Papers by Gloria Avecilla
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2008
in 5FU treated rats compared to controls and a non significant decrease in the exploration time o... more in 5FU treated rats compared to controls and a non significant decrease in the exploration time of objects in a new location. Also the number of Ki67 positive cells in the 5-FU treated group was significantly lower than the control group. From these findings we conclude that 5-FU has an effect on hippocampal dependent behaviour which is associated with a reduction in cell proliferation. This animal model confirms the reports of cognitive deficits made by patients taking this drug.
Actualidades en Psicología, 2018
Cualquier programa de intervención puede beneficiarse de la participación de los padres, pero es ... more Cualquier programa de intervención puede beneficiarse de la participación de los padres, pero es necesario darles información de cómo pueden estimular el lenguaje de sus hijos. El objetivo fue entrenar a los padres acerca de lo que debían esperar del desarrollo del lenguaje de sus hijos y brindarles técnicas de estimulación de este para evitar secuelas. Se estudiaron 21 bebés prematuros mexicanos y se comprobó que, después del entrenamiento, los padres se sentían más capaces de estimular a sus hijos. A los bebés se les aplicó una prueba de lenguaje al año y a los tres años de edad; en ambas obtuvieron puntajes normales para su edad. Se concluye que los padres son buenos promotores del lenguaje en bebés prematuros

A lo largo de las últimas cuatro décadas, los estudios psicolingüísticos han confirmado cada vez ... more A lo largo de las últimas cuatro décadas, los estudios psicolingüísticos han confirmado cada vez más que el desarrollo lingüístico no termina en la infancia temprana, sino que continúa durante los años escolares, y va más allá de la adolescencia e incluso ya entrada la adultez. Los estudios sobre la adquisición del lenguaje han mostrado que durante las etapas tardías se adquiere un sinnúmero de habilidades en todos los niveles lingüísticos (fonología, morfología, sintaxis, semántica, pragmática y discurso). Lo anterior se debe a que, cuando ingresan al sistema educativo, niñas y niños se enfrentan a nuevas experiencias comunicativas que les exigen apropiarse de capacidades lingüísticas cada vez más complejas. En el presente libro se conjuntan nueve investigaciones psicolingüísticas que buscan dar cuenta del desarrollo tardío del lenguaje en poblaciones hispanohablantes. Para ello se recopilan estudios realizados en tres países (Argentina, Chile y México) organizados en cinco ejes te...

2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 2018
This review describes the Auditory Steady State Responses (ASSRs) and the general procedure to im... more This review describes the Auditory Steady State Responses (ASSRs) and the general procedure to implement them, from the electrode placement to the signal processing techniques. ASSRs are commonly used to assess hearing thresholds. Since they are responses to acoustic modulated sinusoidal stimuli, they are phase locked, and they have the same frequency of the stimuli. These characteristics provide some advantages in comparison with the conventional hearing assessment techniques. However, many studies have been applied to prove the reliability of ASSRs, and there is still disagreement regarding this attribute. Investigations were used to present the different methods applied in every ASSRs implementation stage (electrode placement techniques, auditory stimuli, noise reduction methods, and signal processing). In the last part of this paper, some applications are mentioned that differ with the common purpose which is hearing assessment.

Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad, 2012
Event-related potential (ERP) analysis associated with semantic priming is traditionally based on... more Event-related potential (ERP) analysis associated with semantic priming is traditionally based on the comparison between experimental conditions of the mean amplitude values, which are within the range of the N400 component latency. In this study, we used a complete ERP dataset to examine whether middle- and long-latency components are modulated by semantic priming in school-age children. ERPs were recorded while normal children read pairs of words and decided whether the second word of the pair belonged to the same semantic category as the first word. We used nonparametric multivariate permutation analysis to compare whole ERP amplitude values between related and unrelated word pairs. We also obtained ERPs from a sample of children with poor reading skills (reading disabled children) to evaluate the effect of semantic priming in a population with known information retrieval failures. We found larger P200 amplitudes for responses to related word pairs compared to unrelated word pair...

espanolEste trabajo presenta los resultados parciales de una investigacion sobre las creencias ep... more espanolEste trabajo presenta los resultados parciales de una investigacion sobre las creencias epistemologicas de los estudiantes de psicologia en la UAQ. En el documento se describe y justifica un sistema de conceptos pensados para dar apoyo teorico a un instrumento de investigacion, a saber, un cuestionario sobre las creencias epistemologicas. El proposito del trabajo es hacer que el lector considere un fragmento de la investigacion sobre las creencias epistemologicas en la universidad con el fin de mostrar los retos implicados. EnglishThis paper presents partial results of a research on epistemological beliefs of students of psychology at the UAQ. The paper describes and justifies a system of concepts designed to give theoretical support for a research instrument, namely a questionnaire on epistemological beliefs. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader considers a piece of research on epistemological beliefs in college in order to show the challenges involved.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive technique that registers the electrical activity o... more Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive technique that registers the electrical activity of neurons in the brain and has a wide field of applications; it can be used for diagnosis, in the area of rehabilitation for people with motor disabilities, and communication with external devices. For example, this system is used for the control of video games or prostheses. It has now been found that EEG records can even provide information that helps predict some brain diseases. Clinical EEG is a very useful tool for the detection of encephalopathies; they are among the most common causes of death in middle-income countries. The objective of this work is to present an extensive overview of the basic parts of the system, the transcendence in Mexico and the World and the tendencies of the clinical EEG focused on the detection, treatment, and prediction.

Actualidades en Psicología, May 15, 2018
Los padres como promotores del desarrollo de lenguaje de bebés prematuros: propuesta de intervenc... more Los padres como promotores del desarrollo de lenguaje de bebés prematuros: propuesta de intervención temprana Resumen. Cualquier programa de intervención puede beneficiarse de la participación de los padres, pero es necesario darles información de cómo pueden estimular el lenguaje de sus hijos. El objetivo fue entrenar a los padres acerca de lo que debían esperar del desarrollo del lenguaje de sus hijos y brindarles técnicas de estimulación de este para evitar secuelas. Se estudiaron 21 bebés prematuros mexicanos y se comprobó que, después del entrenamiento, los padres se sentían más capaces de estimular a sus hijos. A los bebés se les aplicó una prueba de lenguaje al año y a los tres años de edad; en ambas obtuvieron puntajes normales para su edad. Se concluye que los padres son buenos promotores del lenguaje en bebés prematuros. Palabras clave. Intervención temprana, lenguaje, prematurez, desarrollo del lenguaje, educación de padres.

Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 2021
The present study provides an acoustic description of the vowel system of Santiago Mexquititlán O... more The present study provides an acoustic description of the vowel system of Santiago Mexquititlán Otomi (Hñäñho), an endangered and understudied Oto-Manguean language variety spoken in central Mexico. The goal of this production study was to determine whether the phonemic contrasts between Hñäñho vowels, as previously described impressionistically, are maintained in the acoustic realizations of a group of relatively balanced bilingual native speakers of Hñäñho or if Hñäñho phonemic categories are merging due to the extensive influence of Spanish. To this end, each Hñäñho speaker recorded a carefully designed list of 90 Hñäñho words and the resulting dataset of a total of 1507 tokens was subjected to analysis. Linear mixed-effects models were constructed to predict Bark scale correlates of vowel height (B1 – b0) and vowel frontness/backness (B2 – B1) and the Pillai scores were calculated in order to determine the degree of overlap for adjacent Hñäñho vowel pairs. The speakers’ Hñäñho v...
This article describes the teaching of modular inverse matrices with the symmetric cryptographic ... more This article describes the teaching of modular inverse matrices with the symmetric cryptographic algorithm Hill Cipher and its implementation on mobile devices with Android Operative System. The decryption in the Hill Cipher algorithm involves the calculus of modular inverse matrices. The goal of this paper is the teaching of modular inverse matrix calculation to undergraduate students of Computer Sciences through the decryption in symmetric cryptography. An experiment was conducted on two groups of students, the control and the experimental groups. To measure student learning, a test was applied to both groups. Comparison of control and experimental groups results show an increase in student performance for the calculation of modular inverse matrices.

Tecnología Educativa Revista CONAIC
El presente artículo describe la enseñanza de las matrices inversas modulares usando el algoritmo... more El presente artículo describe la enseñanza de las matrices inversas modulares usando el algoritmo de criptografía simétrica Hill Cipher y su implementación en dispositivos móviles con Sistema operativo Android. El proceso de descifrado en el algoritmo Hill Cipher involucra el cálculo de matrices inversas modulares. El objetivo de este trabajo es la enseñanza del cálculo necesario para la obtención de matrices inversas modulares a estudiantes de licenciatura en las áreas de las ciencias computacionales a través del proceso de descifrado en la criptografía simétrica. Se realizó un experimento con dos grupos de estudiantes, el grupo experimental y el grupo de control. Se aplicó una prueba en ambos grupos para determinar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Un análisis comparativo entre ambos grupos muestra un incremento en el desempeño del grupo experimental en el cálculo de las matrices inversas modulares. This article describes the teaching of modular inverse matrices with the symmetri...

IEEE Access
Dementia diseases are increasing rapidly, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), becom... more Dementia diseases are increasing rapidly, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), becoming an alarming problem for the health sector. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a non-invasive study that records brain electrical activity and has a wide field of applications in the medical area, one of which is the detection of neurodegenerative diseases. The objective of this work is to present the results of a thorough review of the use of EEG systems for the detection of dementia diseases. Around 82 published papers between 2009 and 2020 were reviewed, and compared among them obtaining data such as sampling time, the number of electrodes, the most popular processing, classification, and validation techniques, as well as an analysis of the reported results. The relationship of the selected parameters with the efficiency obtained is shown, some more common combinations in the reviewed articles that demonstrated to have reliability levels greater than 90% and details to be considered at each stage of the process. An overview of the most commonly used classification tools and processing techniques is also described.

Revista Evaluar
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue probar la Escala de Evaluación de la Atención Select... more El objetivo de la presente investigación fue probar la Escala de Evaluación de la Atención Selectiva (EEAS) en lactantes sanos sin sospecha de daño neurológico, con la finalidad de obtener parámetros iniciales de normalidad para el uso del instrumento. La muestra estuvo integrada por 200 lactantes con un rango de edad entre dos y ocho meses, adscritos al sistema de guarderías del InstitutoMexicano del Seguro Social. Para obtener los parámetros iniciales de normalidad se utilizó estadística descriptiva para calcular la media, la desviación estándar, puntajes máximos y mínimos y percentiles. La EEAS permite identificar retrasos en el desarrollo del proceso de atención al comparar un puntaje individual contra su grupo de edad en tablas. Los hallazgos de este estudio sugieren que la EEAS es un instrumento útil para evaluar el desarrollo del proceso de atención durante la infancia.

International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2017
This study investigated the role of L1-L2 morphosyntactic similarity in L2 learners of French. In... more This study investigated the role of L1-L2 morphosyntactic similarity in L2 learners of French. In two experiments, we manipulated the grammatical gender agreement between an adjective and noun in a sentence context. The noun either shared lexical gender across Spanish and French (Experiment 1) or did not (Experiment 2). ERPs were collected from beginner Spanish-speaking learners of French and native French speakers while they read sentences in French. The results for the native speakers revealed a P600 effect on gender agreement violations irrespective of lexical gender overlap across languages. L2 learners exhibited a negativity in the N400 time window in response to gender agreement violations that involved nouns with the same gender in their L1 and L2 (Experiments 1 and 2), whereas no difference was observed to gender agreement violations that involved nouns with contradictory gender across languages (Experiment 2). These results suggest that L2 learners at low levels of L2 proficiency rely on their L1 lexical gender system to detect gender agreement errors in L2, but engage different neurocognitive mechanisms to process similar L2 morphosyntactic knowledge.

Neuroscience Letters, 2011
Previous studies have investigated whether routine use of antiepileptic drugs is adequate to impr... more Previous studies have investigated whether routine use of antiepileptic drugs is adequate to improve cognitive abilities in children who are learning disabled not otherwise specified (LD NOS) and who display interictal paroxysmal patterns in the electroencephalogram (EEG) but do not have epilepsy, and the findings of these studies have been controversial. In the current study, 112 LD children without epilepsy were assessed; however, only 18 met the strict inclusion/exclusion criteria in order to obtain a homogeneous sample. These children showed interictal paroxysmal patterns in the EEG, and a randomized, double-blind trial was carried out on them. The children were treated with either magnesium valproate (MgV; 20mg/kg/day) or a placebo for six months, and differences in WISC subtests, in a computerized reading skills battery (BTL) and EEG recordings were evaluated between groups before and after the treatment period. Performance IQ score and several items of the BTL (rhymes and ordering of words) improved in children who received MgV, whereas no changes were observed in the placebo group. No changes in the number of interictal paroxysmal patterns were observed in any group; however increased EEG currents at 10.92 and 12.87Hz (alpha band) in posterior regions and decreased currents in frequencies within the theta band (3.90, 4.29 and 5.07Hz) in frontal regions and at 4.68 and 5.46Hz in the parietal cortex were observed, suggesting an improvement in EEG maturation.

Clinical Neurophysiology, 2008
To investigate whether habituation of flash visual evoked potentials is already present during th... more To investigate whether habituation of flash visual evoked potentials is already present during the first 3 months of life, and to explore differences between healthy infants, term infants with periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), and preterm infants with PVL. Referential recordings to stimuli consisting of photic stimulation presented in blocks were obtained. A total of 25 blocks, 15-stimuli each, were presented. Intrablock and interblock habituation effects were analyzed. In healthy infants of 42-50 and 51-58 weeks of post-conceptional age (PCA), a negative central component (NCC) showed a significant decrease in amplitude due to stimulus repetition. NCC habituation was also observed in term infants with PVL at 51-58 weeks of PCA, but not in term infants with PVL at 42-50 weeks of PCA. NCC habituation was not apparent in preterm infants with PVL. These results suggest that the neural mechanisms of visual habituation are normally present during the first month of life, but the presence of PVL delays the emergence of these mechanisms, particularly in preterm infants. The habituation of flash visual evoked potentials may be developed into a reliable tool to examine normal and abnormal development of early neural processes.

Applied Sciences
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), melanoma is the most severe type of skin cancer... more According to the World Health Organization (WHO), melanoma is the most severe type of skin cancer and is the leading cause of death from skin cancer worldwide. Certain features of melanoma include size, shape, color, or texture changes of a mole. In this work, a novel, robust and efficient method for the detection and classification of melanoma in simple and dermatological images is proposed. It is achieved by using HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space along with mathematical morphology and a Gaussian filter to detect the region of interest and estimate four descriptors: symmetry, edge, color, and size. Although these descriptors have been used for several years, the way they are computed for this proposal is one of the things that enhances the results. Subsequently, a multilayer perceptron is employed to classify between malignant and benign melanoma. Three datasets of simple and dermatological images commonly used in the literature were employed to train and evaluate the perfo...
Papers by Gloria Avecilla