Papers by Asoke Bhattacharya
Grundtvig-Studier, 2008
Uddannelse for folk: Koncept af Grundtvig, Tagore, Gandhi og Freire.Anmeldt af Vagn Wåhling og Ki... more Uddannelse for folk: Koncept af Grundtvig, Tagore, Gandhi og Freire.Anmeldt af Vagn Wåhling og Kim Arne Pedersen; oversat af John Stanley Martin
This article pays tribute to Ernesto 'Che' Guevara fifty years following his execution in the vil... more This article pays tribute to Ernesto 'Che' Guevara fifty years following his execution in the village of La Higuera in Bolivia and the subsequent exposure of his body at the Ospedal La Virgen de Malta in the city of Vallegrande, also in Bolivia, It reveals the making of this revolutionary, quoting extensively from people like Fidel Castro who were very close to Che. It concludes with the implications of Che's work for education.

Ideação, 2021
Paulo Freire, como filósofo, associou a alfabetização à libertação e, como pedagogo, apresentou i... more Paulo Freire, como filósofo, associou a alfabetização à libertação e, como pedagogo, apresentou inovações revolucionárias nas técnicas de alfabetização do analfabeto adulto. Em seu método único, uma pessoa analfabeta poderia ser alfabetizada em um período de trinta horas. A evolução da epistemologia freireana foi atribuída às condições de vida no Nordeste brasileiro. Muitas das ideologias de Freire estavam enraizadas na história do Brasil. A colonização do país pelos portugueses e a forma como a população indígena foi submetida ao trabalho escravo e, posteriormente, a importação de milhões de escravos africanos para trabalhar nas plantações - provocaram profundas feridas psicológicas nas relações humanas. Escravidão, a forma mais degradante de relação social e econômica juntamente com a união sexual do senhor com o escravo trouxe uma espécie de sadismo por parte da supremacia branca e certo masoquismo por parte de indígenas e africanos. Mesmo após a abolição da escravidão (1888), o ...
Rabindranath Tagore is one of the foremost thinkers in the world who had thought about what educa... more Rabindranath Tagore is one of the foremost thinkers in the world who had thought about what education should be in general and what kind of education India should have for its people, both for children and adults and for both sexes. His advocacy for education ...
Scope: This international book series attempts to do justice to adult education as an ever expand... more Scope: This international book series attempts to do justice to adult education as an ever expanding field. It is intended to be internationally inclusive and attract writers and readers from different parts of the world. It also attempts to cover many of the areas that feature prominently in ...

Grundtvig Studier, 1998
During the turmoil of the late sixties and early seventies the world was practically out of joint... more During the turmoil of the late sixties and early seventies the world was practically out of joint. The Vietnam war, its escalation in Laos and Cambodia, the dropping of Napalm and the devastation of the Ho-Chi-Minh trail were the nightmarish experiences of the period. The Sorbonne students' uprising in 1968 and its cascading effect were signs of impending changes. In Indian sub-continent and particularly in West Bengal, the Naxalite peasant revolt, making and breaking of the United Front Government and the emergence of Bangladesh were symbols of people's frustration with the prevailing system and their desire to develop an egalitarian society. The first United Front Government that came into power in West Bengal in 1967 lasted only for nine months. But within this short span of time the peasants understood that the days of superexploita tion by the landlords were numbered. The land reform movement in West Bengal started in 1967. In 1969 with the second United Front in office, the movement spread in the countryside like a prairie fire. Unfortunately the second United Front was also shortlived. It re mained in office for only thirteen months. However, the forces that were unleashed in 1969 were something to reckon with. The Left front-a more consolidated group from amongst the constituents of the erstwhile United Front assumed office in 1977. Again the prin cipal agenda of the government was land reform. Operating Bargathe task of granting recognition to the share-croppers-continued in full swing for more than five years. During all these political and economic struggles literacy occupied a back seat. There were of course individual attempts to impart lite racy to the rural and urban poor. But these endeavours never gained any momentum. No serious attempt was made either on behalf of the state or central government to eradicate illiteracy. The leftist parties had all along demanded compulsory primary education. But it never dawned on them that even in spite of compulsory primary education, the huge illiterate adult population would not be covered. Compul sory primary education was also not full-proof-a considerable per centage of drop out had to be tackled.
Postcolonial Directions in Education, Apr 5, 2013
Learning with Adults, 2013
Pioneers in Education: Essays in Honor of …, 2008
In: Pioneers in Education: Essays in Honor of Paulo Freire ISBN: 978-1-60021-479-0 Editors: M. Sh... more In: Pioneers in Education: Essays in Honor of Paulo Freire ISBN: 978-1-60021-479-0 Editors: M. Shaughnessy, E. Galligan et al, pp 101-116© 2008 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Chapter 6 Paulo Freire: The Rousseau Of The Twentieth Century Asoke Bhattacharya ...
Postcolonial Directions in Education, Apr 5, 2013
Papers by Asoke Bhattacharya