Papers by Prof Asmaa Faden

Virtual reality simulation of panoramic radiographic anatomy for dental students, 2023
This work aimed to utilize virtual reality (VR) in dental radiographic anatomical interpretation ... more This work aimed to utilize virtual reality (VR) in dental radiographic anatomical interpretation in junior dental students and test if it can enhance student learning, engagement, and performance. Methods: VR software for panoramic anatomy was developed. Sixty-nine firstyear dental students were divided into a control group (lecture-based) and an experimental group (VR) to learn panoramic radiographic anatomy. Both groups were then tested on knowledge via a 20-question quiz. Student feedback on VR experience was collected via an online survey. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between lecture-based and VR students in the correct identification of anatomical landmarks. Lecturebased students scored higher in identifying the ear lobe, hyoid bone, condylar neck, and external oblique ridge, whereas VR students scored higher in identifying zygoma (Chi-squared test, p < 0.005). The VR group reported high evaluation on all perception items of the online feedback survey on their experience (Student t-test, p < 0.005). Conclusions: Lecture-based students generally showed better performance in panoramic radiographic anatomy. Several structures were not correctly identified in both groups of novice students. The positive feedback of VR experience encourages future implementation in education to augment conventional methods of radiographic anatomy in dentistry with considerations to repeated exposures throughout undergraduate dental education.

The application of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology in... more The application of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology in dentistry has rapidly expanded. This survey aimed to investigate attitudes and current practice of dentists in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia regarding chair-side CAD/CAM technology. An online questionnaire was prepared and sent to a convenience sample of dentists in Riyadh. Questions related to practice aspects of chair-side CAD/CAM system, attitudes and training were presented. A total of 114 questionnaires were completed (77.6% response rate). Study population comprised dentists of a wide range of clinical experience who are working in the various regions of Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia. Of the participants, 27.2% indicated the presence of a chair-side CAD/CAM system at their current workplace and 57% used the chair-side CAD/CAM in the fabrication of dental crowns. The vast majority of participants (81%) believe that the overall quality of chair-side CAD/CAM restorations is at least as good as th...

Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia
The aqueous and methanolic extracts of Areca catechu seeds (known as areca nut: a component of a ... more The aqueous and methanolic extracts of Areca catechu seeds (known as areca nut: a component of a betel quid, where their chewing habitis a popular cultural tradition in some South East Asian countries used as an oral cleanser) have shown some antimicrobial potentials against some oral bacteria which are capable of causing opportunistic infections in the mouth. The objective of this study is to detect the antibacterial activities of aqueous and methanolic extracts of Areca catechu against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.Manystudies showed different antibacterial activity, depending on the Areca catechu extracts method, concentration, and the bacterium under test. The aqueous and methanolic extracts were added to growth medium of Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus. The antibacterial activities of the attained fractions were assessed using agar-well diffusion test. In this study we have observed that the Methanolic extract inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli or S...
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences
The Saudi Dental Journal
Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is an intermediate neoplasm affecting the endothelial cells of mucous membran... more Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is an intermediate neoplasm affecting the endothelial cells of mucous membranes and skin. It arises most commonly among HIV-infected individuals. We present an intra-oral KS in an 80-year-old Saudi male patient, who is HIV-seronegative, nonimmunosuppressed, and with no history of organ transplantation. The patient was treated with fractionated radiation therapy, and had no recurrence in the 48 months of follow-up. The clinical disease, histologic features, and treatment modality used, as well as the relative literature are presented in this paper.

Oral Oncology Supplement
Podium Sessions smokers, 93% were alcochol consumers. Presence of HPV types 16, 18, 31 and 33 was... more Podium Sessions smokers, 93% were alcochol consumers. Presence of HPV types 16, 18, 31 and 33 was detected by PCR/PAGE and p53 mutations (exons 4-8) by PCR-SSCR Results: HPV infection was detected in 64°,'0 of patients. HPV16 was found m 10 pts (31.2%), HPV18 and HPV31 m 6 (18.7%). Tumors m clinical stage III was more likely to contain HPV (58%). Disease-free interval (DFI) of patients ranged from 4 to 36 months. DFI and overall survival COS) in pts with HPV refection compared to the pts without HPV infection was slgmficantly shorter (log rank test), p53 mutations were detected m 10 pts (24%), out of which 1 was with mutation m exon 4 (10%), 4 m exon 5 (40%), 3 m exon 6 (30%) and 2 m exon 7 (20%). Disease-free interval (DFI) of these patients ranged from 4 to 36 months. DFI in pts with p53 mutations ranged from 5 to 18 months (mean 7.9 months) while in the pts without p53 mutatmns it ranged from 4 to 36 months (mean 29.2 months). Conelusion: V:ral oncogene express:on and p53 mutation suggest firm correlation of HPV nffechon mad 53 mutation w:th cllmcal course of chsease m the examined grouop of patients.
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences

This study aimed to assess the ability of dental students and recent graduates to detect and reco... more This study aimed to assess the ability of dental students and recent graduates to detect and recognize mucosal changes that are suggestive of oral cancer and potentially malignant disorders. In this cross-sectional study, a questionnaire was administered to dental students and recent graduates of Ajman University (n = 132). Completed questionnaires were received from 84 (63.6%) females and 48 (36.4%) males which included fifth-year students (n = 80), interns (n = 39), and dental practitioners (n = 13). This questionnaire was designed to assess the respondent’s ability to detect and recognize different types of oral lesions, as well as their knowledge of oral cancer appearance and malignancy potential. The overall accuracy of diagnosis was 46%. The participants correctly identified normal variations, benign tumors, malignant tumors, and premalignant lesions at rates of 60.3%, 31.0%, 55.7%, and 33.4%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two genders in their a...

Saudi Medical Journal, 2016
For over a century, non-virus microorganisms, notably bacteria have been implicated as causal age... more For over a century, non-virus microorganisms, notably bacteria have been implicated as causal agents of cancers, a relatively small number of researchers have provided evidence to support the so-called &quot;cancer germ&quot; hypothesis. With the exception of the link between Helicobacter pylori and stomach cancer, other supposed links have been ignored. A wide range of bacteria and other non-virus microbes, including fungi, have been implicated over the years in oncogenesis, as well as the ability to induce inflammation, which may cause cancer. It seems that there is no single &quot;cancer germ,&quot; as most bacteria can apparently induce cancer. Here, the role of bacteria and other non-virus microorganisms and oral cancers will be discussed. By ignoring bacteria as a causal agent of cancer, we set back our understanding of this crucially important disease and, as a result, have hindered the development of potential cures.
The Saudi dental journal, 2013
Kawasaki Disease (KD) is an acute systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology. In many developed coun... more Kawasaki Disease (KD) is an acute systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology. In many developed countries, KD has replaced rheumatic heart disease as the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children. Among the classical criteria for a diagnosis of KD are oral manifestations such as strawberry tongue, erythematous cracked lip, and oropharyngeal mucositis. We report the case of a 24-year-old Saudi female with a history of Kawasaki disease who presented to our oral medicine clinic with recurrent painless swelling of the upper lip. As lip swelling has not previously been reported as an oral manifestation of KD, this case represents a novel presentation of recurrent Kawasaki disease in an adult female.
Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 2011
Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia, 2015

Egyptian dental journal
Study of clinicopathological features of malignant tumors in different population is of a conside... more Study of clinicopathological features of malignant tumors in different population is of a considerable importance in the understanding of etiological factors and different modalities of treatments. In Saudi Arabia, there is a lack of nation-wide epidemiological studies characterizing oral malignancies. Objective: To describe the demographic, clinical and histopathological pattern of the oral cancer cases obtained from the archives of College of Dentistry-King Saud University. Methodology: Data were collected from the histopathology laboratory archives of College of Dentistry, King Saud University over a period of 21 years (from 1989 to 2010) in regard to clinical and histopathological data. Data were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results: Sixty cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were reported, representing 1.85% of a total of 3,233 cases accessioned. The mean age was (50 years) with 1.6:1 male to female ratio. The tongue represented 30% of the cases. Alveolus and gingiva (...
Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia
This study investigated the relationship of the maxillary sinus floor to the roots of posterior t... more This study investigated the relationship of the maxillary sinus floor to the roots of posterior teeth imaged by panoramic radiography in Saudi patients living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2014
What would have happened had Alexander Fleming not discovered penicillin in 1928? Perhaps the obv... more What would have happened had Alexander Fleming not discovered penicillin in 1928? Perhaps the obvious answer is that, someone else would have discovered penicillin during the 1930s and the Oxford group, would still have purified it sometime in the early 1940s Here, however, in this counterfactual account of the penicillin story, it is argued that without Fleming, penicillin might still be undiscovered and the antibiotic age would never have dawned. As a result, many of the recent developments in medicine, such as organ transplantation, might have been delayed or, at best, made more hazardous. Penicillin might have come onto the scene a few years later but, had Fleming overlooked the discovery, it seems certain that penicillin would not have saved countless Allied lives, during and after D-Day. Instead of having enjoyed fifty and more years of the antibiotic age, it is argued here, that we would have had to rely upon highly developed sulfonamides, so-called "supasulfas", and other chemically-derived antibacterial drugs. Indeed, it might be the case that, even well into this new millennium, the antibiotic age has yet to dawn, and medicine is still waiting for someone to chance upon penicillin.

Minimally Invasive Dentistry (MID) emphasizes conservative caries management strategies resulting... more Minimally Invasive Dentistry (MID) emphasizes conservative caries management strategies resulting in less destruction of tooth structure, a deviation of the traditional GV Black&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s restorative principles. However, there seems to be either deficiency in knowledge or little intention by general dental practitioners to adopt these principles. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude among general dental practitioners towards minimally invasive dentistry in Riyadh and AlKharj cities of Saudi Arabia. Self-administered structured questionnaires were handed to general dental practitioners (GDPs) in the cities of Riyadh and AlKharj in Saudi Arabia. Several questions, including Likert-type scale response categories (1-5), were used. The questions assessed the respondents&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; levels of agreement regarding diagnostic, preventive and restorative techniques such as use of caries risk assessment, use of high fluoride tooth paste, Atraumatic Restorative Treatment and tunnel preparations. Out of 200 respondents, 161 GDPs with overall response rate of 80.5% completed the questionnaires. The GDPs showed significantly different approach with regards to the use of sharp explorer for caries detection (p = 0.014). Almost 60% of the participants had received no special education regarding minimally invasive procedures. Moreover, GDPs who had received MID training showed significantly better knowledge and attitude in adopting minimally invasive techniques for both diagnosis and treatment of dental caries. Although GDPs possess knowledge about the benefits of MID; however, study showed deficiencies in their attitudes towards caries detection methods and application of minimally invasive dentistry procedures.
Papers by Prof Asmaa Faden