Talks by Assia Aidoud EP Rouaiguia

Semestre : 2 Unité d'enseignement : UET 1.2 Matière : Éthique, déontologie et propriété intellect... more Semestre : 2 Unité d'enseignement : UET 1.2 Matière : Éthique, déontologie et propriété intellectuelle A-Ethique et déontologie I. Notions d'Ethique et de Déontologie : 1. Introduction : Quatre termes reviennent régulièrement dans les discours sur l'action humaine : éthique, morale, déontologie et droit. Entre l'éthique et la morale, les frontières sont floues au point qu'on se demande s'il n'aurait pas été préférable de s'en tenir à un seul mot. Les mots « morale » et « éthique » se rapportent à la sphère des valeurs et des principes moraux. Sont-ils synonymes? Ont-ils des significations distinctes? Différentes écoles de pensée existent sur cette question. Pour certains penseurs, « morale » et « éthique » ont la même signification : le premier provient d'un mot latin (« mores ») et le second d'un mot grec (« êthos ») qui, tous les deux, signifient « moeurs ». 1-1. Définitions : ➢ Morale : réfère à un ensemble de valeurs et de principes qui permettent de différencier le bien du mal, le juste de l'injuste, l'acceptable de l'inacceptable, et auxquels il faudrait se conformer. « La morale demande de redonner à chacun ce qui lui revient de droit. » À travers les époques et les cultures, des individus et des groupes ont défendu différentes conceptions de ces principes et valeurs. Ces conceptions de la morale sont appelées des « morales ». Par exemple, le christianisme propose un ensemble de valeurs (la charité, le pardon) et de principes (« Aime ton prochain comme toi-même ») devant guider l'agir humain. Pour y référer, on parle de la « morale chrétienne ». La Morale, c'est la science du bien et du mal, c'est une théorie de l'action humaine reposant sur la notion de devoir avec pour but le bien. ➢ Éthique : science de la morale ou ensemble de principes moraux qui sont à la base du comportement de quelqu'un. L'éthique d'un individu est ce qui sous-tend ses comportements vis-à-vis d'autrui, ou vis-à-vis de son environnement L'éthique est une démarche visant, face à un problème donné à adopter la meilleure solution en s'appuyant sur des valeurs apprises, admises et intégrées et en tenant compte du contexte dans lequel le problème se pose factuellement. Une démarche et non une science ! Une démarche face à un problème pour adopter une solution = concret, Une démarche contextualisée et non uniformisée, Une démarche qui s'appuie sur des valeurs et non sur la morale, Une démarche personnelle qui s'appuie sur des valeurs intégrées plus qu'apprises (différence avec l'éducationnel) Alors l'éthique, n'est pas un ensemble de valeurs et de principes en particulier. Il s'agit d'une réflexion argumentée en vue du bien agir. Elle propose de s'interroger sur les valeurs morales et les principes moraux qui devraient orienter nos actions, dans différentes situations, dans le but d'agir conformément à ceux-ci. La réflexion éthique peut se faire à différents niveaux, certains plus fondamentaux et d'autres plus pratiques. Elle se divise ainsi en différents champs. ➢ Déontologie : Le mot « déontologie » (du grec deon-deontos) désigne lui aussi des règles, devoirs et obligations. Il est rarement synonyme d'éthique et de morale. Le plus souvent, il est utilisé pour traduire l'idée de devoirs, d'obligations, de prescriptions concrètes par opposition à l'analyse et la réflexion. On l'emploie principalement dans deux contextes différents : 1) le premier, d'ordre philosophique, pour désigner une approche ou une théorie morale qui insiste sur le devoir, l'obligation (par exemple chez Kant) par opposition à une morale centrée sur le bonheur, les valeurs
Papers by Assia Aidoud EP Rouaiguia

Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology
When concrete is subjected to elevated temperatures, a destruction of its constituent hydration p... more When concrete is subjected to elevated temperatures, a destruction of its constituent hydration products can be occurred. This destruction implies a weakening of the material degradation of its mechanical properties such as stiffness and strength. The elevated temperature generates significant fluid pressure, leading to damage it and also causing breakdown of the concrete, which is characterized by the deteriorations of the hydrated material.This study focuses the evolution of residual properties of three High performance concrete (HPC). The specimens (16×32) cm2 were subjected to different temperatures: 200°C, 400°C and 600°C with a rate of 2°C/min followed by a stage of three hours at the target temperature and then cooling to room temperature. The evaluation of different properties was evident compared to room temperature (20°C), with a maximum drop of compressive strength is of 79%. The loss of tensile strength is 62%. Losses masses and decreases dynamic elastic modulus are 6% a...

Selected Scientific Papers - Journal of Civil Engineering
The high temperature in the concrete destroys the hydrates of the cement paste. This destruction ... more The high temperature in the concrete destroys the hydrates of the cement paste. This destruction means the weakness of the materials caused by the deterioration of their mechanical properties. This work aims to study the behavior of high-performance fiber concrete sets at high temperatures; specifically, we used polypropylene fibers and studied their influence on deterioration behavior. This study includes high performance concrete and three types of fiber concrete, each containing a specific ratio of polypropylene fibers (0.12 %, 0.18 %, and 0.24 %). Consequently, cubic test specimens (15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm) were subjected to the temperature of 250 °C, with a speed of 2 °C/min followed by a step of one hour at the target temperature then cooling to the ambient temperature. The results showed that fiber-reinforced concrete exhibited a better performance when exposed to the temperature studied. The mechanical properties were improved by up to 56% for compressive strength and 86% for ...
Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux

Materials and Geoenvironment, 2022
The main objective of this study is the recovery of dune sands and rubber waste (powders). The la... more The main objective of this study is the recovery of dune sands and rubber waste (powders). The latter constitutes a potential source of several environmental and economic problems. The objective of this present work is to examine the ability to use dune sand for the preparation of mortars with sufficient physico-mechanical properties to allow them to be used in various building construction applications. The formulation of the mixtures is based on replacing dune sand with powders, at different weight contents: 10 %, 20 %, and 30 %. The quantity of cement is set at 450 g. The results obtained show in the first place that the particle size of the mixture tends to be spread out with a remarkable increase in the fineness modulus, and in the second place the density of the mixture decreases by 6.5 % (for the apparent) and by 10 % (for the absolute), which means the calculation of loads for the resulting mortar must decrease. Porosity has decreased to 20 % and absorption has increased to ...

Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, 2021
The South of Algeria is known for these immense sand dunes, which cover part of its territory (Sa... more The South of Algeria is known for these immense sand dunes, which cover part of its territory (Sahara). The main objective of this study is the recovery of sands dune and wood waste (sawdust). The latter, which constitutes a potential source of several environmental and economic problems. The objective of this present work is to characterize the physico-mechanical properties at a young age of a dune sand-based mortar lightened by wood waste and to examine the suitability of using it for various applications in the construction of buildings. The improvement of the characteristics of these sands, which essentially formed of sand untapped to date and with the sole aim of enhancing this national sand wealth. The formulation of the mixtures is based on the substitution of dune sand by sawdust, at different weight contents 0, 10, 20 and 30%. The quantity of cement is fixed at 450 g. The results obtained show firstly that the introduction of sawdust improves the characteristics of the mixt...

Selected Scientific Papers - Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021
In the geotechnical engineering field, shallow foundations are frequently needed to ensure good f... more In the geotechnical engineering field, shallow foundations are frequently needed to ensure good fieldwork stability. They are also intended to permanently and uniformly transmit all load pressure on the seating floor. However, numerous mechanical constraints, such as bearing capacity of foundations, durability, stability, design of shallow foundations, lead, unfortunately, to a serious realization challenge. Finding an adequate solution presents the main goal and effort of both scholars and professionals. Indeed, the corresponding drawback is observed through the high number of reported damages that occurred in the structure of foundations and the punching failure. The failure mechanisms of shallow foundations, verified in full size or on scale models, show “sliding surfaces” and rigid (solid) blocks, which can be described with the kinematic method of rigid solids. The main objective of this study is the application of the kinematic method of rigid solids in the study of the stabil...

Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports, 2020
Ballasted columns are an interesting technique for improving compressible soils in situ. Their ma... more Ballasted columns are an interesting technique for improving compressible soils in situ. Their major advantages are to reduce compaction, increase the bearing capacity of soils, accelerate consolidation, and eliminate the risks of liquefaction during earthquakes. Thanks to these advantages, reinforcement processes are considerably developed in the field of geotechnical construction and this is on an international scale. Numerical modelling is a necessary and effective alternative for approaching the real behavior of soils reinforced by ballasted columns. The present work aims to change several parameters, being, among others, the number of columns, the rise of the water table, and the friction angle. With this in mind, a parametric study was carried out in order to determine the influence of certain parameters on the settlement results and observe their influence on the mechanical behavior of the soil using the Plaxis 2D calculation code. This study found that the correct choice was...

In recent years, the depletion of natural aggregate deposits and the difficulties in finding new ... more In recent years, the depletion of natural aggregate deposits and the difficulties in finding new quarries have made it necessary to look for other sources of supply. The reclamation of sand from a desert dune is now seen as a solution for the future in order to respond to the deficit between production and consumption and the exploitation of natural resources in the southern regions of Algeria. The purpose of this synthesis is to present a summary of some research work reported in the literature on the usefulness of the use of desert dune sand in the mortar and concrete industry. Several researchers have developed cementitious materials based on dune sand and additions such as rubber, Rice husk ash, olive kernel shell, grilled copper slag, glass, vegetable fiber, carbon fiber, polypropylene fiber and polyester fibers, in order to improve certain physic-mechanical characteristics of mortars and / or concrete. It has been revealed that the introduction of additions / fibers into a cem...
Talks by Assia Aidoud EP Rouaiguia
Papers by Assia Aidoud EP Rouaiguia