Papers by Ayi Wahid

JITK (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komputer)
The marketing performance of the information technology industry in DKI Jakarta was still low, al... more The marketing performance of the information technology industry in DKI Jakarta was still low, allegedly due to customer focus, cross-functional coordination, and relatively low organizational capability. The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the effect of customer focus, cross-functional coordination, and organizational capability partially or simultaneously on marketing performance. Descriptive and explanatory survey methods, the method used in this research with a sample size of 200 respondents, while the data analysis method used a structural equation model. The results showed that customer focus, cross-functional coordination, and organizational capability partially or simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance with a contribution of 76%. Cross-functional coordination was partially the most dominant variable influencing marketing performance. The results of other studies show that the most dominant dimension in measuring cu...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan menganalisis kualitas layanan mobilbanking, kepuas... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan menganalisis kualitas layanan mobilbanking, kepuasan pengguna, dan pengaruh kualitas layanan mobil banking terhadapkepuasan pengguna pada mobile banking. Unit analisis penelitian adalah nasabah BankRakyat Indonesia pengguna mobile banking di DKI Jakarta. Metode penelitian yangdigunakan adalah deskriptif dan eksplanatori survey dengan sampel minimum 315responden, dengan metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural EquationModeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas layanan mobile banking yangdimiliki Bank Rakyat Indonesia sudah dalam kategori tinggi; kepuasan pengguna padamobile banking Bank Rakyat Indonesia masih relatif cukup rendah; kualitas layanan mobilbanking berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna pada mobilebanking Bank Rakyat Indonesia dengan kontribusi sebesar 70,00%. Faktor yang dominandalam membentuk kualitas layanan mobile banking adalah aspek secuirity/ trust, sementarafaktor yang pa...
BRICommerce, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen, Bisnis dan Keuangan, Aug 12, 2020
BRICommerce, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen, Bisnis dan Keuangan, 2019

Di Kabupaten Bogor tercatat angka pengangguran sebesar 14,29% dari angkatankerja, porsi lulusan S... more Di Kabupaten Bogor tercatat angka pengangguran sebesar 14,29% dari angkatankerja, porsi lulusan SMA yang menganggur sebesar 19,86; tertinggi diantara stratapendidikan lainnya (Data BPS Kabupaten Bogor, 2021). Program Tunas Muda adalahpelatihan Kewirausahaan untuk mencetak usahawan muda 4,0 dengan memanfaatkanTeknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) sebagai nilai tambah. Program kolaborasiantara akademisi – bisnis – masyarakat – pemerintah yang dilakukan secara intensif,terpadu, bertahap dan berkelanjutan; tersebut dirancang untuk mengatasi kondisiketenagakerjaan siswa SMA yang masih perlu diperbaiki. Program Tunas Muda terdiri atasPelatihan Dasar berupa pembelajaran daring selama 3 tahap, Perancangan Bisnis/Mentoring,Implementasi, dan Komersialisasi. Materi pembelajaran daring tahap I adalah mengenaiTechnopreneurship I, dengan sub tema Merintis Usaha Kecil. Bagian ini bertujuan untukmembuka wawasan, rasa ingin tahu, dan mengembangkan minat siswa. Siswa kelas XISMKN 1 Kemang, dipilih...
The study aims to examine the effect of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loy... more The study aims to examine the effect of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in Dunia Fantasi using quantitative, multiple linear regression. The result of this research there was influence between service quality to customer loyalty. There is influence between customer satisfaction to customer loyalty. Simultaneously quality of service and customer satisfaction to customer loyalty have positive and significant, resulted in the correlation value of 0.885 or (88.5%) with regression equation Y = 2.418 + 0.565X1 + 0.500X2 remaining another factor of 11.5% namely price, promotion, location, and other

International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2019
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate tax rate, non-debt tax shield, inv... more This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate tax rate, non-debt tax shield, investment opportunity set, profitability, and sales growth to the level of debt (leverage) on real estate and property companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2011-2015. This study uses panel data regression with fixed effect model to estimate 40 companies selected through purposive sampling. The results showed that corporate tax rate, non-debt tax shield, investment opportunity set, profitability, and sales growth have a significant effect simultaneously on debt level. Partially, from the five independent variables are known there are three variables that significantly affect the leverage of corporate tax rate, investment opportunity set, profitability, while the other two variables namely Non-debt Tax Shield and Sales Growth have no significant effect. This shows that Non-debt Tax Shield and Sales Growth statistically does not affect the level of debt in the real estate and p...

Background - The phenomenon of the merger of state-owned Islamic banks (BUMN) was predicted to pr... more Background - The phenomenon of the merger of state-owned Islamic banks (BUMN) was predicted to provide increased financing and operational efficiency which has implications for an increase in the level of operating income and profitability. Purpose – The purpose of the research was to examine and analyze the effect of the level of financing to deposit ratio and the level of efficiency of operating income on profitability as measured by return on assets, either directly or indirectly through the net operating margin. Design/methodology/approach – The research method used was quantitative method with a sample size of 60 which was sourced from quarterly reports at the Financial Services Authority (OJK) which was a combination of cross-sectional data from three state-owned Islamic bank companies (Bank Mandiri Syariah, BNI Syariah, and BRI Syariah. ) during the 2015-2019 period. Data analysis in this research used a panel data regression model with the EViews data processing application ...
Teaching Documents by Ayi Wahid
Papers by Ayi Wahid
Teaching Documents by Ayi Wahid