Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017, Mar 27, 2018
With its first systematic oil seep mapping completed in 1865, the first exploration well drilled ... more With its first systematic oil seep mapping completed in 1865, the first exploration well drilled in 1871, and the first commercial oil field discovered in 1885, Indonesia is one of the countries with the earliest history of petroleum industry. Since the onset of the modern petroleum industryin 1968, 50 years ago or so already, Indonesia leads the exploration and production activities in the region, although showing some decline in the last fifteen years. The long history of petroleum industry in Indonesia results also from the complicated geologic setting of the region, providing many opportunities and challenges for petroleum exploration. Numerous petroleum play types have been proven over the years but Indonesia is still believed to have huge resources to be found.. In addition to classical play types, a number of future play types have already been identified, some proven, some others potential, in western- and eastern Indonesia, both in mature and frontier areas. They regionally can be grouped into: (1) Paleogene synrift and pre-Tertiary Basement of Sumatra-Java-Natuna-Barito, (2) Neogene delta and deepwater of eastern Kalimantan-Makassar Straits, (3) Paleogene synrift & postrift of West Sulawesi offshore-Bone-Gorontalo, (4) Gondwanan Mesozoic sections of Sumatra-Java-Makassar Straits, (5) Paleogene-Neogene sub- and intra-volcanic of Java-West Sulawesi, (6) collided Mesozoic Australian passive margin sediments in Gorontalo-Buton-Banggai-Sula-Outer Banda Arc-Lengguru-Central Ranges of Papua, (7) Paleozoic sections of Arafura Sea-South Papua, (8) Neogene Pacific province of North Papua. Successes or failures of these future play types lie on how to manage the related opportunities and challenges. Success will begin with the man willing to take a chance. The role of the Government is important in making supportive regulations for petroleum companies to invest in exploration in Indonesia
Papers by Awang Satyana
Raffles (bidang sejarah dan ilmu pengetahuan alam), Franz Junghuhn (bidang pemetaan,
volkanologi dan botani), Alfred Wallace (bidang biogeografi), van Bemmelen (bidang geologi)
dan John Katili (bidang geotektonik). Yang ingin ditonjolkan di sini terutama adalah bagaimana
para ilmuwan ini mempunyai kecintaan yang dalam akan ilmunya dan karena ekstremitasnya
mereka mampu menghasilkan karya-karya besarnya (adikarya/ magnum opus)