Papers by Asmuni Asmuni

The study departs from an important question of how the situation and conditions of development o... more The study departs from an important question of how the situation and conditions of development of radicalism in Indonesia. How do radicalism group strategies strengthen social networks? How is the urgency and effectiveness of handling community-based radicalism? How is the pattern of handling anticipation of community-based radicalism? Research with descriptive type and method used is a qualitative method with naturalistic logical phenomena and social psychology approaches. The results showed that the situation and conditions of the development of radicalism in Indonesia remain vigilant, this group is like a fire in the husk, this group has never died and Indonesia is the basis for the growth and development of radicalism compared to other ASEAN countries. There are various patterns of handling anticipated community-based radicalism carried out in Indonesia, namely: Through social organizations, social and religious organizations, youth organizations, various forums with the aim of...

Jurnal Neraca: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Ekonomi Akuntansi
akuntansi merupakan formulir-formulir dan catatan-catatan, prosedur-prosedur serta alat-alat yang... more akuntansi merupakan formulir-formulir dan catatan-catatan, prosedur-prosedur serta alat-alat yang digunakan untuk mengolah data mengenai kesatuan ekonomis dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan umpan balik dalam bentuk laporan-laporan yang oleh pihak manajemen untuk mengawasi organisasi, dan bagi pihak lain yang berkepentingan dan lembaga-lembaga pemerintah untuk menilai hasil operasional satuan organisasi. Jadi jelaslah bahwa tujuan sistem akuntansi suatu organisasi disusun untuk mengidentifikasikan, merakit, mencatat dan melaporkan berbagai informasi yang berguna untuk pihak intern dan ekstem organisasi. Mahasiswa yang dapat memahaminya denga baik maka mereka masuk organisasi manapun akan dapat mengerjakan apapun yang menjadi tanggung jawab mereka. Kata Kunci: Sistem Akuntansi, pemimpin dan organisasi Abstract─The accounting system is forms and records, procedures and tools used to process data regarding economic unity with the aim of producing feedback in the form of reports by management to oversee the organization, and for other parties who interest and government agencies to assess the operational results of organizational units. So it is clear that the purpose of an organization's accounting system is arranged to identify, assemble, record and report various information that is useful for internal parties and external organizations. Students who can understand it well then they enter any organization will be able to do whatever is their responsibility.

Jurnal Paedagogy
The purpose of this study was to analyze the problems of online learning during the Covid-19 pand... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the problems of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and the solutions to solve them. This type of research is literature study or library research using secondary data sources collected through textbooks, e-books, perodical, statutory regulations, websites, and other sources relevant to the research problem. The research data were analyzed qualitatively with an interactive model, which consists of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has various problems experienced by teachers, students, and parents. The teacher's problems are in the form of weak mastery of IT and limited access to supervision of students, from students in the form of inactivity in learning, limited support facilities and internet network access, while from parents in the form of limited time in accompanying their chil...

This study aims to (1) obtain an empirical overview of the application of learning soft skills-ba... more This study aims to (1) obtain an empirical overview of the application of learning soft skills-based andragogy to improve student’s personal comptencies teacher training program on undergraduate of education program in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia; and (2) describe the constrains which is faced by the lecturer in implementing the model.
This study is a descriptive reserch, which was done on two private universities in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia, which has the educational program, they are STKIP PGRI Jombang (6 departments), and Universitas Peasntren Tinggi Darul Ulum (2 departments). The sample was taken in purposive cluster sampling. Questionnaire in the form of self evaluation was used as data collection technique. Meanwhile, statistical descriptive analysis was used as the technique of analysis.
The result of the study shows that the mojority of lecturers have not yet applied the soft skills learning model based andragogy to improve the students’ personal competencies. But most of them were applying SCL (Student Centre Learning). It can be seen from he result of analysis that the lecturers apply Self-Directed Learning (39%), Problem-Based learning (40%), Project-Based Learning (41), Case Study (51%), Contextual learning (67%), Collaborative Learning (76%), and Cooperative Learning (79%). Whereas the constraint which appear was the culture of learning/atmosphere of learning (36%), students’ learning motivation factor (37%), students autonomy factor (39%), Students’ creativity factor (40%), and the lecturer’s perception toward students’ maturity factor (42%).

Abstract: Meaningful learning is much considerably appreciated in any learning activities. Under ... more Abstract: Meaningful learning is much considerably appreciated in any learning activities. Under the background of psychology of education, Ausubel promotes his state of the art which is commonly called meaningful learning as opposed to rote memorization. It requires active and creative mind of learners' in any environmental and contextual settings, well-organized and relevant knowledge structures, emotional commitment to integrate the new with existing knowledge, and conceptual clear subject matter. This study is aimed at (1) analyzing and describing the ability of meaningful learning in fostering the students' pragmatic competence, (2) analyzing and describing the challenges and things to do for them in performing meaningful learning. The data of this study are the students' pragmatic competence realized in their performance in using language pragmatically in a diglossic situation. They are collected by employing the observation and interview, then are analyzed by using what is introduced by Yin (2011) covering five phases: 1) compiling, 2) disassembling, 3) reassembling, 4) interpreting, and 5) concluding. The result reveals that meaningful learning with its variables such as open work, motivation, environment, creativity, concept map, and curricular adaptation is able to foster the students' pragmatic competence in performing verbal communication in a diglossic situation. They pragmatically use language under the control of distant language vs close language, politeness vs camaraderie, and object language vs metalanguage. In meaningful learning practice in this study, some challenges are found such as the departmental supports, the organizational/institutional supports, the learning environment, and the corporate culture. Answering the challenges, some considerably meaningful efforts sucessfully performed such as socializing the meaningful learning program to any settings of related parties, creating the supporting environment, elaborating building-blocks of meaningful learning for fostering pragmatic competence, and re-engineering the corporate culture.
Key words: meaningful learning, pragmatic competence, building-blocks of meaningful learning,
diglossic situation
Strategy of Practice for Teaching and Learning: From Micro-Teaching to Peer-Teaching; Role of Le... more Strategy of Practice for Teaching and Learning: From Micro-Teaching to Peer-Teaching; Role of Lecturer: From Supervisor to Facilitator; and Cycles of Peer Teaching-Based Lesson Study.

Abstract: This study examined group discussion in problem based learning strategy aided authenti... more Abstract: This study examined group discussion in problem based learning strategy aided authentic material on students’ learning outcome. The focus of the study was to know the influence of group discussion which used authentic material in developing the learning outcome and students’ critical thinking. The topic of the discussion was taken from the students’ ability to analysis and solve English semantic phenomena. The positive hypothesis of the study was the group discussion on problem based learning strategy aided authentic material influenced the students’ learning outcome and developed student’s critical thinking. This study was done by analyzing empirical data which was gained by using quasiexperimental based on quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was applied to analyze the influence of the students’ learning outcome, while qualitative analysis was applied to describe students’ critical thinking which was gained by problem solving instrument descriptor. As the sample, two classes of English semantics class of Teacher Training and Science Education PGRI Jombang College, East Java, republic of Indonesia were chosen as the subject of the study. Experimental and control class was chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The study was done by following steps (1)preliminary study, (2)drafting learning model, (3)developing and validating research instrument, (4) completing the draft of learning model, (5)pre-test, (6)implementing the learning model, (7)post-test, (8)analyzing the data by using SPPSS 16.0 for windows. The data finding showed that learning strategy by applying group discussion was significant in gaining the students’ learning outcome. Moreover, the result of problem solving data analysis in problem based learning aided authentic material was able to develop students’ critical thinking skills. The consideration of the number of the group discussion member and the choosing of authentic material which is aided should be relevant to the students’ ability and also their daily life in order to gain the maximal learning outcome.
Keywords: authentic material, critical thinking, group discussion, problem based learning

Abstract: This study aims to (1) obtain an empirical overview of the application of learning soft... more Abstract: This study aims to (1) obtain an empirical overview of the application of learning soft skillsbased andragogy to improve student’s social and personal comptencies teacher training program on undergraduate of education program in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia; and (2) describe the constrains which is faced by the lecturer in implementing the model. This study is a descriptive reserch, which was done on two private universities in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia, which has the educational program, they are STKIP PGRI Jombang (6 departments), and Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (2 departments). The sample was taken in purposive cluster sampling. Questionnaire in the form of self evaluation was used as data collection technique. Meanwhile, statistical descriptive analysis was used as the technique of analysis. The result of the study shows that the majority of lecturers have not yet applied the soft skills learning model based andragogy to improve the students’ social and personal competencies. But most of them were applying SCL (Student Centre Learning). It can be seen from he result of analysis that the lecturers apply Self-Directed Learning (39%), Problem-Based learning (40%), Project-Based Learning (41), Case Study (51%), Contextual learning (67%), Collaborative Learning (76%), and Cooperative Learning (79%). Whereas the constraint which appear was the culture of learning/atmosphere of learning (36%), students’ learning motivation factor (37%), students autonomy factor (39%), Students’ creativity factor (40%), and the lecturer’s perception toward students’ maturity factor (42%).
Keywrods: application, learning model, soft skills, andragogy, personal competencies.

Abstract: This research investigated the gaps of the cultural and the social contexts in the pro... more Abstract: This research investigated the gaps of the cultural and the social contexts in the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language in Indonesia. It was focused on describing how the social and cultural gaps in teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia were understood and performed appropriately. It was also aimed at investigating the problems of teaching English as a foreign language within social and cultural gaps, and the solutions as well. In other words, what the problems are and what the solutions are. The qualitative research was done at STKIP PGRI, College of Education, in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. The object was the teaching English as a foreign language performed at the English Department of the College. The data were the utterances produced by the students who joined English Speaking Class and those who had already got English Speaking Class and the teachers’ responses to the open interview on the problems and the solutions related to the social and cultural gaps in teaching English as a foreign language. The instruments employed in collecting the data are Discourse Completion Test (DCT) developed by Hudson, Detmer, & Brown, 1995), and an open interview. In analysing the data, the model developed by Yin (2001) was employed covering five phases, such as 1) compiling, 2) disassembling, 3) reassembling, 4) interpreting, and 5) concluding. The results revealed that there were 80 students of one hundred of English Department of the College completed the DCT. Most of the students (90%) were suffered from pragmatic failures in ten situations given in the test. The social and cultural contexts were not identified
and understood in communicating to foreigners (native speakers). The problems were the less of pragmatic competence due to the absence of pragmatics in teaching and learning process. The subject of ‘cross-cultural understanding’ was taught to them but the effectiveness was questionable. It was proved by the less knowledge and poor performance in using language in the target language contexts, such as social and cultural contexts. The solutions were pragmatics was a must for them and should be taught with sufficient time and well-designed materials, and the teaching of ‘cross-cultural understanding should be well reviewed. Because of the difference of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) and as a second language (ESL), the EFL was much more challenging due to the environment did not support it. The teacher was required to be able to create the real life situations of the target language contexts.
Keywords: social-cultural gaps, teaching EFL, pragmatics, pragmatic failure, pragmatic competence.

Abstract: The research was done to examine the teacher candidate’s academic honesty and responsib... more Abstract: The research was done to examine the teacher candidate’s academic honesty and responsibility. Self-report was being the strategy which developed as an alternative assessment. This research raised questions as follows: (1) how is the teacher candidate’s academic honesty, and (2) how the teacher candidate’s academic responsibility is. The topic of this research was developed to gain more values of the teaching and learning toward students’ capacity building. The mix-method based on quantitative and qualitative analysis was used in this research. The quantitative data analysis was used to determine the range of the teacher candidate’s academic honesty and responsibility, while the qualitative analysis was used to examine the causal factor of the level of it. A number of 180 students of teacher candidate was chosen as the sampling by applying purposive sampling technique. The triangulation method of data analysis was used to determine the value level of both academic honesty and responsibility. The data finding showed that the level of academic honesty was good (27.78 percent), fair (37.78 percent), moderate (28.89 percent), and less (5.56 percent), while the level of academic responsibility was good (34.44 percent), fair (42.22 percent), moderate (20.00
percent), and less (3.33 percent). The percentage of both academic honesty and responsibility was gained from the self-report of students’ participation on class presentation and the rubric of presenter respond to the students’ questions. The following instrument was the presenter’s report of the class discussion process, and also timeliness in submitting reports (self and group report) which was submitted via email.
Keywords: academic, alternative assessment, honesty, responsibility, self-report.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang: (1) pengaruh penggunaan media je... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang: (1) pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis; (2) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; (3) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar praktis. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain faktorial. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari dua variabel independen, yaitu penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo (x1) dan tanpa penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo (x2). Variabel dependen terdiri dua variabel, yaitu partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis (y1), dan praktis (y2). Penelitian dilaksanakan di STKIP PGRI Jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa peserta matakuliah Filsafat Pendidikan pada program studi Pendidikan Matematika semester gasal tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang berjumlah 186 mahasiswa. Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling sebanyak 174 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik assesment otentik dalam bentuk laporan proses diskusi kelas. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis varian multivariat (MANOVA) dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS v.16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis; (2) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; (3) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar praktis.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara, pendidik asli Indonesia, mempunyai pemikiran cerdas dalam memberikan solusi ... more Ki Hadjar Dewantara, pendidik asli Indonesia, mempunyai pemikiran cerdas dalam memberikan solusi atas kegelisahan rakyat terhadap kondisi pendidikan yang terjadi saat itu, sebagaimana digambarkan dalam azas-azas pendidikan yang diterapkan pada sekolah Taman Siswa yang didirikannya jauh sebelum Indonesia mengenal kemerdekaan. Sistem pendidikan Ki Hadjar Dewantara terangkum dalam tujuh azas Taman Siswa 1922 dan lima dasar Taman Siswa 1947 yang dipraktikkan dengan “Sistem Pendidikan Among” atau “Among Metode”. Pemikiran pendidikan Ki Hajar layak dijadikan pijakan untuk merekonstruksi pendidikan di negeri ini. Di mulai dari diri sendiri sebagai pendidik maupun sebagai pengambil kebijakan di lingkungan lembaga pendidikannya masing-masing. Paling tidak, merubah paradigma pembelajaran menjadi humanis, konstruktivistik, dan sinergis antara pengajaran dan pendidikan, yang kemudian dilaksanakan dengan penuh keikhlasan lahir dan batin, sudah merupakan usaha luhur untuk membangun bangsa.

Abstract: This study aimed in obtaining empirical evidence of: (1) the influence of using social ... more Abstract: This study aimed in obtaining empirical evidence of: (1) the influence of using social network media Edmodo to student participation in class discussions on teaching materials which are theoretical and practical; (2) the relationship between the use of social network media Edmodo with student participation in class discussion on the theoretical teaching materials; (3) the relationship between the use of social network media Edmodo with student participation in class discussion on practical teaching materials. This research is experimental study by using a factorial design. Variables consists two independent variables, namely the use of social media Edmodo (x1) and without the use of Edmodo (x2). The dependent variable consists of two variables, namely the participation of students in a class discussion on the theoretical teaching material (y1), and practical (y2). The experiment was conducted in STKIP PGRI Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. The study population is students participating in the course Philosophy of Education in odd semester academic year 2014/2015, there are 186 students. Samples were taken by using random sampling 174 students. Data collection techniques uses authentic assessment techniques. The data analysis techniques uses multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) using SPSS v.16.0 for Windows. The research proves that (1) there is the influence of social network media use Edmodo to student participation in class discussions on teaching materials which are theoretical and practical; (2) there is a relationship between the use of social network media Edmodo with student participation in class discussion on the theoretical teaching materials; (3) there is a relationship between the use of social network media Edmodo with student participation in class discussion on practical teaching
Keywords: edmodo, participation, discussion, theoretical, practical.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang: (1) pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis; (2) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; (3) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar praktis. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan desain faktorial. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari dua variabel independen, yaitu penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo (x1) dan tanpa Edmodo (x2). Variabel dependen terdiri dua variabel, yaitu partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis (y1), dan praktis (y2). Penelitian dilaksanakan di STKIP PGRI Jombang, Jawa Timur. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa peserta matakuliah Filsafat Pendidikan pada semester gasal tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang berjumlah 186 mahasiswa. Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling sebanyak 174 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik assesment otentik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis varian multivariat (MANOVA) dengan aplikasi SPSS v.16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis; (2) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; dan (3) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar praktis.
Kata Kunci: edmodo, partisipasi, diskusi, teoretis, praktis.

This study aims to examines result of peer teaching in enhancing the students’ teaching skills co... more This study aims to examines result of peer teaching in enhancing the students’ teaching skills components in the real teaching practice program. The positive hypothesis of this study is that
peer teaching is effective in preparing the students’ teaching skills on their real teaching program. The study also examines social and personality skills of the student teacher in the real teaching practice program.
This study is experimental. The sample of this study is 40 students who was divided into four groups and placed in four different schools. Two groups of peer teaching consist of 20 student teacher are taken as the experiment group, while the control group is the two groups of micro teaching consist of 20 practitioner students. The data is the teaching performance of the practitioner student score given by teacher as the supervisor and analyzed by using independent-sample t-test of SPPSS 16.0 for windows.
The result of the study shows that there is significant value between the experimental group and the control group which shown by the independent sample test, it is 7,527 > 0.05. The t-test value is bigger than t-table, means that there is significance in the use of peer teaching technique toward practitioner student’s teaching skills. The significance t-test score of the practitioner students between peer teaching groups and micro teaching groups shows that the positive hypothesis is received. It also shows that peer teaching is effective in preparing the students of teacher training college in performing their teaching skills on real teaching program.
This research investigated the gaps of the cultural and the social contexts in the process of tea... more This research investigated the gaps of the cultural and the social contexts in the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language in Indonesia. It was focused on describing how the social and cultural gaps in teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia were understood and performed appropriately. It was also aimed at investigating the problems of teaching English as a foreign language within social and cultural gaps, and the solutions as well. In other words, what the problems are and what the solutions are.

This study examined group discussion in problem based learning strategy aided authentic material ... more This study examined group discussion in problem based learning strategy aided authentic material on students’ learning outcome. The focus of the study was to know the influence of group discussion which used authentic material in developing the learning outcome and students’ critical thinking. The topic of the discussion was taken from the students’ ability to analysis and solve English semantic phenomena. The positive hypothesis of the study was the group discussion on problem based learning strategy aided authentic material influenced the students’ learning outcome and developed student’s critical thinking.
This study was done by analyzing empirical data which was gained by using quasiexperimental based on quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was applied to analyze the influence of the students’ learning outcome, while qualitative analysis was applied to describe students’ critical thinking which was gained by problem solving instrument descriptor. As the sample, two classes of English semantics class of Teacher Training and Science Education PGRI Jombang College, East Java, republic of Indonesia were chosen as the subject of the study. Experimental and control class was chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The study was done by following steps (1)preliminary study, (2)drafting learning model, (3)developing and validating research instrument, (4) completing the draft of learning model, (5)pre-test, (6)implementing the learning model, (7)post-test, (8)analyzing the data by using SPPSS 16.0 for windows.
The data finding showed that learning strategy by applying group discussion was significant in gaining the students’ learning outcome. Moreover, the result of problem solving data analysis in problem based learning aided authentic material was able to develop students’ critical thinking skills. The consideration of the number of the group discussion member and the choosing of authentic material which is aided should be relevant to the students’ ability and also their daily life in order to gain the maximal learning outcome.
Conference Presentations by Asmuni Asmuni
Pengertian; Tujuan Penggunaan di dalam Kelas; Prinsip-prinsip Penggunaan di dalam Kelas; Komponen... more Pengertian; Tujuan Penggunaan di dalam Kelas; Prinsip-prinsip Penggunaan di dalam Kelas; Komponen-komponen Yang Dilatihkan; Sumber-sumber Gangguan Kelas; dan Hal-hal yang Harus Mendapat Perhatian.

The learning process in the classroom should be able to bring learner to the real world, the worl... more The learning process in the classroom should be able to bring learner to the real world, the world outside the classroom. Recognizing the existence of one self in the environment and to be able to understand all the individual’s limitations will bring the learner to higher-order thinking skills, so that they can find a meaningful relationship of their learning process. Having a deep understanding in how to think, how to act, and how to feel the response of the environment have become important factors in growing self-awareness. One of the efforts to achieve this goal is through portfolio assessment. Assessment based portfolio provides a record of the development of a person's ability in order to know the results of their learning outcomes. Furthermore, portfolio assessment stimulate learners to be able to evaluate anything they have attempted to obtain good learning outcome. This study examines students' perceptions on portfolio assessment in developing pedagogical self-awareness. This research is a descriptive study. The object of this research are students who are taking semantic course by using portfolio-based assessment. The data collection technique uses a survey method. The data analysis technique uses Likert scale to measure student’s attitudes and perceptions related to self-awareness. The results shows that portfolio-based assessment is able to stimulate student’s pedagogical self-awareness. In the process, having a high self-awareness, students understand their learning behavior in optimizing their learning. Moreover, they are able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses that are affected their learning outcome.
Keywords: pedagogical self-awareness, portfolio, assessment
Pendekatan pembelajaran; peranan guru dalam kelas; perbedaan pengelolaan kelas dan pengelolaan p... more Pendekatan pembelajaran; peranan guru dalam kelas; perbedaan pengelolaan kelas dan pengelolaan pembelajaran dan sistem pembelajaran; dimensi pengelolaan kelas; pengertian dan tujuan mengelola kelas; prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan kelas; sumber-sumber gangguang kelas; Mengembalikan Kondisi kelas yang Optimal; penciptaan dan pemeliharaan kondisi kelas yang optimal; dan hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam mengelola kelas.
Papers by Asmuni Asmuni
This study is a descriptive reserch, which was done on two private universities in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia, which has the educational program, they are STKIP PGRI Jombang (6 departments), and Universitas Peasntren Tinggi Darul Ulum (2 departments). The sample was taken in purposive cluster sampling. Questionnaire in the form of self evaluation was used as data collection technique. Meanwhile, statistical descriptive analysis was used as the technique of analysis.
The result of the study shows that the mojority of lecturers have not yet applied the soft skills learning model based andragogy to improve the students’ personal competencies. But most of them were applying SCL (Student Centre Learning). It can be seen from he result of analysis that the lecturers apply Self-Directed Learning (39%), Problem-Based learning (40%), Project-Based Learning (41), Case Study (51%), Contextual learning (67%), Collaborative Learning (76%), and Cooperative Learning (79%). Whereas the constraint which appear was the culture of learning/atmosphere of learning (36%), students’ learning motivation factor (37%), students autonomy factor (39%), Students’ creativity factor (40%), and the lecturer’s perception toward students’ maturity factor (42%).
Key words: meaningful learning, pragmatic competence, building-blocks of meaningful learning,
diglossic situation
Keywords: authentic material, critical thinking, group discussion, problem based learning
Keywrods: application, learning model, soft skills, andragogy, personal competencies.
and understood in communicating to foreigners (native speakers). The problems were the less of pragmatic competence due to the absence of pragmatics in teaching and learning process. The subject of ‘cross-cultural understanding’ was taught to them but the effectiveness was questionable. It was proved by the less knowledge and poor performance in using language in the target language contexts, such as social and cultural contexts. The solutions were pragmatics was a must for them and should be taught with sufficient time and well-designed materials, and the teaching of ‘cross-cultural understanding should be well reviewed. Because of the difference of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) and as a second language (ESL), the EFL was much more challenging due to the environment did not support it. The teacher was required to be able to create the real life situations of the target language contexts.
Keywords: social-cultural gaps, teaching EFL, pragmatics, pragmatic failure, pragmatic competence.
percent), and less (3.33 percent). The percentage of both academic honesty and responsibility was gained from the self-report of students’ participation on class presentation and the rubric of presenter respond to the students’ questions. The following instrument was the presenter’s report of the class discussion process, and also timeliness in submitting reports (self and group report) which was submitted via email.
Keywords: academic, alternative assessment, honesty, responsibility, self-report.
Keywords: edmodo, participation, discussion, theoretical, practical.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang: (1) pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis; (2) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; (3) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar praktis. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan desain faktorial. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari dua variabel independen, yaitu penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo (x1) dan tanpa Edmodo (x2). Variabel dependen terdiri dua variabel, yaitu partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis (y1), dan praktis (y2). Penelitian dilaksanakan di STKIP PGRI Jombang, Jawa Timur. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa peserta matakuliah Filsafat Pendidikan pada semester gasal tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang berjumlah 186 mahasiswa. Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling sebanyak 174 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik assesment otentik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis varian multivariat (MANOVA) dengan aplikasi SPSS v.16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis; (2) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; dan (3) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar praktis.
Kata Kunci: edmodo, partisipasi, diskusi, teoretis, praktis.
peer teaching is effective in preparing the students’ teaching skills on their real teaching program. The study also examines social and personality skills of the student teacher in the real teaching practice program.
This study is experimental. The sample of this study is 40 students who was divided into four groups and placed in four different schools. Two groups of peer teaching consist of 20 student teacher are taken as the experiment group, while the control group is the two groups of micro teaching consist of 20 practitioner students. The data is the teaching performance of the practitioner student score given by teacher as the supervisor and analyzed by using independent-sample t-test of SPPSS 16.0 for windows.
The result of the study shows that there is significant value between the experimental group and the control group which shown by the independent sample test, it is 7,527 > 0.05. The t-test value is bigger than t-table, means that there is significance in the use of peer teaching technique toward practitioner student’s teaching skills. The significance t-test score of the practitioner students between peer teaching groups and micro teaching groups shows that the positive hypothesis is received. It also shows that peer teaching is effective in preparing the students of teacher training college in performing their teaching skills on real teaching program.
This study was done by analyzing empirical data which was gained by using quasiexperimental based on quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was applied to analyze the influence of the students’ learning outcome, while qualitative analysis was applied to describe students’ critical thinking which was gained by problem solving instrument descriptor. As the sample, two classes of English semantics class of Teacher Training and Science Education PGRI Jombang College, East Java, republic of Indonesia were chosen as the subject of the study. Experimental and control class was chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The study was done by following steps (1)preliminary study, (2)drafting learning model, (3)developing and validating research instrument, (4) completing the draft of learning model, (5)pre-test, (6)implementing the learning model, (7)post-test, (8)analyzing the data by using SPPSS 16.0 for windows.
The data finding showed that learning strategy by applying group discussion was significant in gaining the students’ learning outcome. Moreover, the result of problem solving data analysis in problem based learning aided authentic material was able to develop students’ critical thinking skills. The consideration of the number of the group discussion member and the choosing of authentic material which is aided should be relevant to the students’ ability and also their daily life in order to gain the maximal learning outcome.
Conference Presentations by Asmuni Asmuni
Keywords: pedagogical self-awareness, portfolio, assessment
This study is a descriptive reserch, which was done on two private universities in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia, which has the educational program, they are STKIP PGRI Jombang (6 departments), and Universitas Peasntren Tinggi Darul Ulum (2 departments). The sample was taken in purposive cluster sampling. Questionnaire in the form of self evaluation was used as data collection technique. Meanwhile, statistical descriptive analysis was used as the technique of analysis.
The result of the study shows that the mojority of lecturers have not yet applied the soft skills learning model based andragogy to improve the students’ personal competencies. But most of them were applying SCL (Student Centre Learning). It can be seen from he result of analysis that the lecturers apply Self-Directed Learning (39%), Problem-Based learning (40%), Project-Based Learning (41), Case Study (51%), Contextual learning (67%), Collaborative Learning (76%), and Cooperative Learning (79%). Whereas the constraint which appear was the culture of learning/atmosphere of learning (36%), students’ learning motivation factor (37%), students autonomy factor (39%), Students’ creativity factor (40%), and the lecturer’s perception toward students’ maturity factor (42%).
Key words: meaningful learning, pragmatic competence, building-blocks of meaningful learning,
diglossic situation
Keywords: authentic material, critical thinking, group discussion, problem based learning
Keywrods: application, learning model, soft skills, andragogy, personal competencies.
and understood in communicating to foreigners (native speakers). The problems were the less of pragmatic competence due to the absence of pragmatics in teaching and learning process. The subject of ‘cross-cultural understanding’ was taught to them but the effectiveness was questionable. It was proved by the less knowledge and poor performance in using language in the target language contexts, such as social and cultural contexts. The solutions were pragmatics was a must for them and should be taught with sufficient time and well-designed materials, and the teaching of ‘cross-cultural understanding should be well reviewed. Because of the difference of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) and as a second language (ESL), the EFL was much more challenging due to the environment did not support it. The teacher was required to be able to create the real life situations of the target language contexts.
Keywords: social-cultural gaps, teaching EFL, pragmatics, pragmatic failure, pragmatic competence.
percent), and less (3.33 percent). The percentage of both academic honesty and responsibility was gained from the self-report of students’ participation on class presentation and the rubric of presenter respond to the students’ questions. The following instrument was the presenter’s report of the class discussion process, and also timeliness in submitting reports (self and group report) which was submitted via email.
Keywords: academic, alternative assessment, honesty, responsibility, self-report.
Keywords: edmodo, participation, discussion, theoretical, practical.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang: (1) pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis; (2) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; (3) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar praktis. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan desain faktorial. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari dua variabel independen, yaitu penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo (x1) dan tanpa Edmodo (x2). Variabel dependen terdiri dua variabel, yaitu partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis (y1), dan praktis (y2). Penelitian dilaksanakan di STKIP PGRI Jombang, Jawa Timur. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa peserta matakuliah Filsafat Pendidikan pada semester gasal tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang berjumlah 186 mahasiswa. Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling sebanyak 174 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik assesment otentik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis varian multivariat (MANOVA) dengan aplikasi SPSS v.16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis; (2) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; dan (3) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar praktis.
Kata Kunci: edmodo, partisipasi, diskusi, teoretis, praktis.
peer teaching is effective in preparing the students’ teaching skills on their real teaching program. The study also examines social and personality skills of the student teacher in the real teaching practice program.
This study is experimental. The sample of this study is 40 students who was divided into four groups and placed in four different schools. Two groups of peer teaching consist of 20 student teacher are taken as the experiment group, while the control group is the two groups of micro teaching consist of 20 practitioner students. The data is the teaching performance of the practitioner student score given by teacher as the supervisor and analyzed by using independent-sample t-test of SPPSS 16.0 for windows.
The result of the study shows that there is significant value between the experimental group and the control group which shown by the independent sample test, it is 7,527 > 0.05. The t-test value is bigger than t-table, means that there is significance in the use of peer teaching technique toward practitioner student’s teaching skills. The significance t-test score of the practitioner students between peer teaching groups and micro teaching groups shows that the positive hypothesis is received. It also shows that peer teaching is effective in preparing the students of teacher training college in performing their teaching skills on real teaching program.
This study was done by analyzing empirical data which was gained by using quasiexperimental based on quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was applied to analyze the influence of the students’ learning outcome, while qualitative analysis was applied to describe students’ critical thinking which was gained by problem solving instrument descriptor. As the sample, two classes of English semantics class of Teacher Training and Science Education PGRI Jombang College, East Java, republic of Indonesia were chosen as the subject of the study. Experimental and control class was chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The study was done by following steps (1)preliminary study, (2)drafting learning model, (3)developing and validating research instrument, (4) completing the draft of learning model, (5)pre-test, (6)implementing the learning model, (7)post-test, (8)analyzing the data by using SPPSS 16.0 for windows.
The data finding showed that learning strategy by applying group discussion was significant in gaining the students’ learning outcome. Moreover, the result of problem solving data analysis in problem based learning aided authentic material was able to develop students’ critical thinking skills. The consideration of the number of the group discussion member and the choosing of authentic material which is aided should be relevant to the students’ ability and also their daily life in order to gain the maximal learning outcome.
Keywords: pedagogical self-awareness, portfolio, assessment
program as a model of organization of teacher education policies which has goal to prepare
professional teachers. The study raised questions: (1) how is the coherency of the conceptual
design of professional teacher profession education program, (2) how is the accomplishment
model of the teacher profession education program, (3) how is the impact of the use of the
professional teacher profession education model.
The library research design was used in this study by applying meta-analysis. The
data which examined were law and legislation of education and national education standard
of Indonesia. The data were analyzed by comparing teacher education program and also the
history of its in Indonesia.
The result of the study showed that the coherency of conceptual design of the teacher
profession education program is low in both professional teacher concept and also toward the
law and the legislation of national education. The model of teacher profession education
program was accomplished by using consecutive model which oriented on subject matter. As
the effect of model in the teacher profession education program, the competence of the
teacher was more dominant on subject matter than the pedagogic, social and personality
Keywords: meta-analysis, policy, professionalism, teacher
hard skills and soft skills by using problem-based learning to improve student’s analytical
ability toward (negative) cases and policy issues on Teaching Profession in Indonesia. (2) the
difference of student’s ablity in analyzing (negative) cases with policy issues on teaching
profession in Indonesia; (3) the relationship between student’s ability in analyzing (negative)
cases and analyzing policy issues on teaching profession in Indonesia.
This research is a comparative study which was held at STKIP PGRI Jombang, East Java,
Indonesia. The population are 193 students of Teaching Profession class on odd semester of
acdemic year 2013/2014 which are devided into 4 classes. The sample consists of 148
students which are choosen randomly, that is the students which are active joining the
lecturing in full class presence (100%). The data collection technique uses authentic
assesment technique in the form of case study and policy analysis. The analysis technique
uses statistical analysis by using SPSS v.16.0 for windows.
The results of the research shows that : (1) the implementation of hard skills and sot skills by
using problem-based learning strategy is more effective to improve students’ ability in
analizing (negative) cases than the issues on Teaching Profession policy in Indonesia. This
can be seen from the mean cases analysis (76.63) is higher than policy analysis (73.03). (2)
generally there is a significant differences between the ability of analyzing (negative) cases
with policy analysis of issues on teaching profession in Indonesia. This can be found from the
pired sample test (95% Confidence Interval of the Difference) t = 8.203 > Sig. (2-tailed) =
.000. (3) there is a significant relation between student’s ability on analysing (negative) cases
with analysis of policy issues on teaching profession in Indonesia. It is seen from Pearson
Correlation (significant at the .01 level (2-tailed)), r = .580 > .000.
Keywords: analitical ability, hard skills, problem-based learning (PBL), soft skills,
teaching prefession
andragogy to improve student’s social and personal comptencies teacher training
program on undergraduate of education program in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia; and (2)
describe the constrains which is faced by the lecturer in implementing the model.
This study is a descriptive reserch, which was done on two private universities in
Jombang, East Java, Indonesia, which has the educational program, they are STKIP PGRI
Jombang (6 departments), and Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (2 departments). The
sample was taken in purposive cluster sampling. Questionnaire in the form of self evaluation
was used as data collection technique. Meanwhile, statistical descriptive analysis was used as
the technique of analysis.
The result of the study shows that the majority of lecturers have not yet applied the soft
skills learning model based andragogy to improve the students’ social and personal
competencies. But most of them were applying SCL (Student Centre Learning). It can be seen
from he result of analysis that the lecturers apply Self-Directed Learning (39%), ProblemBased
learning (40%), Project-Based Learning (41), Case Study (51%), Contextual learning
(67%), Collaborative Learning (76%), and Cooperative Learning (79%). Whereas the
constraint which appear was the culture of learning/atmosphere of learning (36%), students’
learning motivation factor (37%), students autonomy factor (39%), Students’ creativity factor
(40%), and the lecturer’s perception toward students’ maturity factor (42%).
Keywrods: application, learning model, soft skills, andragogy, personal competencies.
jejaring sosial Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar
teoretis dan praktis; (2) hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan
partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; (3) hubungan antara
penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada
materi ajar praktis.
Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan desain faktorial. Variabel penelitian
terdiri dari dua variabel independen, yaitu penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo (x1) dan
tanpa Edmodo (x2). Variabel dependen terdiri dua variabel, yaitu partisipasi mahasiswa dalam
diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis (y1), dan praktis (y2). Penelitian dilaksanakan di STKIP
PGRI Jombang, Jawa Timur. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa peserta matakuliah Filsafat
Pendidikan pada semester gasal tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang berjumlah 186 mahasiswa.
Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling sebanyak 174 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan
data menggunakan teknik assesment otentik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis varian
multivariat (MANOVA) dengan aplikasi SPSS v.16.0 for windows.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh penggunaan media jejaring sosial
Edmodo terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis dan praktis;
(2) terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi
mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada materi ajar teoretis; dan (3) terdapat hubungan antara
penggunaan media jejaring sosial Edmodo dengan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas pada
materi ajar praktis.
Kata Kunci: edmodo, partisipasi, diskusi, teoretis, praktis.
The research was done to examine the teacher candidate’s academic honesty and
responsibility. Self-report was being the strategy which developed as an alternative
assessment. This research raised questions as follows: (1) how is the teacher candidate’s
academic honesty, and (2) how the teacher candidate’s academic responsibility is. The topic
of this research was developed to gain more values of the teaching and learning toward
students’ capacity building.
The mix-method based on quantitative and qualitative analysis was used in this
research. The quantitative data analysis was used to determine the range of the teacher
candidate’s academic honesty and responsibility, while the qualitative analysis was used to
examine the causal factor of the level of it. A number of 180 students of teacher candidate
was chosen as the sampling by applying purposive sampling technique. The triangulation
method of data analysis was used to determine the value level of both academic honesty and
The data finding showed that the level of academic honesty was good (27.78 percent),
fair (37.78 percent), moderate (28.89 percent), and less (5.56 percent), while the level of
academic responsibility was good (34.44 percent), fair (42.22 percent), moderate (20.00
percent), and less (3.33 percent). The percentage of both academic honesty and responsibility
was gained from the self-report of students’ participation on class presentation and the rubric
of presenter respond to the students’ questions. The following instrument was the presenter’s
report of the class discussion process, and also timeliness in submitting reports (self and
group report) which was submitted via email.
Keywords: academic, alternative assessment, honesty, responsibility, self-report.
Peran ganda perempuan berkeluarga baik sebagai perempuan karir dan ibu rumah tangga merupakan tantangan yang cukup berat dalam upaya menciptakan keluarga sejahtera. Tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja (TPAK) perempuan dari waktu ke waktu menunjukkan peningkatan karena beberapa faktor sosial, ekonomi ataupun faktor lain yang bersifat internal. Hal itu disadari bahwa keluarga sehat, bahagia dan sejahtera merupakan syarat utama untuk menciptakan sumber daya manusia (SDM) berkualitas.
Kondisi semacam itu, dalam kehidupan keluarga, membentuk sebuah proses pengambilan keputusan dalam penggunaan keuangan keluarga yang dapat memengaruhi perilaku ekonomi anggota keluarga dalam menggunakan keuangannya.
Fenomena keluarga karir dan bukan keluarga karir (istri atau suami yang mencari nafkah) merupakan fenomena menarik untuk diteliti karena menyentuh secara langsung proses pengambilan keputusan dalam membelanjakan keuangan keluarga. Atas dasar pemikiran tersebut di atas, penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh proses pengambilan keputusan ekonomi terhadap perilaku ekonomi dalam penggunaan keuangan keluarga karyawan STKIP PGRI Jombang.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional (non-eksperimental) dengan besaran populasi 60 keluarga, dan besaran sampelnya 52 keluarga, terdiri dari 26 keluarga karir dan 26 keluarga bukan karir. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk menggali data adalah kuesioner/daftar pertanyaan tertutup (close-ended questions).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, dalam keluarga karyawan STKIP PGRI Jombang, (1) proses pengambilan keputusan dalam penggunaan keuangan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi pada keluarga karir; (2) proses pengambilan keputusan dalam penggunaan keuangan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi pada keluarga bukan karir; (3) proses pengambilan keputusan dalam penggunaan keuangan keluarga karir berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi keluarga bukan karir; (4) proses pengambilan keputusan dalam penggunaan keuangan keluarga bukan karir berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi keluarga karir; dan (5) proses pengambilan keputusan dalam penggunaan keuangan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi pada keluarga karir maupun bukan karir.