The sharia insurance industry has experienced significant development from year to year. A sharia... more The sharia insurance industry has experienced significant development from year to year. A sharia insurance company’s efficiency is crucial because it reflects its capacity to generate outputs from resources. This study aims to enhance comprehension of the efficiency of sharia insurance currently studied by doing a comprehensive literature study. This study selected 429 published articles about Islamic insurance indexed by Scopus between 2010 and 2022. 32 final articles that met the criteria that discussed efficiency as the primary study included in the qualitative synthesis analysis were selected. As a result, this study succeeded in revealing the development of sharia insurance efficiency studies based on the number of publications, authors, countries, subject areas, sources of publications, and cited articles. The study found four main methods researchers used to measure the efficiency of Sharia insurance. This study also revealed several studies comparing the efficiency level be...
This study aims to review the level of awareness of business zakat and its impact on business pro... more This study aims to review the level of awareness of business zakat and its impact on business progress. The data for this research originated from the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) business actors in Kartasura Subdistrict, Central Java, Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to explore the awareness of business zakat and its impact on business progress. The open-ended interviews with a single case study from micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Kartasura sub-district, Central Java, Indonesia, were executed for data collection. 10 MSME businessmen were interviewed. The data was evaluated using the interpretative approach of the deductive method. The results showed the authors' deductive reasoning from the interview participants, explaining the informants' knowledge regarding zakat from commercial businesses and the impacts that might correspond to their business progress. This research underscores the importance of zakat awareness...
HUMAN FALAH: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
This study is to find out about the practice of the reseller system at Beteng Trade Center and to... more This study is to find out about the practice of the reseller system at Beteng Trade Center and to find out the implementation of Islamic business ethics on the reseller system at Beteng Trade Center and its relevance in the Consumer Protection Act (UUPK). Primary data sources were obtained through interviews with two suppliers, ten resellers, and three consumers. This study's secondary data sources were obtained from various literature, laws, and regulations. This study shows that the reseller system mechanism at Beteng Trade Center uses an indirect distribution strategy and has met the requirements of the reseller system. The implementation of Islamic business ethics on the reseller system has fulfilled the rights of consumers and the obligations of business actors following the principles of Islamic business ethics in the form of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, openness, and no element of fraud. Consumer protection in the reseller system at Beteng Trade Center is by UUPK b...
This study aims to reveal the impact of productive zakat of Baznas Surakarta on the economy of za... more This study aims to reveal the impact of productive zakat of Baznas Surakarta on the economy of zakat recipients. The research of impact that is based on the perceptions of zakat recipients is fundamental so that Baznas Surakarta can evaluate some program deficiencies and determine whether effective zakat programs help the welfare of zakat recipients. This study is descriptive qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with Baznas Surakarta officials and ten productive zakat recipients. The results of this study indicate that in the view of zakat recipients, the effective zakat program has improved the recipients' economy, and the majority of their businesses have been able to develop. However, to develop a business, the tenacity of zakat recipients is required to manage their business.On the other hand, the form of supervision carried out by Baznas Surakarta still needs to be improved by providing capital without training. Furthermore, Baznas Surakarta has yet to con...
This research aims to discuss user interface design analysis on the use of Sharia applications ba... more This research aims to discuss user interface design analysis on the use of Sharia applications based on the technology acceptance model and sharia principles. This research wants to illustrate the assessment results of the initial view and know-how easy to use in a Sharia fintech application, namely Sharia funds. This study interviewed ten respondents from young and old, both young and old, who had not used this application or who were already using it. This study uses a type of qualitative research with the Grounded Theory method to explain the phenomenon specifically. The results showed that the User Interface in Dana Syariah application, which is assessed in terms of Consistency, Personality, Layout, and control and affordances, could be said almost all views make it easy for users young and old. However, there are some drawbacks, perhaps due to less innovative colors. There are few constraints found for older and above average users who find it difficult to distinguish some of ...
El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB), 2021
Abstract: In ensuring the halalness of a product, the Indonesian government issued Government Reg... more Abstract: In ensuring the halalness of a product, the Indonesian government issued Government Regulation no. 31 of 2019, following up on changes to the flow of halal certification as stated in the Halal Product Assurance Law Number 33 of 2014, which the Ministry of Religion manages, Division of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH). This study aims to reveal the differences in the management of halal certificates before and after the Halal Product Guarantee Act (UU JPH). In addition, this study also discusses the procedures carried out by LPPOM - MUI and BPJPH in the management of halal certificates for cosmetic products. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with the research object being LPPOM MUI and BPJPH Banten Province. Data were obtained from interviews, literature documents. The study results indicate significant changes that occur with the emergence of the role of BPJH as the central institution authorized in the halal certification process. The ...
The economic development of villages has a substantial impact on community welfare. It can become... more The economic development of villages has a substantial impact on community welfare. It can become the backbone of the national economy. However, significant obstacles in village development are lack of human resources (HR), high poverty rates, poor common welfare, justice, and prosperity values. In 2022, in Indonesia there are 9584 underdeveloped villages. Some of the causes of the weak economic condition of a village are economic potential was not optimized, and excessive government interference stifled creativity and independence. This study seeks to explore the extent of the positive impact of the sharia economic implementation model in developing the village’s economy and the model’s potential as an alternative solution to building the economy of poor villages. This paper used descriptive qualitative methods, observations, and interviews with community leaders, community representatives, and the regency office. The results show that the economic development strategies carried ou...
Waqf management is an important part in determining the economic progress of the people, includin... more Waqf management is an important part in determining the economic progress of the people, including in a Muhammadiyah community organization. However, research related to waqf in Muhammadiyah is still smallThe purpose of this research is to find out the management of productive waqf in the Muhammadiyah Surakarta City Waqf and Assets Regional Leadership Council and to find out the obstacles experienced by the Surakarta City Muhammadiyah Regional Waqf and Asset Management Council in carrying out productive waqf activities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The types of data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews with three parties to the Surakarta City Waqf Welfare Council, two waqifs, and four waqf building administrators. The results of this study indicate that the management of productive waqf at the PDM Waqf Property Council of Surakarta City has been running according to the terms and pillars specified. According to Is...
This study analyzes factors affecting BRI Syariah Bank's profitability in Indonesia. This stu... more This study analyzes factors affecting BRI Syariah Bank's profitability in Indonesia. This study sampled BRI Syariah Bank's 2013-2020 yearly financial statements that fit the study's requirements. Data for Bopo, Nim, Inflation, and Roa come from the official BRI Syariah bank and Bank Indonesia (BI) websites for 2013 – 2020. This study uses the ROA ratio as a metric of BRI Syariah Bank's profitability and BOPO, NIM, and Inflation as independent variables. This study uses the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) data analysis method to obtain a thorough picture of the relationship between variables using Eviews10 software. According to study, BOPO negatively affects ROA (Return on Assets). Operating Costs and Operating Income (BOPO) are less significant than required. The study shows that BOPO has a detrimental impact on ROA (Return on Assets). NIM and inflation study results had little impact on BRI Syariah Bank's ROA. This study reveals that Islamic banks are resilient to ...
M-banking is one of the services that Islamic banking provides to its users. With M-banking, cust... more M-banking is one of the services that Islamic banking provides to its users. With M-banking, customers can more easily obtain information without queueing at the bank. This study investigates the impact of Islamic mobile banking on customers’ interests. To explore the phenomenological impact, this study used a qualitative approach by applying in-depth interviews with 15 Islamic M-banking users from various backgrounds. This study analyzed the data by data reduction, display, and conclusion. The conclusion of this study revealed some positive and negative effects on the users. The positive effect is that it saves time, especially for students and workers who are busy with their daily activities. The available features and facilities such are credit purchases and online Islamic social payments ease them in saving time. However, there are also negative consequences for users. Some customers are susceptible to data theft by irresponsible people and face difficulties in using sophisticat...
Generation Z is the future generation with technology familiarity and is a trendsetter in financi... more Generation Z is the future generation with technology familiarity and is a trendsetter in financial technology. This study aimed to compare (similarities and differences) perceptions of Generation Z Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia in paying Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS). This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods through focus group discussions. This method was chosen because it allows substantial interaction between participants to compare objects more boldly. Initially, there were 43 Generation Z students from Indonesia and 25 Generation Z students from Malaysia. The total reduction of participants was carried out to find the most relevant and appropriate participants by determining the criteria for having paid ZIS using financial technology (Fintech) at least once. With 10 participants from each country from the final narrowing results, two stages of Focus Group Discussion were carried out. The findings show the similarity of perceptions of awareness...
Proceedings of the 7th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2021), 2022
The purpose of this study is to describe financing conditions in Sharia microfinance institutions... more The purpose of this study is to describe financing conditions in Sharia microfinance institutions and investigate the IMBT contract as a countermeasure for problematic financing. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to acquire data through interviews with ten managerial parties from four BMT Yaummi Maziyah in Pati Central Java Indonesia and literature related to financing issues. This study showed that BMT Yaummi Maziyah experienced a decrease in targeted profits and an increase in financing problems that led to a decrease in profits. In the BMT, pandemic provided a policy of relief and feasibility to stabilize financing. BMT also makes a strategy as a countermeasure to problematic financing in IMBT products. IMBT contract products have the same as without guarantees due to limited capital guarantees of financing customers. This form of IMBT deed financing is in the form of providing a food business cart without guarantees and initial capital. However, financing is under the current pandemic conditions to help communities and customers affected by the pandemic. This research advises BMT to promote the type of business financed by IMBT contract form to benefit from pandemic covid-19.
The most frequently used financing contracts in Islamic financial institutions are murabahah and ... more The most frequently used financing contracts in Islamic financial institutions are murabahah and mudharabah. This study aims to reveal the phenomenon in the field about the description of the risk comparison between murabahah financing and mudharabah financing from the BMT side. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods through data collection methods with in-depth interviews with nine respondents who have experience handling the risks of murabahah financing and mudharabah financing at BMT. This study shows that the risk of mudharabah financing is greater than the risk of murabahah financing. In practice, mudharabah financing tends to be relatively high due to asymmetric information and moral hazard. The inherent risk in murabahah financing is the risk of member default due to default or member negligence in returning installments. This study also identifies risk factors such as trust risk and sharia legal risk for murabahah financing with wakalah contracts. This stud...
I-ECONOMICS: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics, 2022
This study investigates the determinants of a Muslim consumer in buying skincare products conside... more This study investigates the determinants of a Muslim consumer in buying skincare products considering the attributes exist in skincare products. The purpose of this study is to find out the components of skincare products shaping the preferences of Muslim costumers in buying skincare products. Moreover, this study specifically attempts to identify the most significant aspect influencing the preferences of Muslim consumers. This study is a field research study with the sample of study of University Students in Surakarta. The result complies the previous studies on the topic and gives a pivotal input for skincare industry. This study recommended a robust framework for halal products to compete with its counterparts and suggested the policy makers on designing an environmental friendly products leading the nation’s economy and long-term prosperity.
The focus of this research is to compare the Surakarta City Baznas program with Lazismu Surakarta... more The focus of this research is to compare the Surakarta City Baznas program with Lazismu Surakarta City program in distributing productive zakat funds; and examine the strengths and weaknesses of both zakat institutions in distribution of productive zakat. This is a field research and its nature is descriptive with qualitative research methods. Primary data sources were obtained through interviews with representatives of zakat institutions and mustahik; while secondary data sources were obtained through literature relating to productive zakat. The results of this study indicate that Baznas and Lazismu of Surakarta City have differences in terms of distribution mechanism for productive zakat; mustahik and muzakki criteria; zakat fund collection; distribution of zakat funds; and the mentoring mechanism for mustahik. The types of assistance provided to the mustahik are both in the form of business capital and production equipment. The productive zakat program run by the two zakat institutions has been very effective in helping and increasing mustahik income than before, and some mustahik have become muzakki. The differences between the two zakat institutions are based on the background of the establishment and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of both zakat insitutions, so that it becomes the charactristic of both in distributing productive zakat funds to mustahik; become a reference for muzakki to distribute their zakat; and guide mustahiks to choose a zakat institution that is suitable for their business.
Penelitian membahas peran komunitas bisnis Syariah dalam mengembangkan bisnis Syariah di Tengah P... more Penelitian membahas peran komunitas bisnis Syariah dalam mengembangkan bisnis Syariah di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan strategi komunitas dalam mengembangkan bisnis syariah dan mempertahankan nilai-nilai syariah dalam bermuamalah selama Pandemi Covid-19. Dengan subjek penelitian menggunakan sebelas responden yang terdiri dari pendiri, pengurus dan anggota komunitas pengusaha muslim di Wilayah Yogyakarta. Peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kasus (case study), penelitian yang mendalam tentang individu, kelompok, institusi dan sebagainya dalam waktu tertentu. Pengumpulan data dengan cara mewawancarai pengurus dan anggota komunitas serta mengumpulkan dokumen-dokumen literatur tentang mempertahankan bisnis syariah di tengah Pandemi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas Jogja Muslimah Preneur (JMP) memberikan peran dalam be...
People have lost their jobs as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and many people are now living ... more People have lost their jobs as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and many people are now living in poverty. Zakat is one of the Islamic pillars concerned with poverty reduction, particularly in the form of productive disbursement. The purpose of this research is to identify and assess the mechanisms and contributions of productive zakat to economic empowerment mustahik during the covid-19 pandemics. Zakat for productive purposes is wealth that enables the recipient to continuously create creativity using zakat funds. This study conducted in-depth interviews with three Zakat institution staff and seven mustahik who live in a low-income society and are economically impacted by covid-19. This study used the descriptive method, with data retrieval in this study using the interview method, followed by data analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. According to the findings of this study, there are still a limited number of Human Resources available for ...
This study aims to determine the description of Muslim millennials' trust and comfort when do... more This study aims to determine the description of Muslim millennials' trust and comfort when donating on crowdfunding platforms. This study took data research from millennials Muslim users of crowdfunding donation platform who have donated two times or more. This study interviewed ten respondents of crowdfunding platforms to determine why they use crowdfunding platforms as media in terms of trust and convenience. This research uses qualitative and descriptive phenomenological research to know a particular phenomenon by understanding the meaning of an individual's experience related to a specific phenomenon. This study's finding shows that the description of things that affect their trust level in donating on crowdfunding platforms is transparency, legalization, and secure personal data protection. In contrast, the description of things that affect comfort level is time efficiency, simplicity of features, and flexibility in accessing. This research is expected to support donation, and zakat institutions use crowdfunding platforms to help their function in Muslims' welfare beset by difficulties.
This study aimed to determine the effect of zakat empowerment with MSMEs on the economic people e... more This study aimed to determine the effect of zakat empowerment with MSMEs on the economic people empowerment according to the mustahik perceptions. This research used descriptive analysis with Cartesian coordinate approach. The results showed that the quality of LAZISMU in the MSMEs empowerment program in each dimension of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy was almost entirely good quality. The tangible dimension can be shown through the ease of procedures for submitting assistance and the period of its realization. The suitability between everything described by the officer with the reality on the reliable dimension is the main priority factor. The politeness, friendliness and communication skill of officers in the empathy dimension are factors that must be maintained. While transparency in providing information on survey results on the assurance dimension is a low priority factor. The monitoring on the impact of empowerment on the responsiveness dimension...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah penerapan metode Musābaqah Biṭāqah... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah penerapan metode Musābaqah Biṭāqah Mukhtaliṭul Kalimah dan mengetahui tingkat ke-efektifannya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Tindakan dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua kegiatan. Masing-masing kegiatan terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 1 KMA C pondok pesantren Darusy Syahadah Boyolali yang berjumlah 37 siswa putri. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah penelitian lapangan/Field Research dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan dilengkapi dengan data kuantitatif deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes dan non tes. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab ditemukan beberapa problematika yang menghambat jalannya proses pembelajaran, diantaranya yaitu adanya rasa kebosanan pada siswa dan kurangnya keaktifan siswa dalam kelas. Dari hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa metode MBMK terbukti dapa...
The sharia insurance industry has experienced significant development from year to year. A sharia... more The sharia insurance industry has experienced significant development from year to year. A sharia insurance company’s efficiency is crucial because it reflects its capacity to generate outputs from resources. This study aims to enhance comprehension of the efficiency of sharia insurance currently studied by doing a comprehensive literature study. This study selected 429 published articles about Islamic insurance indexed by Scopus between 2010 and 2022. 32 final articles that met the criteria that discussed efficiency as the primary study included in the qualitative synthesis analysis were selected. As a result, this study succeeded in revealing the development of sharia insurance efficiency studies based on the number of publications, authors, countries, subject areas, sources of publications, and cited articles. The study found four main methods researchers used to measure the efficiency of Sharia insurance. This study also revealed several studies comparing the efficiency level be...
This study aims to review the level of awareness of business zakat and its impact on business pro... more This study aims to review the level of awareness of business zakat and its impact on business progress. The data for this research originated from the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) business actors in Kartasura Subdistrict, Central Java, Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to explore the awareness of business zakat and its impact on business progress. The open-ended interviews with a single case study from micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Kartasura sub-district, Central Java, Indonesia, were executed for data collection. 10 MSME businessmen were interviewed. The data was evaluated using the interpretative approach of the deductive method. The results showed the authors' deductive reasoning from the interview participants, explaining the informants' knowledge regarding zakat from commercial businesses and the impacts that might correspond to their business progress. This research underscores the importance of zakat awareness...
HUMAN FALAH: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
This study is to find out about the practice of the reseller system at Beteng Trade Center and to... more This study is to find out about the practice of the reseller system at Beteng Trade Center and to find out the implementation of Islamic business ethics on the reseller system at Beteng Trade Center and its relevance in the Consumer Protection Act (UUPK). Primary data sources were obtained through interviews with two suppliers, ten resellers, and three consumers. This study's secondary data sources were obtained from various literature, laws, and regulations. This study shows that the reseller system mechanism at Beteng Trade Center uses an indirect distribution strategy and has met the requirements of the reseller system. The implementation of Islamic business ethics on the reseller system has fulfilled the rights of consumers and the obligations of business actors following the principles of Islamic business ethics in the form of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, openness, and no element of fraud. Consumer protection in the reseller system at Beteng Trade Center is by UUPK b...
This study aims to reveal the impact of productive zakat of Baznas Surakarta on the economy of za... more This study aims to reveal the impact of productive zakat of Baznas Surakarta on the economy of zakat recipients. The research of impact that is based on the perceptions of zakat recipients is fundamental so that Baznas Surakarta can evaluate some program deficiencies and determine whether effective zakat programs help the welfare of zakat recipients. This study is descriptive qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with Baznas Surakarta officials and ten productive zakat recipients. The results of this study indicate that in the view of zakat recipients, the effective zakat program has improved the recipients' economy, and the majority of their businesses have been able to develop. However, to develop a business, the tenacity of zakat recipients is required to manage their business.On the other hand, the form of supervision carried out by Baznas Surakarta still needs to be improved by providing capital without training. Furthermore, Baznas Surakarta has yet to con...
This research aims to discuss user interface design analysis on the use of Sharia applications ba... more This research aims to discuss user interface design analysis on the use of Sharia applications based on the technology acceptance model and sharia principles. This research wants to illustrate the assessment results of the initial view and know-how easy to use in a Sharia fintech application, namely Sharia funds. This study interviewed ten respondents from young and old, both young and old, who had not used this application or who were already using it. This study uses a type of qualitative research with the Grounded Theory method to explain the phenomenon specifically. The results showed that the User Interface in Dana Syariah application, which is assessed in terms of Consistency, Personality, Layout, and control and affordances, could be said almost all views make it easy for users young and old. However, there are some drawbacks, perhaps due to less innovative colors. There are few constraints found for older and above average users who find it difficult to distinguish some of ...
El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB), 2021
Abstract: In ensuring the halalness of a product, the Indonesian government issued Government Reg... more Abstract: In ensuring the halalness of a product, the Indonesian government issued Government Regulation no. 31 of 2019, following up on changes to the flow of halal certification as stated in the Halal Product Assurance Law Number 33 of 2014, which the Ministry of Religion manages, Division of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH). This study aims to reveal the differences in the management of halal certificates before and after the Halal Product Guarantee Act (UU JPH). In addition, this study also discusses the procedures carried out by LPPOM - MUI and BPJPH in the management of halal certificates for cosmetic products. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with the research object being LPPOM MUI and BPJPH Banten Province. Data were obtained from interviews, literature documents. The study results indicate significant changes that occur with the emergence of the role of BPJH as the central institution authorized in the halal certification process. The ...
The economic development of villages has a substantial impact on community welfare. It can become... more The economic development of villages has a substantial impact on community welfare. It can become the backbone of the national economy. However, significant obstacles in village development are lack of human resources (HR), high poverty rates, poor common welfare, justice, and prosperity values. In 2022, in Indonesia there are 9584 underdeveloped villages. Some of the causes of the weak economic condition of a village are economic potential was not optimized, and excessive government interference stifled creativity and independence. This study seeks to explore the extent of the positive impact of the sharia economic implementation model in developing the village’s economy and the model’s potential as an alternative solution to building the economy of poor villages. This paper used descriptive qualitative methods, observations, and interviews with community leaders, community representatives, and the regency office. The results show that the economic development strategies carried ou...
Waqf management is an important part in determining the economic progress of the people, includin... more Waqf management is an important part in determining the economic progress of the people, including in a Muhammadiyah community organization. However, research related to waqf in Muhammadiyah is still smallThe purpose of this research is to find out the management of productive waqf in the Muhammadiyah Surakarta City Waqf and Assets Regional Leadership Council and to find out the obstacles experienced by the Surakarta City Muhammadiyah Regional Waqf and Asset Management Council in carrying out productive waqf activities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The types of data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews with three parties to the Surakarta City Waqf Welfare Council, two waqifs, and four waqf building administrators. The results of this study indicate that the management of productive waqf at the PDM Waqf Property Council of Surakarta City has been running according to the terms and pillars specified. According to Is...
This study analyzes factors affecting BRI Syariah Bank's profitability in Indonesia. This stu... more This study analyzes factors affecting BRI Syariah Bank's profitability in Indonesia. This study sampled BRI Syariah Bank's 2013-2020 yearly financial statements that fit the study's requirements. Data for Bopo, Nim, Inflation, and Roa come from the official BRI Syariah bank and Bank Indonesia (BI) websites for 2013 – 2020. This study uses the ROA ratio as a metric of BRI Syariah Bank's profitability and BOPO, NIM, and Inflation as independent variables. This study uses the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) data analysis method to obtain a thorough picture of the relationship between variables using Eviews10 software. According to study, BOPO negatively affects ROA (Return on Assets). Operating Costs and Operating Income (BOPO) are less significant than required. The study shows that BOPO has a detrimental impact on ROA (Return on Assets). NIM and inflation study results had little impact on BRI Syariah Bank's ROA. This study reveals that Islamic banks are resilient to ...
M-banking is one of the services that Islamic banking provides to its users. With M-banking, cust... more M-banking is one of the services that Islamic banking provides to its users. With M-banking, customers can more easily obtain information without queueing at the bank. This study investigates the impact of Islamic mobile banking on customers’ interests. To explore the phenomenological impact, this study used a qualitative approach by applying in-depth interviews with 15 Islamic M-banking users from various backgrounds. This study analyzed the data by data reduction, display, and conclusion. The conclusion of this study revealed some positive and negative effects on the users. The positive effect is that it saves time, especially for students and workers who are busy with their daily activities. The available features and facilities such are credit purchases and online Islamic social payments ease them in saving time. However, there are also negative consequences for users. Some customers are susceptible to data theft by irresponsible people and face difficulties in using sophisticat...
Generation Z is the future generation with technology familiarity and is a trendsetter in financi... more Generation Z is the future generation with technology familiarity and is a trendsetter in financial technology. This study aimed to compare (similarities and differences) perceptions of Generation Z Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia in paying Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS). This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods through focus group discussions. This method was chosen because it allows substantial interaction between participants to compare objects more boldly. Initially, there were 43 Generation Z students from Indonesia and 25 Generation Z students from Malaysia. The total reduction of participants was carried out to find the most relevant and appropriate participants by determining the criteria for having paid ZIS using financial technology (Fintech) at least once. With 10 participants from each country from the final narrowing results, two stages of Focus Group Discussion were carried out. The findings show the similarity of perceptions of awareness...
Proceedings of the 7th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2021), 2022
The purpose of this study is to describe financing conditions in Sharia microfinance institutions... more The purpose of this study is to describe financing conditions in Sharia microfinance institutions and investigate the IMBT contract as a countermeasure for problematic financing. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to acquire data through interviews with ten managerial parties from four BMT Yaummi Maziyah in Pati Central Java Indonesia and literature related to financing issues. This study showed that BMT Yaummi Maziyah experienced a decrease in targeted profits and an increase in financing problems that led to a decrease in profits. In the BMT, pandemic provided a policy of relief and feasibility to stabilize financing. BMT also makes a strategy as a countermeasure to problematic financing in IMBT products. IMBT contract products have the same as without guarantees due to limited capital guarantees of financing customers. This form of IMBT deed financing is in the form of providing a food business cart without guarantees and initial capital. However, financing is under the current pandemic conditions to help communities and customers affected by the pandemic. This research advises BMT to promote the type of business financed by IMBT contract form to benefit from pandemic covid-19.
The most frequently used financing contracts in Islamic financial institutions are murabahah and ... more The most frequently used financing contracts in Islamic financial institutions are murabahah and mudharabah. This study aims to reveal the phenomenon in the field about the description of the risk comparison between murabahah financing and mudharabah financing from the BMT side. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods through data collection methods with in-depth interviews with nine respondents who have experience handling the risks of murabahah financing and mudharabah financing at BMT. This study shows that the risk of mudharabah financing is greater than the risk of murabahah financing. In practice, mudharabah financing tends to be relatively high due to asymmetric information and moral hazard. The inherent risk in murabahah financing is the risk of member default due to default or member negligence in returning installments. This study also identifies risk factors such as trust risk and sharia legal risk for murabahah financing with wakalah contracts. This stud...
I-ECONOMICS: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics, 2022
This study investigates the determinants of a Muslim consumer in buying skincare products conside... more This study investigates the determinants of a Muslim consumer in buying skincare products considering the attributes exist in skincare products. The purpose of this study is to find out the components of skincare products shaping the preferences of Muslim costumers in buying skincare products. Moreover, this study specifically attempts to identify the most significant aspect influencing the preferences of Muslim consumers. This study is a field research study with the sample of study of University Students in Surakarta. The result complies the previous studies on the topic and gives a pivotal input for skincare industry. This study recommended a robust framework for halal products to compete with its counterparts and suggested the policy makers on designing an environmental friendly products leading the nation’s economy and long-term prosperity.
The focus of this research is to compare the Surakarta City Baznas program with Lazismu Surakarta... more The focus of this research is to compare the Surakarta City Baznas program with Lazismu Surakarta City program in distributing productive zakat funds; and examine the strengths and weaknesses of both zakat institutions in distribution of productive zakat. This is a field research and its nature is descriptive with qualitative research methods. Primary data sources were obtained through interviews with representatives of zakat institutions and mustahik; while secondary data sources were obtained through literature relating to productive zakat. The results of this study indicate that Baznas and Lazismu of Surakarta City have differences in terms of distribution mechanism for productive zakat; mustahik and muzakki criteria; zakat fund collection; distribution of zakat funds; and the mentoring mechanism for mustahik. The types of assistance provided to the mustahik are both in the form of business capital and production equipment. The productive zakat program run by the two zakat institutions has been very effective in helping and increasing mustahik income than before, and some mustahik have become muzakki. The differences between the two zakat institutions are based on the background of the establishment and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of both zakat insitutions, so that it becomes the charactristic of both in distributing productive zakat funds to mustahik; become a reference for muzakki to distribute their zakat; and guide mustahiks to choose a zakat institution that is suitable for their business.
Penelitian membahas peran komunitas bisnis Syariah dalam mengembangkan bisnis Syariah di Tengah P... more Penelitian membahas peran komunitas bisnis Syariah dalam mengembangkan bisnis Syariah di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan strategi komunitas dalam mengembangkan bisnis syariah dan mempertahankan nilai-nilai syariah dalam bermuamalah selama Pandemi Covid-19. Dengan subjek penelitian menggunakan sebelas responden yang terdiri dari pendiri, pengurus dan anggota komunitas pengusaha muslim di Wilayah Yogyakarta. Peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kasus (case study), penelitian yang mendalam tentang individu, kelompok, institusi dan sebagainya dalam waktu tertentu. Pengumpulan data dengan cara mewawancarai pengurus dan anggota komunitas serta mengumpulkan dokumen-dokumen literatur tentang mempertahankan bisnis syariah di tengah Pandemi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas Jogja Muslimah Preneur (JMP) memberikan peran dalam be...
People have lost their jobs as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and many people are now living ... more People have lost their jobs as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and many people are now living in poverty. Zakat is one of the Islamic pillars concerned with poverty reduction, particularly in the form of productive disbursement. The purpose of this research is to identify and assess the mechanisms and contributions of productive zakat to economic empowerment mustahik during the covid-19 pandemics. Zakat for productive purposes is wealth that enables the recipient to continuously create creativity using zakat funds. This study conducted in-depth interviews with three Zakat institution staff and seven mustahik who live in a low-income society and are economically impacted by covid-19. This study used the descriptive method, with data retrieval in this study using the interview method, followed by data analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. According to the findings of this study, there are still a limited number of Human Resources available for ...
This study aims to determine the description of Muslim millennials' trust and comfort when do... more This study aims to determine the description of Muslim millennials' trust and comfort when donating on crowdfunding platforms. This study took data research from millennials Muslim users of crowdfunding donation platform who have donated two times or more. This study interviewed ten respondents of crowdfunding platforms to determine why they use crowdfunding platforms as media in terms of trust and convenience. This research uses qualitative and descriptive phenomenological research to know a particular phenomenon by understanding the meaning of an individual's experience related to a specific phenomenon. This study's finding shows that the description of things that affect their trust level in donating on crowdfunding platforms is transparency, legalization, and secure personal data protection. In contrast, the description of things that affect comfort level is time efficiency, simplicity of features, and flexibility in accessing. This research is expected to support donation, and zakat institutions use crowdfunding platforms to help their function in Muslims' welfare beset by difficulties.
This study aimed to determine the effect of zakat empowerment with MSMEs on the economic people e... more This study aimed to determine the effect of zakat empowerment with MSMEs on the economic people empowerment according to the mustahik perceptions. This research used descriptive analysis with Cartesian coordinate approach. The results showed that the quality of LAZISMU in the MSMEs empowerment program in each dimension of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy was almost entirely good quality. The tangible dimension can be shown through the ease of procedures for submitting assistance and the period of its realization. The suitability between everything described by the officer with the reality on the reliable dimension is the main priority factor. The politeness, friendliness and communication skill of officers in the empathy dimension are factors that must be maintained. While transparency in providing information on survey results on the assurance dimension is a low priority factor. The monitoring on the impact of empowerment on the responsiveness dimension...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah penerapan metode Musābaqah Biṭāqah... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah penerapan metode Musābaqah Biṭāqah Mukhtaliṭul Kalimah dan mengetahui tingkat ke-efektifannya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Tindakan dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua kegiatan. Masing-masing kegiatan terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 1 KMA C pondok pesantren Darusy Syahadah Boyolali yang berjumlah 37 siswa putri. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah penelitian lapangan/Field Research dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan dilengkapi dengan data kuantitatif deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes dan non tes. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab ditemukan beberapa problematika yang menghambat jalannya proses pembelajaran, diantaranya yaitu adanya rasa kebosanan pada siswa dan kurangnya keaktifan siswa dalam kelas. Dari hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa metode MBMK terbukti dapa...
Papers by Azhar Alam