DNA methylation in plants occurs in CG, CHG, and CHH sites. While depletion of CG methylation in ... more DNA methylation in plants occurs in CG, CHG, and CHH sites. While depletion of CG methylation in transposons is associated with ample transcriptional activation, it was mainly studied in species with limited non-CG methylation that is linked to CG methylation. Here we profiled transcription in the moss plant, Physcomitrella patens, that has robust non-CG methylation with similar symmetrical CG and CHG methylation levels. Separated contextual methylation mechanisms in Physcomitrella patens enabled generation of numerous context-specific hypomethylated mutants. Our transcriptome data show that specific elimination of CG methylation is fully complemented by non-CG methylation. Conversely, exclusive removal of non-CG methylation massively dysregulated genes and transposons. Moreover, CHG methylation silenced transposons stronger than CG methylation. Lastly, we found non-CG methylation as crucial for silencing CG-depleted transposons. These results demonstrate the potency of non-CG methy...
SE-WAP41, a salt-extractable 41-kD wall-associated protein that is associated with walls of etiol... more SE-WAP41, a salt-extractable 41-kD wall-associated protein that is associated with walls of etiolated maize (Zea mays) seedlings and is recognized by an antiserum previously reported to label plasmodesmata and the Golgi, was cloned, sequenced, and found to be a class 1 reversibly glycosylated polypeptide (C1RGP). Protein gel blot analysis of cell fractions with an antiserum against recombinant SE-WAP41 showed it to be enriched in the wall fraction. RNA gel blot analysis along the mesocotyl developmental axis and during deetiolation demonstrates that high SE-WAP41 transcript levels correlate spatially and temporally with primary and secondary plasmodesmata (Pd) formation. All four of the Arabidopsis thaliana C1RGP proteins, when fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) and transiently expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) epidermal cells, display fluorescence patterns indicating they are Golgi- and plasmodesmal-associated proteins. Localization to the Golgi apparatus was verified...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1999
Higher plant reproduction is unique because two cells are fertilized in the haploid female gameto... more Higher plant reproduction is unique because two cells are fertilized in the haploid female gametophyte. Egg and sperm nuclei fuse to form the embryo. A second sperm nucleus fuses with the central cell nucleus that replicates to generate the endosperm, a tissue that supports embryo development. To understand mechanisms that initiate reproduction, we isolated a mutation in Arabidopsis , f644 , that allows for replication of the central cell and subsequent endosperm development without fertilization. When mutant f644 egg and central cells are fertilized by wild-type sperm, embryo development is inhibited, and endosperm is overproduced. By using a map-based strategy, we cloned and sequenced the F644 gene and showed that it encodes a SET-domain polycomb protein. Subsequently, we found that F644 is identical to MEDEA ( MEA ), a gene whose maternal-derived allele is required for embryogenesis [Grossniklaus, U., Vielle-Calzada, J.-P., Hoeppner, M. A. & Gagliano, W. B. (1998) Science 280, 44...
The Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) movement protein (MPTMV) mediates cell-to-cell viral trafficking b... more The Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) movement protein (MPTMV) mediates cell-to-cell viral trafficking by altering properties of the plasmodesmata (Pd) in infected cells. During the infection cycle, MPTMV becomes transiently associated with endomembranes, microfilaments, and microtubules (MT). It has been shown that the cell-to-cell spread of TMV is reduced in plants expressing the dysfunctional MP mutant MPNT-1. To expand our understanding of the MP function, we analyzed events occurring during the intracellular and intercellular targeting of MPTMV and MPNT-1 when expressed as a fusion protein to green fluorescent protein (GFP), either by biolistic bombardment in a viral-free system or from a recombinant virus. The accumulation of MPTMV:GFP, when expressed in a viral-free system, is similar to MPTMV:GFP in TMV-infected tissues. Pd localization and cell-to-cell spread are late events, occurring only after accumulation of MP:GFP in aggregate bodies and on MT in the target cell. MPNT-1:GFP l...
To properly regulate the genome, cytosine methylation is established by animal DNA methyltransfer... more To properly regulate the genome, cytosine methylation is established by animal DNA methyltransferase 3 s (DNMT3s). While altered DNMT3 homologs, Domains rearranged methyltransferases (DRMs), have been shown to establish methylation via the RNA directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway, the role of true-plant DNMT3 orthologs remains elusive. Here, we profile de novo (RPS transgene) and genomic methylation in the basal plant, Physcomitrella patens, mutated in each of its PpDNMTs. We show that PpDNMT3b mediates CG and CHH de novo methylation, independently of PpDRMs. Complementary de novo CHG methylation is specifically mediated by the CHROMOMETHYLASE, PpCMT. Intragenomically, PpDNMT3b functions preferentially within heterochromatin and is affected by PpCMT. In comparison, PpDRMs target active-euchromatic transposons. Overall, our data resolve how DNA methylation in plants can be established in heterochromatin independently of RdDM; suggest that DRMs have emerged to target euchromatin; and link DNMT3 loss in angiosperms to the initiation of heterochromatic CHH methylation by CMT2.
Summary. Plasmodesmata, dynamic pore structures that traverse plant cell walls, function in cytop... more Summary. Plasmodesmata, dynamic pore structures that traverse plant cell walls, function in cytoplasmic transport between contigu-ous cells. Cell walls containing embedded plasmodesmata were iso-lated from mesocotyls of etiolated maize seedlings. Proteins asso-ciated with ...
A transplantable solid tumor deficient in cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PK) (ATP: protein ... more A transplantable solid tumor deficient in cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PK) (ATP: protein phosphotransferase; E.C. activity was established in vivo following injection into recipient nude mice of mutant (PK-)$49 mouse lymphoma cells propagated in vitro in suspension culture. Tumor cell growth was not affected by dibutvr~l cyclic A~IP (DB-cAMP) when transferred back into culture. These results suggest tha,~ cyclic AMP (cAMP) is not essential for cellular growth both in vitro and in vivo. In addition it is suggested that the absence of cAMP dependent protein kinase is related to the tumorigenicity of the cells by rendering them less controlable by environ~ental stimuli in the host.
Cell adhesiveness is fundamental to a variety of biological phenomena, including tumour developme... more Cell adhesiveness is fundamental to a variety of biological phenomena, including tumour development and metastasis. Recently, Bubenik et al. have reported that in various malignant fibroblastoid cell lines those cells which demonstrated less adhesiveness were more tumorigenic. The relationship between cell adhesiveness, transformation and metastasis has been studied extensively in cells (fibroblastoid) grown as monolayers attached to their substratum and to each other, but, to our knowledge, there has been no report describing this relationship in suspension-borne (lymphoid) cells that grow free of each other and their substratum. We report here that substrate-adhering variant cells, selected from the tumorigenic, suspension-growing S49 mouse lymphoma, have impaired tumorigenicity. Furthermore, the substrate-adhering cells also have increased immunogenicity, as their inoculation into mice protects the mice from subsequent challenges with parental, non-adherent tumorigenic S49 cells. These findings suggest a new approach for the selection of immunogenic cells from suspension-borne tumorigenic cell populations.
... Aviva Katz` and Jacob Hockiman Department of Molecular Biology Hebrew University-Hadassah Med... more ... Aviva Katz` and Jacob Hockiman Department of Molecular Biology Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School ... It is also evident that the activity of protein kinase rose significantly when ... 3. DH Russell, Polyamines in Normal and Neoplastic Growth, Raven dress, New York (1973 ...
ABSTRACT The effect of polyamines on the activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from rat liver... more ABSTRACT The effect of polyamines on the activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from rat liver was determined. It has been shown that polyamines inactivate the enzyme in the decreasing order of activity: spermine > spermidine > putrescine. This effect is due to inhibition of the catalytic subunit. On the other hand, binding of cAMP to the regulatory subunit of the enzyme is not affected by polyamines. It is suggested that the inhibition of protein kinase by polyamines is a general phenomenon.
The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care, 1986
A full-thickness burn wound in adult sheep releases prostanoids when they are injected locally wi... more A full-thickness burn wound in adult sheep releases prostanoids when they are injected locally with E. coli endotoxin, 2 micrograms/kg, resulting in an increase in pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa) from 20 +/- 3 to 34 +/- 5 mm Hg, and a decrease in mean arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) from 88 +/- 6 to 70 +/- 5 torr; this corresponds to an increase in venous plasma TxB2 content from a baseline of 220 +/- 79 pg/ml to 440 +/- 90 pg/ml. Burn prostanoid production, measured in lymph, increased ten- to fifteen-fold for both thromboxane A2, measured as TxB2, and prostacyclin, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. The intravenous administration of ibuprofen, 12.5 mg/kg, eliminated both the increase in Ppa and decrease in PaO2 as well as the increase in burn lymph prostanoids. However, plasma prostanoids were also decreased below baseline, a potentially deleterious effect. A topical ibuprofen cream, 5% ibuprofen in a water-soluble ester, was applied to the burn hide every 6 hrs x 4 after which endotoxin was again injected below the hide. The pulmonary dysfunction was prevented as was the increase in plasma TxB2 with the value remaining at baseline. Burn lymph levels were only increased three- to five fold. Ibuprofen levels in burn lymph were maintained at 1-2 mcg/ml. The addition of the cream to the burn, however, did increase the wound bacterial content to 10(5)-10(7) bacteria/gram of tissue compared to 10(2)-10(3) for the dry, untreated burn, probably due to softening of the burn. Topically applied ibuprofen, therefore, can decrease burn wound prostanoid production from local endotoxin, preventing lung dysfunction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
To develop a cost- and time-effective algorithm for differentiating hypertrophic pyloric stenosis... more To develop a cost- and time-effective algorithm for differentiating hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) from other medical causes of emesis in infants referred from community-based pediatricians and family practitioners to the imaging department of a tertiary children's care facility. Eighty-nine vomiting infants (22 females, 67 males) between the ages of 11 and 120 days (mean, 43.5 days) had received nothing by mouth for at least 1 hour before the study. Each child was assessed for duration of vomiting, status of body weight, time and volume of last ingestion, and time of last emesis. A #8 French (Sherwood Medical, St Louis, MO) nasogastric feeding tube was placed in the child's stomach. The contents were aspirated and measured to determine likelihood of HPS. An aspirated volume >/=5 mL implicated gastric outlet obstruction, and ultrasonography (US) was performed. If this study was positive for HPS, the patient was referred for surgery. If US was negative, an upper gastrointestinal series (UGI) was performed. An aspirated stomach contents volume <5 mL suggested a medical cause for the emesis, and UGI was performed. Pediatric surgeons with no knowledge of the volume results palpated the abdomens of 73 of 89 infants (82%). Twenty-three of 89 patients (25%) had HPS. The aspirate criteria for HPS had a sensitivity of 91%, a specificity of 88%, and an accuracy of 89%. Of the false-positive studies (total = 8), six were related to recent significant ingestion (within 2 hours of the study), and two were attributable to antral dysmotility. The surgeons palpated the mass in 10 of 19 patients (53%). Sensitivity and specificity were 53% and 93%, respectively. Only 6 of 89 infants (7%) required both US and UGI to determine the etiology of the nonbilious vomiting. By performing the UGI in 66 patients, it was also found that 14% had slow gastric emptying and 79% had gastroesophageal reflux. Eighty-one percent of the gastroesophageal reflux was significant. The volumetric method of determining the proper imaging study is cost- and time-effective in the evaluation of the nonbilious vomiting infant for pyloric stenosis. If US was performed initially in all patients referred for imaging, two studies would have been performed in 68 of 89 patients (76%) to define the etiology of the emesis. Because we used the volumetric method, 62 fewer imaging studies were performed, representing a savings of $4464 and 30 hours of physician time. If children are given nothing by mouth for 3 to 4 hours before gastric aspiration, the specificity of the volumetric method improves to 94%, and the accuracy improves to 96%.
Methods: Echocardiograms (ECHO) were performed on 21 neonates with CDH (5 right, 16 left) and wit... more Methods: Echocardiograms (ECHO) were performed on 21 neonates with CDH (5 right, 16 left) and without heart defects prior to ECMO, and were repeated within 5 days after repair on ECMO. A standard transverse subcostal 4-chamber view was used to determine the ...
Objective: To determine the recurrence rate of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and to reve... more Objective: To determine the recurrence rate of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and to reveal any additional developmental lung or thoracic anomalies, we reviewed follow-up chest radiographs in survivors who underwent neonatal repair after ECMO therapy had ...
DNA methylation in plants occurs in CG, CHG, and CHH sites. While depletion of CG methylation in ... more DNA methylation in plants occurs in CG, CHG, and CHH sites. While depletion of CG methylation in transposons is associated with ample transcriptional activation, it was mainly studied in species with limited non-CG methylation that is linked to CG methylation. Here we profiled transcription in the moss plant, Physcomitrella patens, that has robust non-CG methylation with similar symmetrical CG and CHG methylation levels. Separated contextual methylation mechanisms in Physcomitrella patens enabled generation of numerous context-specific hypomethylated mutants. Our transcriptome data show that specific elimination of CG methylation is fully complemented by non-CG methylation. Conversely, exclusive removal of non-CG methylation massively dysregulated genes and transposons. Moreover, CHG methylation silenced transposons stronger than CG methylation. Lastly, we found non-CG methylation as crucial for silencing CG-depleted transposons. These results demonstrate the potency of non-CG methy...
SE-WAP41, a salt-extractable 41-kD wall-associated protein that is associated with walls of etiol... more SE-WAP41, a salt-extractable 41-kD wall-associated protein that is associated with walls of etiolated maize (Zea mays) seedlings and is recognized by an antiserum previously reported to label plasmodesmata and the Golgi, was cloned, sequenced, and found to be a class 1 reversibly glycosylated polypeptide (C1RGP). Protein gel blot analysis of cell fractions with an antiserum against recombinant SE-WAP41 showed it to be enriched in the wall fraction. RNA gel blot analysis along the mesocotyl developmental axis and during deetiolation demonstrates that high SE-WAP41 transcript levels correlate spatially and temporally with primary and secondary plasmodesmata (Pd) formation. All four of the Arabidopsis thaliana C1RGP proteins, when fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) and transiently expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) epidermal cells, display fluorescence patterns indicating they are Golgi- and plasmodesmal-associated proteins. Localization to the Golgi apparatus was verified...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1999
Higher plant reproduction is unique because two cells are fertilized in the haploid female gameto... more Higher plant reproduction is unique because two cells are fertilized in the haploid female gametophyte. Egg and sperm nuclei fuse to form the embryo. A second sperm nucleus fuses with the central cell nucleus that replicates to generate the endosperm, a tissue that supports embryo development. To understand mechanisms that initiate reproduction, we isolated a mutation in Arabidopsis , f644 , that allows for replication of the central cell and subsequent endosperm development without fertilization. When mutant f644 egg and central cells are fertilized by wild-type sperm, embryo development is inhibited, and endosperm is overproduced. By using a map-based strategy, we cloned and sequenced the F644 gene and showed that it encodes a SET-domain polycomb protein. Subsequently, we found that F644 is identical to MEDEA ( MEA ), a gene whose maternal-derived allele is required for embryogenesis [Grossniklaus, U., Vielle-Calzada, J.-P., Hoeppner, M. A. & Gagliano, W. B. (1998) Science 280, 44...
The Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) movement protein (MPTMV) mediates cell-to-cell viral trafficking b... more The Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) movement protein (MPTMV) mediates cell-to-cell viral trafficking by altering properties of the plasmodesmata (Pd) in infected cells. During the infection cycle, MPTMV becomes transiently associated with endomembranes, microfilaments, and microtubules (MT). It has been shown that the cell-to-cell spread of TMV is reduced in plants expressing the dysfunctional MP mutant MPNT-1. To expand our understanding of the MP function, we analyzed events occurring during the intracellular and intercellular targeting of MPTMV and MPNT-1 when expressed as a fusion protein to green fluorescent protein (GFP), either by biolistic bombardment in a viral-free system or from a recombinant virus. The accumulation of MPTMV:GFP, when expressed in a viral-free system, is similar to MPTMV:GFP in TMV-infected tissues. Pd localization and cell-to-cell spread are late events, occurring only after accumulation of MP:GFP in aggregate bodies and on MT in the target cell. MPNT-1:GFP l...
To properly regulate the genome, cytosine methylation is established by animal DNA methyltransfer... more To properly regulate the genome, cytosine methylation is established by animal DNA methyltransferase 3 s (DNMT3s). While altered DNMT3 homologs, Domains rearranged methyltransferases (DRMs), have been shown to establish methylation via the RNA directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway, the role of true-plant DNMT3 orthologs remains elusive. Here, we profile de novo (RPS transgene) and genomic methylation in the basal plant, Physcomitrella patens, mutated in each of its PpDNMTs. We show that PpDNMT3b mediates CG and CHH de novo methylation, independently of PpDRMs. Complementary de novo CHG methylation is specifically mediated by the CHROMOMETHYLASE, PpCMT. Intragenomically, PpDNMT3b functions preferentially within heterochromatin and is affected by PpCMT. In comparison, PpDRMs target active-euchromatic transposons. Overall, our data resolve how DNA methylation in plants can be established in heterochromatin independently of RdDM; suggest that DRMs have emerged to target euchromatin; and link DNMT3 loss in angiosperms to the initiation of heterochromatic CHH methylation by CMT2.
Summary. Plasmodesmata, dynamic pore structures that traverse plant cell walls, function in cytop... more Summary. Plasmodesmata, dynamic pore structures that traverse plant cell walls, function in cytoplasmic transport between contigu-ous cells. Cell walls containing embedded plasmodesmata were iso-lated from mesocotyls of etiolated maize seedlings. Proteins asso-ciated with ...
A transplantable solid tumor deficient in cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PK) (ATP: protein ... more A transplantable solid tumor deficient in cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PK) (ATP: protein phosphotransferase; E.C. activity was established in vivo following injection into recipient nude mice of mutant (PK-)$49 mouse lymphoma cells propagated in vitro in suspension culture. Tumor cell growth was not affected by dibutvr~l cyclic A~IP (DB-cAMP) when transferred back into culture. These results suggest tha,~ cyclic AMP (cAMP) is not essential for cellular growth both in vitro and in vivo. In addition it is suggested that the absence of cAMP dependent protein kinase is related to the tumorigenicity of the cells by rendering them less controlable by environ~ental stimuli in the host.
Cell adhesiveness is fundamental to a variety of biological phenomena, including tumour developme... more Cell adhesiveness is fundamental to a variety of biological phenomena, including tumour development and metastasis. Recently, Bubenik et al. have reported that in various malignant fibroblastoid cell lines those cells which demonstrated less adhesiveness were more tumorigenic. The relationship between cell adhesiveness, transformation and metastasis has been studied extensively in cells (fibroblastoid) grown as monolayers attached to their substratum and to each other, but, to our knowledge, there has been no report describing this relationship in suspension-borne (lymphoid) cells that grow free of each other and their substratum. We report here that substrate-adhering variant cells, selected from the tumorigenic, suspension-growing S49 mouse lymphoma, have impaired tumorigenicity. Furthermore, the substrate-adhering cells also have increased immunogenicity, as their inoculation into mice protects the mice from subsequent challenges with parental, non-adherent tumorigenic S49 cells. These findings suggest a new approach for the selection of immunogenic cells from suspension-borne tumorigenic cell populations.
... Aviva Katz` and Jacob Hockiman Department of Molecular Biology Hebrew University-Hadassah Med... more ... Aviva Katz` and Jacob Hockiman Department of Molecular Biology Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School ... It is also evident that the activity of protein kinase rose significantly when ... 3. DH Russell, Polyamines in Normal and Neoplastic Growth, Raven dress, New York (1973 ...
ABSTRACT The effect of polyamines on the activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from rat liver... more ABSTRACT The effect of polyamines on the activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from rat liver was determined. It has been shown that polyamines inactivate the enzyme in the decreasing order of activity: spermine > spermidine > putrescine. This effect is due to inhibition of the catalytic subunit. On the other hand, binding of cAMP to the regulatory subunit of the enzyme is not affected by polyamines. It is suggested that the inhibition of protein kinase by polyamines is a general phenomenon.
The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care, 1986
A full-thickness burn wound in adult sheep releases prostanoids when they are injected locally wi... more A full-thickness burn wound in adult sheep releases prostanoids when they are injected locally with E. coli endotoxin, 2 micrograms/kg, resulting in an increase in pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa) from 20 +/- 3 to 34 +/- 5 mm Hg, and a decrease in mean arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) from 88 +/- 6 to 70 +/- 5 torr; this corresponds to an increase in venous plasma TxB2 content from a baseline of 220 +/- 79 pg/ml to 440 +/- 90 pg/ml. Burn prostanoid production, measured in lymph, increased ten- to fifteen-fold for both thromboxane A2, measured as TxB2, and prostacyclin, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. The intravenous administration of ibuprofen, 12.5 mg/kg, eliminated both the increase in Ppa and decrease in PaO2 as well as the increase in burn lymph prostanoids. However, plasma prostanoids were also decreased below baseline, a potentially deleterious effect. A topical ibuprofen cream, 5% ibuprofen in a water-soluble ester, was applied to the burn hide every 6 hrs x 4 after which endotoxin was again injected below the hide. The pulmonary dysfunction was prevented as was the increase in plasma TxB2 with the value remaining at baseline. Burn lymph levels were only increased three- to five fold. Ibuprofen levels in burn lymph were maintained at 1-2 mcg/ml. The addition of the cream to the burn, however, did increase the wound bacterial content to 10(5)-10(7) bacteria/gram of tissue compared to 10(2)-10(3) for the dry, untreated burn, probably due to softening of the burn. Topically applied ibuprofen, therefore, can decrease burn wound prostanoid production from local endotoxin, preventing lung dysfunction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
To develop a cost- and time-effective algorithm for differentiating hypertrophic pyloric stenosis... more To develop a cost- and time-effective algorithm for differentiating hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) from other medical causes of emesis in infants referred from community-based pediatricians and family practitioners to the imaging department of a tertiary children's care facility. Eighty-nine vomiting infants (22 females, 67 males) between the ages of 11 and 120 days (mean, 43.5 days) had received nothing by mouth for at least 1 hour before the study. Each child was assessed for duration of vomiting, status of body weight, time and volume of last ingestion, and time of last emesis. A #8 French (Sherwood Medical, St Louis, MO) nasogastric feeding tube was placed in the child's stomach. The contents were aspirated and measured to determine likelihood of HPS. An aspirated volume >/=5 mL implicated gastric outlet obstruction, and ultrasonography (US) was performed. If this study was positive for HPS, the patient was referred for surgery. If US was negative, an upper gastrointestinal series (UGI) was performed. An aspirated stomach contents volume <5 mL suggested a medical cause for the emesis, and UGI was performed. Pediatric surgeons with no knowledge of the volume results palpated the abdomens of 73 of 89 infants (82%). Twenty-three of 89 patients (25%) had HPS. The aspirate criteria for HPS had a sensitivity of 91%, a specificity of 88%, and an accuracy of 89%. Of the false-positive studies (total = 8), six were related to recent significant ingestion (within 2 hours of the study), and two were attributable to antral dysmotility. The surgeons palpated the mass in 10 of 19 patients (53%). Sensitivity and specificity were 53% and 93%, respectively. Only 6 of 89 infants (7%) required both US and UGI to determine the etiology of the nonbilious vomiting. By performing the UGI in 66 patients, it was also found that 14% had slow gastric emptying and 79% had gastroesophageal reflux. Eighty-one percent of the gastroesophageal reflux was significant. The volumetric method of determining the proper imaging study is cost- and time-effective in the evaluation of the nonbilious vomiting infant for pyloric stenosis. If US was performed initially in all patients referred for imaging, two studies would have been performed in 68 of 89 patients (76%) to define the etiology of the emesis. Because we used the volumetric method, 62 fewer imaging studies were performed, representing a savings of $4464 and 30 hours of physician time. If children are given nothing by mouth for 3 to 4 hours before gastric aspiration, the specificity of the volumetric method improves to 94%, and the accuracy improves to 96%.
Methods: Echocardiograms (ECHO) were performed on 21 neonates with CDH (5 right, 16 left) and wit... more Methods: Echocardiograms (ECHO) were performed on 21 neonates with CDH (5 right, 16 left) and without heart defects prior to ECMO, and were repeated within 5 days after repair on ECMO. A standard transverse subcostal 4-chamber view was used to determine the ...
Objective: To determine the recurrence rate of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and to reve... more Objective: To determine the recurrence rate of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and to reveal any additional developmental lung or thoracic anomalies, we reviewed follow-up chest radiographs in survivors who underwent neonatal repair after ECMO therapy had ...
Papers by Aviva Katz