Papers by Guillermo Atencio
Rev Per Med Trop UNMSM, 1993

Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, 2015
OBJETIVE: To determine the degree of concordance between the clinical diagnosis and bacteriologic... more OBJETIVE: To determine the degree of concordance between the clinical diagnosis and bacteriological diagnosis in vaginal and cervical infections. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional study, 1,252 women were included in 4 family planning clinics in Lima, Peru. Clinical diagnoses 4 gynecologists with laboratory diagnosis of vaginal and cervical fluid was compared. Prevalence of vaginal and cervical infections, clinical validity and consistency with respect to the bacteriological diagnosis was calculated using kappa index. RESULTS: Prevalence of infection by laboratory diagnosis: Bacterial vaginosis 250 (20%), cervical infection with Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae 143 (11.4%), candidiasis 60 (4.8%) and trichomoniasis 40 (3.2%). 250 clinical diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis was confirmed in 91 (36.4%) (k 0.2), 143 cervicitis clinical diagnoses was confirmed in 20 (13.9%) (k: 0.05), 60 candidiasis was confirmed in 26 (43.3%) (k 0.1) and 40 clinical diagnoses trichomoniasis wa...

Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública, 2003
Objective: To compare peer education versus that imparted by health professionals for improving k... more Objective: To compare peer education versus that imparted by health professionals for improving knowledge, risk perception and risky sexual behavior among teenagers attending to family planning clinics of two hospitals in Lima. Material and Methods: Experimental single-blind study carried out at the family planning clinics of Hospital Dos de Mayo and Instituto Materno Perinatal during the year 2000. After signing an informed consent, 206 teenagers considered as being at risk were randomly assigned to one of the two educational interventions and later they were requested to come back at the end of the third month in order to reassess knowledge, attitudes and risky sexual behavior. Sign rank, Mann Whitney and Analysis of Covariance tests were used to compare scores for knowledge, risk perception and sexual behavior after the educational intervention. Results: 89 (84%) out of 106 teenagers assigned to the peer education and 70 (70%) out of 100 teenagers assigned to the education provid...

The Journal of reproductive medicine, 2013
OBJECTIVE To examine the risk of preterm birth (PTB) in relation to maternal psychiatric symptoms... more OBJECTIVE To examine the risk of preterm birth (PTB) in relation to maternal psychiatric symptoms during pregnancy in Peruvian women. STUDY DESIGN This case-control study included 479 PTB cases and 480 term controls. In-person interviews were conducted to assess women's depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21). Multivariable logistic regression procedures were used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS Compared with women reporting no or minimal depressive symptoms, the aOR (95% CI) for PTB associated with consecutive severity of depressive symptoms based on the PHQ-9 assessment method were as follows: mild, 2.22 (95% CI 1.64-3.00) and moderate-severe, 3.67 (95% CI 2.09-6.46). The corresponding aORs for normal, mild, and moderate-severe depressive symptoms based on the DASS-21 assessment were 1.00 (reference), 3.82 (95% CI 1.90-7.66), an...

Rev peru med exp salud publica 20 (4), 2003 RESUMEN Objetivo: Comparar la educación por pares fre... more Rev peru med exp salud publica 20 (4), 2003 RESUMEN Objetivo: Comparar la educación por pares frente a la educación por profesionales de a consultorios de planificación familiar de dos hospitales de Lima, Perú. Material y Métodos: Estudio experimental simple ciego realizado en 1998 en los consultorios de planificación familiar del Hospital Dos de Mayo y el Instituto Materno Perinatal de Lima, Perú. Después del consentimiento, se asignó aleatoriamente a 206 adolescentes consideradas de riesgo a una de las dos intervenciones educativas y luego fueron invitadas a regresar al final del tercer mes para reevaluar sus conocimientos, actitudes y conducta sexual de riesgo. Se usó la prueba de los signos, Mann Whitney y análisis de Covarianza para comparar los puntajes de los cuestionarios de conocimiento, percepción de riesgo y conducta sexual de riesgo después de la intervención educativa. Resultados: 89 (84%) de 106 adolescentes asignadas al grupo de educación por pares y 70 (70%) de las 100 asignadas al grupo de educación por profesionales de la salud (p=0,02) regresaron a la evaluación postintervención. El mejoramiento del nivel de conocimiento fue significativamente mayor (p=0,047) en el grupo de educación por pares que en el grupo capacitado por profesionales de la salud; sin embargo, esta significancia disminuyó (p=0,07) cuando se usó análisis de covarianza para controlar el puntaje obtenido antes de la intervención. El mejoramiento de la percepción y conductas de riesgo fue mayor en el grupo de pares pero esta diferencia no fue significativa. Conclusiones: La educación por pares demostró ser más efectiva en mejorar los conocimientos en las adolescentes y el seguimiento fue mejor en este grupo por lo que debe ser promovida como una estrategia para disminuir la prevalencia de infecciones de transmisión sexual en esta población.
Papers by Guillermo Atencio