 1...
My current and future objective job is in teaching and research development to enhance the visibi... more My current and future objective job is in teaching and research development to enhance the visibility and establishing of a university. I am PhD in Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering with more than 17 years of teaching and research experiences; targeting assignment as Full Professor.
Papers by Azizan Samah